
New Mature Runners Thread



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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Been a bit more difficult fitting in the running with visitors. But I have done some. Still running garmin-free. My new one has arrived but I haven't yet tried to set it up. Middle Son said he would do it for me, but for that I will have to go and visit him in London.
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    Columba - had I known you had visitors from that fair town I would have found something complimentary to say. So here goes: the people organising the parkrun were very friendly - even by the standards of other parkruns. As for jelly babies, I'm thinking about experimenting with them (but not on them) on my longer runs. I've never eaten anything ever on any run. Ever.

    HS - hope you get no adverse reaction to your walk-run(s).

    I'm trying a 6 day a week schedule. Obviously I'll need to monitor this. I want/need to get weekly mileage up to 35+ miles and then progress from there.  I've also ordered a new pair of trainers - I tend to run in mine until they fall apart.
    I've realised that on Saturday I should be doing my 100th parkrun. If I can scrape a category win (after 3 successive 2nd places) I'll get an 80% win rate. I'll be v. pleased with this.
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    Morning all,

    Columba, the spin bikes apparently are operated by a fly wheel, which generates the wattage. I believe this can be used to generate lighting etc. I managed to get up to 200 watts on Friday, but I don't know whether that would be enough to charge up a mobile phone. I imagine it must be tricky turning the pedals whilst holding weights in each hand. I found it difficult to take my hands off the handle bars the first time I tried, as I was afraid I would fall off  :| I do sometimes have a jelly baby from food stations in longer races, as I presume the sugar gives an energy burst.

    JB, I don't seem to be any worse after my walk/runs, so am persisting and will try to walk/run a mile this morning. Be cautious at first with upping your mileage and training to 6 days a week, as you probably know that mileage shouldn't be increased by more than 10%. Don't be afraid to include hill work, as I note you have been warned about this on the over 60's training thread. Providing that you don't push to hard, you should be ok. Best of luck with your 100th parkrun, and hope you manage an 80% win rate.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Hi everyone

    HS - you may not be able to manage more then five minutes on a treadmill but like you, I couldn't manage an hour on a rebounder like JB, so we are the same in that respect. Glad to hear the spinning classes are proving worthwhile with the resistance training they provide (shame about the loud music - now if you only you could choose your OWN choice of loud music!). I was never much good at cricket - but I found my vocation as a scorer (in the 'box', keeping note of the scores) and did that for my local club for a few years.

    JB - I see you beat me to it with the cricket joke about HS being a decent spinner ;) Shame about your pacing at Hastings Parkrun - but glad to hear your hamstring held up okay.

    Columba - which Garmin did you decide to buy in the end?

    I hadn't managed to get out for a run since last week as my younger son was down over the weekend. In amongst paintballing on Sat, visiting my Mum on Sun and transporting my son to and fro there hadn't been time for anything else. BTW, paintballing was great fun but I hadn't realised exactly how much it would sting when you got hit (or how much it might bruise you either!).

    Anyway (drum roll ..) I'm pleased to say I've just been for my first run outside since the end of March. Only 4 miles at a leisurely 11:00mm pace but it's a start. 
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    HS - good news about your lack of reaction to the run/walk. Thanks for the 10% reminder and the caution. I'm trying to take things steadily but am pushing pretty near my limit. A 7 miler last night and a 5 miler this morning, the latter a sub 8mm pace, just.

    WtnMel - you sound as busy as ever but great to hear that you managed to get out for a 'proper' run. Is this the start of a comeback and something that you'll build upon? Don't fancy paintballing; it sounds like one of those activities that might just bring out the worst in some folk.
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    glo2glo2 ✭✭✭
    Hi everyone, just dipping in, well i managed to go a bit further my long run 15miles although my feet were still hurting, i have just purchased more trainers, hopefully when i have broke them in sufficiently and try them on my long run it may ease the problem.  you all sound like you are doing great with other forms of exercise, i have just started to do a long cycle ride on a Sunday, although this week it was to my detriment as i felt too tired to run.  Holidays for me on Friday, nice sunny climes of Cyprus, debating tonight whether i could do my long run tomorrow in lieu of Saturday, will need to get a few days under my belt acclimatising before i do too many miles there. i may be able to pop in during my fortnight, however if i do not  have good runs everyone, JB glad the hamstring is improving.

    bye for now 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Hello all, I’ve been meaning to post on here for the last couple of weeks, but we have been really busy with choosing options/upgrades etc for our new house (which is finally starting to get built, and is still on course for an Oct/Nov completion date), we’re also currently half way through a 3 week dog sitting stint for our son’s two dogs while he is on holiday, so I’m finding it difficult to fit in much running. However I am persevering with 3 to 4 mile walk/runs over the undulating terrain around here, and even managed a very slow 5 mile run, without stopping or walking, while visiting the coast last week (admittedly it was all on pavements and a much flatter surface).

