
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    I don't believe I have ever been in that last one, IronCat.

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    literatin wrote (see)

    I don't believe I have ever been in that last one, IronCat.

    In for a penny in for a pound?

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    Mattl does Chris Barnes train with your group his a friend on FB?

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    literatin wrote (see)

    I don't believe I have ever been in that last one, IronCat.

    Team Scotch Egg is just Dean these days.

    Slippery run to work this morning.  Almost went down about three times, but just about kept it together.  Ridiculous, it was only a frost,. but I seem to have no grip on my shoes.

    Christmas party tonight.  Wondering if my plan to follow that up with a parkrun tomorrow morning is a good idea.  Well, it obviously isn't, but will I do it anyway?

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    superb session Mattl....proper fast

    likewise Rob and others

    after samirs paper report i was on lits vest (behave!) but she is so flighty that im sure i have been scribbled out for dachs after his scotch egg cartoon but she didnt tell me.

     Scotch egg is going to be very good.   i expect low or even sub 15 5k and sub 32 10k if he avoids injury before 2014 is finished.   Plus he looks like a zombie.  and i dont want to upset a zombie. 

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    Thank you Dean!

    Looks like some good running / racing going on all around here!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Can't even comprehend that session Mattl. That's some serious reps.


    Bit of a funny one for me today! A girl I work with is a sprinter/jumper so did one of her sessions. 8m in total (she didn't do 8 m!). So was a 20min warm up with drills etc. then 4 x 30m with 2min jr straight into 150m with 3m jr.. Flat out. Am f**ked! Good to work a different system. Then finished it off with 4km @ 10k pace and 2km at HMP.

    Legs are hanging

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    mattl - though I am sure the treadmill sessions and track work are  a reason for your improvement it is without doubt the long hilly miles that have baked such a beautiful cake. When we say hilly this is what we mean up north:




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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭

    Rob, I run for Blackburn with Chris but I did last nights session with my old club Clayton harriers who train at the track in Burnley where I live.

    Ill be training with Barnes tomorrow at witton park. 

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭

    Maxpower, thats Pen Y Ghent isn't it? 

    i did the 3 peaks race this year and did a couple of training runs round the peaks. Brilliant race but nearly killed me coming off ingleborough. image I'm definitely keen to have another crack at it in future years. 

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    Hill? I'd need climbing gear to get up that.

    What a session Nikki. I feel sleepy just reading it. Mind you, I'm feeling quite sleepy right now anyhow.

    LSR done, and I am firmly in the build section of the plan. 21km at 4:30/km. I knew that Tuesday's rest day would bugger things up, so there goes tomorrow's 3hr club bike ride.

    Ho hum, tis a run focus after all. Next biggy is 22km on NYE (16km on Xmas eve).

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    Hmmm. I had a very nice Scotch Egg for lunch, with black pudding sausage meat. Never had a "proper" one before....

    Nikki - that sounds like the sort of session that would put an old bloke like me out of action for months image

    No running today, still thinking about a bike ride, but feeling very lazy! Possible (very wet) parkrun in the morning and then trying to squeeze in a longish run on Sunday before a big family get together at the panto image

    Anyone racing over Chrimbo? Possibly Aylesbury Boxing Day 5k, and definitely Cliveden XC on the 5th Jan.

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    Matt tell Chris to watch is back he's getting old nowimage

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Had an exceptionally busy work week, so forgive me barely posting....looks like some marvellous stuff going on in here, forgive me for no name checks, you lot know who you are!!

    Today was a different angle to the classic 3x2miles at HMP off 90sec....basically the other way round...2x3miles at HMP!

    Looked harder, and was, but came out 17.25 and 17.20, 5.48, 5.46 average, so in the 5.45-5.50 band as planned.
    Pleased to come quicker in the 2nd rep,as 3miles is one long rep.

