
Sub 3



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    First of all huge Congrats to Marigold.

    Selbs - nice sub 3 and negative split as a training run and well toughed out on that 20 RS, very impressive mileage for someone with no mara in sight.

    Great 10k's from Gobi, BEJ, GAWD and CW.

    Sounds like a tough day Joolska, Wembley is a horrible place to lose, I am 0 from 4 on trips there with my lot and it took them until after half time in the 4th visit to actually score.

    I had a disappointing 10k yesterday, ran the same race as CW, went well for the first 6ks and was bang on target, I then hit the hill which HH commented on (should have read your post before the race) , lost 15 seconds on that and next km which was into wind and never made that time up.  Finished 30 seconds down on target and 3 seconds outside pb - I really do hate 10ks but thought this one would click as training has been going well but ce la vie, big picture for me is sub 3 so will turn my attention to Amsterdam now.

    I saw CW at the end but was too gutted about my time to speak to you, sorry about that, congrats on the 1st V40.  Winner posted 32.03 and has been selected for England for Toronto Waterfront mara, other interesting point about the race was Ronnie O'Sullivan posted a time of 35 mins a couple of years ago oh and they do a great hog roast, then again is there such thing as a bad one.

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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭

    Ah sorry I missed you Murph (not that I'd have recognised you until you'd introduced yourself). At least you were closer to your PB than I was!

    Selbs -- on marathon days I have a couple of coffees with breakfast at least 3 hrs before the off, then drink absolutely nothing... until having half a bottle of sports drink immediately before the start, or in the first mile (following Noakes' advice). So while I often stop for a wee in training, I've never had to in a marathon race. Having said that, if it was a hot day and/or I knew the race was only having paper cups every 5M, I might make more effort to pre-hydrate a bit. In London (say) I prefer to drink as I go along rather than attempting to start topped up, because there is plenty of water on offer.

    Legs slightly creaky post-race today, but I did an easy 6.5M run to work. I have a possible 5k club race on Thurs eve but wouldn't expect to do well so soon after yesterday, and also because it's a hilly course. Might well do it though.

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Well done weekend racers including a couple of understated sub-3's.

    Congrats also to Ode on a strong run at Comrades. Not sure if he's pleased with the result - but he should be. Always tough to nail it on first attempt.

    Anyone know anyone who's had success with Olympic tickets? No? Thought not.

    Since only 50% of tickets went on sale to the general public my hopes weren't high. But as predicted the whole lamentable system was set up for institutions with greater buying power to hoover up all the available tickets for subsequent resale. If you thought that the Champions League black market was bad, just wait until next year.

    LOCOG have really badly screwed up this process. I'm seriously thinking about renting out my flat for a month and going abroad. With rip-off hotel prices I reckon I could do OK out of it and still make it an attractive alternative for a overseas visitor.

    On the running front, I suffered a relapse of the calf injury a few weeks ago so have barely run now since mid March. Did get a lovely 7 hour jog/walk in the French Alps on Sunday. Hopefully will be getting some progress soon. Fitness not good at the mo.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    DanA.  I know a selection of people (about half - ok specifically i know 3 out of 7!) who HAVE had monies taken from their accounts for Olympic tix.  I applied for the most tickets out of all those 7, and i have not had any money taken.  Those who HAVE had money taken, it looks like out of everything they have applied for, they have been successful in only 1 or 2 events out of all.  So i am guessing its going to end up looking like.... half who apply get NOTHING, other half who apply, get 1 or 2 events.  based on my VERY small sample size!  doesn't seem to have helped much applying for loads of events as i did, nor applying in range of price brackets as i did as well. oh well.

    still clinging on to a bit of hope as they say money can go out up till midnight, but it's not looking good.

    calf news sounds promising for you then, hopefully onwards and upwards (sounds like u did a bit of that already) now. 

    look forward to hearing from Ode.

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    Hail Hail

    Very nice racing from some, comiserations to others in particular Joolska, good training runs from some, excellent route testing from others.  Names that stand out are selbs and Ode who had a belter under his pre-race circumstances.  Seriously impressed.

    Not too much to report here.  Legs feel better after Edinburgh as this morning's "tempo" run showed - 10.5M ave 6.20.

    Dogs?  Try chickens.  Had to deal with them on the Edinburgh course.  F'king stoopid birds just stood in the way until you tried to swerve round them when they decided to scurry away right in front of you again!  The Colonel may be useful after all.

