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Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    It's not how much you lose that's important Matthew - it's how quickly you regain it. You'll be back to full fitness in no time.

    Ultra sound ruled out hernia and any major soft tissue injuries as far as the Doc could tell. There was a suggestion of a bony abnormality on the hip that could be the root of the problem and the x-ray should show more in due course. I'm feeling somewhat reassured by that.

    Dead boring 5 mile road run tonight in the dark. Why do drivers insist on full-beam in residential areas, blinding anyone who might be on the pavement?? 
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    Sounds better then Bus. Yes the getting fitter stage..which sometimes makes you feel that you wish you were still injured LOL (well not really..)
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    Hoping all those various niggles sort themselves out for everyone

    It was the two teeth just to the right of the main front ones. Had no bother with pain 

    More bad news with me ending up going to AnE all night pretty much with my head / ear very painful and swollen and quite clearly infected. So bad I can't put the hearing aid in and struggling 

    Come away with 3 antibiotics and the likely hood I'll need surgery to cut away some skin 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Sorry for the appalling graphic pictures 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Bloody hell Scott. Any idea how it can get infected when you've had it in for such a long while? I wouldn't bother wasting any money putting the lottery on anyway! ;-) 

    Managed to get a session in on Thursday. 4 mile tempo on the track in 21.58 then 10 x 300 in 52/53/54. Last one I managed a 49. Legs felt a bit funny on the 300s. First time I've ever run laps of the track and my garmin measured under. Had to run 1650 metres for it to get to 4 miles. 
    Had some company over the last couple of months with my track sessions which makes a massive difference. Didn't know the lad but he messaged me on Facebook and asked if he could join me in some sessions. The lad is pretty new to running and his pb was 36.xx going into this year. Think he'd managed to dip under 35 mins once this year but seems to have a decent turn of speed.

    He does a session with his club on a Tuesday then does whatever I'm set on a Thursday which is usually 6-7 miles of volume. Usually he tails off on the longer reps like 2ks and I put a fair gap in but he was there all the way on the tempo and he handed my arse to me on the last of the 300s. He ran 33.14 at the Abbey dash last week so he's really improving and good to see. 

    Pacing 18 mins today at the parkrun but just hope I don't ruin anyones dreams like Phil the other week. ;-) 
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    No idea Matt and for it to come on so aggressively is worrying! It's much better to have company on track reps. Makes a huge difference ! I saw that session and was hugely impressed, either the tempo or the 300s on their own would have been decent. 

    Off to Hants XC soon for work but having to leave early to go over to Maverick Dark race tonight so will miss the senior men's race which is a shame. 
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    As of today the skin has closed over, now the metal pin is hidden. Not good. They will have to operate. I went back last night as on call doctor was able to see me. 

    I think the worst bit is the hidden pin. Is... Itchy 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    I think it's fair to say, that in all my years, I've never been more impressed with how anyone has faced so many challenges and dealt with them than Scott Edgington.

    Yes, I know, I kicked off with a flip crass comment concerning him.
     But would he have revealed such a life story but for that? No credit to me for that mind.

    I wonder sometimes if other powers are at work, concerning the way I react to things. But more likely it's a mistake with my medication levels. Volatile is the word. 
    As for Scott. He has revealed a strength and depth of character that must be almost unique.
    His attitude and approach is an example to us all.

    I also appear to be able run again. Did a sub 7 mile for the first time in six months.


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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Never rains eh Scott; let's hope this latest issue isn't too bad. 

    Great training Matt; incredible reps at the end after you had finished the longer ones. 

    Ric; good post and self analysis. Great that you're back running at a decent speed again. 

    Wet and muddy pr for me at Rushmoor. 11 seconds slower than last week in 18'44 but harder conditions and still enough for 4th out of about 340. TvXC tomorrow but the flat Eton course doesn't suit me. Will probably still give it a go. 
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Looks bloody painful does that Scott. 

