
Sunday 13th November 2005

What: Olympic Dream 10K
Why: Test of current progress, in half mara schedule
Last Hard: Today

Well, really wasn't convinced about running today, managed to talk myself out of it a couple of times knowing I'd be dissappointed by a bad run. Having felt rubbish yesterday wasn't convinced I was up for it. But decided in the end to run. Race started about 300m from my door after all, was still on here at 8.10, at registration by 8.25 (registration ended at 8.30) and just out of the toilets when the gun went off.

5000 entrants for the race, 10k/6k run/walk segments. Started towards the back of the runners flat battery on the garmin so just running by feel and keeping an eye on HR. Plan was to keep HR between 180 and 190 (85-90%ish). Avereaged 188, about 88%? Based on Max being 205ish.

1+2K - 11.14
3K - 5.32
4+5k - 11.51 (28.37)
6k - 6.31 (recovering from running 5K pb, old pb 34.38)
7k - 6.35
8k - 6.16 (Uphill but getting back into it.)
9k - 5.34
10k - 5.24

total 59.00.34

So, pb by 4 1/2 mins by my watch and by over a minute by the clock (3mins+ to get over the line) And first time sub 60 mins for 10K


(p.s. sorry for pinching your first post BR)

Well done to the x-country guys yesterday, not sure I could ever do that. Although I do enjoy it. Overall a good training week. Easier week next week I think!


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    Good stuff Red Haired Girl - the tri-training is really kicking in you must be very pleased.

    What: Decided to go to Veteran/Masters Track meet. They have this memorial event that requires you to run 2 middle distance events and the best of 3 for the series count for points.
    As you know - haven't done anything fast since the marathon and really not a lot of anything.

    3,000m 12.41 - lapped by 1st runner but still quite happy as under 13 mins.
    1,000m 4.00 - enjoyed this much more - over and done with much quicker!

    Why: Always try to do a few shorter events after a marathon to try to get my legs ticking over again.

    Good luck to all other racers and those doing their long runs today.
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    Good Running NZC, seems the legs are recovering well for you!
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    Just checking in from the Northern Hemisphere...:-)

    Well run RHG - sub 60 is a big barrier to get through.

    NZC - 2 pleasing results there.

    National XC results are here:-


    Looks like both myself and MM were slightly quicker than we thought.


    What: Marshall / generally organise Barnsley 10k am, including leading fun run round / pm 2 miles round Sheffield as family watch Disney on Ice
    Why: Putting Barnsley AC on the map / Endurance
    Last hard: Yesterday

    Race well racers.
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    Lot of results there actually. To save eyestrain, Marmite's team was 58th and we were 87th. The lad on the 2nd leg for us wasn't meant to be fit after his injury:-)
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    Morning all,

    Couldn't make the XC relays yesterday unfortunately yesterday, working in the morning (where I am now). Did manage to get down to Lloyd Park, Croydon for the South of the Thames "Junior" Championship (5 miles). This is Junior in that there used to be barring clauses so that it was a competitive race amongst club runners, but now it is open it is sharper at the front than it has been in previous years. Probably 150 in the race, very conserative start about 50th over the top of the first hill, up to just outside 30 at half way, and pushed on in the 2nd lap to finish 20th. Felt (as I often do at XC) that there was a lot left in the tank but my legs aren't strong enough to get anywhere near my aerobic limit.

    Later I plan to go out for about 2 and a half hours.

    Good luck racing / running / marshalling.
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    Good morning

    Popsider - Well done to your daughter!

    RHGDU - 41/2 min PB? Fantastic!

    200Minutes - You ran a faster HM at a much lower HR than I managed. Mine was between 170 and 180. Great performance.

    BR and MM - Great running.

    NZC - Good times there and well done to the All Blacks!

    What: 5 miles easy
    Why: Recovery
    Last hard: Yesterday

    Slow run this morning,infact a friendly snail kept me company. We discussed the merits of slow mileage and he prefers time to distance,to quote him 'Time on my stomach is very important,I have to make sure I can crawl the distance when it really matters.' He also held interesting views on weed killers,but I will save that for another thread.

    Mrs. Sportaloo wants to know what you lot look like. I know there are links with your pictures all over the forums,but if you could post a link here it would be much appreciated. Your forum pics are a bit small,so pretty please.

