
Can anyone help with this?

My partner and I are running in next years FLM. She is a new runner but fit previously from gym classes etc. We have been training slowly for 7 weeks now starting from 1 mile jogs to this week which will be Mon-3.5m Tues-1.5m Wed-1m Thurs-4/5m Fri-rest Sat-5m sun-rest.

Each time we have been running after about 6-8mins when most of us in our group are getting warmed up and settling down she starts to hit this kind of wall. She gets indigestion pains slowly begin like a ball in her chest moving up nto her throat and her breathing gets laboured and she feels like stopping. She runs great though! she is slim and carrying no extra weight on our last weekend long run she was able to do the 4.5 miles but the second half was really uncomfortable for her and I know she would have wanted to stop if it wasn't for the fact she really is determined and wants to run? She has taken some rennie tablets last week before we run to stop the indigestion feelings but it only helped a little. Last nights run 3.5m was another real slog for her and I don't understand why? She is fit, she has put in the work gradually building up and when she runs its around 9.30/10. min mile pace. Anyone ever suffered from this? anyone with any suggestions which might shed some light? She has a thyroid problem which was diagnosed over two years ago and she takes Thyroxin daily and has not had any side effects of it at gym so others we have talked to about a possible thyroid connection have so far said its un likely. I really feel now is the time she should be reaping the rewards of her diligent running by at least enjoying the early couple of miles but when other's are getting going she is starting to fall apart and I am concerned. A trip to the doc is on the cards but I thought my friends in the forum might be able to help as well?

Please feel free to give opinions, help, suggestions, etc. thanks I really feel for her as it is very demoralizing for her. I know she is tough and wants to do it but her body is stopping her but can't see why? a little worrying.


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    Can't help except to say she is not alone, I have suffered recently with this. I put it down to the cold air and my breathing pattern being affected. Seemed to be able to get through it by trying to relax my upper body and to concentrating on my breathing. I think of it as a form of stitch just higher up and treat it the same way. Probably complete b****x but it might provoke some more informed comments. A visit to the Doc is probably the best course of action to take.
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    Things to consider:

    - How soon is she eating before running?
    If there is food in the stomach and you start running the body forgets about digestion and switches its resources to running. Try running on a completely empty stomach to see if that is what it is, and if that solves it then ensure she eats many hours in advance of running. Some beginners also make the mistake of taking on too much fluid beforehand which has the same effect.

    - Is she emptying her systems (sorry to be gross!) in 'both ways' before hand?
    I always need to.

    - Is she warming up then stretching before?
    This could help. Do a proper warm up rather than just warming up on the run, as at that stage she is running as a group, at the pace of that group, and that might not be how her body needs to warm up.

    - Has she tried to 'run through' it?
    If it is one level of pain and doesn't get any worse, experiment with keeping going 'til it stops - however long it takes (within reason of course). She may need to drop speed to do this.

    - Conversely, has she tried stopping and walking? It can work for a stitch, for example, and then you can run afterwards and it has magically gone. Maybe it will work for this.

    It is important to remember that road running is a different ball game to gym work. Gym cardio - even treadmill running - doesn't put the same demands on the body and it can take a while to adjust.

    Hope some of this helps.

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    Yes we have, and are still experimenting with food. lately leaving 4hrs before running and even then it was a light meal.

    The fluid may be worth looking into. She does run with a runners hand bottle and takes a few swigs of water now and again. We are going to try and leave it at home for a while and see. Only slight concern is if this is the cause you can't run a marathon without drinking water? But at least we will know so we will try.

    Pain doesn't get worse and as I mentioned she has (I hate keep saying she, her name is Lizzie!) run 4 miles and although it didn't go away Lizzie did finish by running with it.

