
Thursday 4th March



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    happy birthday Donaldo

    did 6.3 miles gently on the tready
    only one toilet stop
    then had to walk 2 miles home
    shattered now

    bloody virus
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    Dan.Dan. ✭✭✭
    hi, been reading these for a couple of weeks now without getting involved so i thought i'd best introduce myself!
    am i to be putting down my training plans for the day?
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    Only if you want to dan.

    Happy birthday Donaldo.

    What; mile reps
    Why; speedwork day
    Last hard; Sunday, though last night's easy felt harder than it should've
    Last rest; Monday
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    Happy birthday, Donaldo.

    Congrats on such a great improvement in form, Lynne.

    What: 10 km (6 miles) including 5 X 6 min hard, 3 min easy
    Why: Speedwork
    Last hard: Tuesday
    Last rest: Monday
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    Happy birthday Donaldo! March babies are good, but not as good as April ones!

    Well, finally got home at around 10pm last night after (I can't belive this) my plane couldn't take off as it didn't have an air steward! We had to wait for another flight to come in before we could take off.

    So that's now three days without running - aaaargh!

    Just been for a little run, felt awful... think I might be going down with something. Nooooo.........!!!!

    Going to try again later.
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    what: 20min slow, 5x2k fast with 3min recovery, 20min slow.

    Thank you Big Tim for answering my question yesterday.

    Happy birthday Donaldo!

    Speedy recovery to all injured.

    Have a great day!
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    Welcome Dan ...

    And well jumped Welsh Poppy ... cars, pavements and runners don't mix !! Often run on the roads m'self - fewer potholes and leaves the pavements for cyclists without lights (and wayward cars in your case).

    What :- 9 mile lunch time run (great having showers next to the desk), decided to be a real radical and ran the opposite way round to normal. Sooo much more exciting !

    Step back this week and seem to feel more tired doing less which is weird.
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    Hey ho all,

    What : 5 miles at lunchtime, 1.5 easy, miles at 5k pace, 1.5 easy.

    Bye for now ....
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    Welcome to Dan and Jill.
    Happy Birthday to Donaldo.
    Dan just stick your training/racing intentions down, if you do it before you train you feel obliged to do the session- good motivation on those difficult days.

    Like today when I was doing that 18 miles I said I was going to do, the last 5 miles were hard and could have cut it short but was thinking I can't expect to feel dandy so get on with it. So I am glad I did even though it was slower than it should have been, but hey ho, I brought this forward a couple of weeks to avoid doing it in the week after Stafford 20 so maybe it's still early days?
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    Evening all, happy birthday Donaldo.

    Beard? Aint got that far in life yet....cousin's grew properly when he was 22!?!....


    Track sesson with club tonight. Gonna have to take it easy, doctor said i had strained tendo in my right knee yesterday, said have 7 days off but gave me some of those pink smarties for pai relief......dilemna! i only feel pain when im running downhill, and in the morning. Am i being stubborn or should i rest? It cant be that bad if he gave me pills for pain and said dont run?

    Last Rest: 14 days

    Last Hard: Tuesday.
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    Sounds as though you should rest mate
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Happy Birthday Donaldo

    Went to the gym and played with the new but untruthful Treadmill*, who said i ran (after a warm up)30 minutes at sub 8 minute miles, something i do not do
    So just treated it as a steady run.
    Breathing was fine legs felt great certainly no lactate.

    * The treadmill mentioned is in no way connected to this forum.
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    Hi Dan and Jill, welcome!

    Second session done, not done hill reps in months so knew todays session would be hard!

    Went to a fairly hard hill ( BT you may remember it from the Beckenham 10k, the hill on the main road against the park ) used my GPS to measure the hill and got about 105-115m.

    Session went:

    Warm up to hill

    Rep 1 = 42.9
    Rep 2 = 43.9
    Rep 3 = 43.7
    Rep 4 = 41.4
    Rep 5 = 40.4
    Rep 6 = 40.5
    Rep 7 = 41.1
    Rep 8 = 39.4
    Rep 9 = 41.0
    Rep 10 = 41.1
    Rep 11 = 36.3 ( Gave it everything I had )

    All recovery runs were back down the hill which were all about 59-62 seconds.

    Run home

    Total run : 6.7 miles

    Done 11 reps because I lost count and would have been annoyed if not coming away with at least 10.

    Question on hill reps: Anyone tell me what kind of distance in metres they would use for a session?

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    Mine are always 2 mins or 60 seconds, never worry about distance.
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    Going nowhere at the minute, visibility in Deal is akin to looking up a badgers bum at the minute. :-(
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    Evening all,

    Welcome Dan and Jill.

