
BB's kitchen



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    2.5 days... (busy ones!)
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    Woohoo Pink.

    Hope your visitors are enjoying their first day Beebs. What plans do you have with them?
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    We have been into Frome and looked at shops.Bodil bought some yarn and Frida bought some sweets.

    We plan  to go to Stourhead, Longleat and have a fish supper image

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    I love Stourhead....so pretty at this time of year!

    We used to camp at Longleat every September during the hillclimb weekend and then go to Stourhead on the monday

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    Charlotte is dissapointed because the animals are in bed for the winter image

    We can look around the grounds , its quite impressive countryside. 

    Stourhead is alawys beautiful 

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    Sounds lovely.  I remember going to Longleat years ago as a child.  My grandma's family were all from Somerset, Castle Cary, got some lovely memories of being thoroughly spoiled aged about four.
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    I really need some sleep image I can just about cope with the morning at work but I'm seriously flagging now....if I was WFH I would be tempted to go back to bedimage Not much chance of a rest in the next few days though....off to Brussels tomorrow til thursday night and then I need to go to Dorset on Friday night to see my Dad as he is having a grusome op in his eye on fridayimage
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    Huge sympathy UC. I hate that feeling that you're wearing moon boots and the world is somehow happening at one stage removed.  Hope you get the house thing sorted soon so it will be one less thing on your mind
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    This talk of places in Somerset is making me feel nostalgic.  I spent two years at school in Street and the school train used to travel to and from Castle Cary.
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    Somerset is lovely, though I think Longleat and Stourhead are both in Wiltshire image
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    beebs - sounds great, hope the weather holds out for you.

    See I pop in here for a moan & as usual, the world isn't quite a as bad as it had got in my head. Work have fecked up paying my invoices. They've "lost" the one I submitted 6 weeks ago now. And with payment on 30 day terms they're now officiially  late. But it's only money, and they'll get there sooner or later. but as soon as I find something else I'm outta here!

    UC - that's an awful sensation. And knowing that you've got no space to stop just makes it even worse. try and rest at some point and hope Dad's op goes OK, that's just another worry bead to add to your already full string of them. I am terribly squeemish about eyes, so am NOT going to ask what he's having done. image

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    HL , image, hope you are able to sort something out instead.

    UC, hang in there 

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    Charge them interest, HL.

    Cas, I'd love to hear what he's having done and I'd be delighted to tell you about having my implanted contact lenses fitted image

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    image And I could share about the time I watched a cataract operation.

    Cas - Wll things get any quieter after this weekend so you have at least a few days before your op?

    I have never been to Stourhead so have just looked at some pretty pictures of it.
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    I have to admit to being sorely tempted to do just that, MrW... 'sOK beebs, I'm not about to starve, but may be about to dip into the deposit account (but that's what the deposit account is for).

    Can you warn us (OK, me) before you get into gory detail. Please. image 

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    <HL turn away now>

    My Dad has got a growth inside his eye so they will have to pull the eyeball out of the socket, drain the jelly out of the eye with a syringe before removing the growth and replacing the jellyimage

    Mr W...you have already told me. Several times!

    LN....next week should be a bit calmer as I will have put the current issue of the mag to bed and almost be finished with writing the bits I need to get done for the first issue next year and commissioned a few others to be written while I'm off.

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    Thanks for the hugs and well wishes everyone.   UltraCas she is going into East Surrey Hospital.......we are having a bad day today. image  Everything is just too much.....she is having a fat and ugly day....bless her!!!!  She suffers from eczema which is worse with stress and has now come up on her face, it will go but being 14...."She would rather be dead than leave the house looking as ugly as she does!"...... bless her cottons.....I am trying not to shout at her not to be such a silly cow! imageimage  I must be a good mum!! image

    Good luck with your op too and the house move.......I know what you mean with the non sleeping and then laying awake stressing....she is exactly the same and I am trying not to be comatose whilst she talks to me at 3am in the bliddy morning! image

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    Saffers - image Eczema on the face is horrid as you can't use steroid creams on it there.....I used to get it when I was younger and it was only once I started running that I stopped getting it on my hands....just shows how important running is to stress relief! Have you tried using Calendula cream? I found it worked really well for me and was very soothing too.

    Thanks for the best wishes.....I'm just glad that I have already moved out of the house or I think I really would be pulling my hair out this close to my op!

    The good news is that I think the cats are finally settling in so can go outside once the new catflap is fitted......not sure I could ask anyone else to empty the litter tray for me while I'm in hospital/recovering!

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    Saffers, I'm 46 and have days like that imageimage

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    hello everybody

    just a very quick visit , seems to be the norm these days, to say had a fab day on Sunday - am unfortunately streaming with a cold and a fuzzy headimage

    it was lovely to meet up again and the Italian was great

    well done PS on your initiation, and to the bunny girls for keeping their tails.

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    UltraCas, thanks for that, I shall go look for that cream tomorrow.

    beebs.....you are not helping!!!!  Please tell me you don't live with your mum and she is having to put up with it? image  Yes, I know....me too....but I am sure I am not quite as vocal.......or maybe I am but my lot are too scared to tell me.image

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    Saffers - try Holland & Barratt
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    Saffers - noone would (dare) say you are gobby image
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    Oh I think we all have days like that!

    Had a major panic this afternoon, thought our built-in fridge had packed up. No, H had a look at it and I'd managed to put something away in the cupboard next door to it that had turned off the switch for the socket. I'd checked the switch above the worktop, checked the fuse, checked the fuse box, but not thought there was another socket in the cupboard. ooops. It makes him feel useful (that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it image)

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    image to eye ball related stuff

    imageimage to Cas for making me feel faint

     Saffers she will no doubt revert to about 5 yrs younger when she is in hosp. It's a difficult age 







    (between 18months and 46 years is a difficult age tbh)

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    Helen - the exact same thing happened to me once

    I had no idea there was a seperate socket in the cupboard above the freezer - which I accidentally knocked off when I put some baking trays awayimage

    And talking of sockets - UC image.  Best of luck with the house move and your op too.

    Saffers - my daughter had major spine surgery when she was 15 - scoliosis so know a little of what you are feeling. The hospital was brilliant and made a pretty scary time for all much easier that I could ever have imagined beforehand. 3 years on it has made such a difference to her life.  Best wishes to you all.

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    Sorry Madge....didn't think you'd be squeamish......I not good with eye stuff tbh - I can't even deal with mascara let alone contacts and expect I'd need drugging to cope with laser surgery if my eyes ever settle enough!image

    Oh and I think it is 18 months to at least 67 years - I have been talking to my Mum this eveningimage But she seems excited about having a girls pizza and ice cream evening on friday night which is progress compared to the disapproving conversations of the last 9 months!

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    lol at your 67 yr old mum having a girls night image

    I cannot abide anything eye related. My daughters have contacts and I can't watch them doing anything with them and just thinking about it makes me flinch

    I have walked the dog on the beach tonight and I don't think I can like the beach more than in a full on wind and lit only by moonlight

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