
Tusday 22nd June 2010

But the love that you give me is just not enough.....

What 8 if I gate my act together
Why  organised
Lyrics one for todays budget

Morning peeps



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    Morning peeps.

    Yesterdays lyrics were:' I won't let the sun go down on me'.by Nik Kershaw. Okay, I admit they were typically 80s 'cheesy ones'. It was mid summers day though !

    What: 4M easy Steady and another lovely sunny morning.

    Why: Recovering from Fartlek yesterday.

    Taking oldest son for a College Interview this morning, so a day off work today.

    Lyrics: Think so.

    Have a good one.

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    M: Don't be so conscientious if there is no one to hand over is that your problem ?, you can only do what you can do.

    NZC: Sounds tough, I hate getting lost!

    AF: Don't you just hate it when all your fitness disappears like that?

    Mava/M: we keep all our committee meetings as short as possible, its always the same people who do the same things anyway. It would be fantastic if new people suddenly volunteered to help but they rarely do.

    What: 3 mile run / 1 mile swim at lunch time
    Why: Easy day after yesterdays bike / swim / run
    Last Hard: In theory yesterday but I found it all very comfortable including my longest ever swim 2.4K. club run went well last night, very comfortable 10K at somewhere between 1/2M and 10K pace in 36C, maybe I'm turning into a aerobic hamster? Slept so well last night!
    Last Rest: 04th June

    Lyrics: feel as if I should know them

    To those of you in the UK I hope that the budget is not too harsh but I fear it maybe, at least i can say that I didn't vote for any of them!

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    mavamava ✭✭✭

    morning all.

    Someone has replaced my legs with logs image.  Actually they've been worse after a North Downs Run - I could actually walk downstairs this morning.

    What: 3.6 miles very easy (av HR 128) and very slow
    Why: see above
    Last hard: that would be sunday
    Last rest: 6 April

    Nice to be finished a bit earlier than usual.  I may get off the train at London Bridge and walk along the river for a change.


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    Sounds good DD.

    NZC - tough run but I sense some enjoyment or at least satisfaction in there.

    M- agree with DD re the work situation.

    No reaction from the ankle mava?

    What:            bike am/swim lesson pm.
    Why:              have fixed the puncture/coach said we talked too much last week.
    Last hard:       21/3.
    Last rest:         7/6.

    Lyrics - vaguely familiar but I can't say 'yes'.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    What: 90 mins on the bike including intervals d&d
    Swim lunchtime
    Circuits and a run PM
    Gym PM
    Why: I am the Dark Lord and pain is my friend
    Last hard: that will be this morning
    Last rest: Sunday
    Lyrics: No

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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    birkmyre - I listened to that the other day, although it was by accident.

    DD - good day's work there.

    NZC - sounds like an adventure, more 'proper' xc as they say.

    Gobi - you recovered already?

    What:  Off / gym

    Why:  Neuroma is hurting.  It was much better yesterday morning but I aggravated on the gravel outside my house reading the meter for eon over the phone.  Idiot.

    Anyone else going to the cinema to watch "The Big Four", this evening only?  Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax all in concert together.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Moraghan - about 95% :¬)
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    Morning folks.

    Excellent on the session Moraghan, hope the neuroma issue disappears quickly.

    Oops NZC. Still sounds like fun though.

    What: 1m jog / 1hr easy on the elliptical (just shy of 17km / 71%WHR) - both d&d / core/circuits pm.
    Why: Easy day.
    Last effort: yesterday.
    Last rest: Friday.
    Lyrics: sound familiar, but can't place them.

    Less than a week to my mri scan, which means less than a week before I get to do a decent length run - will unfortunately need to kick off any inflammation to make things more visible.

    Have a good day all.

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    What: R n R
    Why: multi eventing last night (well sort of)
    Lyrics: don't think so

    Still haven't got a sprint PB this year but edging closer with two SBs last night. Left quad distinctly iffy and various other sprinter overuse type niggles were niggling away so for once I'm not displeased.

    I was well gloomy at Sunday's session. Left quad distinctly iffy.Track was being used for a Young Athletes meet so we had to train on the fields, and I'm rubbish on grass anyway. I was only meant to be doing drills and strides but it was all very unsatisfactory and I could NOT get going. Stevie B told me -as he does - that today is not tomorrow - and as usual he was right. We are alike with our bad dress rehearsals. And our under reliance on a good warm up. Not by choice in my case.

    My obvious gloom meant Pete advised the aforementioned really good warm up, and occasioned his usual, 'be CAREFUL.' But however early I set off I never arrive in time for more than a few leg swings, bum kicks and a couple of desultory strides. And that's on a good day. I think what saves me - and what fires me up for the first race - is the last minute panic factor, allied with near perfect conditions (ie warm) yesterday.

