
Overdone it?



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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭
    McFlooze wrote (see)

    That's what I thought.  We did go and ask.  (My clubmate has no shame).  But the guy reckoned he counted it like that as "it is easier for him".  I think for WRRL points purposes it will be done properly.  

    Yes, I was thinking the only possible reason for doing it the other way is that you have neglected to set up your results system properly!

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Hard luck on the 10k, Tommy. My experience of racing in parks is that some park users are more equal than others. We are always told before a race in one that we have to be considerate as we have no special rights there. I recall doing a 10k in Canon hill and a dog run across some front runners and the owner instead of apologising started shouting at them to watch the dog. It was almost as if she was making a point that she was in legitimate park business but runners weren't. 

    That's decent going with 9 months of your schedule left, Skinny.

    WWell done on another prize, mcf. I agree that you were robbed. It's a womens race so you only count women finishers. 

    Well done, Muddy. Looks like you are regaining fitness at a great rate.

    I decided to start my half schedule this week. Completed it this evening with 3 miles at 'fast tempo' pace. Target was 6.21 and came out 6.23. I had been dreading it all day and the last mile did hurt coming in at 6.26. Looking back on identical efforts in September and March, I'm a little bit down on then in terms of pace v hr but it would be unusal if I wasn't in the circumstances. I am though starting from a much better place then first time round last June. 

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    Well done McFlooze and always a little extra exciting if you are racing the person in front for a meaningful position. (I agree you were robbed on team prize).

    Well done too to Muddy - I'm sure you must also be amazed at how far that time is off your PB which is an indication of how very good you were for a period (and I'm sure can be again).

    DT good to see you are able to be back to the kind of running you want to be doing.

    As regards my own running I hope I still have 10 months of the training plan left.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Well by the time you'vehad a holiday and a taper it's  9 months training. 

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    Skinny - That's detraining for you !

    Oh, and I turned into a 46 year old yesterday.

    DT- Seems like a good session. I did 6 miles at hmp the other week and it came out 6.29 pace. Are these target (aspirational) paces BTW?
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    No, 'short tempo pace' is meant to be faster than 10k pace so 6.21 is chased on a half pace of 6.40 mm which is realistic right now. 

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Tsk, muddy, it's customary to wait until Skinny has republished all the TTTs before admitting you've had a birthday.

    Tommy: disaster! I walked past that shop today and it had been emptied of all its insane contents! image

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    Good stuff everyone. Before you update the ttt skinny, I popped down to Stratford for a stealth Parkrun and mustered 18:15.

    More details later.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Excellent casual park run pb reporting, Lou.

    Muddy, based on yesterday your half pace won't be 6.29. I think my pace in Coventry was 6.30 and my 10k time then was pretty pedestrian to yours yesterday. 

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Don't forget DT that Muddy is working to specific HR targets rather than pace goals; this could mean either (a) that the HR he is associating with HMP, MP efforts etc. is slightly lower than what he could actually sustain in an actual race, or (b) that he's got better short-distance speeds than endurance compared to you, or also (c) that his fitness has improved a bit in the last few weeks. All of those seem equally plausible to me.

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    lou Diamonds wrote (see)
    Good stuff everyone. Before you update the ttt skinny, I popped down to Stratford for a stealth Parkrun and mustered 18:15.
    More details later.

    image I think my stay in the gold league is in it's last week!image

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    Above updated for:-

    McFlooze being the best of the not still young any more ladies over the classic 9 mile distance in a time over 16 minutes faster than her current 10 mile PB!!

    Muddy getting older.

    Lou quietly knocking 18 seconds off his 5k PB image and improving his WAVA while he was at it.

    The McFLou dining table must be full of running prize and PB chatter these days!

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    don't count your chickens Skinny - my 10k performances have been consistently slightly disappointing.

    McF has her trophies arranged on the kitchen counter - so she can gaze at them whilst doing the washing up like a scene from a Ken Loach film.

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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    It's a conundrum.  They are temporarily there whilst I find a home for them image.  The other medals live in the downstairs loo but I think that's possibly a bit unhygienic for a presentation box.  The shields live on the hearth.  The kids have broken both of my glass awards and are still of an age where they climb everywhere rendering the windowsills useless. They might have to go in a drawer (the drawers I am currently trying really hard to declutter) image.  Or we could clear a shelf in the study.  I prefer it when they give you cash!  


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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Throw away the presentation box and then you can just stick them in the downstairs loo with the rest. I have the shittest trophy in the world (that I insisted on taking home because it was so rubbish, and the rest of the team let me, because, well...), so I like to keep that in pride of place on my mantelpiece.

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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    I might just put them on Lou's side of the bedside table to remind him every day how awesome I am image image

    Nice recovery run earlier.  Was glorious off road - had to screech at the dog to stop her chasing a deer that suddenly bounded across our path. Loads of rabbits, pheasants, buzzard. Utterly lovely (barring a few stinging nettles).  And then we got to a field with cows and I had to nesh out and run back on the road. Grrr. I really need to deal with my cow phobia.  

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    I'd much rather a trophy....shit or not. 

    I was meant to be doing a 10k Sunday but the unexpected footbal results make it unlikely. 

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    DT19 wrote (see)

    Excellent casual park run pb reporting, Lou.