    What was it won in Pete? I noticed last week Gavin hill ran 14 mins at Stretford parkrun and still finished second to Tom Lancashire! 
    A reduced long run for me today at 13 miles so decided to incorporate doing the 18 min pacing duties at my local parkrun. Try to target 5.40 as it measures ever so slightly long usually. Normally it ends up a solo run as there's usually some in front or a few off the back but had a decent group of 4 going for a couple of miles before they all dropped off. One lad had been out on the ale, one lads shoelace came undone and the other had just done some mile reps previously so I ended up first home in 17.55. (5.39-5.40-5.39) run home after for 13.1 in 1.27. Will head out later for a 4/5 mile jog. 

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    Nice accidental win there Matt :smile: 

    Scott - eeuurghhhh!!! Saw that as I was eating breakfast! Still, we only had to see it - you've got to suffer it!

    Good work in the slippery conditions Pete.

    Ric - what Pete said!

    LSR for me today. Pretty hilly, and very muddy, so happy to get round 14.5M at sub 8:30 pace, which is around where I aim to do these, but have been a fair bit slower for a while now. Also makes my 10 week average just over 50M now, so a reasonable block of training. Might need to think about a race or two!
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Won in 17'15 Matt so a bit off your Stretford guys! Wish I had you a bit nearer to pace me for sub 18; still hoping to get there in a pr one day?

    Good LSR Bus; 500+ miles in 10 weeks is very impressive given all your cycling too. 
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    Thanks Pete, though not much cycling of late as it tend to go down as the running goes up - only averaging around 40 mpw over the same ten week period. 
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    Good to hear you're back on the pace train, RicF, here's to it continuing!

    Solid parkrun as always PeteM, hope the TVXC goes well tomorrow.

    Nothing like an unintentional win ML! How do you find the < 20min tempo (if that's right for that pace), given you race marathons and put in paces much faster than that? I'm surprised you don't bolt on an extra couple of miles!

    Bus, that's some solid consistency there! Definitely time to put some races in.

    Interestingly, looked at my running down-days this year and last. Unsurprisingly, my best results at the end of last year was on the back of 6 months of solid running without much interruption. 
    This year feels like it's ending without really having got going! Hopes were high with a 1'26" at Reading after 10 weeks of just easy running following a bad bout of flu at Christmas - only to get injured shortly after the Combe Gibbet 16mi.
    Last six months have been shoddy with several large gaps, but I aim to go into 2018 strong and consistent! And race more often. Twice in the last 6 months doesn't help with the running confidence.

    Out again today, 5.5mi at 8:21/mi and 77.6% MaxHR - legs feeling better than after the last one, and no real issues in the foot. The tender spot at the base of the metatarsal is all but gone! :)
    Sad to miss the XC tomorrow, but it's not right, so looking to get out for an hour's "long run" :)
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    Who wants to see another disgusting ear pic? Nah I'll leave it this time.. Yes it hurts and is extremely tender now also struggling not being able to hear pretty much anything! 

    Antibiotics and cream on the go but I fear that's going to heal the area over quicker, the doc has said the tissue around the metal pin is overlapping it

    Matt - Great parkrun, solid. 

    Ric - Much thanks and pleasing progress with the sub7 mile. 

    Matt H - Good to see you back and hope you remain pain free, always consistency is the key, I see our lad Sam Tyas win again at Hants league and he is low 16 mins and running 4 x a week, funnily enough he joined part time at my old job and I couldn't believe how little he was doing compared to our group who do big sessions and bigger mileage but have spells out injured ..

    On the soton AC note. Wow, If you get a chance to see the cross challenge today,  Mahamed beating Andy Vernon and Sam Stabler.

    Pete - Great running and good luck tomorrow 

    I had a full on day with work, over to retail at Hants league at 9am, beast of a course. Not sure if Dachs ran as I left early to go to Maverick Dark Sussex. The course was 3 big hilly loops and pissing down, foggy and breezy. 

    Hit the other race around 2:30 and set up for a 3:30 registration, collaborated this one with Inov-8 and Silva and a bit more upmarket event so was nice. Really cool to see the night time event cone together. Managed to swindle two inov-8 trucker caps and a Silva trail runner 3 Ultra for nothing :) not bad! 

    I had a free place but wasn't sure if I could run, I had cover in the stall from Silva and everyone was running at the same time so no business to be had anyway....

