
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    SG - Andy is Matt's dad. Andy is 58, watched Matt do 64 in the Big half then came up to Bedford and did 9.42 for the 3000m. It's Andy who set the 16.36 V50 record. The sod! 

    TR - Yes will have to have a look about. Might be good training for the XC qualifier in Derby mid October .

    SQ - That's great pace over 19 miles. I just did longer Sunday runs for my marathon training. Not done a  half for ages, would consider  a 10 miler too, last one was the Fred Hughes in January.
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    SQ, looks like a solid MP session but as it's not on Strava so didn't happen ;) 

    SG, re running on a work trip, when I was marathon training, I would often have a week-long work meeting in the middle and would have to get a 20 done before work in a semi-strange place. Thankfully I knew a few cycle paths so 10 out, turn and 10 back.  
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    SC - that key detail i clearly missed makes a lot more sense!
    PJ - that's big commitment. I vaguely recall when training Lit that she had some sort of US trip in there too which we had to work round.

    I made my second 4 back at home one with strides to compensate for no second session this week. No way I was going to do reps after that trip. Especially as I had to sort a car situation with the garage before hand too.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Blimey SQ, that's  sharp run, the wu wasnt far off steady, so only the wu was a bit slower than mp or +10%.

    I always run on work trips, I've run in some pretty obscure places, I'd never have run in normally.

    At 3 wks til the b of the bang tust oday would normally now be 5m, 13.1 mp TT, 3m.......but that was never going to happen today, so i appeased myself with 6m, 10m mp TT, 5m on the flatter lanes for the 10m. Came in av 6.37s, but normally should have been an extra 3.1 on a more undulating route. But solid enough when tired and achey, couldnt have done another mile though let alone 3.1. Not sure where it leaves me but probably around where i need to be........bethroom is being gutted and redone so just backed it up with a tip run for most of the payable to dispose - bags of plaster and tiles. Had to load it, unload it, trolley it to the correct skip and then empty the bags, just got to walk the dog and then I can relax.
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    PMJ - Strava stealth mode reactivated 😆. Out and back offers good simplicity when you aren’t too sure on the route. I like them mentally as well, sort of only got to get to half way and can switch off on the way back. 

    You’re too polite, SG. Just crack on round the edge of the golf course. No one will be able to catch you 😃 

    parkbuggyrun with the lad. 28 mins or so for an easy effort, although the hills inevitably lead to a bit of a raised HR whilst pushing junior. 5M total. Then 9M a couple of hours later - firstly with buggy then rash solo. So a bit of an unorthodox morning’s running but fun nonetheless. 
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    Cross post TR. you are undoubtedly in good shape. Don’t worry about comparing training runs in different cycles - always numerous factors at play. Low 2:50s for you 💪 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Looking at how some of my club mates are bearing TR, I'd back you.
    I know two locally who were planning London - one has bailed totally, and another did a 14miler at 6.39 pace 2 weeks ago, and hasn't run since.

    SQ - I once thought golf was one of those pansy sort of sports that light rain stops play, and only commences deep into the morning.
    But I've been on courses early morn and seen a ball land 2 feet away - that's an eye opener :D 
    One time a guy in a buggy stopped me, pointed out it wasn't a right of way, and then pointed me the way I was already going as the quickest way to get off the course - yeah cheers for the intervention pal :D 

    So erm I'm always slightly wary, especially on a work trip, just in case, for every reason!

    Weird sort of non footy weekend, but half glad to just have a quiet Saturday doing nothing more than sitting about watching junk.
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    TR said:
    SG - id not bother to travel to gosport on a windy day and I'm 20mins away, so its a big risk for you to enter.

    Simon - you'd defo win some prizes if you targeted it, i win the odd one and you're a few gear changes quicker than me, I'm 1.22ish.

    Reg - got to pick your training races carefully.

    I do, hence I did not bother racing  :)  Nice long run. Decent 20 miler for you too SQ.

    I decided to do a triathlon tomorrow so thought I better dust off the TT bike. Did an easy ride over to Windsor in memory of ERII.

    I very nearly joined her on the other side! I was going downhill on the main road that runs between the Great Park. There was a tractor ahead slowing the traffic so I started to pass the cars on the outside as the other side was clear. All of a sudden the car in front decides to turn right into a side entrance, I guess looking for a turn around. No indication and literally cutting across my path. I am on the TT bike doing 35mph on the aero bars so no brakes to hand. Had a look at the car's bonnet to plan a landing but my second thought was for my bike and how that was going to impact the car, I decided having recently smashed up an expensive carbon wheel that I wasn't in the mood to accept that fate again.

