
Talkback: Lucozade Sport Super Six: Vicky (sub-4:30)



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    I wouldn't worry Pinks, as you say these things happen. Sure you'll be alright tomorrow.

    Rod, very interested to hear about your groin (Ooo Err image)  The same thing happens to me, especially now I've started to do much longer distances.  I had not heard about this before and was wondering if I should be worried, so glad I'm not on my own now.  Is it peculiar to us men do you think?

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    Scuba Runner wrote (see)

    I wouldn't worry Pinks, as you say these things happen. Sure you'll be alright tomorrow.

    Rod, very interested to hear about your groin (Ooo Err image)  The same thing happens to me, especially now I've started to do much longer distances.  I had not heard about this before and was wondering if I should be worried, so glad I'm not on my own now.  Is it peculiar to us men do you think?

    Scuba its not as bad as I have made it sound its more of a slight niggle, at this stage I seem to have all sorts of aches and pains nothing that serious and nothing that would stop me training either.
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    Morning all

    Rio, like everyone else has said, WOW!!!! Amazing stuff.  I know it's a bit far but it would be really lovely if you could make it down our way at the weekend.

    *waves to Nam*

    Scuba from what I remember of last year it's more a case of where is the niggle going to be when you get to the  sort of distances you're all doing now, rather than whether or not you get one.  Just try not to worry about it, relax, and stretch like a mad thing ever time you run.  My last run before FLM last year I was convinced that something had gone horribly wrong at mile 17, couldn't run another step and had to walk the last three home.  The next morning, much to my relief, there was nothing wrong with me and I realised that the problem was not having eaten enough jelly babies, that was what the wall felt like.  

    Really glad to hear everyone else's running is generally going well, and looking forward to meeting a bunch of you on Saturday

    Pinks, I got your e-mail via Bridget, will send it to work so I can look at the route and plan where to stash the water stops.  I'll bring all my spare lucozade stuff with me to dish out before or after (much of it is powder that needs to be made up into drinks), but do people want jelly babies or anything else left near the water stops?  Not a problem, just let me know what you'd like

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    Morning all

    My gentle 3 miles yesterday didn't really iron out the kinks and I am still a bit stiff and sore today but hoping that my swim at lunchtime will help.

    Pinks 7 miles at 10mm is pretty fast in my book!!!!  Nothing to be disappointed about.

    From now on almost every run produces a niggle or is hard.  A lot of it is psychological, but now is when you really need to start listening to your body.  It will all be ok on the day image

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    Morning all

    Rio if you need me your know where i amimage

    The grizzly was a brilliant weekend.............I didn't race it but did it as a fun run really enjoying the day.........One of the friends i ran with injured her ankle at 6 miles and so slowed us down and that suited me fine..........I loved evrey minute of the race including running through the sea as it was easier than running through the pebbles and then getting caught by some waves....................

    i will definitely do it again...............aim achieved of being on my feet a long time 5:15 i think and coming out uninjured.image........raring to go now on the training again and after a 32 mile bike ride on the saturday in the hills i'm determined to start the cross training of the bike and swimming again........

    not sure how long this new found eagerness will lastimage

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    Ok thanks Seren.  I will see how I feel after tomorrows jaunt.  Need to be ok for Saturdays long run

    I enjoyed the Grizzly too and would definitely do it again.  It was a great weekend.  I am very glad I didn't do the bike ride before it though!!  All credit to you! image

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    Rio I'm having a wibble and a bit of a confidence crisis (yes I know its silly but try telling my head that!!)......not sure whether to treat last nights run as the 7 mile long speed or the 7 mile slow and therefore what I should do tonight, or something different altogether?! Trying to follow the schedule as close as poss (other than lsr which I'm doing my own thing so to speak) but because i do my lsr on saturdays the days are not quite in synch so I'm generally a day ahead.  What would you recommend?  I think I'm possibly a bit hormonal so its never a good running week and carry an extra couple of pounds etc.  Also conscious I need to make sure not burnt out for the big run on saturday.  Thank you!
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    Relax Pinks.  Take it as a cut back week (even if not planned) sometimes our bodies need a rest whatever our mind wants to do.  You are already ahead of schedule by way of pace so your body is telling you to give it what it needs.  Use the rest of this week to take it easy, eat well and chill as much as possible then you can look forward to a better run on Saturday and feel strong again for next week image
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    Thanks Rio - think i will do just a few easy miles tonight then.  I just find it hard at this stage to not 'follow the schedule' if you know what I mean!  Still not got the confidence to be flexible about the training plan!

    How are your legs today?  When I was out running last night I bumped into lady from our club walking in the park - she is 82 and did the cub part of the Grizzly!!!  She wanted to do the full part but they wouldn't let her when it came to it as she was 3 or 4 people from the back - she was really disappointed bless her and there she was striding round the park!!  Hope I'm doing that at her age!