    Managed to fall heavily just before the session on a random icy patch scraping the heck out of a knee, elbows and other places, so thought I'd do it on the track. Got to the track, and it was pure treacherous conditions...icy with black ice too! Therefore 0.9mile loop it was and it felt pretty good, no feel at all from the areas that burn now!

    Then it was basically not leaving my desk for 9hours or so, and a gorgeous enjoyable 4miler this evening. Pure bliss.

    Bus, may well do that 5k, we'll lift in together if a) I get sign off and b) you get sign off image

    Phil, patience on the schedule, it'll be announced on sunday..... but off work now til Jan 6th.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Oh yeah, was utterly gutted to hear that the glorious Tadley XC has changed course this year.

    They've bloody taken out the part with the river jumps and ploughed fields at the end, a truly exceptional piece of racing, and one I really loved.
    From the organiser guys email it implies some land owner has become an arse and barb wired it all up...so it's out of their hands.

    On a xc racing note it's a disaster.

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    bus did a good job on the cubed versus squared argument, A is frontal area so big guys suffer more than skinny ones, and Cd is the drag coefficient so warm clothing and shaved legs come into that part.

    Just finished a few odd days doing an on-line course run on USA East Coast time so it started at about 12 noon and ended 9 pm. This meant a few days with local morning runs. Did Marlow to Hurley on the tow-path and took a full dive into the mud at one point: very slippery along there. Had to come back a different route and sit on a plastic bag in the car on the way home.

    parkrun as tail runner tomorrow so looking for a PW and then Sunday is XC at Reading.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    cheeky 9 stuck in early today. Now off to northern climes!

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    Slowest ever parkrun this morning! A combination of ridiculously slippery conditions where the course is on grass (which saw two runners down before we'd even got 100 yards!) and a general lethargy on my part. At one point I thought I was going to finish in over 20 mins, but managed to squeeze out a little bit of effort in the last couple of ks to do 19:35 (possibly slower on the official time as there was no "ready, steady" before the go image).

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    Yep bus, I asked them to round it up to 19:36. It would have been over 20 but I hadn't got £5 cash on me and that is what they wanted.  Not quite as slow as my 40:50 but I have a reasonable excuse as tail runner. Mind you, last in was way quicker than normal so I guess I did a good job.

    Think I saw SG heading north as I left to wind my way back home through the woods.

    XC tomorrow and it promises mud.

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    Thanks! Mud is fine - so long as you are not wearing racing flats image. Which xc is it tomorrow?

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    Reading XC tomorrow, round the woods they do the Woodland 5 summer series which IC's club organises:


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Yep sorry Phil, I only realised it was you when I'd passed you.  After the morning 9, had about an hour to stretch, bath, eat and then get on the road...for a drive that was fine until the M6,and then an accident or 2, a very short time where the rain was so heavy speeds dropped to 20mph and numerous 50zones...meant a 4hour drive rather than the standard 2.40ish....

    Met up with ALD again. The difference between a gym guy and a keen runner is even more blatant these days.

    Parkrun at Wycombe doesn't attract me much generally, but any kind of rainfall and it must sometimes reach farcical!

    Got back today at 8.30pm, feel fairly fresh, but probably wouldn't have been clever to do the race the day after.

    Shame they moved the venue. These series are all about consistent courses year after year...so it always feels a big change when they do move things round.

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    Busy day SG. Good mud plugging Bus and Phil. 

    As much as I dislike lapped courses Reading was always a hoot. I wonder if we're seeing a reaction to increase numbers at the XC events. Getting food at Reading was always fun; typically I went home without as it was so close. Lots of XC changes this year. 

    I have full on manila,  and am away so no XC or planned track for me. Hopefully I'll be OK for Xmas eve 10miler, but at an easy pace. Ease back in to it etc. 

    Enjoy the XC today,  and the hill image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    14 at 7am was much more comfy than it should have been after yesterday, even with horrible rain and wind.

    the slightly slower than standard 7.10 will still do nicely!