    I was prepared but had to borrow a pair of pink women's Mizuno shorts from the van to run in! Decided on the short course so with 5 mins to go I quickly changed into my short and hit the line, no warm up. 

    Off I go and I find myself in the lead, it's pitch black and we have glow sticks and headlamps to find our way, it's been raining all day and ankle deep slosh everywhere I am just about gripping in the inov-8s .

    I don't push the pace as I have not ran in a month bar once and if course probably less than 10 x in the last 6 months.  I feel ok though and gaps appear. I can see the light behind me is close but a glance shows he is on the longer course , I wouldn't have beat him there. Hit the switch and I stupidly mis read it and carried on the long route before turning back and trying to navigate through a sea of Uber light headed lamps, quickly back on track and I see 1 lad up ahead who I catch up with. What's this? Training is over rated right. .

    I pootle on, keeping my breathing ok and glancing at the HR which is sky rocketing 

    It beeps 3 mile and I am like where the hell am I! Course was only 5km they say, I carry on, I know I'm clear now so just ease up, I don't feel too sore but now back on the road for a few hundred meteres going back toward race village my feet are killing me, no cushioning and low drop! 

    Anyway, I come into the finish, pretty call all lit up and man made fire marking the way in and took the win. Obviously low key but was good feeling!! Will probably have another month off now, straight back to the tent and changed and then waited for the other competitors. Was cool to have all the Silva demonstration lamps on the go. Had to drive from then back to Fourmarks and home about half hour ago. Fucked! 

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Quality Scott! Sod the training like you say and just blast a race out every now and then. Haha. 

    Matt, wise to miss the XC. I'd get a good few weeks under your belt before going into the rigours of racing. 
    Pacing 18 mins feels an absolute breeze in a race environment. If I was to just go out and run it on my own it would feel more difficult. When I was running to HR I used to have to do a 10 mile threshold run on a Saturday so used to pace 18 mins at the PR then carry on for another 7 miles and run a 57/58 min 10 miles. It was only after 6/7 miles that I used to start to tire a bit. Them first 3 miles were like freebies
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    Haha, it would never work, my HR for 7:30m/m pace yesterday was over 180 and peaked at 208 which I've had a max Vo2 done and it's 190. Strangely I've found when I've had huge spells out I seem to be able to sustain a high HR vs my Max than when fit and also see regular readings above my Max. Both with strap and wrist HR. I've found using the watch more even if it's wrong in seeing consistency in those higher spikes so a weird thought! ..Feet hurt today, which on some road last night in minimal Inov8s they ate bound too but good to feel no reaction in the hip. 
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Afternoon all, busy busy!

    good PR's from Pete and ML84 and pleased the foot is still getting there MH. Great post Ric and hope you can get your ear issue sorted out asap Scott, good report of the off road event too. 

    Surrey league yesterday at Mitcham. Has Ryan from our training group with me as he has joined us 2nd claim (rules allow 2 2nd claimers per 10 scorers) and had hopes we would run well. Quads felt good Friday so was hoping for a good run. It's a 3 lapper with 3 little climbs over reclaimed 'hillocks' on each lap and quite a few flat stretches. Lined up and it looks stacked, Nick Goolab and Andy Maud present. As normal, busy start and quite choppy and that makes me feel a bit knackered. But settle down and get past Reynolds the super v50 runner and Simon, my V45 teammate next weekend who pipped me at Reigate. Really gettting into it now and feeling up for it at the start of the last lap. Got past a few more on the last lap and came in 38th. 

    Really happy with that, as we feel the field was probably the strongest in 'living memory' well 20 years or so. Ryan ran brilliantly to finish 10th feeling better now before the big race in Derry next Saturday. Few pints in the pub after as usual too.

    Did the 17 mile loop this morning and felt good, apart from an idiot driver giving me a mouthful for doing nothing at all it seems, I actually thanked him for slowing down as he was really close to me...presuming a car was coming the other way. However it just seems that he was angry that I was on the road. Twat.

