
New Balance English Half Marathon



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    MS7 Thanks again. Easy peasy when you know how.

    It says it was 12.94 miles. With the bits of wiggle in the path I'm calling it 13 and I don't care.

    Going to collapse somewhere.

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    I was guessing at about 13 so that's fairly close! Good running that Buck! Well Done!image

    Well I DO have a t-shirt......

    It was given to me at the triathlon I marshalled at the weekend.image

    Bugger all from NBEHM though.image

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    A friend of mine hasn't had her t-shirt either, despite e-mailing and being told it was in the post nearly 2 weeks ago.  She's less than impressed too.
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    exactly the same story here, i received an e-mail 2 weeks ago (in response to one from me) saying there had been a delay but that they were being dispatched that week.  Still nothing yet though.  I think another e-mail will be on its way (just for the principle, i don't really need another t-shirt)

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    Hi David: In answer to your question, and if this years route is the same as last.. its generally a very gentle, but noticeable uphill incline for the first 6 miles, followed by a gentle, but noticeable downhill trend for the remaining half!

    Lots of folk running negative splits, or finding a second wind at the 7 mile point and picking up the pace thereafter.

    Goodbuck: try gmaps pedometer. the best free mileage / route plotter by far in my opinion.You went from 9 miles to 13.13 in 1 hour 46? INCREDIBLE running mate  well done!You have already beaten my PB from last year!

    I'd be more than happy with that time this year! Top stuff!

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    Kicked-it, thanks for that! Well chuffed! image

    Just worked it out in more detail on that gmaps, and came up with 13.0298 miles. So I am calling it 13m and I don't give a monkeys!

    One note though, it was all besides a canal, noted for being as flat as a pancake. Not counting my chickens yet!

    Thanks again for that positive feedback, very encouraging! 

    (Go me!  *Chuffed face*)

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    Promised a refund on 9 July. Still waiting 13 days later.  Maybe it's disappeared with the t shirts. 


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    Just found out that the NWDA (North West Development Agency) who are one of  the main sponsors of this event have announced that they are removing funding for two projects in Warrington.  One of which is the English Half Marathon (Source Warrington Guardian Website 27/07/10)

    Don't know yet what it means for the event this year, image or for the future.  if anyone from EHM reads this thread it would be nice to have a confirmation about the event still going ahead.

    Still no t-shirt image

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    Looking to 2011 there will be a Liverpool Marathon on 2nd October which will no doubt impact on the event as well?

    Alan Rothwell

    'runliverpool' initiative
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    No! This run had better be going ahead, I've nearly killed myself getting ready for it!

    As for the Scousers stealing the show next year.....*insert regionalist stereotypical gag*

    Bugger. Can someone post as soon as they hear anything?



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    Are you hopeful of getting it ?(the Liverpool marathon that is). cos the Half and the Tunnel run are great. (copy and paste & give to the Council)imageimage

    Can i have number 37 if you do.imageimage

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    Goodbuck - I have been pushing for a marathon in the city for four years!

    MS7 - thank you. As soon as information is available it will appear on the run liverpool web site.

     Good luck to everyone taking part in the Half Marathon in October.

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    Brownie28Brownie28 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    Signed up for this last week after completing VLM in April, haven't run much since due to exams and work but did a 10km in June to get the old legs going again.

     Anyone got a good half training plan?


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    I hope you succeed, if so I will probably be there next year. Definitely, if the Warrington half is cancelled.

    Good luck.


    PS Ange, there are training plans linked to the homepage for this site. Don't know if they are any good, I'm a newbie at this.

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    Brownie28Brownie28 ✭✭✭
    Cheers, I'll have a look image
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    TeuchterTeuchter ✭✭✭

    Ange - there are also some on the BUPA website - I've used the halfer plan myself:


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    Just looked at Teutcher's recommended BUPA plan. I'm doing it SO wrong!