    Good luck to all racers!

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    Morning all,

    some great racing yesterday - well done all.

    90 mins (can't get head around new name): I had a half like that in June, I think, where I ran it as a training run. I felt that one of the best things was that I was forced not to set off too fast: running the first bit easy made the rest feel so much easier. Well done to you!

    Am a little stiff after the swim yesterday but much buoyed (pun pun) by all your nice comments. Thank you.

    What: ride with bike club, but short
    Why: should see clubmates, but don't want to overdo it
    Last hard: Mon ride
    Last rest: Thurs

    Good runnings all. Any news from ICRAM?
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    Morning All

    Haven't got time to read through yesterdays thread but seems as if there were some good results. Well done to all.

    My recovery from injury continues, actually managed 4 miles at 8 minute pace last night as 10K was taking me 60 mins two weeks ago this is progress indeed! Also put in a solid 25K with the club on Friday morning, so starting to feel like a runner again!

    What: Not sure either 2K swim or 8K recovery run.
    Why: Have pushed it a little bit the last few days
    Last Hard; Yesterday
    Last rest: Wednesday

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    Red haired girl - well done on your new pb and i guess a bit more to come off that time considering it took you 3 minutes to cross the line

    NZC - well done to you. I've always fancied doing some shorter races well less than 5k, to give myself a bit of speed. Though i reckon i'm more of an endurance runner (takes me nearly 5k to warm up). Maybe next summer i'll get a chance now that i am a member of a club now

    Well done BR/MM on a better result than thought.

    Sportaloo - will sort pic out later today.
    Have you all recovered from yesterdays efforts

    Melissa - i've been wondering the same. Hopefully ICRAM junior has arrived already.

    What: 6½ miles (approx) soon to be done
    Why: Recovery
    Last Hard: Yesterday
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    Congrats on the HUGE PB, brilliant!

    ahhh, the joys of the track ;-) Very well raced, nice one.

    Thanks for the link. Must admit I was very happy to see that they had me down for 17:42 for the 5k and even happier to see it confirmed that I "only" dropped 2 places during my leg. Now where to trim that pesky 22 seconds.............

    What: 2 hours hilly, long run
    Why: Leg strength and aerobic capacity
    Last hard run: Yesterday
    Next Race: St. Neots 1/2M 20/11/05

    Very best of luck all racing today.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭

    Well done yesterday, 200 mins. I'm sure there's a lot more to come from you yet!

    RGDU, well done on your big pb!

    Here's a pic of me from last year Sportaloo. I'm going to put a more recent one on, but need to scan it in first.


    what:am 20 miles, pm 3 miles
    why:marathon training

    Good luck today's racers!
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭

    Hope the link works this time.

    NZC, good track races!
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    http://www.global-pix.com/marathonphotossite/marathon.html?job=Sports/CPUK/2005 Sports/Stevenage Half Marathon;match=1146

    <pichref=http://www.global-pix.com/marathonphotossite/marathon.html?job=Sports/CPUK/2005 Sports/Stevenage Half Marathon;match=1146&gt;Test&lt;/pic&gt;

    Ok - tried to do a link, never tried before, so I doubt it will work.

    Nowt today, except putting boats away. Foot is unfortunately remarkably sore. Either a nerve got pinched, or, more likely, running on a numb foot yesterday I hurt it more than I had reckoned. Sitting here again with the icebucket, and no it's not champagne what's in it.

    Not a clue what I've done, or how quickly it will resolve. Bother. Puts a question mark where I wanted no question marks to be (over St. Neots). I think it was Folksworth 15 '04 where our paths last crossed, MM. Was looking forward to seeing you again. Hope it can still go ahead.

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    Ah, it didn't work, now there's a surprise. Sorry about distorting the page. Shan't try again - have to get stuff together for sailing. You have the URL now though!

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    Well done RHG and NZC. Good luck to everyone racing today

    Watford XC for me today.
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    What: nothing
    Why: ouch
    Lyrics: no

    [I love a good positive forum post!]
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    hollywood - a few ibuprofen for you.

    got the whole day to myself today as my girlfriend's doing coursework. so will head off for a nice long bike ride - 60-80 miles.

    what: long ride
    why: IM training - long ride.

    good luck with the races and lsd's. hope everything goes to plan.
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    RHG - wow, that's fantastic - what a chunk off your PB, especially when you didn't even feel you were fit to run it. I'm hoping tri training does the same for me. My 10k pb is 54 minutes, but the last two I've done have been over 60!