    Now, on to the knee. The soreness in my right knee, which I mentioned last time, ended up with a trip to the physio. It seems my ITB is tight and is affecting the area where the ligament (or possibly tendon, can’t remember which) inserts into the knee. A very severe physio session loosened everything up, but left bruising for a full week despite using an ice pack, however I’ve noticed a twinge or two again recently so will need to take things carefully and keep an eye on it. I may go back to the physio next week to get it loosened up again as a precautionary measure. 

    My follow up chest X-Ray came back clear this time, and my blood tests for anaemia, thyroid and white cell count were apparently fine too. The doctor has suggested that I may not have been suffering from a virus after all, but instead adult glue ear. I’m not convinced however as I’ve looked up the symptoms for that condition and they don’t correspond with mine. Admittedly I’m not medically trained, but the consultation was very rushed (strict 10 mins) and the doctor I saw (you never seem to see the same one twice) appeared bored and seemed to hit on the adult glue ear diagnosis at random because he said he suffered similar symptoms himself, it being due to the “unusual microclimate we have around here, on account of us being so high up”. Quite what is so unusual about it, and why it should be so, isn’t clear - yes this is a hilly area and we are quite high above sea level, but why should that produce an unusual microclimate? Anyway he prescribed a steroid nasal spray (which I haven’t used yet and probably won’t unless the symptoms return and become a problem again).

    Lack of consistent running, and consequent lack of fitness/endurance, has meant I’ve had to miss out on yet another race I’d entered, this time a local trail 10k that I’d really been looking forward to. The next event I’m aiming for is the first race in our club’s Grand Prix series of races that take place over the winter. The first race is 29th August and is a 10k. This race sets the handicap for the following monthly 5k races. Competition for places is keen, so I was pleased to bag a place when they became available earlier this year. I’m determined to do this one, even if I have to walk part of it. So having said that, I’d better get my trainers on and get out for a run now since we actually have some sunshine today for a change.

    I’ll read back later on to catch up on how everyone is doing, hopefully all injuries are progressing in the right direction and there are some good runs taking place. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Hi everyone

    JB - yes, hopefully this is the start of my comeback. I plan to do a few more runs around town then will start going to club nights again. I'll join the 'slow/beginners' group until I've built up my stamina/mileage a bit. BTW, the paintballing was a xmas present so I 'have' to do it (and have some vouchers left so have to do it again!). And you're right about it bringing out the worst in people .. with everyone anonymous (camouflage overalls and full-head helmets) some of them seemed to get a bit carried away.

    Glo2 - good to see you popping back. Well done re the long run and hope your foot problems go away with the new shoes. Enjoy your holiday in Cyprus ..

    Aquarius - glad to hear you're managing to fit in a few short walk/runs in amongst house-related stuff and dog-sitting. Hope your knee problems get sorted soon. You're right - that diagnosis (glue ear) doesn't seem to ring quite true. I know the NHS people do their best but Mrs Wm and I (70 & 65 respectively) are seriously considering taking out private health cover to provide better treatment for ourselves in the event of any future problems. Shame about having to miss out on your race.

    I noticed a slight tiredness in my legs after yesterday's run - no more than I was expecting so no worries on that score (having had to start running again numerous times, I know exactly what to expect). 

    A member of my running club passed away recently. I didn't know him personally but he was a well-liked endurance athlete and was taking part in the "Arch to Arc" (run from Marble Arch to the coast, swim the channel, cycle from the coast to the Arc De Triomphe). Unfortunately he got into difficulties whilst swimming the channel, was airlifted to Ashford but died in hospital. I see from FB posts that Cheltenham Triathlon Club will be forming a peleton to escort the hearse to the crematorium where some of my clubmates will join the procession and will be running the last section alongside the hearse wearing their club vests - a fitting tribute. 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    WtnMel, what a sad story about your fellow club member, but how nice of the triathlon club to form a peloton and your club mates to run alongside the hearse. He was obviously a very popular man, I hope his friends and family can take some comfort from that. Well done on your gradual return to running (what a crocked lot we all are at the moment) it's a long slow and frustrating process isn't it? Having said that though I've just returned from a 6 mile run, very slow (and tiring in this heat) with 4 short hills but also two short walk breaks. 