    Lycra shorts! Vest no jumper! Warm feet!

    Left the seaside at 11:15 and arrived in Dalston around 2pm. Time to nip to the market, prepare my straight after meet 'window' food, out of the flat by 4:45. And it was STILL 6:40 by the time I arrived at Hillingdon stadium.

    Team manger Bev is handing out numbers, events, pins and encouragement. "Now Sharkie, let's see.... I've got you down for the 100 metres," Ominous pause. "And then the high jump straight after ... with the 400 straight after that - make sure you hear it being called." Gee thanks Bev. "Oh and then the triple jump and the 4 x 4 relay if you're still standing." Why is she smiling?

    I want to say I'm not promising anything, my quad is a bit sore, I need to warm up it's five to seven I'm not changed and the 100 is at ten past.

    "Bev, my race is in fifteen..."

    "Loads of time! " says Bev. I zoom off to the loos to get changed and numbered up if not warmed up.

    Aside: How lovely are athletic stadiums on warm sunny evenings? Answer - very.

    In no time at all we're drawing lane straws for the 100. Seven women in my race. I'm allocated my least favourite, lane 2 with no-one in 1. Not nice for a 100, better being out on the other side if you have to be - nearer what's laughingly termed the crowd. For 200s and 400s I prefer lanes 1 and 2, but it is SO much better to be in the middle on a 100.

    Stupid quad is niggling away and I have to push thoughts about getting through the evening out of my head. There is no way you CAN'T go for it on a 100, I don't know if one subconsciously protects a niggle or not? I shouldn't make excuses. I won conclusively with my 16.2 to the second place 16.8. I think I ran quite well - Bev said, "classy running Sharkie, you looked very much in control."

    But the Men's team captain, who is a sprinter too, said, 'Sort your start out Sharkie!'

    Next year eh?

    My PB is 16.1 - obtained at this very stadium a year ago in near blizzard conditions. Bit of a following blizzard if I'm honest. Since then I have run two 16.2s before last night. This third one just sneaks my best ever AG now I'm a year older... 81.21% as opposed 81 dead for the 33.5 200.

    Quad stilll iffy but one down three to go. (I've secretly already given up on the relay.)
    I better do some work.

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    Morning all.

    Tipp - sad thing about Sunday was that KK played poorly - 16 or 17 wides. Still won by 20 points or so. Also Dub Goalie played out of his skin - margin could have been 35ish. We wont despair though - the Phoenix is still rising - albeit with a broken wing. All the best with the scan - hope you are back in full flow soon - that elliptical must be wrecking the head by now - i hope you have it set up in front of the telly.

    I managed to miscalculate again last night and ended up doing 12 instead on the planned 10. Did 6 am today with a gym session later. Back on track again after some more weekend festivities. Hiding my head I must admit to going to see Pink perform on Saturday night - it was a present for Mrs PM. I must also admit that i enjoyed it - it was a great show and a very late night was had.

    I've been entered to do the 5k leg of a half marathon relay on Sunday. I havent raced this short a distance for a long time so it'll be interesting to see how that goes.

    Talk later 

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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭

    todays words sound very familiar, will ponder some more...
    Morag - er no, aural torture for my taste
    What - club night , aim to push it hard
    Why - been in limbo and seriously need to get some decent training done. Can't recall the last time I raced with any level of satisfaction so putting together a cunning plan.....

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    Afternoon all,

    Quiet today.  Everyone watching the buget?

    • What:  11m with 10x2mins hills
    • Why:  Paris Hilton session
    • Last Hard:  Today
    • Last Rest:  20/6

    Have a good one!

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    8 miles D&D into work and allwas well with the world until the analysis at 1:30 on radio 4.

    Still the suns shining and I have until January to replace my shoes before the VAT goes up again.

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    A'noon peeps.

    Cracking summers day up here and I've on a day off.image

    I'll catch up in a minute

    AF: Some session that !

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    My hilly cycling sessions seem to have been working, did two hours on the flat this morning and managed to average 17.8mph according to the Garmin - great going for me. An hours swim this afternoon including a half hour with swim coach who seemed pleased with my progress. Have to decide between usual hill session or long run tomorrow - thoughts anyone?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    MadameOMadameO ✭✭✭

    Evening all,

    M. - As others have said, there's only so much you can do and they have to appreciate that. Have you spoken to anyone about it?

    Bridget - Glad the thigh is holding out ok. Sounds like you're tackling it wisely.

    TT - Sorry to hear about the asthma problems yesterday, hope today was ok.

    Tinebeest - Hope there's light at the end of the marking tunnel!