    NZC - a good result there too. I don't think I could run such short distances - they hurt too much.

    MelP - well done on your swim yesterday! I've done no swimming for about 7 weeks I think.

    JohnD - phew, I thought I was doing well with 56 earlier in the week.

    M - good luck with the cross country race today!

    Sportaloo - you'll find me (and RHG and Hippo too) at richk.co.uk under Loch Ness 2004

    What: 'long' run - somewhere between 6 and 10, depending on how I feel
    Why: need to up the miles, but not too quickly
    Last hard: yesterday's brick
    Last rest: wednesday

    Good luck to other racers.

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    Morning All,

    Well done RHGDU for your PB.

    No time to read back from yesterday or Friday afternoon but well raced to those that were out on the X Country.

    Race Report:


    Having left work on Friday morning got home to call our local hospital with my wife (Ruth), only to be told that they were too busy and doubted whether they would be able to induce her on Friday. They did suggest popping in to have another go at seeing whether we could bring the labour on naturally. So at 6:00pm we went along to the hospital and the midwife advised that if the 'help' was going to work then it would kick in within around 4 hours. The good news from all of this was that if Ruth did go into labour naturally then we could still go along to the Birthing Centre where our daughter had been born 2.5 years ago.

    Fortunately at about 10:00pm Ruth started to feel a few 'pains' and by 11:00 we knew she was in labour. Contractions got progressivly worse and by 1:00pm Ruth felt she wanted to get along to the Birth Centre. We called them up and they told us to head in straight away. We had to drop our daughter off at my parents house on the way and therefore arrived at the Birth Centre at 2:05am. Ruth was now in a lot of pain but within 15 mins was in the water pool. It was such a relief to be able to be at the Birth Centre and it looked like we were going to have the birth the way we wanted.

    Things then moved very quickly and the midwife kept reassuring Ruth that this wouldn't be a long labour (last time it lasted 24 hours!!!) She was not wrong because at 2:55am our son was born. Henry Nicholas Dyson Dodwell arrived!!!! Having previously produced 2 daughters I had given up hope of having a son and yet there in the water with Ruth was my son.

    Very proud father and I'm sorry Gary T but I have already ordered his first Spurs Baby-Gro.

    Pleased to say that both Baby and Mum are doing brilliantly and we came home from the Birthing Centre at lunchtime yesterday. We've just had a pretty good night sleep so all is well.

    Have a great day all. I will be flying along on cloud 9. Maybe I should go and race today :-))))
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    Congratulations ICRAM! That's fantastic that you avoided the induction and got to go to the Birthing Centre. A son too, fantastic!!
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    Congratulations ICRAM. When he grows up you'll be able to tell him that for a short period just before he was born Spurs were once above us in the table for a few weeks.
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    Lol MikeB.

    However I am convinced that the arrival of my son is in time to see the Jol revolution.

    And just in case the Jol thing doesn't work out, I also apologised last night for future years of pain that I am going to have to put him through :-))))
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    ICRAM, that's fantastic news!!! Congratulations to you and the Mrs. I think that will have to be achievement of the day for today!
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    Fantastic ICRAM. wonderful news. A son too.


    How is Mrs ICRAM?
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    Sportaloo (for Mrs Sportaloo)

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    Congratulations ICRAM!

    What: 4 miles easy – done
    Why: That’s what the schedule says
    Last hard: April
    Last rest: Friday

    Enjoy your day.
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    ICRAM & Ruth congratulations on your baby boy - sounded like a wonderful birth - I'm sure your little girls will be over the moon too - having a baby brother.

    Thanks for the well-dones - believe me Pammie the shorter the event the easier it is!

    Mike B - good running.

    Portaloo - the All Blacks did well but our Rugby League guys got a hiding!

    Stickless - nice to see a pic of you.

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    ICRAM congrats, You will be able to tell your son that once long ago lost in the mists of time Spurs did actually beat Chelsea!
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    Congrats ICRAM!!
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