
Winter Toughguy Jan 29th 2006



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    eased a little this morning.
    cheers nfs
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    I'm still stiff... upper body pains have eased off a bit. Not used to lift, pulling, crawling etc.
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    Jj piccies showing fine for me..
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    Those pics wouldnt show on here from explorer but work fine at home on netscape.
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    I'm getting little red crosses too - apart from the one that you are in TC
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    Thats cos TC is on my pics Dillo - and the frozen water pics is hosted by somewhere else. These are the ones I took - don't think i found you though :-(

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    thanks for the link, red crosses for me too! I think I'll put Mozilla on the PC here at work. Watch me get beaten up by the techies (in there dreams!)

    I'm not aching anywhere near as much as Monday and yesterday. Main ache was from areas I got cramp (groin) and a strange pain in my ankle, think I may have twisted it very slightly.

    Although went out for a short run last night and felt fine so can't be anything lasting.
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    doh! thwarted by techies, they've restricted my ability to install things on this machine.
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    nfs " Nicko

    i completed every section, but got a slower time than some that went around the evil water obstacle due to them being to cold, is that normal? i'm not bothered, just interested really."

    Well if you did all the course then you have to end up behind the woosies at some point as they are sneaking in front.
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    NFS - The thing about Tough Guy is that although it is dressed up in a 'race' it is basically a very personal challenge and everyone has different demons to overcome. If you completed every obstacle then you hopefully felt very proud on picking up your medal. Apart from the first fifty or so when the marshalls are being more vigilant, the emphasis shifts to safety and participants are encouraged to do as much as they can but noone is forced to do anything they don't want to.

    My mates and I watched as several people walked round all of the water obstacles and commented that they may as well have stayed at home and run a couple of laps of Richmond Park. To my mind, if you haven't got your hair wet (and your head frozen) then it isn't very tough.

    I guess what I am trying to say is that time and position are meaningless at Tough Guy, unless you are in the top ten or so, it's how you feel inside about the achievement that is important.
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    By the way Nicko, thanks for the massage, shame we had to head off for the curry so soon.
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    >>unless you are in the top ten or so

    erm top 50 *cough*

    I agree on the personal challenge...everyone sets their own goals and only once you've finished can you decide whether you met them.

    Totally different goal next year. Might even try and be fit for it too.
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    Your welcome mate, did it help ?
    And sorry I didnt stay around for the curry.
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    I've been moved down a place....any more and I'll be 51 :((( sob
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    thanks for reply, and you're right, i did feel proud to complete it...... and help drag a few team mates along when needed, i know i did a few times, i need longer legs for some of those obstacles!
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    Just as well you printed your certificate off when you did TC. You'll have proof that you were once 49th.
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    didn't print it :(

    Anyway 50 has a nice ring to it....

    @:@&^ T$%&
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    TC - 50 is a lovely round number. Much better than 49.
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    It's now 51

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    that's not such a great number.
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    fkn right....heartbroken
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    Ah bum, that means I'm now 1,439th instead of 1,437th......

    Does missing out on the top 50 mean anything towards next years race TC???
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    Heheheheheheheh. Didn't think you were top 50 material, TC. As Mr Mouse would say, you'll have to come back and beat the b*gger next year.
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    Did anyone see if any of the extreme bootlacing actually took place.
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    Richard 2 words...2nd is off!
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    Hi All. Well done to all some great times and achievements by all.

    This was the first time i'd entered this 'race' as a treat for my 50th birthday!

    Had no idea what to expect..accept being told it was 'tough' Thats being an understatement. When I got to the venue Sunday morning and saw the course with my own eyes for the first time i thought bloody hell...silly old fool..look what you've got yourself into. The only consolation was at least someone up front will be breaking the ice for me!

    Started back in the wetnecks group about the 4/5th wave of runners. Enjoyed the first part of the course mostly xc running where I managed to overtake a few. Found going up and down the hills a pain only for the fact that there were to many runners for the narrow course and everyone was brought to a walk.

    On reaching the obstacles found them to be very challenging for various reasons. I'm only 5ft6 so struggled to get out some of the water trenches unless pushed from behind and flying thru' the air or pulled out my hand. Thanks. The camaraderie amongst the runners, marshalls and supporters was fantastic.

    I must say I did all the obstacles and found the water bloody freezing. On approaching the ponds with bales of hay for stepping stones there was a queue as people waited to jump down and wade around the side. Me being clever and not wanting to loose time jumped for the bale in the middle of the pond and completely missed it as my takeoff foot slipped....splash belly dive into the middle of the pond. YIKES the cold hit me as I was totally submerged and came up spitting brown horrid water and gasping for breath, had to swim a bit as i could not feel the bottom.. The crowd were in stiches as i pulled my self out with the aid of a rope an ran of into the distance. Needless to say did'nt try that again and waited my turn to wade round the edge.

    Thought i'd learnt my lesson but no....up the gargo net onto the platform and the ropes or plank jump back down into water. People again queing for ropes or outside blanks I go for the empty plank in the middle..walks slowly to the end..hearing the marshall shout...jump with your knees under your chin...this i do and about knock seven bells out of my chin! hit the water and go.. u n d e r..this time the water feels even colder and i surface and see daylight, chocking and spluttering and feeling for the bottom with my feet. Sh== no bottom start to swim towards the frogman and get a right shot of cramp in my left calf(sore now). Luckily the froggy pulls me along and tows me to shallow water where i can then take control of myself...or so I thought. As i climb out my legs shake out of control and i'm running like bambi on ice. Managed to keep going and the blood started to flow a bit.

    Finished very cold..could not feel my fingers or other bits!! and shaking again. I probably had mild hyperthermia as i could not even talk sensibly.

    Soon warmed up though and recovered and went for a well earned meal at the Mermaid.

    Well i was dying to know my time and position as I'd no idea..never noticed the finishing clock and never ran with watch.
    Monday morning on the Toughguy web site found i had come 487th i think in 1-59-44.

    Really pleased with that and came in 7th for my age V50. Looking at there race numbers they might have started before me which begs the question....What could I do next year?

    To all who did this event where ever you finished ...respect.

    Take care enjoy you running.

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    Great stuff - good report and fab time considering where you started. My first year was around the 2 hour mark and this year was tough.

    knees under chin? Crazy...just run and jump..
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    Nice one tiger, well done. Will you be heading over for the Derby social tonight?
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