    NZC - Earlier this year I got lost along a canal and ended up in a shopping centre. (I was running with someone else, and we didn't possess a sense of direction between us).

    Sharkie - Nice one! Enjoyed reading your report.

    DD - Good going! Hamsters definitely have the right idea on training.

    Moraghan - Hope you get this neuroma business sorted soon. As for the Big Four, no but I wish I was! Have seen Metallica twice and they were incredible, but was gutted to miss out on Slayer earlier this year.

    Dustin - I know that feeling, I spent years in that limbo state! What you need is a turning point - maybe your cunning plan could be it?

    AF - I'll probably regret asking this but what is a Paris Hilton session?

    LMUH - If you usually do hills then perhaps try out the long run tomorrow to mix it up a bit. Sometimes varying the usual schedule can have surprising benefits.

    Lyrics - No, but they do sound familiar.

    What: 4 or 5 miles easy - will see how niggling hip feels.

    Why: Easing myself into running 5-6 days a week.

    Last hard: 13/06

    Last rest: 19/06

    It's been a funny day today, as in strange rather than haha. Mood was low again for no particular reason and I had a number of strops before the morning was out - so I decided to go to a lunchtime seminar on statistics (you know it's bad when you go to a stats seminar for some light relief). Saw my potential nemesis, which just added confusion to the equation (keeping with the stats theme and all that).

    Going to thrash it all out in my head with a run and some metal. Laters.

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    mavamava ✭✭✭


    Madame0 - hope the thrash was good image

    Budget, smudget.  No pay rise for me for two years (if I get to keep a job) plus increase in VAT.  

    I work with doctors and was on a train with one today.  She peered at my neck and asked me if I've had my thyroid checked and blow me if I don't have a (painless) swelling in the lower part of my neck.  She said I wouldn't know if i was symptomatic looking at me:  thin (ish - check), energetic (check), insomniac (check).  Off to the doc I go...


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    RFJRFJ ✭✭✭

    Greetings all,

    What 67 mins on the X Trainer

    Why - Protecting the achilles

    Last Hard - Todays session

    Last Rest ?

    Take care

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    MO:  I was dying for someone to ask image  You weren't paying attention last tuesday when I logged my hill work as a "Grand Old Duke Of York"  Session.  Pammie then enquired if I had 10,000 men, to which I replied "I think your confusing me with Paris Hilton"

    I'll get me coat.

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    Thanks DD and LMUH - you are right of course. 8 days to go.

    MadameO - I tried to talk to my boss about it on Monday and got told where to go in no uncertain terms. I was told to stop "being the problem" and come up with the solution. "After all you're a manager - so go and manage"

    Anyway. I'm very glad to be leaving the public sector. Although I see from today's budget that if I was in the UK I'd be even more glad! Sorry to hear it affects you mava. The public sector in NZ is going through much the same but in a different way. Good luck with the doc

    Sharkie - nice racing.

    what: 12km
    why: I needed to run
    last hard: Saturday
    last rest: Monday

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    Madame O - I usually try to make myself do hill reps once a week - I have a 400m 6% hill that I'm currently at 10 reps of in the middle of an 8.5 mile run, if I do them tomorrow I should try to make it 11 reps, it's one of those sessions that I always feel better when I've done but take some steeling myself for, as I've been a little tired this week (third big weeks training before a down week) there's an increased chance of failure whereas I could have a potentially useful LSR in the heat instead - but that's probably just chickening out. Stats for relaxation? Are you a mathematician?

    Sharkie - sounding happy with your performance, nice to hear.

    mava - hyper rather than hypo I assume?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    mavamava ✭✭✭

    LMH - that's what I guess. 

    Madame 0 - on the stats.  I have a colleague who attends stats conferences in his spare time for pleasure. 

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    Crikey M what have I missed?

     The rest of my Russian novel of a meet report is elsewhere but here's the edited version...

    "How low can you take that bar?" I asked the officials on the high jump. Because I jump so infrequently I have to start very low to get the feel for it. Went ok til we got to my fail, rib cracking height of (wait for it) 1 metre. Ok, if you think its feeble ask YOUR vertically challenged grandma to jump a metre into the air and clear a metal bar. Unless of course she is an ex high jumper.
    First go. I ran up and sort of stopped then jumped. Down came the bar behind me. Momentarily my confidence had deserted me. "You hesitated, " said my friend and gorgeous long legged rival from Ealing, "you can clear it, I know you can. Just go for it."

    And I did. PB!  I know it's a small triumph, but I SO wanted to clear a metre. It's been on my To Do list for a while. I am REALLY pleased  Believe it or not clearing a metre gets me 65.36% age graded! That's better than most of my distance running which scraped at 64-65 at its best.