    The missus has just asked me whether we all did a race report on this thread each time we raced. I said we she did and she said 'Ahhhh....isn't that nice!' Yes, she did say it sarcastically.  
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Remember that Simon, the next time she's spending ages telling you about what xx said to xxx, and didn't xxx think it was out of order, but xxx had fallen out with xxx etc.

    The race reports are golden, the race reports must not be queried :)

    Good turnout by the way. And 17miles ontop!

    Scott...for some reason i'm imagining the "can everyone stop getting shot" guy from Lock Stock, and thinking "can scott stop getting ill/injured etc" :)

    Get better, that's a thread order :)

    Right, TVXC action today. Am struggling to eat some food, but will get an obviously long winded report up soon.

    It's what the punters want. (Probably)

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Must be some report! 
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Tried to have a look at the TVXC website to see the results. Do they not have the results in a normal format? 
    1. Roger Rabbit  35.01
    2. Daffy Duck.      35.15
    3. Stevie G.          35.20

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Scott, you're a machine. Literally, you've got metal bits in your head. Great to see you winning a race, even if low key and in pink shorts.

    Matt L, good sessions and pace job, certainty better than my last attempt. But what are you doing with a Garmin on the track? If you've run 4 miles, you've run 4 miles!

    Matt H, wise to skip XC.

    Pete, more decent parkrunning

    Yes, Scott is right, I was at the Hampshire League XC. And it was ridiculous.

    Was running late anyway as had to come direct from the kids music lessons, and Reading was full of traffic. Got there just about in time for a cursory warm up, and didn't really have time to look at the course and decide whether it would be a good idea to run it a week before the England race.  It wasn't.

    Scott says it was a tough course. Well, yes, it was. It was a fell race. I say that with no exaggeration whatsoever. The Butser Hill challenge, which goes up Butser hill 3 times in about 5 miles is listed as a Category B fell race. The xc yesterday climbed the same hill the same amount of times. Over 1,100 ft of elevation in 5 miles sounds like a fucking fell race to me. And I am no fell runner.

    When I saw the course, my aim changed from Operation Score Good Points to Operation Don't Get Injured. Started off pretty steady - tried to make sure I wasn't ahead of Baker from Chichester, as he has won the actual fell race here a bunch of times, and he must know what he's doing. Up the hill the first time was very tough, and then it's about 200m of slippery mud, then back down again. The downhill is just dangerous. I realise my legs are totally out of control. There are people falling all around me. It's like Saving Private Ryan. Miraculously, I regain control of my legs in time for the bottom of the hill, then it's round a twisty bit, through a field and back up again.

    This time I walk a few steps. I'm not the only open, and as soon as I start 'running' again, I recatch the people who got ahead when I was walking. Up to the top, then back down. A more cautious approach sees me lose about 8 places, but all I want now is to get through in one piece. Survive again, then lap 3. Walk a bit more on the uphill, lose more places on the downhill, hold someone off in a sprint finish and finish ... 39th. My worst for years. But I don't even care. It bears no relation to any kind of running I have any interest in, and I survived uninjured. 3rd vet though, and with our next two vet counters in 4th and 5th, we've easily taken the team vet win.

    I won't be taking part in it again. Fair play to fell runners, it's an impressive skill, but, if you don't know what you're doing, those descents are just dangerous. I don't do fell races for a reason.

    Needless to say I can barely walk today. But a very light week should see me right for Derry.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017

    Right...back to TVXC action for the first time in 2 1/2 years. My club's home venue, just round the corner from Windsor Castle, and my first outing here in an incredible 7 years!

    You suddenly realise how quick the time flies by, and there really is no time to lose.

    Woke up, didn't feel that huge adrenaline today, fairly low level. Probably due it being my first for ages, shorter distance than last week, and fairly flat. So no pressure!

    Set off, sat nav out to be safe. Takes me the opposite way to where I thought I was going, and then I misread it and end up going back the other way. Not quite up to the levels of about 08 or 09 where I managed to end up in Reading, rather than Windsor, almost run out petrol, get stuck in the sea of roads closures, and end up missing the race entirely!

    However, an unnecessary extra. End up in a completely different end of the place than I meant, but by accident discover there's a carpark literally 2 metres from the start and end field. Have to pay, but that'll do!