    We both definately warm up properly so that isn't a problem.
    Lizzie now has a doc appointment on Monday so that also might help. Thanks for all feedback from everyone. Its appreciated.
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    I know it sounds a bit crazy but I found that if I overtighten my running short etc after a while I start getting a bit of indigestion
    (My running partner complained of the same thing on Sunday)
    Suggest Lizzie try looser running bottoms - It's worth a try !!!
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    Can I advise you to go to your GP please.
    Firstly you cannot be sure it is indigestion- and any pain that comes on during exertion has to be taken seriously. I don`t know how old she is and any other risk factors and the chances are low-BUT make sure it is not angina pain. This can come in a variety of ways- central pain which may or may not radiate to jaw or arms.
    Although a stomach cause is more likely she should get a full review by a GP and possibly an ECG if GP thought was needed. I once saw a patient who was getting indigestion like pain on running that went into the teeth- it turned out to be angina after i sent for an ECG.
    I am NOT being alarmist but always best to be sure, book an appointment !
    Best wishes
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    Good to hear from somebody in the medical profession who also doesn't look at runners as a wreckless burden on the NHS! I hope that Lizzie has a similarly sympathetic hearing on Monday, rather than the catch-all cure often dished out to runners - "stop running"!

    Ever thought about setting up an online running surgery?
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    Thanks Mike,
    As I mentioned at first we looked at natural and reasonable causes but I am definately glad we have the appointment Monday and will ask for an ECG and investigate the angina possibilties.

    Thank you all for your help, we will keep you posted.
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    Dear Paddy-
    I hope you sympathize. I have had achilles tendonitis for weeks and have told myself to stop running- all to no avail !! Ask my wife - i am the worst pt in the world. if I get injured i get so edgy she pushes me out the door anyway !
    Perhaps RW would give me a job? i don`t fancy doing lost of advising as someone sometime will sue me !
    Anyway happy running all. I advise it to everyone who can- since I started I have lost 1 1/2 stone and stopped smoking and much less stressed. The only stress I get now is getting the time to go out !!
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    Should have kept quiet about being a doc Mike :-) we can all start emailing you are various problems now.
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    I totally sympathize with your plight. It is amazing how the runner's part of your head takes over and one becomes increasingly irrational - whoever you are.

    If its any consolation, when I was training for my first FLM (2001), in the November of 2000 I developed a bad case of ITB - and also found out about some cartilege deterioration along the way! GP and specialist advised against EVER running a marathon. I lost over a month of training - as in not running at all. It sounds overly dramatic, but they were indeed dark days.

    Eventually saw an Osteopath and was running again after the first treatment, and completed the marathon in 2:58, and did last year as well.

    So Mike, it might be worth taking your own advice - especialy if you're aiming for FLM 2003. After all you can afford the time now. But then again, who am I to advise you!!!!!!
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    The tendonitis has setltle down a bit now- I have had for about 6 weeks- but after getting new shoes seems to have started to settle.
    As you say I have time But want to get under 3-15 which will take evry bit effort i can manage ! One and only thon was 2001= did 3-51 (3 -47 from start line) so lts of work to do.
    only way my running really affects my job is if I am desperate to get out for a run- The pts may be rushed along a bit ! ( only joking any patients..)
    best wishes. Mike
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    Dear grumpy-
    No problem so long as you Email me your fee with credit card details and sign a disclaimer/etc, never to sue me on bad advice !
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    Am frustrated right now as really want to run but hurt my back and can barely walk, let alone run. Off to the doc tomorrow, but can already hear the reply - ibuprofen, rest etc etc. Going for a swim tonight, but have only managed one run in 2 weeks aargh. And that FLM acceptance is only just round the corner...!
    Any advice on keeping the running frustration at bay during an injury?
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    Just read the thread. Can't argue with MikeB about seeing a doctor, but it sounds more like heartburn to me. I've suffered from this in the past - but not since I stopped drinking alcohol. Other irritants are caffeine and fatty foods. Maybe discovering and cutting out the irritant from your diet could help.

    Have you tried a run before breakfast - on an empty stomach?
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    Thanks Dan

    Will add the before breakfast run to the list! and see if by process of elimination we can crack this problem.

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