
detox/gym rant - Here we go again!



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    Yeh, but it's not until like September (according to their website - they have only just had it), so even thinking about it now seems to be like "wishing away summer"

    My world and 2008 ends in June.  And it stays there.   For a long time.  


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    Martin...go off road!!!  once the ice has frozen the muddy puddles they're easy to fly over and a lot more grippy than icey pavements.....I prefer running through mud than pavements anyday and it works out more of your core muscles too

    ....or you could just go ice skating.

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    yes, I have done well - particularly with Nam - a friend for life there!

    I have a slight feeling that it's not the place for someone who trains and races hard - some people are a bit defensive. This was supposed to be a rant against the media to be honest...oh well.

    Although the vast majority are very friendly image

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    There's loads of fit people on here - they just show a bit more respect for those of us still trying to get fit!

    If you had just ranted about advertising, the only people you would have been like to get the negative comments from are those in media and marketing! Your most negative paragraph was the last one in the post but really the other two on the judgemental bandwagon were ruder. Unfortunately your post started it!

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    I am in media and marketing
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    pmsl KK!!!

    How about 'cuddly and down to earth' PO 

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    I wouldn't. 

    Am thinking of how to SAVE unsuspecting Londoners from a life of greasey smells, fry ups, cold water and beached whales sleeping in the lounge.

    Mind you - if it gets me out the house......   image

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    Yeah, the OP really only mentioned the media once - the last paragraph "they" I took to mean the newbie gym-goers. Maybe I can't read. image

    But no you're quite right, there is no-one on this forum who trains or races hard.

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    "How about 'cuddly and down to earth' PO "

    Ah - yes, that would be marketing speak for "fat and dirty" I take it? 

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    "Am thinking of how to SAVE unsuspecting Londoners from a life of greasey smells, fry ups, cold water and beached whales sleeping in the lounge"

    ...have you been casing out my flat, or something?
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    Did anybody see that programme last night: 'half-ton Mum'?  I don't go to the gym, I get myself up and out, and run around the park being yelled at by military instructors and roll around on the grass doing push ups and thing.  Chums that use the gym think I'm mental, but I think they're mental in a soul-less London gym forking out 3 times what I pay, and standing around waiting for exercise bikes. 

    However, these kind of people, that weigh 75 stone etc, are just lucky to have access to facilities.  Yes, I was disgusted by their size, and their lack of get up and go, and 'why can't the docs stop me feeding myself' but the gym has no doubt helped loads of people that aren't as crazy as me with my running around in the snow doing push ups.

    Each to his own - at least my taxes aren't paying for their NHS stomach stapling ops.

    </rant over.  Ducks for cover>

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    Is that your flat?

    Can smell it all the from down here!!!!   

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    Okay I've skim read which is always a big mistake on my part...

    Simon you are forgiven, if we change all your words round in a different order in the first opening line I can see what you are trying to say, so total forgiveness is given, I'm not much good at being cross with people anyway I always start laughing!

    PlodOn I'm in marketing and advertising so are we the baddies?!

    I watched half ton Mum last night and I cried when she died, I was shocked I was just so excited by the fact the op had worked and she was losing weight, then when they said she died I was taken aback, and no I hadn't had any red wine but I was home alone just me and the dog with the chrissy tree lights twinkling and it just seemed incredibly sad but it did make me get on the treadmill again for the second time that day at 10pm! Plus I have slidded and skidded and slipped on my run OUTDOORS today and I was a little (rather large) ice cube, the tops of my ears were cold even at the end, the dog loved it, my trainers look like they will never see daylight again, I thought mud froze when it got cold!

    Seriously thinking about joining a gym for a month...... ;o)
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    fiendishjustforgivingwhatsyourname.com, I was apalled by the ladies size I can't believe how enormous she was but perhaps it is a disease, where they crave food we all presume they just eat for enjoyment which maybe she did but perhaps that little switch just didn't turn off for her. I am amazed though at the foods we have in the shops nowdays, so much is total junk and its so confusing for some people whats in it and it says 5%less fat and its so confusing for a lot of people who don't understand how the food plan works in our bodies and the digestion system. My golden rule is, if its in a packet (stab and nuke meals) or processed, don't eat it!

    Just had my feet done by a chiropody woman 2 hours of bliss, I feel I have new feet, it was heaven, I'm going to sit with them on the footstool tonight and admire them before I bang them back into my trainers tomorrow and beat the hell out of them again! image)
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    Well done on getting out there Long!  I don't watch TV (see previous posts re Fat Family occupying house) so I missed it. 

    I don't think we are the baddies - I do sports marketing!!   image

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    yes, I have done well - particularly with Nam - a friend for life there!