    So I took the probably riskier option of trying to swerve around the car turning across my path and maintain enough speed to get around the front of it before contact. I was also hoping that the car would be able to react and at least slow slightly as I appeared in their sights. So I leaned over as far as I could without over committing and accelerated as much as I dared, bracing myself for a possible clipping of the rear wheel! Thankfully I just managed to squeeze past but I was heading for the grass on the other side of the road with no chance of straightening up. I hit the grass, still well over 30 mph, I made sure I didn't turn on the wet grass and just let as much speed drop without risking touching the brakes. Thankfully it was fairly smooth grass and I was even able to keep going, and gradually angle back towards the road.

    The following car had slowed to allow me to rejoin the road and once they caught up and overtook, opened their window to ask if I was alright :-) They had front row seats of quite a miraculous escape, even if I do say so myself. Hard to do that on a road bike but on TT bars almost impossible without coming off.

    That's another of the nine lives used up!

    Easy run after while the girls were in gymnastics.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Reg - i meant thst youd not raced. Top bike handling today, like Lance cutting accross the field......

    SQ - good double there.......Yes, I'm sure I'll be ok, training has been different, first mp run today, but ive raced a lot more.

    SG - this will be my 10th London so i should know the routine, all 2.55 or better, so i had best keep the sequence up.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like a decent let off there Reg. Bet there's not much between a narrow escape and a clattering quite often on a bike.

    Sounds 10 too many there TR ;) But I'm sure you'll get through as well as usual.

    Funny weekend with no football to either go to or watch. Especially after the 2 day away trip with work.
    But usual 13miler to provide some normality. Slowest mile by far was actually the downhill mile. Through some woods in fairness.
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    Triathlon race today and my second DNF on the spin having never had one before. Standard swim, fastest bike by a couple of minutes and then hammy went after lap 1 of 3 on the run. I was comfortably in second place at the time starting the run about a minute behind the leader who obviously swam very fast! I don't think it's as bad as the original tear but will see tomorrow. Very annoying.
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    At the end of April, I did a parkrun at Bideford (3 laps around a pancake flat course) and lowered my season's best by a chunk from 23:34 to 21:37. Since then I've been getting faster and chipping away at that time on my regular course at Wycombe with a 21:41 and a 21:42 but the heat of the summer etc stopped a full out effort. With things looking good for such I planned to have a bash on Saturday but that looked to have got skuppered as my son got stuck in the wrong part of Italy when a train strike happened and I unexpectedly had to pick him up from Gatwick airport at 1 am and go back to Wycombe at 3 am as big parts of the M25 were closed for repairs. 

    Anyhow, there was a 22-minute pacer out on Saturday and I thought I'd tag along and see how it felt with maybe a chance of a fast finish to get close to the target. All that went out the window early doors as the pacer seemed very slow and a few fast friends were easily pulling away so I went out with them and never looked back and just hung onto the back of a group for a time of 21:25. 

    I now need to get another attempt in when less tired and see if I can get down close to 21. My birthday is Saturday and so that's worth about half a percentage point on WAVA even if I do the same.

    I'm having the normal runner's dilemma as my knee is hurting from time to time but my pace etc all look good so do I run through or do I rest and stretch? 

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    Good effort there PMJ. Family out to Bedford parkrun, annoyingly run the opposite way round than it should be. Got there early enough to do a couple of KM's warm up. No pacing for the boy this time, he was trying to get under 20 again.

    So thought I would use it as a hard training session, but training on Thursday sort of ruled out a really fast time. started out in front with a 3.17, but the drags took their toll and went too far into the 3.20's...little faster in the last K, but ended up with 16.51. As said earlier, V50 course record was 16.36 - not surprised around the other way, when he was a sprightly early 50 year old! Hey ho. Kid ran well enough, 20.21.

    Got a lift back to Bedford track - the wife was track judge for the SAL. I stupidly thought I would go over the embankment and do 8 x 1k..wasn;t too bad, counted about 90 secs recovery and averaged 3.30's. 

    Tired now - but as soon as I got in the track I was commandeered to help out with the hammer, retrieving type stuff. That was quite fun until I got soaked in a rain shower.

    12 yesterday, picked up some Hoka Carbon X for £75 so gave them a run out. Not mega snappy, but quite comfy.

