
Fatman to Ironman



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    NBC.......I take it your from Burnley...welcome mate...Like Holgs says ,it's not about the brand it's knowing you've done the distance that counts. I wouldn't be getting a tatoo anyway so wouldn't make any difference which one I did...image

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    I'm about to embark on my 5th Ironman in 9 days and I still don't have any ink on account of being a wimp with needles.

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    to clarify:

    I'm NOT doing 5 ironman races within the space of nine days, I will however be doing an Ironman race for the 5th time on the 1st July.

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    Gas - the illegal has landed! The swallows have returned for the summer! OK?? image

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    Razor51 wrote (see)

    NBC.......I take it your from Burnley...welcome mate...Like Holgs says ,it's not about the brand it's knowing you've done the distance that counts. I wouldn't be getting a tatoo anyway so wouldn't make any difference which one I did...image

    Cheers Razor. I'm from Colne soon to be from Trawden both very near Burnley.

    I guess ur right Holgs.......I think - Top book by the way!

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    Raf ---- STOP understood----- STOP more at lunch------ STOP Does illegal feel weighty enough and a pretty bird? -----STOP that is all -----STOP


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    Ironholgs wrote (see)

    I'm about to embark on my 5th Ironman in 9 days

    I was about to be really impressed Holgs!!

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    All gone a bit pear shaped with the list. Will try again this evening

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    Spoons - I don't do impressive.

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    image Yes you do son it's just your suround by cool kids so you don't realise it. image

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    Thanks mate, looking forward to catching up with you next weekend image

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    Ironholgs - I am sure you get this a lot but...your book is one of the reasons I have decided to go for it and do an IM.

    I am pretty worried about it but I think if I train enough and follow a good schedule then I should get through.  My main concern is strength for when it gets tough (I am 5"3 and weigh 8 stone...)

    Planning to enter Austria 2013 when it opens at the end of the month.  Eeek!

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    Holly_Golightly wrote (see)


    Monaco.... https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/387260_10150520482211145_1202113281_n.jpg?dl=1

    <span style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Aha, I'd call that a tri top! Couple that with tri shorts and you've got your tri kit.

    Schmunkee - The List Fairy wrote (see)


    IronYank - yes we ship kit overseas, but I do not accept PayPal as I lose money taking it out of the account. Also, I have now started to charge slightly more for overseas posting as I was losing money on sending overseas

    <span style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">So how would I pay you overseas? PayPal + fee coverage? I understand completely on the fees.

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    I would like to try and incorporate as much MTB as I can into my IM training next year.  Does anyone have any experience/thoughts on this?  I have just bought a road bike and am doing a coached session once a week with a local club for about 90 minutes but I'd like to continue to do decent rides on my MTB as I really love it.

    Any advice would be helpful.

    Thank you


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    AliBear30AliBear30 ✭✭✭

    Longest run so far managed bright and early, only 8 miles but it's a start. I'm already having trouble fitting everything in with family etc. I've had to run a weeks worth of training runs in 4 days straight , mostly before work.

    I braved a lunch time run yesterday , only 1 work colleague spotted me but others were worried about my beetroot appearance for the rest of the day.

    At least I now don't have to run until Tuesday. Silver linings and all that. Not sure how I'm going to fit in bike training and swimming though.

    There's a slim chance I might be able to bike on Sunday afternoon though. I've fessed up to the family about joining a tri club but that's it so far.

    Everyone else on here is doing so well and so much! I shall just keep plodding away at it. Got the book on my kindle but not had a chance to read past the first page yet.

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    KhanivoreKhanivore ✭✭✭

    ONLY 8 miles? Im going to do my first 8 miler on Sunday and i won't be saying ONLY after it lol image I also got the book on kindle - going to read it after born to run..

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    Double T wrote (see)

    Ironholgs - I am sure you get this a lot but...your book is one of the reasons I have decided to go for it and do an IM.

    I am pretty worried about it but I think if I train enough and follow a good schedule then I should get through.  My main concern is strength for when it gets tough (I am 5"3 and weigh 8 stone...)

    Planning to enter Austria 2013 when it opens at the end of the month.  Eeek!

    Thanks Double T - very nice to hear, and makes me smile when people tell me that as I never expected it to impact on so many people in the way that it has. At last count I'm partly.responsible for at least 20 Ironman debuts in 2012, and many more triathlon debuts.

    Good luck getting into Austria.

    Strength doesn't come from your size, it comes from within. You have to be mentally tough to deal with the "dark moments" that will engulf you during an Ironman. You will get pain, you will have doubts, BUT work through them. I have several club mates that are around your size and they are all multiple Ironman finishers, much quicker and stronger than me at 5ft 11 and 15 stones.

    Get your head right, train your body, want it bad enough and anyone, and I mean anyone could complete an Ironman.

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    AliBear30 wrote (see)

    Longest run so far managed bright and early, only 8 miles but it's a start. I'm already having trouble fitting everything in with family etc. I've had to run a weeks worth of training runs in 4 days straight , mostly before work.

