
Fatman to Ironman



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    IronYank wrote (see)

    Motor City Tri report.


    Good work IY.

    Now get on to those nice people at Baconlube and see if you can charm an air fare out of them 


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    Nurse Ratched wrote (see)
    IronYank wrote (see)

    Motor City Tri report.


    Good work IY.

    Now get on to those nice people at Baconlube and see if you can charm an air fare out of them 


    Charm?  I have no charm!  But I do pay myself for each mile I swim/run/bike so maybe I can save up enough.  Highly doubtful for 2013 though.

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    Swim, run, bike more.  Get on with it man!

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    Nurse Ratched wrote (see)

    Swim, run, bike more.  Get on with it man!

    Telling the Sausage to rest? Now I'm to get on with it a day after a hard Olympic?!

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    Ok, I take pity on you image.  You'll just have to start paying yourself more!

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    Morning all, late nights talking about lube again Nurse, good work. Last rest day today, typical, rest days are falling on sunny days

    Nothing wrong with posh! I'm very posh image

    So, which virgin IM need adding to the list + venue

    Raf - Lanza

    IRonYank - Kona image

    WellOilled - IMUK
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    Morning all!

    Newbie me for IM Swiss.
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    Welcome WellOiled, glad you enjoyed the book and that it inspired you to come on here and get abused, oh and good luck training for and completing your first sprint triathlon.

    Feel free to fire plenty of abuse my way at the Outlaw image

    Did 90 minutes on the bike before work this morning, and switched bikes after an hour as the ROO ( TT bike ) was causing me pain.

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    Good morning image

    Sunday 1500m lake swim (SwimForAll at Pugneys) 31:07 - 48th of 219

    Monday Joe Percy 10k (Huddersfield - Hilly image) 44:08 - 90th of ~500

    Today Rest! image

    Hope everyone is well image

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    Morning all

    Have coffe, all is well

    6, or maybe 7, mile run on the cards for this afternoon

    I am really, really missing my wolf, but not having her means I have an extra hour every day to train which, in turn, works as a bit of a distraction from her not being here.

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    Gas, you might just be in luck...............................

    Sounds fantastic, we look forward to getting back in touch next year – good luck with all the training!  I will pass along the bacon suggestions – those are great!

    Thanks again,

    Kaitlyn Summerill

    Customer Service


    (866) 692-3980

    The Weekly Bacon:


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    Morning all,

    Swim for me tonight, working on time at the moment, hopefully get 1hr out....fingers crossed!! As long as I can finish before England kick off!

    Where abouts on the Outlaw are you guys planning on standing for the aid station? I might be able to get a few bodies for some more support

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    Welloiled you need to check out the feedstation thread, they have a designated spot to be

    Can't remember exactly where but all details are also on Bike info on Outlaw website as well

    Morning rabble image
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    i wish the training for 140.6 was as much fun as doing loads of research, buying books, talking IM, your mates thinking you are bonkers, buying pervy looking compression kit (witwoo), chatting on TW forums, sorting out nutrition plans, saving £££ for flash TT bike (that i wont be able to ride properly as i'm an eejit on a bike) and saving for 140.6 entry fees, cue more of your mates thinking you are bonkers to contemplate spending effectively the sort of money on race entry that would get you a good few days sat on a beach somewhere.

    i also wish that i could get my head round the fact that my p1ss poor swiming/fear of water would flippin sorts it self out. with ZERO effort image

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    image image kindred spirit

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    AliBear30AliBear30 ✭✭✭

    Hi can I please de-lurk in here? I've read Holgs book and I've joined Tri-anglia, I also started running to loose weight and that particular birthday is only 18 months away now. However the major missing factor here is that I've never done a Tri and none planed yet!  I'm a complete wimp and have only done park runs and a 10K so far. Although did bike road race in my teens, I'm worrying as I have a vintage racer and no funds to repalce it. Will I get laughed at? I also am a lousy swimmer and rather water phobic.