    Tonnes of people already floating around, say a few hellos, and a low key mile and half at most of jogging around with Dave our top man out today.

    Feels breathy from the off, and windy, and our man Phil is instantly recognisable with his distinctive "dead arm" style of running from miles away. Very windy first half he tells us. I'll remember that I thought and not smash off, knowing i'd probably forget not to.

    To the start line, tonne loads of people around. How big is this event these days? Stroll straight to the front, hands in pockets (I really shouldn't bring this pair to races, hands in pockets doesn't set the tone - and very reminiscent of Marlow half 2002 in some ridiculous shorts, casual as anything - though today's shorts are a bit less mad.)

    2min silence, remembrance day job, deafened two or three times as i'm standing 2 yards from the speaker, and we're off.

    Almost 2 laps of the Brocas, unlike old days of one at the start and one at the end. I hoped the pain here would be more than made up for with a shorter end later.

    People steam off, feels hard, watch says otherwise, lumpy boggy in places, and into the wind. AG comes past, share a tiny amount of chat, as today won't be a talking day I can feel already! I don't expect to see him later, as he's going well, and i'm dipping back into a discipline I was never exactly a don in before.

    Dave Lee leads our club, some new youngster called Tom right up there and Chris B's usual "i have a cold" talk was taken seriously by no one and he's up there too.

    Meaning by the end of the second lap, i'm 4th Dasher - cripes I think, if everyone was here I might have a right battle to get into the scorers. They're not though, and most likely never will have everyone fit! However, that was the scenario I thought I was leaving Marlow to go to Sandhurst in all those years ago, but never really turned out that way - it was always comfortably Graham, then me, then a gap to 3rd.

    Anyway, we're down a path, 7 foot TVT fella seemingly wearing normal road shoes almost takes a major spill. Good job he didn't, as he'd have taken about 4 of us out!

    Into some heavy wind, unfortunately no lanky bastads to act as a windbreak (though I'm acting as one to others!)

    A strange mix of nice standard road, interspersed with muddy grass, with a few tightish turns chucked in . At one stage I think a Reading/Windle (green shirt anyway!) chap is trying to use me for cover, but he's actually getting the hell out of the way of some unfortunate geezer who has decided to pick now for driving a massive van down the road into 100s of runners :)

    I'm actually 5th Dasher at this stage, wondering who this older geezer is in front of me! Watch doesn't suggest we're exactly smashing it. A sub 6 first mile, but 6.15s on the watch. I know I should beat this guy, based on a vague idea I might possibly have maybe seen he's slower at 5k! That'll do.

    Midway brings some relief.  Start to come into my own a bit as the keen early chaps are paying a little. Just staying steady I gently get onto shoulders. Past Datchet fella.

    Sikora from Marlow has been just ahead for ages now, but I gently slip past. He's got such a low running style, at times it's almost like his head is on the floor. He's quality offroad with hills albeit none of the latter today, so i'm not sure if he'll emerge later.

    TVT Tall guy asks how long we're in, 3.5miles mate. I say 2more to go ..I hope it's only 2 more to go. I suggest we work together and bring some people in. He beckons "After you" on a tight muddy part, falls back, and I never see him again.

    Onto the next, a Reading guy who looks a bit like the comedian Rob Beckett. Gradually ease past him, and tell myself it's 4miles at the arches, then another half mile at the end of the field, then i'll start to look for the finish.

    At the turn past the arches, I tell myself do not make a conscious look to my right to see who's there. Unfortunately peripheral vision tells me there's tonneloads not too far behind, so I realise I can't cruise this last mile or so in!

    Just keep it steady, that'll do. We're up to 5miles, and i'm recognising bits of the route out. 5.5Miles Rob had said . 5.5miles is up, and we're not even back in the final field! Where's that darn finish.

    Keep going, past where we exited the field, and on, there's the right entry to the field. Tight muddy bend that I probably scoot the wrong way round a cone in fairness, but no real odds, as a gap to the guy in front, and the same behind.

    Very short run in, compared to the old style loop of the field, over the line, and lovely feeling.