    Quiet for a few days as Battersea 5k on Thursday. Only doing it as the train strike is cancelled.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    That's a tough Saturday SC2! Parkrun HQ put an embargo on reversing courses a while back though so not sure how that one got through. 
    Great stuff PMJ - run through it. That's pretty much been my mantra throughout my 18 yrs of running. Had to bow out a couple of times: ankles got me 7-10 days out around Xmas '15 & a week in Nov '20 though I did do a couple of test runs on it. I also sprained it badly in May 2011. Was hobbling with a stick for 3 days but did my first club session 5 days after strapped up with vetwrap.
    Rotten luck Reg, though this injury sounds a lot less severe than the narrow escape promised.
    The marathon training is going fantastically by the sound of it SQ
    Decent week for me culminating in a course PB at Tamar Lakes parkrun. Single lap, gravelly trail, few cheeky undulations & tightish turns but a lovely place to run. I did 19:38. Lunched out Sunday's run due to celebrating too hard Saturday night so ended on 58M which is par but I had been hoping for a return to the 70M weeks.
    Started well today with a flat 10K first thing & a lumpy 11.7M this evening.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Messing about at 3am certainly won't help a 9am shift Phil.
    Or will taking Jools' tip on run through everything what's the worst that can happen sentimonies :D 

    Another 6 mile tempo for me today.
    Went superbly to be honest, probably about as fast as one of these has ever gone.

    6.08 average today. Knew something was happening when miles 2 and 3 flashed up 6.05xx.
    Mile 4 was a 6.19, but  6.01 mile 5 and 6.05 mile 6 felt decent with at least a mile of grass in there.

    It's a funny run at times, as on occasions you see 6.30 show up, so you probably subconsciously up the ante a little and then it goes a little beyond what you're aiming for.

    But anyway good session, and felt so much easier than sub 6 for 3x10mins last week.
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    Jools - Didn't realise Parkrun were hot on reversing courses? Just realised it's my 100th on Saturday. Only taken me 15 years to get there (Did I say I have a 4 digit Parkrun number?)

    May have mentioned it LOL....

    Good mileage!
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    Stevie G said:

    Or will taking Jools' tip on run through everything what's the worst that can happen sentimonies :D 

    I am quite stupid enough to create my own problems ;)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Hope it heals quick Reg, well done for stopping.

    PMJ - i have to manage a few niggles, but im 3000m a year aged 55, if i had to wait until i was niggle free i wouldn't get to run.

    Simon - shame you missed the record, hope the 5k goes well.

    SG - you're in good shape then, good for you.

    12m monday, 5m yday, 12m today as 2m, 9m approx mp, 1m. Pissed down the whole way, but wasn't cold. Same commute route as the 3min reps, so the first few miles lower the av pace due to being lumpy. Came out av 6.50, which is fine as i didnt want to go too quick later on just the bring av pace down, so it was a comfortable hard effort and not a hard as possible on the day like Saturday's 10m in the 20m was. Checked back and its another run which leads me to think im not as fit as last yr, but am in ok shape.

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    Tough but fun sounding parkrun, intervals session, SC. Nice one. Good luck tomorrow. 

    Great parkrun result, Jools. Sure you’ll build mileage around the structure of work again. 

    Very strong tempo, SG. Especially for a continuous effort. 

    A big few days, TR. I still reckon you are in better shape than you are giving yourself credit for. Consistency wins, and you are the king for that. 

    Bloody hell, Reg. The bike near miss tale had me on the edge of my seat. Good handling skills on your behalf. Shit news at the race though 😞

    Cracking parkrun result, PMJ. How is the knee now?

    Struggling to fit in a truly long run this week, but had a strong start nonetheless. Up early Monday morning for the first ‘descender’: 24 mins, 18, 12, 6, 3 off 3 min jogs. The goal was to start at MP and try to progress down to 5k pace. 

    Lucky enough to have a pal pace the first two blocks, with 6:39 then 6:37 popping up. Aimed for an increased effort thereafter whilst solo, and did see a 6:14 for the 6 min. GPS wonky for the final section, but never mind. 

    13.1 in a few seconds over 90 minutes, got to take that for a Monday morning. 

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, knackered since then. 5 & 5 grass double recovery yesterday, and similar today. I am definitely creaking a bit, but I guess that is about par for the course 5.5 weeks out. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Good session there SQ, nice paces. Defo time to start feeling it, I'm real creaky, Not helped by shifting rubble, tiles (tonight xc was 20 boxes of tiles from the garage up the stairs) etc for the bathroom.........I'm happy to find out im a bit quicker than I thought i was going to be.
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    Cheers Jools, interesting.

    Solid mara training TR & SQ. 