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    TmapTmap ✭✭✭
    Home Run wrote (see)
    Tmap - assuming it was a big brownie some of these lakes have these old wise fish that seem to do that regularly. I used to fish a place where there was a notorious giant one that was nigh-impossible for anyone to land. Local wisdom said that they could spit the hooks back out, although I guess if they're never caught one doesn't know.

    I've done some reading and generally the fly will drop out - it's unusual to find ones that have been harmed by biting off the fly.  It sounds silly but that's good to know.  It was a big stocked rainbow trout.  I learnt to fish in Donegal with lake brownies that are feisty but almost never big enough to be difficult to land (and only once big enough to strip line off a reel), so reading up about how to land big ones is a bit of a revelation - next time, if I see it jumping I need to lower the rod.

    The whole episode has reminded me why I love running.  I have good runs and bad runs, but it's very rare that I have a run that was a complete waste of time.  When you have teenagers and a dog and 930 unread emails in the work in-box, you just can't waste a whole morning with nothing at all to show for it. 

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Selbs - I read that as of Sunday, only half of people who'd applied as individuals had got anything, and it was almost exclusively the really fringe minority low priced stuff. About 10-20% of what they'd applied for.

    Eg, a guy who'd applied for £2,400 of tickets has got £120 taken from his account, which based on what he'd ordered was almost certainly a minority sport. Think that is going to be the typical media story of the week.
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    DanA - yup, we've been shafted me thinks... well not shafted as such, but lead to believe we might actually have a chance of getting more than what we really had a chance of getting.... c'est la vie.
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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭

    My mate had his cheque cashed and he applied for £800 of tickets.  Reckon he'll get a cheque refund back for a similar amount with a small amount of tickets. I'll check account in morning but expect it'll be the same as it is today.  It'll probably be all Boris's and Coe's mates who get the best tickets.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Diddly squat gone from the account: if I've got none of 8 athletics sessions I'll be gutted.  On a more practical note, I can't work out how to check what my overdraft limit is as the difference between balance and available funds isn't a nice round number and I'm wondering whether there are 'ring-fenced' funds for a transfer which isn't showing yet.  Desperate times call for desperate thought processes!
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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭
    As I understand it, the minimum transfer from my account would be £46 for 2x£20 tickets plus £6 postage. Nothing gone from my account a at 8am this morning. Can't check it from work, so I'll look later. If I've got nothing then that means that an obscure morning session of canoe slalom in Broxbourne was over-subscribed, as that was my banker in my application for 24 tickets over 12 sessions.
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    Race JaseRace Jase ✭✭✭
    Jools, have you tried ringing your bank? They can see if any funds have been 'blocked off' your account and can usually tell you where it's going.

    When a company charges your card it will block that space off but they might not take the actual funds for a few days after.

    Selbs cracking sub three there.

    Nice to run with you JAP and Coro. Bit sore today if truth be told!

    Nice outings from a few folk over the shorter distances too.

    Marigold mahoosive congrats on the call up.

    Back to lurking now. image

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    HR - security issues ! ha ha, you nutter ! are you some master criminal ? who's looking on the sub3 thread for bank robbers ?

    Selbs - stop drinking about 90 mins before (apart from a few sips) and then you need a Powerade bottle on the start line.  

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    Yeah MtR that would confirm that something is amiss me thinks!! I similarly applied for some surely not over subscribed tickets so if I get none it would be really weird.
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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭
    Nothing gone from my account yet. A last check tomorrow morning. Not much hope left now.

    On the upside I'll have access to the £500 I've left there for the last month.

    On the downside I'll spend next July/August unable to visit the Olympics happening a mile from my front door.

    May training report

    66 miles
    8 hours
    7:27 ave pace
    2 races, 1 PB (5k)

    460 miles
    28 hours

    13 swims
    8 hours
    12 miles

    Total: 44 hours
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    Tom.Tom. ✭✭✭
    My online bank shows an uncleared balance which differs from my actual balance. The amount allowing the £6 postage suggests that I've got tickets for two sessions, though it's not possible to work out what.

    When I applied I thought I was in for a fest of cheap seated morning athletics sessions. I now see it as just a chance to get a nominal participation in the "greatest show on earth". I suppose it's just about getting to attend, rather thana week of non stop athletics.