    35.24 for 5.85miles. Not sub 6 like the mid 34s for a bit shorter course 7 years ago, but you can't really compare. Today was windy etc

    Tonneload of chatting the odds after, including one of the biggest thread meets for ages, 4 of us...Pete, Reg and Phil. A few old and new pals too.

    Grabbed the boy Sikora for a 2 lap (of the park...not of the whole course!!) cooldown to get my day's mileage to 8.5, and at least get a 58.5mile week in.

    That finish line feeling is as great now as it ever was. At some stage i'll have to see if I can still work to targets pacewise, rather than these "Whatever comes" type outings, but for now just good to turnout amongst load of familiar faces.

    Took the disc for 13th which I thought will do. Then heard there were 477 there today, which is madness! The highest I ever ran in before was 408, and then 376, but often in the 200-300s, so this league has really rocketed in interest!

    We'll see what the numbers are later on though.

    Sandhurst next which I looked forward too, but then an ex clubmate tells me the route is a new venue, so not the quality event of old unfortunately.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    ML84 said:
    Tried to have a look at the TVXC website to see the results. Do they not have the results in a normal format? 
    1. Roger Rabbit  35.01
    2. Daffy Duck.      35.15
    3. Stevie G.          35.20

    This is either profound guesswork, or they had some sort of results up and have now removed em, as I checked and there's nothing on there!

    35.24 I clocked myself at.

    Just losing to Daffy Duck

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Dachs, that sounds even sillier than the couple of pics I saw :)

    Me an d Bus did what I believe was classed a Cat B fell race at Bradenham once (not the TVXC wood one).

    I remember being obliterated, and that was obviously a two lapper. had to be

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    SG, I've not seen any results, 35.20 was just a random number. 

    That site seems to have a strange format to log team standings and race results. 

    Dachs, I use the garmin as I can set up my session with the recoveries for the 300s afterwards. I basically use it as a stopwatch but noticed it hadn't registered the 4 miles until I'd run further than 4 miles. 
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    Great report SG- - Although I'm sure your go faster if you didn't stop to take notes round the course! I just can't remember enough stuff about the race!

    Interesting run out Dachs- glad you came out of it OK...

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Just a quick check in from me as SG has already said most of what there is to say about the xc in another detailed report Mrs Coombes would be proud of?

    Can add a bit of parking drama as wimped out of cycling due to high wind, but too late to get a space in the Home Park carpark and no idea where else to go. Station had space but cards only, so some roadside one towards Datchet was a saviour as had no idea where else to try.

    Race was well described by SG, very flat for an xc and not too slippy so fastest xc course I hae ever done. Started with a 3'38k during which AG breezed by with SG just ahead. Then just knocked out loads of k's all around 3'50; passed no-one but only a clubmate got past me and that was right near the end. 24th of about 470 in 36'23 so very happy with that as must be first v50 or close to it (and usually nearer 50th overall there) and great team result for us again (6 scorers in 1st 28).

    Great to see Philip, AG and SG at the end and have a brief thread chinwag too.   
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017

    Simon, the beauty of the races is the chat after, the photos, the fb-ing and the report. If it was just about monstering around these courses it'd be a lot less fun :)

    Having said that it's always easier to remember more the shorter the race. 10milers to halfs always relied a lot more on split checking after.

    Matt - one hell of a guess then! Though i'm slightly gutted as I thought I might have stolen a few seconds ;)

    Good outing that Pete, not sure how far we'd be apart over a fast 5k, but maybe not much less than we were apart today?

    I can relate to this venue and parking difficulties! The 5k years back I remember having to ditch the car the other side of the train station and spring over to Home Park.

    If that place is full, I can imagine it's awkward! I overheard one of our guys saying they purposely leave people to it with parking and are "vague".

    It's a reminder to be early for the other ones...Is it Bracknell that even years ago they used to say car share and get there early, and even an hour before you'd turn up to a packed carpark!

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Bracknell's is in our terrain not there's, that would be where we'd host but they were already in situ when we joined! Parking is limited but at least lots of free street parking nearby, unlike Windsor. Btw how good to have a parking discussion? 
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