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    You have done enough marathons now to be able to be a little more relaxed!  You are doing really well so not worth pushing yourself into either peaking too early or an injury at this stage.   Have fun being out in the sunshine and fresh air.  Lambs are starting to appear as are primroses and daffodils.  Spring has sprung image
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    pinks - you seem to be doing really well to me - 7 miles at 10mm is positively speedy! sounds like you are following a fairly tough schedule - Rio gives good advice image

    5 miles for me this morning - I seem to do a lot less mileage than the rest of you, but it will have to do - anyways, Tuesdays is day after rest day, so has become tempo day image

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    Thanks Rio/Jenny.  Like many of us I tend to be hard on myself at times!    I am so enjoying the training this year too so just want to run run run!  (Sorry to Hash and anyone else injured I don't want to sound like a moaning minnie when i can at least get out there)
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    Better to make it to the start line slightly under trained than not make it at all.  As long as you do the long runs comfortably (as they can be) and can get out once or twice more to do something all will be well (if not maybe as quick as you would like).   But it can all go wrong on the day anyway so you need to have contingency plan 2 to put into operation so that something can be salvaged.  We all have bad days and sometimes they happen on the big day.
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    SezzSezz ✭✭✭

    Morning all,

    I need more hours in the day.  Sorry I've not been around here much lately.

    I had a bit of a blip last week, a mild viral infection which wiped out all my mid week runs but managed a good long run on the Sunday.  Lord knows how, but I think the beautiful weather helped. I felt like Forest Gump, I just kept running.  

    This week is hard though because I am working into the evenings until 8/8.30pm with clients and on a course Friday, Sat, Sun, so will miss a long run and have barely time for other runs too.  I did set the alarm for 5.00am this morning - then reset it again for 6.00am when it went off!!   I might try again tomorrow.

    Good to see some excellent runs from peeps on the this thread, I think we're going to see a few good sub 4:30s.   Some fab advice from Rio (I always think of the bandstand at Blackheath when I think of Rio, I must have met you there for teh first time one year?)

    Hash, I was over your neck of the woods last Friday - it didn't take very long to get too at all so if you fancy a bimble out and about one day then happy to drive over.  Also, if you're planning any more parkruns then let me know. 

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    Hi all, by golly a lot of posts since I left this morning!

    Hi Hash how ya doing image

    Seren a sterling effort in the Grizzly, it does sound tough so you need a pat on the back for that.

    Now Pinks doooont panic, this is how I see it. You did a 7 mile run yesterday but not a speed session, I would take today as a steady run and see how you go as Rio suggested, you are an old hand at Marathons now your training is going great.

    When I read your posts I think it is me writing, the worlds biggest beater upper (ex)

    The other week the Thursday before the Bramley 20 I was due a speed session, 7 miles with 4 x 1 mile intervals @7.53. on the Thursday . I got to thinking hang on I dont want to do that, so I moved it to the Tuesday and just did a gentle gym session on the THursday  including 2.5 miles on the treadmill, it helped loads and I went into the race on the Sunday with light legs (little sleep the night before mind)

    I am due speed session thsi Thursday, If I don't feel up to it then it gets binned for something less  tough, last sundays LSR was 19 and with saturday coming up (20) I don't want to peak early.

    No wobbles on this thread image

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    Afternoon all

    Sound advice Rio

    Sezz pop in next time you're over our way, we'd love to see you

    Rod that sounds like a good plan. 

    Pinks I bet when you chat to the rest of them on Saturday you'll feel a whole lot better - everyone's had wobbles to varying degrees, and now is peak time for it.  I've had a look at your run, it looks fab and I know quite a lot of that route down from Bedford Marina to Willington, it's really pretty.  I'm having a bit of trouble finding suitable places to dump water, though, as it needs to be somewhere near a road.  So far I've got the end of Church End, Willington, which is mile 10.5 and somewhere on Vicar's Close, Biddenham, mile 17.  I really need somewhere in-between the two but am a bit stuck, any suggestions?

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    Yes Sezz can't remember which year it was now either, me and my Mr Men!  lol
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    Hash you will be like a missionary feeding and watering the needy come Saturday image

    to all attending the run Pinks has suggested that I do the pacing which I more than happy to do, between us could we sort out what sort of pace will be good for us all.

    It would be really good to have a really consistent pace over the whole distance, or we can start off super slow and see how we are after a few miles, I am happy at what everyone else wants, I would imagine it would be 10 mm + .

    I have been trying with the aid of the 305 to maintain steady pace on my long runs,rather than do a few miles too fast then have to slow down etc.

    So long as I can follow someone who knows the route I will be happy image

    I guess that's you Pinks!

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    Hamstrung pinged last night and I went down like Mike Owen in the world cup. Like a bear with a sore head today and the family suffered last night. How come he is out for the rest of the season......Foot up under the desk and ice tonight and then physio booked for Thursday. Just tried walking to the bank 100 mtrs, not good.image

    Hash sympathy is now empathy......

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    Feck feck feckety feck, really sorry to hear it Mark.  Can you just go home and bang some ice on it now?  The sooner you do it the better, and stuffing it under a desk is really not good

    Big hugs and empathy back.