    Interesting that you mentioned you were considering private health insurance, I've wondered about going down that road myself. I did briefly do a bit of research a few months ago, but didn't take it any further at the time. Maybe once we're settled in our new house and over the expense of moving and buying new furniture etc I'll look into it again.
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    Glo2 - have a great holiday. I hear that Cyprus has been very hot and this might inhibit training somewhat?

    Mel - I think I read about your pal. The event he was taking part in looked awesome and would push anyone to the edge of their physical capabilities. Very sad for all who knew him.  Glad to hear that you are (still) making progress.

    Aquarius - you sound very busy. I detect in your post the optimism of someone making a recovery though. There's nothing like entering future events to perk you up is there?

    As for me, I should hit my 35 mile week which is my target with the November marathon in mind. Tomorrow I plan to jog down to my parkrun and then use the 'race' as a speed session. I'll miss my long Sunday run this week as I'm otherwise engaged but one of the great joys about retirement is that long Sunday runs don't have to be on Sundays! My body is coping OK with the extra training - so far. I've been reading a book 'Running with the Kenyans' which is excellent and I'm hoping that by some magical process simply reading it will transform me into someone who runs like a Kenyan. Some hope!
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    Morning all,

    Afraid I've got a bit behind (not big behind :D) on this thread, so will try to catch up.

    glo2, well done with your 15 miler and hoping you have a lovely holiday in Cyprus.

    Aquarius, sorry to hear that you are still having problems with your knee, and have missed some races. I am in the same boat, unfortunately. Glad to hear that your x rays and tests were all clear. Sounds hopeful that you have managed a 6 mile run, and are on the way back!

    WtnMel, good news that you have started running again, and sensible to start back at club with the beginners. I read about that endurance athlete who tragically died whilst swimming the channel, in the papers.

    JB, hope you hit your 35 miles this week, a perfect start to your marathon build up. Hope today's parkrun went well. They are ideal for speed work, and when I do them, try to run at tempo pace. 3.1 miles is an ideal distance for tempo runs, and even better when running with others in a competitive environment. I've also read that book, and it is very inspirational.

    I managed a one mile walk/jog Thursday afternoon, with more jogging than walking, so some progress, I suppose. Earlier in the week, I started walking/jogging to the local supermarket, with more walking than jogging. I did my third spin class yesterday, and really worked at it. My Coach from running club was on the bike next to mine, and she is a keen road cyclist and also an experienced "spinner." I was watching when she increased and decreased the resistance, and copied. I managed to attain 220 watts on the one minute hill reps, and she managed 250, so I was very pleased with that. I've booked another class for next Friday morning, as the work outs are being very beneficial. It is similar to running speed work outs, without the pressure on the knees. I will avoid short sprint sessions when I eventually return to club sessions, on the advice of my physio and agreement of my Coach.
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    HS - Thanks for your kind good wishes. Glad you too think the book is a good 'un. That spinning sounds tough - it'll be interesting to see how it translates back to running fitness when you return. I think that runners and cyclist have something to teach each other and I know they are very 'into' wattage but I'm not sure what it means.

    Well, I hit some objectives today

    1. I managed my 35 miles for the week;
    2. I ran to the start of the parkrun;
    3. even with a fairly average time (22:07) I was lucky enough to get a category win and therefore
    4. I reached 80 (category) wins out of 100 parkruns

    Day off tomorrow and a walk in the countryside.

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    Morning all,

    JB, I'm hoping that the spinning will have helped me to maintain some level of fitness, so that when I return to running, I won't have lost too much speed. I may continue with once a week spinning, so that I can put the effort in, by reducing the risk of further injury. I'm not sure how the wattage level works, but I believe it is driven by the fly wheel. It seems that the higher the resistance and faster the rpm's, the higher the watts are generated. Very well done hitting all your objectives. My main objective is to be able to start running again!

