
How much do you weigh



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    ok 5'8 /1.71m and i topped 90k recently (which is similar to a rugby player)- used to be 10 stoneish whe i was last fit but in the past 7-8 years have added another 4stones !
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    5'10" if i stretch a bit and am now down to 74kg, though i run best at between 70 and 72kg.
    Sorry about the mismatch Ive always weighed myself in kilos and my height in inches.
    Weird but then thats me to a T
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    Popsider - Not kidding a bit.

    I don't think I have ever topped 10st, I was close last xmas but then took up running which caused the weight(!) to drop off.

    Sometime ago I wished I was a bit bulkier, but for running I am finding this is the ideal frame to have.

    Blisters - you are right about tailwind, although in a headwind it gets tricky
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    5'7" and 14 stone but that goes down to only 13 if I actually train. I am afraid I worship the chocolate god with too many offerings and not enough sacrifices. I must admit there is a smug sense of pleasure beating people who are slimmer and look a lot fitter than me in races. Body fat about 25% at the moment. There are too many books on losing weight and not enought on growing taller.
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    I'm 5' 10" and just over 12 stone.
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    5'8" and my weight fluctuates between 11.10 and 12 stone. I'm not a whippet like so many of you and its pretty much a constant battle not to put weight on.

    But I'm over 5 stone lighter than I was 2 years ago so that's gotta be a good thing.
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    i am 5'10" and been running regularly for 2 years, my heaviest ever was 13st 10oz.
    am now 11+1/2 st which seems to stay fairly constant.
    i have a tanita fat monitor scales thingy, which i hoped would show improvement in my general fitness the most %fat i've been is 23% am now about 18%. i try to judge this more than my weight.
    i seem unable to get this fatty figure lower.
    can't face a serious change in diet so will just live with it.
    this is a bit of a ramble, but may be of some interest.

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    5 foot 9 ish and waver between 65 and 70 kg, depending on training.

    But usually around 67-68kg

    If I drop below 65 kg, people tell me how ill I look and I can't sit comfortably on chairs as my ass bones don't have any padding!

    I find that if I weight myself before and after swimming, I can lose 1 kg by swimming 1000 metres, which seems weird!

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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    I don't think anyone on here is absolutely happy with their weight even though nobody really has reason to worry about it!

    I think it's because as runners we know that it's easier to run with less weight. Always looking for that ultimate race fitness!
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    Thx guys for a great responce.I feel alot better now,i dont seem any different to you lot.

    Emer.My mileage is only about 25 to 35 a week and my food intake is usually
    Breakfast 3 wheatabix
    Lunch 6 haves of sandwich(pack lunch with 2 chocolate bars,packet of crisp and 2 bananas).
    Tea normal cooked tea eg pie and chips,pork chops etc.
    No supper
    Also i might pig out on the odd biscuit.

    Oh i nearly forgot about 5 to 8 pints of guiness a week
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    I'm happy with my weight. Sorry! But then, I'm not a good enough runner to care about losing a couple of lbs. I'd get more benefit out of training harder than I would from losing weight ;-)

    I'm 164cm, 56kg. Which suits me fine...

    Btw, LLL, I reckon I eat about twice as much as you in a 'normal' week, so I'm not really surprised you're not putting on weight!
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    I'm happy with my weight too. I just wish I could run faster!!

    p.s. When I used to live in the US, people would enviously comment that I must have been anorexic because of my slim figure. That was just horrible in so many ways! Glad I don't get those sorts of comments now!
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    I get something similar Hild - I don't really like cake, chocolate or sweet things much, and double cream makes me hurl, so when I refuse puddings or cakes, people always say "But you don't need to diet!"

    REally annoys me. Got quite militant last time someone said it to me!

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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
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    Bune buddies in bulk!!
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    Hilde, Lizzy - I don't get those kind of comments at all - it's simply that I don't mind having a big bum :-) Anyway, I was reading an article in some women's mag recently, and was very pleased to discover that I have supermodel proportions. Sadly they're a little (well, a lot) foreshortened, which rather ruins the effect!!!

    I'd rather be taller than thinner... and as there's not a lot I can do about my height, I might as well be happy!
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    I have a rack at home I use for torturing the kids if you want lenghtening snaily!
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    And you in no way have a big bum, Ive walked behind you so I should know.
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    Snail, two words: high heels!
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    Plum - I don't know whether to be flattered or scared ;-) But I bet I was wearing black trousers at the time!

    Hilde - I used to wear 3-3.5" heels all the time, and then earlier this year I realised that they were probably contributing to the knee pain! So I wear them only on special occasions now... like work, shopping, around the house ;-)

    Unfortunately all my friends have noticed, and have suddenly started taking the piss out of me for being a short@rse - they all thought I was 5'7" for years...
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    Thanks girlies, I think I have the answer. Here I was feeling slightly depressed about shrinking, and now I realise that all I need to do is to ditch the flatties.

    I don't think I'm ready for 3" stilettos just yet though. My wife would divorce me.

    (I think that the running has made me shorter...unlikely to be due to spinal compression, more likely to be due to a rack full of knotty muscles from toe to neck)
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    oooh, I dunno, blisters, you may be pleasantly surprised by your wife's reaction! ;-)
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    Back to height and mass - 1.81m and 73kg.

    I ran my best at 70.5kg, three years ago. My mass crept up to 77kg, then fell by 7kg earlier this year (stress, not exercise). Things are back in proportion now and I'm happy with my statistics.
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    Not happy with my running stats though! Oh well, one thing at a time!
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    yoga and swimming make you taller by lengthening out tight shortened muscles
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    so does the rack
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    Johnny - "mass" - a scientific purist are we?

    height: 166cm
    weight divided by gravity: 54ishkg? Don't really know.
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    I lost weight when I started running earlier this year to the extent that I was getting concerned but it has now settled at about 62kg (5'8, 173cm)
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    JjJj ✭✭✭
    I did Pilates for a year and grew an inch!

    But I haven't done it for about six months, been running instead and now I'm back down to 5'5".

    By Grim I'll probably just walk under the netting...
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