    Thanks for all the commiserations, sympathies to those in a similar situation. FF, didn't realise it was three months, hope it gets sorted with the arthroscopy.

    Lied this morning when i said I'd be doing nothing. Forgot I have to stretch, do strengthening exercises, ice and massage twice a day. Now isn't that exciting?!

    Lynne, looks like it was worth missing Radcliffe, brilliant run you had today.
    Stifler, do as your told and rest!
    Hippo, lizzie, hope you feel better soon.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Evening all!

    hope all suffering with niggles get rid of them soon!

    nrg-b-you're right! I've used mine on the light intensity mostly this week just to keep my calves loose. I think it's quite good, but I've only used it for 10 mins on each leg. Will give them a proper go tonight too.

    Bryan-I wouldn't know I've never looked up a badger's bum! I do believe you have a bum theme to your posts this week!:o)
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    Evening all - ended up not running today, just thought i needed a day off having run 8 consecutive since injury.
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    Hope everybody's training is going well.

    What? 15.5m @ 7:00's
    Why? Supposed to run a marathon soon
    Last hard? Sunday
    Last rest? Long time ago

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    Welcome new arrivals! just post anything like me!
    Monique is right though about it getting you out & training :-)

    Stifler, we might have to dope test you in two different way's if you run!

    Venom, can I be rude?
    Your problem's could be related to your other addiction! [think you know what I mean!]

    Speedie, I know the hill well!
    it's not the distance of the hill.
    You need a hill that is runnerable & does not change your running style too much.
    You's is ideal!
    May come & do the Beckenham 10K in June as, I've run quite fast there in the past!

    Fat Face, nice the hear from you, just a shame it's not good news yet!

    Bryan, I didn't wimp out of my RuN!

    8M done, felt quite good & looking farward to massage tomorrow!
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    Barbara, glad to see your helping yourself back to a quicker recovery!
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    Beautiful day here today, but have sore throat and feel like a wet rag.

    Five miles felt like 50. I really shouldn't have run. But I abandoned my speedwork session, so I do listen to my own advice sometimes ...

    Barbara - you are being v. virtuous, and I hope you're back on the road again soon.
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    evening all

    welcome Dan, welcome back Jill N

    FF - sooner you get your arthroscopy, the better. Nice to have you posting here again though.

    Hilly/nrg-b - interested in your new massage toy - maybe it can sort out my hamstring tightness - keep on letting us know how good (or not) it is.

    what: 3 miles in 18:07
    why: All I had time for really - off to cricket committee meeting in a moment

    last hard day: Tue 24/2
    last rest day: Mon

    High average HR (165) for the 3 miler, but given I'd have settled for sub 18:30 when I started, feel really pleased with this. Almost back to what, for me, is the "gold standard" of 6 minute mile pace. A nice confidence booster ahead of Farndon, and more to come I would hope.
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    BT, it's something to do when I'm waking up at 5am for the run I can't do!
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    Happy Birthday Donaldo
    You share it with my 8 year old.

    As a result I have decided not to do a run today. Actually the deciding factor is that my calves/shins said "rest" and I'm not normally a 7 day/week runner. An early night will do me good.

    Does chocolate cake help?
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    it does, definitely
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Hope you are having a good day Donaldo. Remember a few 'wee drams' equal a rather large dram!

    lunchtime.. 10 mile tempo run

    evening.. 7 miles steady with the club.

    Why? Endurance required, 20 mile race in 10 days and FLM in 45 days.
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    Track session done, 20 X 200m. Did them fast and got a lecture about:

    "why the hell dont you run that speed over 800metres and go under 1:59 like i keep telling everyone you will"- My pb's 2:01 and im not doing any faster so people question him...."thought you said he was gonna...... he he.

    Knee feels fine. I think its just a bit bruised underneath. I did it a while ago playing rugby so it may just be vulnerable to another knock not so long after. When the Doctor checked me over the receptionist asked if he could fit me in just before his lunch break, he basically just touched the top of my knee after listening to what I said and told me i strained a tendon.

    .....anyway, enough of this 'short distance' stuff. Everyone seems to be running miles and miles. Well done to you all who felt tired after your training.

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    Got home at about 7:30 pm. Long day. I teach a great S2 class but the parents are so demanding - I talked non-stop from 5 till 7:15 and I am knackered.

    Since I got home I have drank non-stop (lol) 3 triple vodkas and cokes. heh heh . Anyway, I'll do about 10/11 miles tomorrow and then rest on Saturday cause of my 10 mile race on Sunday at Lasswade.

    I love teaching, you know, its the best job in the world. :D

    You lot have had some great runs today and all those birthday wishes have given me a warm glow inside (or is that the vodka :p). Cheers for adding to a good day! :D
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    Good en ya, enjoy the rest of your night mate.
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