    Phil and anyone else, enjoy the XC, report back what the course is like with it being a new one... have done the Bounders relay ofcourse, how much of that route does it do?

    have the schedule for next week...so will post that later, and Bus/Phil we'll see if we can link up.

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    manila? What an envelope image  Man flu? If that, get well soon Iron!

    You should have gone out later SG - I went at 9, and it was beautiful! My OCD will never forgive me, as I struggled to hit my minimum target of 13.1M, but needed 15.3 to get to a nice round 50 for the week! Still, my biggest week for a LONG time on 47.8M, and although I can feel the groin ache, it didn't ever get to the painful stage today, which is progress in my book! Right, off to Aldershot for lunch with the clan and the joys of a high-quality panto image

    (Might even try and get that missing 2.2 in afterwards....)

    Hope the XC went alright Philip. Plenty of mud I should think!


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    don't chase numbers Bus!  And are you sure that 5k on Thur is a good idea with your groin? Hopefully it will be as I'm in!

    Right next week as below (haven't done this for a while!)

    • M       6&4 easy
    • T        OFF
    • W       6 with strides
    • Th      5k Race,          4m double
    • Fr       3miles recovery
    • Sa      14miles easy
    • Su       5miles easy

    So a lighter 50miler, with the awkward fall of a Thursday race making that the only quality. But hey, if there's a week to do a lower mileage it's this one!

    Bus/Phil, any days you fancy joining? I can no doubt tweak it a little if you're around. Like make Monday a single 10, or add a couple of miles to one of the other runs if you need a longer one..that kinda thing?

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    Hope the XC went well racers.

    Looks like a good/busy week plan SG.


    13.1m yesterday for my long run. Came out at 7:35. Was quite tough after my sprinters session but enjoyed it! 49 miles this week + a strength session + 1h swimming.

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    SG, my plan looks like

    M. 20
    T. OFF
    W. OFF
    T. 5k parkrun + padding
    F. ?
    S. parkrun?
    S. OFF

    So what does 14 miles easy for you look like? I could dump the parkrun and do 14 with you at 7:30 effort on a nice route which may come out at 7:45 or thereabouts if wet underfoot.

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    XC at Crowthorne today which is the Summer 5 mile route but a bit off the start and the end to make it really 5 miles as the summer 5 mile is about 5.4. Link to Gamin trace is here.

    The course is an outward section, 2 laps and then back in. The start is a narrow track so about 7 or 8 people side by side max and starts with about 400m gentle uphill, then the loop is really mainly downhill and flat and ends with a kicker of a hill to make up all that downhill.

    I had a good start as I ended up in the front row which came out as a good tactic as it was very narrow. Probably inside the top 10 at the top of the hill, then some re-adjustments (so there are people who started even faster than me who end up much slower) so by a mile I was about 15th but in a group of familiar faces. The front 5 had got away and the following group was showing no intention to chase and was settled in for a while so I was in the second following group and holding place. The course is on a very sandy and stony common so well draining and no real mud to be found so at times it was very sooth and flat with only the wind being a hindrance. The big hill (which isn't really big but is just short and very steep) came up at the end of lap one and a few passed me by but they worked far too hard and I had them back and more in the next 400 metres or so. Second lap was really holding place with a trickle of runners coming by but I knew that at the top of the big hill it was just a turn and then 400m downhill to the finish so I didn't want anything to make up so I pushed hard from 4 to 4.5 miles and pulled out a gap from the group and about half passed me on the hill but from there on in I held the gap and came home in 20th overall and 6th and final finisher for the club so a good day out.

    Saw meep-meep and Dachs for a brief chat.

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭

    Nice running Phil. 

    An uneventful 13 @ 7.05 pace for me to bring up 76 miles for the week. XC session tomorrow which will be the last hard effort before RV10k. Just hope the over indulging on the grub and low mileage this week doesn't see me rolling round next Sunday. image 

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