    Brief pause to have a word with my team captain, also a FV55, who was gently perspiring (sweating heavily) after taking on the Walk. I will attempt ANY event but that - even the Hammer or Hurdles, but no walk for me. Thank you. Team captain urged caution and said she needs me in one piece for our final match in a couple of weeks so I was excused the relay.

    On to the 400. I said I was just going to jog round for the points - but of course I didn't. With my track record of jog laps we'd have a DNF on our hands. I was pleased to draw lane 1, no temptation to set off too fast, I would just try to do a relaxed sprint all the way round, really think about form and not let anything tighten up. Especially the left quad. 8 runners and by the time we reached the 200 to my slight surprise I had reeled in five of them. Hmm, this is going better than expected.

    I held form, nothing hurting at all through the 200 bend and I pass the girl in second. On to the 100 straight and just one girl left. She looked about ten to fifteen metres ahead. I didn't win. But crikey O Reilly I nearly did!  They were yelling at the Ealing girl to hold on and she crossed the line a second ahead of me - but another ten metres and I would have had her. Which was an interesting experience. Apart from my winning PB race last year - in  which I nearly did myself in - in many respects this was the best 400 I've run. I should have kicked sooner if I wanted to win, - not that 'kicking' is really a 400 thing. I wasn't quite as all in as I usually am after a 4. Although I did sit on the infield grass for a - short - while. In my PB race they had to literally LIFT me off the track!

    83.8 was my result I think. My PB is 81.6. I could certainly have run it faster, but considering the circs it's ok.

    Finally I triple jumped. I had completely forgotten how to do it and my second jump was a strange step, step, lurch forward. Then on my final jump I actually jumped two metres further than I had at the previous meet (I've only done three or four times). The previous meet was wet, cold and windy and I daren't tell you how bad my jumps were. I have now gone from complete rubbish to almost passable. Not toooo much to shout about but nice to get my second PB of the night.

    Found myself wishing I HAD said I'd run in the 4x 4.

    How weirdly competitive I am. Who'd a thunk it!

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    That IS edited. Honest!
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    mava - double pay freeze in this household image

    AF - lol at Paris Hilton 

    What:  5.44 miles
    Why:   Just because
    Last hard:  17/6
    Last rest:  19/6

    Thigh less good tonight and I started wondering about my shoes. I have a pair with about 20 miles left in them, a pair with 100 miles and a pair with over 250 miles left which are the ones I wore yesterday (there is also the pair in the wardrobe of course image  ).  I've been tending to wear the more worn ones for shorter runs and keeping the newer ones for longer ones but did wear them yesterday for my 8.  There is also the possibility that i've missed some miles off the inbetween ones which I wore tonight and on Sunday too.  I did complicate the issue by not stretching first tonight when I did stretch yesterday but I think I will still try sticking to the low mileage shoes and get the new ones out too to see what happens.

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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭


    So i did AF image

    Sharkie - Great to see you - Good report

    Mava - Hope the doctor has answers for you

    Didn't get out for my run till late for me till early evening and still very warm out,  didnt feel loose sports massage last night and though haven't had one in 3 months muscles not too bad the usual suspects though nowt like a bit of pain.

    What: 6 miles fartlek
    Why:  getting legs to move faster
    Last Hard: Today a bit
    Lyrics - not sure

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    I quite like getting lost on long runs, cos its such an easy way to make up the miles - though I have been known to overdo it image

    sharkie, great track meet; I know from our meets that 1m is perfectly respectable .. at our age.... (mind you. my World champ friend has just set a British W75 record of 1:17) and a great triple jump, too

    mava, might also explain the erratic things your HR seems to do - it would easily get far too fast

    What: 6ml, inc 10 x c 100m hard strides, followed by my one mile loop in the park, hard. 
    Even thought my legs were like jelly after the strides, the mile was about 15 secs faster than last Friday. I like this reurning from injury stuff image
    Why: trying to build up the miles, and the speed at the same time. 

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    sharkie - that sounds awesome!  especially the 400m. 

    sat at work now. hmmm.  maybe i'll go and get some coffee.

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    mavamava ✭✭✭
    Sharkie - two wonderful posts from you. So pleased the poor dress rehearsal was followed by a superb big night. Love that 400.
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    tinebeesttinebeest ✭✭✭
    Noooh! Posts of epic length by the Sharkster and no time to read! Must press on with the marking... Hopefully Finalists over by Thursday PM, then the first years.

    What 30mins this morning
    Why: I knew that would be the only "me" time I'd see all day
    Last hard: illegilbe script inducing a headache 2 hours ago. Put script aside, headache gone.
    Last rest: now. Off to try a few more
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