
Forum Pasta Party pre VLM 2011?

......anyone fancy a forum get together in Blackheath the night before?

I know this is me getting my priorities all wrong, but the only good thing about having to pull out if VLM 2010 is having had a good, long time to find a somewhere to stay the night before and avoid the hotels who are all charging like wounded rhinos.  Not to mention the inevitable Sunday engineering works on the trains that we've been treated to for the last two years on the trot

Last year I got to know loads of people on the here, shared the ups and downs and generally felt like we'd been through a war together by the time race day came round.  Although I got to hurl jelly babies at them at Mudchute and a few of us had beer or several at Chandos, if I'd been able to run it would have been lovely to have been able to get together and have a proper natter the night before to calm the pre-race wibbles.  This year I'm bloody well getting to the start line come hell or high water, so......

There's a school near Blackheath  that's doing a pasta party the night before to raise money for the school, and the parents are doing B&B for runners for about forty quid a head. Pity the poor sod who gets insomniac me rattling round their house all night, but anyway......Anyone fancy it?

I daren't put their details on here as it's personal phone numbers and e-mails of parents, but happy to do the hassling and sorting if anyone's up for it.


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    I would love to do a pre VLM pasta party but not the night before for me as I don't fancy doing up to Blackheath twice in 2 days - if summat else occurs in the lead up though I'd be up for that.

    How's the knee Hash ?  Mine still is giving problems now and again but I'm determined not to be silly this year and get round one way or another and try and enjoy it this year - Can't defer again can I image

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    Bugger, didn't realise there's already a thread for this, here

    *waves madly at Green Eyes*

    Iffy, to be honest, but at least after the fiasco of last year I know what the cause is, what makes it play up and how to stretch to encourage it to behave itself.  I never did have the op, I had to have one for something separate but related, so couldn't face going through another one on top of that. 

    Like you say, we can't defer again, so going to give it my best shot.  Fingers crossed for both of us.

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    "Waves madly Back"

    I'm the queen of stretching now image

    didn't realise you'd had to have a different op - hope that you are all well and mended and that everything is fine with you.  Will check out that other thread now

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