    Long runs; " You should be able to hold a conversation as you run." I can barely breathe, never mind talk!

    I've favourited it, looks like what I should have been doing from the start. Good one.

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    I suppose it all depends on what it is that you want to achieve. image

    I would be quite happy to finish in 2:20 so this is what i am training towards. I figure i'll stick around the 11 min pacer (if they are going to have them again) until i'm over the bridge at 11.5 miles, and if i have anything left pick it up a bit for the last 1.5 miles.

    Is it a bit sad to have all ready planned this out ?

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    Ooh, pacers? I didn't know they had them! That's interesting...

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    TeuchterTeuchter ✭✭✭
    I can recommend the pacer option on the day if you don't have a race plan in mind... my preparaion for this race last year was absolutely pants..... but found myself stood behind the 2-hr pacer on the start line completely by accident.... so I just decided to just stick with him as long as I could - and then see if I could move ahead just before the end to break the two hours... worked a treat image
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    They are moving the Chester Marathon to around the same time next year too. If the Liverpool race gets off the ground then I think I'll have to be there. I've pr-entered Chester to hedge my bets though!

    What a shame that 3 good events all come along together!

    Cant see why sponsorship withdrawal would force the race cancellation given the hefty race entry fee and the decent level of entry already?

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    Just entered this again. Great race last year but having read the last couple of pages I wish i had waited!!
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    Perfectly simple Alan. If you run a race that clashes directly with this one I will be coming with YOU.

    You deliver on your promises.

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    Brownie28Brownie28 ✭✭✭
    I've pre-entered Chester too, will  be nice not to have to travel to run...but now I'm thinking...Paris!
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    Hi everyone image

    Just found this thread - have also entered this race. Coming from St Helens, it will make a change to not have to travel too far! Have the GNR 2 weeks prior to this, so something as close as Warrington will be a blessing.

    For the record....I always acknowledge other runners, usually with a fatigued smile and nod of the head. Even with my ipod on, I can muster up this much. Came across 6 seperate runners on my last long run, and even at 8am on a Saturday morning, they all managed some response. Maybe we are friendlier in St Helens. We certainly have a better rugby team image  (even though we are lacking a ground hahaha - Widnes here we come lol).

    See you all at the event. Oh, also entered the Birchwood 10k if anyone has experience of this event it would be much appreciated seeing as it is in 10 days time.

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    Hi Holymly

    Birchwood 10k: i did this last year - great towel as a memento and i still use it on race days - fast, PB possible course which I reckon measured long, but lots of roundabouts mean you have to take the racing lne for the shortest / fastest route. Its a good one - well worth doing, well supported. Watch out for the motorway bridge near the end.. if seconds count for your PB its a killer!

    i'm doing GNR too! 2 half marathons in 2 weeks eh? Must be daft!

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    Hi Kicket It

    Thanks for the hints. Haven't done a timed 10k for a while so will pray I can get under 55 mins. Been doing 10 mile LSR for the last few weekends so a 10k should seem like a rest day image haha

    Glad I'm not the only insane runner. Will hopefully use GNR as training run for the Warrington half. Am still trying to recruit other club members to come along but as most of my training group are also doing GNR, so it's proving difficult.

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    I feel even dafter after a weeks holiday up here in the Lakes. Havent run since last Monday and spent a lot more time in the pub than usual!

    I was reserving Warrington for a PB too  -just as well given my current condition!

    I have entered the Derwentwater 14k challenge as a warm up for these two - and I'm now deepy regretting it!

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    Haha, I have a long weekend booked in the lakes. Bad planning as it's the week before GNR. My taper will involve lots of hill walking, coupled with lots of alcohol and pub grub. Eeeek!

     Ooh, when is the Derwentwater 14k?

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    Nevermind, found it on events. Shame. It's the week before we go to the lakes. Gutted as we're staying in Keswick too! Would've been ideal (apart from all the hills haha).
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