    Good luck to all those running, racing, swimming or cycling today. I'll have to make do by watching the athletics on the TV.
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    Morning all,

    My knee at last is showing signs of improvement. The ache is less now and has moved to the front of the knee. I'm going to resist trying to run on it for another couple of days, in case I set myself back again. I'm still persisting with all the stretches etc. doing every thing that I can to get back into running.
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    HS - good news and a sensible strategy. Talking of sensible.............

    I'm in 'not sensible land' right now. My Sunday rest day became a 6.5 mile run plus a long walk. Silly but it gets worse. Today I thought I should do a long run as I'm not doing these. Abandoned after 8 miles - nothing in the tank either physiological or psychological. Of course this is totally self-inflicted.
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    I really enjoy spin classes, with or without loud music. The Arch to Arc challenge has been going for a few years now, and a few hardy souls have managed to complete it. Sorry to hear about the latest death, it has happened before but that doesn't make it any better. During John's 2012 Channel swim an Irishman also attempting the swim got ill, the rescue helicopter was scrambled to save him but sadly he died too. He was a very good swimmer and had trained properly for his attempt but his heart gave out.The English Channel needs to be respected, it does not take prisoners!
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    For some time now I have been feeling pain along the inside of my left foot, cannot find what is causing it and am a bit concerned as the GNR is creeping up. I did not run today, as had to take the dogs to the vet for their annual vaccinations, so will swim this evening instead.
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    DBI - have you got a goal a target time for the GNR? It looks (from a safe distance) like a fast course - every time I've tuned in someone seems to be running downhill! It looks like a fab event and Brendan Foster's brainchild?

    A few solid runs for me this week trying to hit another 35 mile week. A half marathon on 3rd Sept will indicate how much chance I've got of progressing to the full marathon 2 months later...........
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Hi everyone

    Aquarius - well done re your 6ml run (with added hills!). Re private health cover, Saga have been very determined to get our business and at least once a month since enquiring I've been getting "in case you are still thinking about it" letters.

    JB - as you said, being retired means long Sunday runs can happen any day of the week :) Glad to see you hit your objectives re parkrun but tsk tsk re running on your rest day and then attempting another long run the day after.

    HS - glad to see you managed a 1ml walk/jog which is a bit of progress from nothing at all. Glad to hear you are still enjoying the spinning class. I remember years ago when I thought I had b******d my knee my doctor suggesting I took up cycling or swimming to ease the pressure on the knee.

    No objectives have been met where I am concerned. We were away in Cambridge over the weekend and returned home on Monday. I had planned to run yesterday but woke up feeling grotty - alternately breaking out in a hot sweat then feeling shivery, aching all over and feeling washed out. I slept for 2.5hrs yesterday afternoon, went to bed at 8:30pm and slept for 12 hours. Thankfully I'm feeling better today and am eating again but I'm not feeling ready to run again just yet. Annoyingly, I had planned to go to London today to see the Pink Floyd exhibition at the V&A but that went out of the window - grrrr.
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    DBIW, sorry to hear that you have a problem with your foot, and hope it doesn't spoil your "run up" to the GNR.
    JB, do you have a target time for your half marathon?
    WtnMel, I think this Government is determined to privatise the NHS. My knee still aches, but is much more flexible. I'm looking forward to Fridays spin session, and will push it hard. I've watched a couple of spin training videos on YouTube, and eager to put into practice. Sounds like you have a touch of man flu. Hope you soon feel better. Shame you missed the Pink Floyd exhibition.
    I've nothing much to report. Deleted the antivirus app on my phone yesterday as it kept advising that antivirus was disabled, despite me constantly turning it back on. I installed a different one which seems to be working ok. Had a haircut this morning. That's about it for now, wish I had some race reports to post :/

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    Morning all,

    A bit more optimistic today. The knee feels much easier, but I'm still not going to risk it for another day or two. I'll see how it feels after tomorrows spin session. I'm keeping up the core work, and fast walking, which is helping to keep me sane. :)  
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    Mel - sounds like a nasty virus. 'The Floyd' provided the sound-track to my undergraduate years. Never saw them though. Never really forgave them for 'The Wall'!