    Yes, Battersea tonight..and looking through the start lists, I'm the oldest runner, only V50 ;)

    Finally made it LOL. Only the famous vet Clare Elms is older!

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    Morning all. How did Battersea go, SC?

    Good cross training, TR! 

    Interesting to read about the course design, Jools. Especially the temporary/emergency courses having to be longer. 

    Got out yesterday afternoon along the canal. 30 minute easy, then 4 x 16 mins at MP (increasing effort slightly each rep), off three min jogs. A few variables to contend with, and failed at the maths meaning I had to tag on a loop at the end and had time only for a 30s cool down.

    6:56 pace, 6:36, 6:37 and the 6:42 for the least pace-friendly section. 14.6M at 7:02 all in. So a good run, but... left lower leg a bit sore. Worried it is fibular where I had a stress fracture a couple of years ago. Will take a tactical day off today. 
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Hi SQ - Sensible to ease off after that swift training run.

    Battersea was ok - as in ran about how I expected. K's say this on watch..


    First K seemed a bit out tbh, went past the actual K marker on 3.11, so I think we can average out first 2 K's at 3.15's. Was on about 16.10 pace at 3K, but just couldn't keep te pace up. Was in some decent groups, couple of ladies beat me.

    Not quite as fit as the 16.02 in late April, trainers not quite as new and bouncy. But all in all not too bad. 

    Friday Night Under the Lights 5K (racetecresults.com)

    Another Parkrun tomorrow, V50 record at Gt Denham is 16.56, so still annoyingly fast!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good session that SQ, that's a good booster. Hope the shin is ok.

    Simon - getting back to it nicely. Did you beat the record?

    Last long run yday, got a bit of a cough and cold so just did it at an easy pace, rather than the planned 10 easy, 10 steady. 6m easy today.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    It's been 5 weeks since my last turnout, so was glad to start a fairly mad period of racing off with a nice local one, Marlow MT 10k.

    I won this one last year in terms of 1st male, but quite an odd one, as a 1st woman took 4 mins out of me, and the 1st male 10miler came past me midway too. A race made slightly odder by just being the other side of covid, so still run as waves, and I'd chosen to go off in the 3rd wave, having fun passing people, albeit held up a bit here and there, and never seeing the woman winner - who it turns out is national level, and won the women's parliament hill xc title as well as southern xc...etc

    Anyway, that was last year.

    I wanted a pot out of this one, to get something more in the 2022 locker after 3x3rd places - team at Runnymede and individual 3rds at Burnham 10k and Gosport 5k.
    I knew there was a great chance of either top 3 or V40, so was confident.

    Very quick drive, I don't mind a decent drive to a race, but sometimes a close one is marvellous.

    Felt a bit cold, and felt a bit "fluidy" stomach wise, maybe having a bit too much on board breakfast wise, but essentially good nick - at the end of a week I've done my classic tempo at 6.08 average.

    Was well behaved and parked in their official car park across the train tracks from the venue, instead of the park 2cm outside the gate that is very doable, and then picked up my number.
    Black number 13! What could go wrong there :D 

    10miler goes off first, still in waves here, as there's a couple of narrow footpaths early on, plus a narrow footpath into the woods 1/4 of the way in.

    4 or so waves in that, then the 10k is up at 9.15.

    Loads of Reading Road runners, so plenty of jokes about thinking it was some sort of Reading event etc.
    Gave a quick and classic SG detailed description of the course to a few listening in the last 2mins before the off - just what everyone wants - some animated nobber telling them about some crippling hill :D 
    However, I did caveat that with "it's beautiful" after that :)

    Anyway, we're off, and 50metres in it's clear it's a battle between myself and a tall blonde guy who I think is a fair bit younger, but later realise probably isn't.

    I test him by taking it straight on, to see if he'll come back, as we head out of the park, and onto the Marlow 5 course very temporarily.
    He's right with me though, rats! I've got a race on today.

    Through a dodgy footpath that has 7 turns I think. Slightly cautious in case someone is coming the other way. 
    Out of there, on the footpath past the Church over the Bridge and then it's a nice ever so slightly inclining road section to "the hill".

    We're clocking 5.40s here and he's not going away. 
    The hill will see what we're dealing with - for me, as well as him.

    1.5miles in and I tell him it's a steep narrow footpath but short, and if he's coming, come past now due to the narrowness.

    These 2 shots give an idea what we're talking, especially as the footpath starts conservatively!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    We're neck and neck until the steps, where I just ease it out a bit.
    I'm feeling surprisingly good, funny thing that adrenaline and knowing it counts isn't it? I've done this on a training run and felt like I was going to discombobulate and legs wanting to explode before!