    Muddy, based on yesterday your half pace won't be 6.29. I think my pace in Coventry was 6.30 and my 10k time then was pretty pedestrian to yours yesterday. 


    literatin wrote (see)

    Don't forget DT that Muddy is working to specific HR targets rather than pace goals; this could mean either (a) that the HR he is associating with HMP, MP efforts etc. is slightly lower than what he could actually sustain in an actual race, or (b) that he's got better short-distance speeds than endurance compared to you, or also (c) that his fitness has improved a bit in the last few weeks. All of those seem equally plausible to me.

    The heart rate I use for training efforts is derived from actual all out races bar the marathon which of course I haven't done yet. However the resultant paces tend to come out slower than races because of accumulated training fatigue, general pavement obstacles and undulating routes. Also Lit is right, my fitness has improved a fair bit in the last few weeks and Sunday's effort was top end of half marathon or threshold effort rather than 10k effort, as per the marathon training plan. I was able to compare the run with the recent parkrun that I did at threshold as there was a similar elevation profile for the two runs.

    5km of recovery elliptical at lunchtime and 5km on the road tonight. My back is a bit stiff and I can feel that I got a bit of sunburn on Sunday which makes a change from the usual deluge. Not a bit of rain until the drive back. 

    Well done on the 5k pb Lou, that is a great big chunk off.

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    PeteHewPeteHew ✭✭✭

    Great running from the McFlous again - you two are having a great year!

    Decided it was time for a cautious introduction of slightly faster running so did 3 x 600m off 60s this afternoon. They all came out around 2:41, with a spread of less than a second. That's an average pace of 4:28 per km. Probably quicker than I could maintain over 5k at the moment and they didn't feel easy but it's a start image

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    Well done on the pacy stuff Pete. I did some 800s on the grass today with a club that's not the one I'm in… i like their sessions more and they don't mind interlopers.

    I'm bottom of the league in my football predictions at work, I'm not actually interested in football but am sufficiently competitive to be annoyed about this. I might have to do some research...


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    macemace ✭✭✭
    PeteHew wrote (see)

    Great running from the McFlous again - you two are having a great year!


    That would be because i've released one of them from the shackles of " mace's one to watch " That honour is Charlie's this year ....


    velloo wrote (see)
    I'm bottom of the league in my football predictions at work, I'm not actually interested in football but am sufficiently competitive to be annoyed about this.




    I tested my foot last night with a 3.5 miler

    Even though i've been gagging to run for the last 10 days, i wasn't looking forward to this as i was worried it would flare up again and i also suspected i'd be shit.

    I ran with my brother-in-law who's just started running and has entered Brighton Marathon 2017. After 1.5M he had to walk which made me feel much better about my own fitness / shitness. image

    And today the foot feels fine so i think i'll have another go tomorrow morning.

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    mace wrote (see)
    That would be because i've released one of them from the shackles of " mace's one to watch " That honour is Charlie's this year ....

    Meanwhile I'm pretty sure I picked Lou - a much safer bet. Thanks for the shackles mace - I'm feeling them! Skinny feel free to remove me from the list if you like. I can't see me improving on those PBs any time soon anyway.

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    Pleased to hear you got a run in Mace - fingers crossed it's sorted now.

    Hi Charlie - not running so much?

    On this EU referendum morning I got up at 5:30 and have run 24km along the river Vistula in Krakow - 17 degrees when I set off, 22 by time I got back - bit of a sweaty mess now but a cold shower should sort me out ready for work then fly back to find out how everyone has voted.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    What's happening Charlie? Are you doing Pitchcroft? 

    Glad you're feeling better, Mace. 

    Ivoted about 2 weeks ago so can just forget about it until the results start rolling in.

    Thre was a guy in radio 1 being interviewed the other day. He thinks we should leave because of all the migrants taking all the jobs. The irony was he was working in Zante. It's that level of voter that concrns me. 

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    macemace ✭✭✭

    Charlie - Lou is a very good shOUT

    Skinny - 5:30 !! What's that all abOUT ?

    DT - you left an 'e' OUT of 'concerns'


    I didn't manage to get OUT for a run this morning.

    I did manage to vote but I'm not saying which way image

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    PeteHewPeteHew ✭✭✭

    So you're a shy remainer then, mace image

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    I had to be OUT to work by 9 so 15 miles takes me 2:10 - 2:15 plus some stretching, shower, breakfast calculated back to 5:30.

    Wedding Anniversary on Sunday so didn't think I would be able to get OUT for my 15 miler then so did it today.

    There is an IN in SkINny,

    Exit polls must suggest a REMAIN vote judging by GBP movement against dollar.

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Stock markets have climbed by nearly 10% IN last 3 days so seems they are expecting an IN vote. 

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    Nice one Mace. It's frustrating coming back to fitness so I wish you luck and forebearance.

    Chin up, Charlie. It's summer (apparently) so everything feels tougher but it ain't all over.  Take time out and recharge the batteries. I am down for the Pershore 10k by the way - you doing that again ?

    Good medium long running that Skinny. I've voted remain but I shudder to think about the outcome based on the mood of people I've heard in the vox pops on the radio in the last few days.

    9m easy the day before yesterday, 30 mins elliptical and strength and conditioning then 10m easy yesterday, and a recovery run planned for today. Feeling it a bit this week.

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