    HS - HM target  over 2 hours = disaster; 1.55+ = disappointed; 1.50+ = par; sub 1.50 = very happy' sub 1.45= Stewards' Enquiry! Keep sane; there's light at the end of that tunnel.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    WtnMel - you asked about my Garmin - I have the Vivoactive, but am not using it yet as I am so sure I shall need help setting it up that I haven't even tried. Very defeatist.
    DBIW - hope that foot pain gets sorted out, you really can do without it. Do you have a helpful physio to hand?
    JB - congratulations on 100 parkruns and 80 category wins. I note uyou abandoned what waas intended to be a long run at 8 miles. 8 miles for me would indeed be a long run.
    Visitors left on Monday. Didn't do much running while they were here; the aim was to go for lots of long countryside walks (discovered some lovely places round here which I hadn't actually seen before) which left little time or energy for running. However, I went for a little trot Monday afternoon, the spin bike class on Tuesday, and a hilly run today.
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    JB6 - Not really a target as such for GNR, just want to enjoy it and beat John's time from last year! Competitive - who me? With 57,000 runners it will be hard to get going until the field spreads out.

    Sprint triathlon this Saturday - looking through the starter list I was surprised to see 3 M70s and 2 M80s, thats great, good for them. Now I have a goal -  not to get beaten by any one of them!
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    Time is running out - I fly to Newcastle on 8th September, race is on the 10th, fly back the 12th, then the White Shepherd Dog champs open on the 15th, the competition begins on the 16th (my birthday, hope that is a good omen), with the tracking exam, followed by obedience, then the security work. show on the 17th. Whew - home for a rest, hopefully with a trophy!
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    Morning all,

    Bright and sunny and off to spin class in a short while.

    JB, to give you some idea of half marathon times, my last one was the Gosport Half on 20th November 2016. My time was 1.46.00, which was an average pace of 8.04. From the pace that you have been maintaining in parkruns and general training runs, I would think 1.45 or below is a definite possibility.

    Columba, good to hear that you are still running and spinning.

    DBIW, good luck with the sprint triathlon on Saturday.
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    Columba - good to hear that you are enjoying the countryside. I note that you are discovering new walks. I have lived in West Sussex for most of my life and I reckon I've still only covered about 5% of it!

    DBI - I have no clue as to why anyone could read your postings and get the impression that you are the least bit competitive! Good luck with the sprint tri. Be interested to see the splits if you have any energy left!

    HS - Gosport is pretty quick I think? Having said that I don't think I could rival your (excellent) 1.46 but the race-day adrenaline can do funny things. I think on this one I'd be wary of starting at 8.00mm time as I think I might run out of steam.

    Rest day for me today. Tomorrow a slow 4 mile run to the parkrun and then the 5k at a decent pace (I hope). I'm going to try one of those Red Bull type drinks as an experiment beforehand. Anyone else used one? (I did once before amny years ago on the final lap of a 4 lap 20 mile event. I don't know if it made any difference but I did managed to finish.)
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    Hillstrider, we are running the same times for a half marathon.  Been very busy fitting new windows, the old ones were rotten and no amount of filler or paint could keep the rain out. Replacing the front door next week, weather permitting.  
    Loved spinning, the instructor was fab, always had a laugh. It served its purpose, getting the legs turning over faster than  was normal.
    7.8 K race this afternoon, not sure if its a trail or road race, will take both shoes.
    Have a great weekend one and all.

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    Morning all,

    Bright and sunny and looks like lasting over the Bank Holiday weekend.

    JB, My first mile in the Gosport Half was 8.12. I ran five miles at sub 8 minute pace, the quickest being 7.43 in mile 13. I always leave something in the tank for the final stages. My WAVA was 76.12% so I am pleased with that. Hope your parkrun went well this morning.

    Mokshaeight, you sound like a do it yourself expert. I'm hopeless and have to pay tradesmen.
    I'm enjoying the spinning, which is helping me to maintain some sort of fitness. Yesterday was my fourth session, and I really worked hard to get maximum benefit. Good luck with your race this afternoon.

    The club's social committee have organised a skittles competition for this evening at a local pub. Should be good, and an opportunity for a beer or two, as I'm not driving. :)  
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    Mokshaeight - any others events up and coming for you? Good luck today: it'll be hot I think? 

    HS - I think that's very impressive saving your fastest mile for the last one in an HM. Enjoy your skittles. We used to have a skittles league in my local village. I joined the cricket club and they immediately signed me up for their skittles team. I was utterly pants - but it was good fun.

    Parkrun - 21:18 (AG 76.6%) and a category win. Ran to the start (3 miles) and thus topped up my week to 35 miles.

    Shame on me but I'll be listening to the McGregor v Mayweather 'fight' tonight................

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