    Yet I'm to the top, past a couple of 10milers who politely stood aside on a narrow bit, then we're on a flat bit before heading into a fussy 3/4miles or so of woodland with some up and downs and dodgy footing.
    A slightly confusing 6mile marker straight after the 10k/10m cut off dealt with and on we go.

    I can't hear matey, so wonder have I burnt him off and can have a nice coast home for 1st  B)

    Course I bloody can't, I then immediately hear him and he's past me, descending like some absolute amazing mountain goat! Whereas I'm cautiously hitting landings and taking turns.

    However, he's not getting away.

    We come towards Winter Hill which is the start of a lovely massive down, first approaching the first of the gates.

    Matey's bloody hurdled it!!!

    It's at this point I suspect I'm dealing with a quality runner who will then monster off into the sunset.
    I take the more conservative fiddle with the mechanism and slip through approach and towards Winter Hill it is.
    Thunder down that, matey still decently in sight, and then a grassy flat, again slightly different to the version I'd run a few weeks back.
    This version is better as it gets you where you're going quicker.

    Matey is only about 10metres ahead - he's not making a break for it to see me off, so I keep the faith.

    There's a little gate, but with a gap to slip through, and he takes the latter option.
    This is followed by the fiddliest gate, one you have to hold 2 mechanisms - one that I couldn't work out at race pace last year and ended up clambering over desperately :D 

    He's made that mistake of looking over his shoulder, so I know he's not having a whale of a time.

    However, the next bit is a left up the steps over the bridge.

    He's bloody run straight on :o  

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    WRONG WAY MATE - OVER THE BRIDGE - OTHER SIDE I scream, and he's exceptionally lucky I have such a fair play game to me, but also that I was so close behind!
    If he'd had say double the lead or more, I'd have not clocked him, and would have just have been confused why I couldn't see him on long straights :D  

    I sort of slow as I jog up the steps, awaiting him coming back past and to make sure he's on the right way, and he's just behind. I beckon him, as we avoid clattering a few people having the audacity to be walking a public bridge in the throes of this red hot battle :)

    I continue on, assuming he'll come past at some stage, but knowing this is sort of not what you want, 2miles straight, but with about 7 or 8 gates to have to open, being pursued!!

    I crack on, through the footpath, eyeing up 5 or 6 people coming my way cautiously, then past the Marina. Thankfully these 2 gates have been left open!!
    However, it's the kissing gates later that are the difficulty.

    I start counting them off, clattering them in, and know I'll hear him come through to see what sort of gap I have.

    At first I can hear it not "that" far behind, but the more gates we go through, I can't hear jack.
    I'm nervously eyeing up people out for walks, praying we don't hit the gates at the same time.
    Nearest one is some woman taking ages in the distance getting through with her dog  :s 

    It's ok though. But I can't hear any gates behind me...
    I then think back to how he hurdled one earlier...is he hurdling these? :D 

    1 mile to go...if I can get through the last 2 gates, he won't catch me on the last km run in without any. A few people give me congrats as I'm running, but no second comment to anyone....

    I pass some random woman who says something about a "wrong turn". I assume she's a 10miler who cut the extra 3.8miles off to manage to be where she is this far in...

    Again, I can't hear her speak again...am I winning this?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Use some "inflatable circle throw them to people in peril on the water whatever the actual name of them is" type things as markers, and allow myself a little look round on the last bend.

    No-one there, yes!!

    And sweet relief

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Quick little summary to the race organiser about what had happened, but 2nd has come in 45 seconds behind - which is a pretty conclusive margin. 

    Good chat with him too and he was shocked how I was getting further and further away each gate, and he was pretty much done.
    Not surprised to be honest, definitely one for the local knowledge, as those gates and steps just constantly take momentum away.
    Add in the wind you were battling in that direction too, and it was definitely not an easy run in.

    Delighted for a 1st and 39.25 this year, versus 41.40 last!

    The pot will be the same as last year - they use a company called "absolute mug" (!) which prints a design of a race's course on a drinking cup, as well as a few things you can edit, like your name, time, position etc.

    Will no doubt have to wait for that for a week or 2, but all good and another in the prize album :)

    Loads of jabber post race, and it's amazing how that post race feel allows you to stroll around with the confidence of Russell Brand isn't it.
    Was jabbering to a few old pals and a few new ones (!) so much I almost forgot to put a cool down in.
    Eventually putting 0.8m in to round a 9mile day off.

    Will do a single tomorrow, try and move towards double figures, but keep the pace as slow as necessary.

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