
Ironman Wales 2011



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    I remember 8Iron saying 'aha' when someone pointed out that the rugby was on, whether he's been able to do anything about it I don't know.

    I would also prefer the IMW dragon over the one that FB linked to, but I've been thinking about and not getting a tattoo for the last five years...

    I also need to stock up on Bodyglide, one for race morning and two more for the transition bags.

    Nearly time to start obsessively haunting the weather websites.

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    "I also need to stock up on Bodyglide, one for race morning and two more for the transition bags."

    ferk me FF - how much 'glide can one man use?? do you eat it?? image

    I am avoiding looking at any weather websites until I get to Tenby as we know the weather is going to be shit this week so with a bit of luck it will have blown over by next weekend. no point worrying about it yet.

    I will take kit to cover me for all weather conditions and decide to Saturday what to put into T-bags.

    I have cleaned and polished the bike so I can slice through the air like butter..... image
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    Looking forward to this now, if not with a little trepidation. I have not done much in the way of training in the last 3 weeks, due to a virus followed by a family holiday. At least I will be rested for race day! I guess it's going to be looooong day!
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    Have people got target times they hope to achieve? I'm thinking 1:30/7:15/4:00ish to finish somewhere around 13 hours - this is only a guess though as I have little to base it on, and I'm not going to be too hung up on missing it
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    fat buddha wrote (see)
    ferk me FF - how much 'glide can one man use??  do you eat it?? image

    I was assuming that we wouldn't be able to get at transition bags on the morning of the race, so a minimum of two sticks needed.  I know I will need some extra 'glide in T2 as the pirate shorts chafe around the bottom seam.  I also prefer to be in the 'rather have it and not need it' school of packing.

    On the subject of which, need to add Imodium to the list of 'stuff to go in transition bags'.

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    I have a figure in mind based on previous experience and the course - if it happens I'll be well chuffed.

    I think a 4hr marathon after a 7:15 bike might be a bit optimistic but I don't know what your running is like. do you have a marathon PB??
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    I did, but the weather is going to throw any target out of the window if the wind continues to blow as it is.  While there is no point stressing over things you can't control, I am stressing about the weather (especially as the explanation about the really hard LCW swim was the wind!)

     I think wibble is the official phrase?image

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    Shaun - anything below 16hrs will do very nicely sir

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    anything under 17 hours will be fantastic for me image
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    fat buddha wrote (see)
    I have a figure in mind based on previous experience and the course - if it happens I'll be well chuffed. I think a 4hr marathon after a 7:15 bike might be a bit optimistic but I don't know what your running is like. do you have a marathon PB??

    To be honest you are probably right - 7:15 alone might be tough enough anyway, so I'm not sure what I'll be running like afterwards.

    Originally I wanted to run a sub 4 hour marathon, but with the difficulty of the bike course this was scrapped a long time ago. My marathon PB is 3:20, set in May at Edinburgh Marathon (bit of a tough one, think I could have gone a few minutes quicker on a different course), could probably run 3:30 now. Hopefully this will allow me to take some places back on Sunday after losing so much on the swim and bike... hopefully image

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    a 4hr marathon is possible given your PB but it will very much depend on how much of your legs you've left on the bike. and if it's a calm day I can also see you going faster than 7:15 on the bike.

    a quick marathon runner is often a quick biker - and vice versa - it's really a question of how well you can can combine the 2 - that's the intangible for you on your 1st IM.
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    Thanks - good to hear! As I said I have a time but I know if could quite easily be an hour either side of that (probably not an hour quicker but then again maybe everything will go right on the day)

    If I am out for 15 hours I will think something has gone wrong and I probably wont be enjoying myself!

    The aims of the day... finish, enjoy myself, give it everything.... everything else (time etc) is just an output rather than an input!

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    Last year at Bolton, I raced with my Garmin, and fussed over HR's, average speeds, pace etc. This year at Tenby, I'm thinking of making it simple and just having a standard watch, no more than a chrono with laps. Bike will have a computer, so I'll know average speed and distance etc. Run is 4 loops, so I'll know where I am on the course, and how fat to the next loop/finish. Won't have HR though, but planning on doing it all by feel/RPE.

    An pitfalls?
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    MTri - I think there's a lot to be said for racing on RPE. you're pretty experienced at tri so have a good idea of how you're going. I sometimes think Garmins just overcomplicate matters

    I've always used a HRM in IM just to keep me in check and see if fuelling is OK - it helped prevent a big bonk on the run in IM Florida as my HR suddenly went low so that told me I needed fuel but my legs told me that as well!!

    but at Outlaw last year, my HRM went uptits as soon as we hit the water so I had no idea on timing during the race bar my bike computer and I didn't miss it that much in all honesty and just went on effort so I might not bother again this year
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    I too am happy to bring body glide and Black Witch glue should anyone need any
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    Schmunks am I still OK to borrow a medium singlet please for the day? Did you get my pm about anybody being able to attend the saturday registration if they cannot make the friday one? It seems to have been made public now though in all of the information
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    I'm going with RPE.  That's how I've been training and have felt fine, it's almost liberating not having the Garmin when running. 