    I have a slight feeling that it's not the place for someone who trains and races hard - some people are a bit defensive. This was supposed to be a rant against the media to be honest...oh well.


    Dear Simon image


    With all due respect I don’t think that you’ve been here long enough or have contributed to enough threads to pass judgement or generalise on forumites racing and training habits, and to conclude subsequently that this is not a place for people for “proper athletes” (such as yourself of course)…


    >>takes off hat<<



    The beauty of this place, is that it manages to accommodates a wide range of runners, from the “fat general public” who are pondering of heading out there for the first time and are looking for the right shoes, to people who have done multiple Ironman competitions, people who regularly win races, run Ultras etc etc.


    My issue with you is this:


    You come in here, and your introduction to the place is to slag off big people at a time of year when there may be potential newbies lurking, who with a bit of support from the right people can prevent their pending heart attack in a years time, but who after reading posts like yours, want to do nothing more than put their trainers in the bin!


    I just don’t think it’s nice or clever.


    If you are an elite runner then have a look at the training threads and you will find plenty of like-minded others who try to run a sub-3 mara or whatever and you’ll feel right at home.


    I just don’t think there was any call for being so derogative.


    Kind regards, x image

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    *Note to self - Don't  rile Nam...
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    I was going to post then got scared.....

    just been in tears again, just stumbled across the thread about Steady Eddy being ill, read it from start to finish, can't believe he didn't pull through, he sounds like he went through such a lot and such a good man too, makes you really appreciate your own health and to do something about getting fit and healthy and also making more time for people.
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    There was one american chap who managed to get down from the high 30s stone to around 14 stone but recognised that he was addicted to food and as soon as he ate something he had to keep eating and couldn't do anything to stop. His comment was that an alcoholic could stop drinking because they don't have to have a drink to live whereas he had to eat to live and consequently overate and got to the size he was.

    I guess a lot of people are the same including the half ton mum, I think her daughter said that she'd eat 8 burgers on a visit to McD's but when the mum was interviewed she didn't think she overdid it, I still struggle to see how she got to be that big though, does your metabolism slow once you reach a certain size and therefore the move from obese to morbidly obese isn't much of a change?

    P.S. I'm in advertsing and marketing too

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    Yes, it said on the programme last night that you metabolic rate changes. Her daughter said her mother ate until her stomach hurt, bit like everyone on Christmas day but she would do it at every meal and in between, doesn't bear thinking about. I must admit I'm the same with chocolate, once I start a bar I have to finish it so I just don't have it in the house so I avoid it or buy it in mini quantites, I swear they put something in it to make it addictive!

    Okay off for very healthy dinner!!

    PlodOn...I've just designed a sports bra catalogue, we must be in similar things! Also got a new Z line bra from it, black with orange piping, lush!
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    Hope you got it free!
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    ;-) Corinthian image
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    Only read the first and last pages of this thread, but I agree with Nam and Hipps that making sweeping judgements is dodgy ground.

    For my part, I started off in a gym three stone heavier than now, not able to run 400 metres without some nasty pains in my chest. I'm still a member of a gym, which actually only costs me £15 a month as it's subsidised by health insurance, and has great spin classes.

    Occasionally i might be the person walking on a treadmill that people have slagged off. This will be because I have injured myself running, and am starting back on a gentle surface. Last year, whilst training for an ultra whilst injured, I was doing up to three hours on the cross trainers and treadmill, and if you popped in and had a peep, you'd probably have thought - "how come she looks so knackered whilst going so slow?" or "why doesn't she get out and do a proper run" or even "why on earth is she having a gel on the cross trainer?" lol....image

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    I like this time of year (I work part time as a pt and massage therapist) I think its great that people feel inspired to get off their backsides and do something.  It doesn't matter what size they are - most of my clients are very overweight and want to improve their health - its not the size and shape that matters, its whats on the inside that counts.

    With a little bit of advice and encouragement these people can see fantastic results in a  very short space of time, they just need a nudge to take their first steps.  

    Be patient with them....before you can run you have to learn to walk.

    Them's my thoughts. Take it or leave it !!


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    Aye Corinthian - that note is in the first page of the notebook. Shame Nam didn't see me walking round with the last person sweep and cheering on the back markers on Boxing day - and thanking the marshalls etc...(not bad for a big bad club runner eh??)

    This didn't mean to get personal - it really is the media that winds me up, more than but it is alot easier to explain yourself in person than in words isn't it...

    Good place to end the thread I think image

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    you should be so lucky
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    Throw a hair brush at him!!!!!!!


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    Let sleeping dogs lie ..................................................

     so they can bloat out and have to detox down the gym, which are empty the rest of the year anyway


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