    I braved a lunch time run yesterday , only 1 work colleague spotted me but others were worried about my beetroot appearance for the rest of the day.

    At least I now don't have to run until Tuesday. Silver linings and all that. Not sure how I'm going to fit in bike training and swimming though.

    There's a slim chance I might be able to bike on Sunday afternoon though. I've fessed up to the family about joining a tri club but that's it so far.

    Everyone else on here is doing so well and so much! I shall just keep plodding away at it. Got the book on my kindle but not had a chance to read past the first page yet.

    Well, at least you have told your family... I havent told my wife yet. All she knows is that I am doing the Bristol half marathon in September and thats about it... Now how to break IMUK2013...? I guess when the book arrives in the post it might facilitate some dialogue (one way of describing it...) then we shall see. 

    On the positive side, I have been running and XT 5-6 days per week so it will be a matter of changing the discipline... adding the long bike rides and factoring the swimming... mmm is going to be more challenging that the training itself...

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    AliBear30 wrote (see)

    Everyone else on here is doing so well and so much! I shall just keep plodding away at it.

    Ali - if it makes you feel any better, all I've done this week is a 6 mile run!

    And in the next 12 months I have 5 half marathons, 2 marathons, 1 olympic distance tri and an IronMan booked!! image Rest is an important part of training!!

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    Rest and recovery are vital parts of Ironman training.

    Don't worry yet, you have over 12 months until IMUK 2013, don't start training too heavy, too soon or by the time your build phase is over, 20 weeks out from the race you'll be a lethargic, burnt out wreck.

    Just go and enjoy running, cycling and splashing at the moment - don't stress.

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    Ironholgs wrote (see)

    Morning inmates and newbies,

    In terms of tats, why can't you get an M. if you do the Outlaw, Henley or any other non wtc event. Ironman, M. are just corporate trade names owned and licenced by the WTC.

    What is important is the distance, not the brand. If you do 140.6 then you've earned the right to call yourself an Ironman. Simples.

    Couldn't agree more Holgs. "Ironman" is a brand, not a distance.  When (not if) I get through the 140.6, I'll have earned the ink.  As I said previously, my reason for not getting the red M-dot is that I want something which fits with what I already have, and is unique.

    And it's not sore.  No, really, it's not

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    RafikiD wrote (see)
    AliBear30 wrote (see)

    Everyone else on here is doing so well and so much! I shall just keep plodding away at it.

    Ali - if it makes you feel any better, all I've done this week is a 6 mile run!

    And in the next 12 months I have 5 half marathons, 2 marathons, 1 olympic distance tri and an IronMan booked!! image Rest is an important part of training!!

    WOW! The most I am going to do this year is two HM and half a dozen 10K...!

    OK, the IM is about endurance, so my question: what kind of times should I aim for when I just do running races...? Should I push myself or just ensure I can do the distance?

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    Good work AliBear

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    Plinsky - all depends on how close your running races are to your Ironman. Personally if it was me I'd push hard until a few weeks before the race. What you might want to do is cycle to a couple of the 10ks and use it as a 'race pace' brick.

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    Plinsky, whilst I'm not a great fan myself, the answer your question may best be addressed looking at Heart Rates. To build stamina and keep it going for 13 - 14 hours, you have to be to maintain a certain amout of excertion - this is probably best measure in heart rate zones rather that out and out speed. Fink and Friel probably explain it better than me.

    Work on building a good base fitness now so you have something to build on later.


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    Ironholgs wrote (see)

    Plinsky - all depends on how close your running races are to your Ironman. Personally if it was me I'd push hard until a few weeks before the race. What you might want to do is cycle to a couple of the 10ks and use it as a 'race pace' brick.


    RafikiD wrote (see)

    Plinsky, whilst I'm not a great fan myself, the answer your question may best be addressed looking at Heart Rates. To build stamina and keep it going for 13 - 14 hours, you have to be to maintain a certain amout of excertion - this is probably best measure in heart rate zones rather that out and out speed. Fink and Friel probably explain it better than me.

    Work on building a good base fitness now so you have something to build on later.


    Thanks guys - I have been training by min/mile rather than heart rate so I guess I have to change that. I am really looking forward to the book so that I can start training as I should. On average my HR is around 150bpm and I am 36 so about right for areobic workout? I have a forerunner 305 which will allow me to sort HR zone rather than min/mile. Is that the way forward?

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    I train with heart rate, rather than pace per mile.

    I only use pace/mile on the treadmill in winter for interval sessions.

    Just remember your heart rate zones will be different for running and cycling.

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    Didn't think I was going to get any training in today, but managed to squeeze in half an hour in the pool.  No idea how far I swam, because my mind was elsewhere and I completely lost count!

    Could've done a few more lengths, but went for a sauna instead.

    Ironholgs wrote (see)

    Rest and recovery are vital parts of Ironman training.

    image  He said I should

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