    I'm reasonably relaxed about my lack of success, though i suspect there are those who are no more worthy than I, who will no doubt prosperimage

    Not withstanding that, if I turn the TV on next year to watch the morning athletics sessions and am greeted by rows of empty seats, I'll be really hacked off.
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    Nothing from my bank account yet either ... exactly as MtR says goes for me too.

    JAP - welcome back and congratulations again on Boston. Mentioning that you didn't stay for the 10k reminds me that an announcement at the start of the race said that Darran Bilton had run the marathon and was also running the 10k image.

    I read an article in the paper (so may or may not be true) a few days ago about someone who had applied for £1100 worth of tickets and who had £26 debited, including the £6 postage. The same article also mentioned people who failed to get tickets for events which LOCOG have said are undersubscribed...

    After running Saturday's parkrun and yesterday's 10k with a mild cold I've come down with a heavy cold today. During the winter when I was consistently on 70 mpw I seemed to go from one cold to the next, after 2 weeks back at 70 mpw I now have another. I really hope this pattern won't continue...

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    TR some of the crime networks I'm currently investigating would make even your blood boil. Just makes sense for me to be a bit less obvious with previous initials, as everyone seems to accept so feel free to move on from this now image

    Tmap interesting: a rainbow. Guess on reflection that it would be although the one that inhabited the lake I mentioned was apparently a big old brownie. I love the fact that one can fish for hours with no result. The first (and only) time I took a salmon on a UK river, with a fly, was very special - must have fished about 2 months' worth before I got one!

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    JAPJAP ✭✭✭
    FR, yeah, there were a couple of people who stayed on and ran the 10k after the marathon. Though not only did Darren Bilton run it, he ran 34.34 and was first V45. Not sure if that is impressive or just taking the pi$$! image
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    May Numbers

    Swim 3:14:53 4.8% 4.85
    Bike 34:22:54 50.8% 643.9
    Run 25:29:32 37.7% 202.04
    Cross 4:32:00 6.7%
    Grand Total 67:39

    Rest days - 0
    Races - lots especially on the TT bike, also ran 2 x 10kms finishing 3rd and 2nd.

    All about getting ready for AdH now, most of my swimming was Open Water. Biggest bike month of the year and another solid month of running.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    RH - I havnt got a scooby whats going on or what I need to accept, I was only joking.

    MtR - an impressive amount of biking there with 7 hrs/week. I beat you on the running front with 75M. But I've taken a set back on the ribs front today (due to an accidental bang on em) so there might not be anymore running for a while(not that I plan more than twice/week for a while anyway), although I'll give it a try in the morning as I was hoping to run a few tomorrow after 5 bike days in a row, if its a no go then I'll be back on the bike.

    S E Hants U10s won today with 5 overs and 3 wickets to spare.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Gobi - that 34hrs has trumped MtRs 28hrs and you're not too far away from MTritons recommended 60%. I havnt counted up my bike or swim totals, i only count running miles - not sure why.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR - that makes no sense to me :¬)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Gobi - sorry, you spent 50% of your training time on your bike. Mt says that to be a decent triathlete you need to spend 60% of your training time on your bike.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    That is ok I am not a triathlete, I retire straight after AdH :¬)
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    Miles 193
    Pace mixed
    Rest days 7
    Races 1
    Pb's 1 10k 37'30

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    No tickets for me, and I even applied for BMX! Also went for a crap athletics heat session and expensive finals seats (not the 100m).
    Hoped that mixing things up a bit might work.

    Oh well, always been shit at raffles!
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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭
    Nothing for me either. I went for 2 nights of athletics finals (more in hope than expectation). But I also applied for lots of athletics heats, swimming heats, cycling heats and canoe slalom heats. To get nothing at all is a bit shite.

    Off for a swim.
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    Spoke too soon - a paltry £80 has gone out. This means either a shit athletic heat or BMX! Well, excuse me for not getting overly excited, as this now means I won't be able to reapply in the second round of ticket buying, where there should be better possibilities to get something half decent.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    MtR - I had some "bankers" as well and don't seem to have got anything. Talking to some people at work, they've gone for some random stuff (water polo, archery etc.) and haven't got them either. I don't really understand - they can't be over-subscribed!

    Gobi - nice month, similar numbers to me, although I did more cycling and less running:

    Swim: 15.2M, 7:34
    Bike: 837M, 45:06
    Run: 122M, 13:55
    Total: 66:45

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