    Garmin will be on bike for pace and time, but otherwise I'll just have a stopwatch type watch.  At IMCH I used a HRM and as FB said my body was telling me just as much as my watch was; not that I listened to it until it was too late!

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    Shaun Mills wrote (see)
    Schmunks am I still OK to borrow a medium singlet please for the day? Did you get my pm about anybody being able to attend the saturday registration if they cannot make the friday one? It seems to have been made public now though in all of the information

    Schmunks am i still ok for a loan of the large top please  image

    Shaun will give you a call this eve ,  Probably look to leave a little earlier on Friday now .. 8 - 8:30 ish  if thats ok with you guys .  Still planning to collects bags and bike on Thurs

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    As a contrary view, I do feel a HRM can help hold you back when you may be feeling a bit too giddy early on in the day, at the start of the bike for instance.  Without it I am likely to go out too hard and then fade badly (likely to do that with it mind you! image)

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    hi everyone! See you down there. I have been using feel for quite a while now and have been doing pbs. The time looks after itself at the end of the day  - you just need to focus on pushing as hard as you dare all the way round.

    Not looking forward to the swim but there you go..got to be done. That first bouy is going to be a bit of a scramble. Bike is nice. Not done run but with loop courses you just need to get your head round them and then they are fine (in fact advantageous).

    Lets hope for nice calm cool conditions..............

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    Alan W
    Andy Whelan
    Clear Link
    981 Colbol
    1028 Darkness (aka Justin McChesney 2)
    341 Fat Buddha
    Iron Rose
    James Williams JNR
    231 M.TRIumphant
    Mark the drainman
    1300 Mr Zuvai
    No Way Out
    1460 PinguPongu
    1057 RooBB
    Seren Nos
    Sore Shins (M..)
    116 Shaun Mills
    1345 Slagiatt
    10' tall man aka The Count
    and someone else who doesn't like being on lists
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    You seem to have an old list there M.TRIumphant image

    1201 Alan W
    Andy Whelan
    1249 Clear Link
    981 Colbol
    1028 Darkness (aka Justin McChesney 2)
    341 Fat Buddha
    908 Hope
    264 Iron Rose
    625 James Williams JNR
    971 JCDigger
    1479 Joddly
    231 M.TRIumphant
    1119 Mark the drainman
    1300 Mr Zuvai
    No Way Out
    600 O.rangeCannon
    1460 PinguPongu
    636 Ridgebackmax
    1057 RooBB
    904 Seren Nos
    Sore Shins (M..)
    116 Shaun Mills
    1345 Slagiatt
    10' tall man aka The Count
    and someone else who doesn't like being on lists

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    Wondering what others are planning to do with kit on the day as in, wear the same thing the whole day, or change into bike gear, then run gear.  I was planning on wearing the same thing all day, no point making more washing for when I get home image

    (although I may put spare kit in the bags just in case something gets uncomfortable ...)

    EDIT: can't chuffing spell...

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    I think most people will wear the same kit for the whole event, though I do like to change my socks in T2 especially if the bike has been a wet one.

    I'll be taking various kit options depending on the forecast, if its above 18 degrees and dry ill go with trisuit if a little cooler and/or windy ill add armwarners for the bike, any colder I may consider a gillet.  If its going to be a wet day ill use a waterproof gillet.
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    I not using a garmin or a standard watch, Im using a calander as long as I make it within 11/9/11 im ok.

    As for your timings shaun thought we were going to be bring up the rear ( in a running sort of way ) hay hay

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    I plan to change after the bike into a skin so I don't have to inflict my ample muffin roll on the masses on the run. I have worn it all day in the past but I just find the chamois not as comfy these days as my 2XU shorts which I'll wear with my monaco for the swim and bike.

    it's always worth having some vas or 'glide to hand in the T2 bag in case of chafage spots after the bike - a handful of vas around the nethers in T2 can work wonders in improving comfort for the run! and if you have a sleeveless top, a dollop of vas in the armpits for the run is useful for stopping chafing developing

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    Ah yes, I also have 'special' run socks I'll be changing into.

    Ok, another question.  When do you get penned up with your number?  Guessing it would be at registration on Friday, must be fairly resilient ink if it is!

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    Kit, I'm going for comfort is king. So full kit change all the way, not too worried about longer T1 and T2, for me, a finish is a finish.

    Swim: Compression shorts, tri top and calf guards on under wetsuit

    Bike: Cycle shorts on over comp shorts. Cycle shirt on over tri top. Arm warmers/gilet depending on weather

    Run: Clean shorts, socks etc. Tri top/t shirt depending on weather.
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    I was planning on just training from speedos to cycling shorts to running shorts... simply because i dont have a good pair of tri shorts I want to use and dont want to have to pay £40-50 on a pair of shorts just for this race.

    That said - I might just drop the second two pair of shorts and complete the race in the speedos if it's a nice day! image

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