    So all set to be an ace pirate I think! Please?

    Oh and it's taken me two weeks to read through from the beggining of this thread. Dedicated thats me.

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    Welcome Ali,

    I'm sure that training with Tri-anglia will help you loads.

    In terms of your bike, you could throw all the money in the world at a flash bike but it will only go as fast as the engine powering it ie: YOU. When I recently did Lanzarote, I did it on my second hand 6 year old bike, not exactly vintage but compared to many I overtook it was an antique, and the whole thing probably cost less than somepeoples back wheels.

    There was also a guy racing that had an old Raleigh, with traditional down tube shifters, and one nutter did it on a fixie. So don't worry - and at beginner friendly sprints I've seen plenty on mountain bikes and shoppers, with baskets still attached.

    Personally if you have the fitness to run a 10k, and given your previous bike exprience, once you sort your swimming out you'll be fine at triathlon.

    Good luck.

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    Nurse Ratched wrote (see)

    image image kindred spirit


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    Ironholgs - d4mmit! there was me getting excited about a posh new bike!!! one of the local bike nuts, has advised i keep my very decent frame and just buy fast wheels and aero bars instead image 

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    well that'll work as well image

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    Welcome AliBear

    Sounds as if you're one of the gang already!

    If you've read the whole of this thread and haven't run, screaming, over the horizon, you're a perfect candidate for the IMUK 2013 Cherry-Popping Club.

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    I haven't spent any money on tri stuff for too long (a fortnight?), so who can recommend a nutrition book that isn't too madly technical, and has meal/recipe ideas which aren't too faffy and don't contain ingredients which I'd have to trawl the hemp & letil outlets to find?

    Also, since having my hair chopped, I can't get my lid to fit properly any more, despite endless adjustments. It gives me a headache every time I wear it. Does anyone else have a larger-than-average heid, and if so, what make/model of helmet did you go for?

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    Both my helmets ( normal and twat hat ),  are both Lazer, and I have an unusually shaped head.

    Racing Weight, Feed Zone cookbook etc....

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    image is that coz Meldy keeps beating you round you head Holgs?? Because if your lucky at Outlaw, I think she might be able to beat it back into shape - especially after what you called her on the moderator thread....brave, brave man!!

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    nurse - my total faves are "the complete guide to sports nutrtion - anita bean" and "racing weight - matt fitzgerald".

    i dont know if you are a veggie type but i also have "<span id="btAsinTitle">Thrive Fitness: The Vegan-Based Training Program for Maximum Strength, Health, and Fitness by brendan brazier", which was purchased on a bit of whim, but if you are a veggie/vegan type i hear these books are v good image 

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    I shall be in disguise at the Outlaw, with a new identity, it must just keep me alive image

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    AliBear30AliBear30 ✭✭✭
    Ironholgs wrote (see)

    There was also a guy racing that had an old Raleigh, with traditional down tube shifters

     ^ This will be me image, thanks for the welcome.

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    Afternoon all

    Welcome Alibear, a fellow Tri-Anglian. Are you doing or helping at the Norwich Tri's next week?

    Swimming - I am the worlds worst Triathlete swimmer so wouldnt let swimming worry you, it's still all great fun image

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    Cherry Popping Ironman 2013 Squad

    SausageDog  IMUK

    GasTank         IMUK

    BrokeBuTri’ng   IMUK

    NurseRachid    IMUK

    SilverTrucker   IMUK

    Spoons                    IMUK

    BritRisky      IMUK

    Lewis              IMUK

    Tom             IMUK

    Shas79          IMUK

    Oii              IMUK

    Tri-Harder      IMUK

    EricBananaMan IMUK

    IronDonkey    IM Swiss

    AmirontheRun IMUK

    Matahema     IMUK

    Raf             IM Lanza

    WellOiled     IMUK

    Alibear30     IMUK 

    IronYank        IM somewhere stateside

    Jeez, what a mission posting that.



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