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    Mark can you not get someone to pop out to get you some Deep Freeze patches or spray!  It needs to be elevated higher than your heart to do any good really so lie down on the floor and put your foot on the desk image
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    Chin up mark- I had a ping on Saturday and blubbed like a baby and shouted at boyfriend at work although it wasn't him it was his assistant manager who answered the phone but i was too hysterical to listen very embarrassing but after 2 days and a sports massage and its gone away so fingers crossed you will too!!!

    Rod no probs with you pacing what mileage are we aiming for?

    Pinks big hug to you and your wobble I keep getting mini wobbles but I guess its understandable and this stage eh?  Someone tell me that  the emotional rollercoster stops at the start line ...............................................

    Hmmmmmmm I thought not eh??

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    Vik the rollercoaster doesn't stop til you get to Chandos with the medal round your neck and a couple of pints in you then you believe you can!

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    Its not a rollercoaster for me, I'm just obsessed by it image

    Vik I believe we are aiming for 20.

    Hash what year did you attend Dartmoor Vale, I was there last year that hill is pretty steep!

    Jenni I'm not doing massive mileage I think this week will be 30, I have taken advice from those plder and wiser than me and am not doing "junk miles" just quality training, I am really enjoying this now.

    What amazes me is that on Sunday at 18 odd miles I'm thinking why am I doing this 5 minutes after finishing the last and 19th mile I feel really good and am thinking about the next session image

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    Mark - hope you are ok and icing, elevating etc.

    Just about to leave work, I have a sports massage booked for half seven - I'm a massage virginimage

    Have a good evening everyone.

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    Rod - at one point during Sunday's race i had the random thought cross my mind that perhaps I'd stop racing.  No idea why as I was feeling fine and have no intention of quitting yet!

    Pacewise Gobi would have me at 11.30 but I'm happy to do 11 and may find it quite comfortable to go a bit quicker again as we'll be in a group.  I'll just go with the flow.

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    Mark hang on in there, its just a blip!

    Well I am either obstinate, obsessed or downright determined.........or completely barking or all of the above! Got myself in a right stew so had a chat with sports therapist who know me only too well and she told me what to do. Intervals. Did a 10 min warm up then 1 min on 1 min off @ 8mm pace x 10, a 5 min walk and then repeated at 7:30 - 7:45 pace and 10 min cool down. 1 hour total and hot sweaty but destressed and feeling good albeit shattered Pinks! sorted!

    Few easy miles tomorrow night, boxing, abs and massage Thursday, rest Friday and ready for the off saturday image

    Rod I too would like to aim for a consistent pace throughout although for that distance I will need to be slower than 10mm, more like closer to 10:30. What does everyone else think? I reckon you are all a bit faster than me so I may have to shout directions from the back!!
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    Thanks for the advice Rod and Hash.  Groin pain is only mildish and goes when running so not worrying about it.

    Good run (3miles brisk with wu/cd) but felt tired today, so quite pleased to see that I'm not the only one with tiredness and niggles. It is getting noticeably harder now

    Rio: you should get an award for all the good advice you've been offering on here, thanks!.

    Mark, hope your hamstring sorts itself out.  I've come so far with this training I'm dreading anything happening to me, so know you must be feeling gutted.  Hope it's temporary like Vik.

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    PG3PG3 ✭✭✭
    Mark - hope it passes. Fingers crossed for you.

    For those injured, please cover your eyes (sorry. I realise when you cant do something, you want to do it even more)....... I am really struggling with motivation. I managed to make myself go to the track tonight but only by promising myself a massive dinner afterwards. All i want to do is eat and sit on my arse. I am in danger of ruining this for myself so i really need to pull myself together and get on with it.

    Any advice?
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    Mark - I feel for you and everyone else with injuries - been out with back for a week now and its been as mentally draining as physically image.

    My motivation is lacking as well Pip, and Pinks, as a fellow beater-upper I know only too well how you are feeling. 

    I chatted to Hash on my FB the other day and I havent run this week so if my back is better I'm definately there. I may be bringin a buddy with me if thats ok. Shes running the marathon as well and did it last year in 4.47 but has improved greatly and so shes a sub 4.30, I'm sure. 

     I really appreciate the words of wisdom from the experienced runners - they keep me sane and when I miss a session or two, your kind words and knowledge that all the hard work hasnt been in vain helps a great deal. I'd just say to you PIP, keep reading here to keep you motivated and inspired - my emotions are up and down like a yo-yo. I dont think I was this emotional with any of my pregnancies!

     Rio gave some very honest, truthful advice upthread about too many races too close at your peril (Liz mentioned that long races 3-4 weeks before the marathon are not adviseable as you can leave your marathon there ) I, too, would rather get there slightly undertrained that overtrained, burnt out and full of injury, so I'm mantra - ing the "get there in one piece and enjoy the day" sentence every day now...

     Oh, 47 days til the London guys....image

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