
Sub 3



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    JH 1JH 1 ✭✭✭
    CMProbably leading in those sets as there is another guy normally in my lane who does 19min 1500 so he is too fast for me to draft from and does the 200's in about 2.30ish and 400's in 5.20. Also good to do a mix as Jej has said. So warm up set then main set could be a reducing set starting at 300, 200, 100 and 4 x 25m then repeat a few times.
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    CM - after writing the 16 - 20, I forgot to mention that you'll need to take a 10min easy swim recovery at the half way point, else you'll break your 400m pb in the workout!

    JH1 - Thinking behind the 25's is to work more on base speed. Someone swimming a 19min 1500 probably has ~25s pace over 50m anyway, so focussing on the longer sessions would be of more benefit.
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    Hail Hail

    Gawd. Is this turning into a swimming thread or what?

    TR - thanks for your interest. The long and the short of it is that my aductors have been tight on and off for about 6 months now. After Luton (seems a lifetime ago now), they seemed to have sorted themselves out, but the tightness and strain has been moving around, and is now mostly concentrated in the vastus (both mdeial and lateral) muscles, particularly around the patella. Massage does help, as does icing, but TBH, I CNBA with an hour every night of ice-packs on my kneecap. Standard runner's attitude! It doesn't stop me running, but I cannae seem to get enough speed up to get towards a decent MP.
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    But hopefully in the long term the stretching will sort you out. Plus some strengthening work I guess.

    My knee-cap/knee is sore and stiffish and although I still run on it, it's not good. Feels slightly better at faster speed, but not sure I want to do 26 miles on it as it feels now.

    Hopefully all the stretching/icing I'm doing will ease it enough for FLM.

    I'm going to get some more new trainers too, my most recent ones have just topped 500 miles - already (2 months).

    Hopefully both of our knees will ease up enough. Although I realise you are not now doing FLM.

    Mine must be an over-use thing due to all the recent mileage, and although I did try and increment from 3,4,5 and 6 days/week, I guess it's still a shock for the old body.

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    Final post of the week from me.

    Best wishes to all those racing, and especially to Ode who I expect to post the first sub 3 of the new season.

    It's looking like the weather in Rome will be wet, but thankfully not windy, whereas Finchley is looking like being another Luton, with winds gusting over 30mph.

    At 9.5st I think nichs2 will get blown away, I'm going to try and draft behind geewok, it's the only way I have any chance of a sub 2.15.


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    Dull See you on sunday bright and early! Undecided on whether to wear some red racers or proper trainers... The red's may get a try out to see if I can run in them for FLM.. decisions decisions...

    A steady 10 miler last night seemed to kill off my impending cold so all looks good for a fully fit run on sunday. I'm off for an easy 7 tonight then putting my feet up tomorrow.

    Good luck ode
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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭
    9 stone 7!!
    going to fill my boots with Guiness. Lunch beers at the Irish centre in Kilburn (on St. Patricks day) watching the rugby should be the carbo loading I need in preparation for Finchley. I predict a spritely 2:40 is on the cards.
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Managed to put Finchley in jeopardy this evening with what was supposed to be a steady 6. Was running through a crowd on the High Street and ran into a metal bollard. Didn't hit it full on, as that would have been right in the bollards, but clipped it hard with my hip.

    Will ice throughout Saturday while watching the rugby. Fingers crossed. Be careful out there...
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Bloody hell Dan lets hope it is ok.

    Noticing that people are posting weights that are very low. IT'S SO UNFAIR.

    I still weight 11st 9 although for this time of year I am lighter than normal.
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    2st 3.75lbs

    beat That Fatboys!

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    I'm fed up... and have been all week... trying to be positive, thinks it's this training and poor racing results...

    Quite hard to keep the enthusiasm, but hey, I'm a grown man and only I can do it... just think, in a few weeks time it's London time with some of our chummies going nads out for times... can't wait... be great to see you all flying... especially after all the talk and training going on here, think this coukld be a great year, with Ode hopefully starting the trend soon!

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    Keep ypur pecker up, your enthusiasm is normally right up there. You bounce back quickly. Don't be too hard on yourself - I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be.

    I guess you just need to relax a bit along the way. The way you plan/analyse your events reminds me a bit of myself.
    I'll be shot to bits with nerves by FLM what with it being my inaugural marathon, but Ode reckons he'll run with me so that will be cool. Just hope he gets his fast time in at Rome as I'm targetting no quicker than 2:59.
    I'm just glad I don't pace my races like you do.
    Stick with it Pug, folks like you are an inspiration to wannabees like me !
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    and inspiration to not do what I do, so I suppose I'm helpful lol...

    Eversince Trafford 10k, been really tough to get head together then, calfs going and troubling me... then poor one in Trimpell... I'm due somethign decent soon... just could do with it sooner than later.

    Just looked at weather for Sunday at Spen 20... 4C, fine with me... 23mph winds... jesus, I'm a doomed for running in wind lately :-)

    You'll do ace at London mate, as long as you run with ODE or run within yourself... go off too quick like me, and believe me, it hurts like hell... I've done it so ofte it's untrue... and still haven't learnt...

    However, would be brill to see you fly over that finish line, and we'll all be waiting for all the sub 3 crew to kick some serious bum ;-)

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    Pug, TR - you still up?
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    Just back in from (pre) birthday beers - few more than planned.

    Rhayader 20 tommorrow (this) afternoon - ho hum - scenery should be good...
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    Dad Hey mate, good luck in the 20 miler, be sure to let us all know how you got on... infact text me on 07736978998 ;-) Wouldn't mind knowing...

    Think I need some shuteye, nitey nite ;-)

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    At the risk of sounding like a drunken idiot ( which of course i am) - the pair of you are inspirational in your own ways... keep running, keep posting - if it makes no difference to you, it makes a big difference to me...

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Whats this, drunken posting ?
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    Gobi - 'fraid so - and I appear to have duplicated your Saturday 17th March thread too - think I'd best go sleep - cheers.
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    Pug, it is tempting to agree with your self analysis that you go out too fast too often. I often start too fast and the reason I will never learn is simple: 1 time out of 100, it'll pay off and you'll get a magic time.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭

    it is a very good point that you only have to get away with it once
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    NjordNjord ✭✭✭
    Pug - choose one of the following:

    i) quit
    ii) come back fighting like a hard-assed mofo
    iii) follow a training plan that doesn't involve hard-assed mofo running 5 times a week

    You'll get there mate.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Afternoon night owls.....You gotta go off fast, I find in races (inc marathons) where you are at say 2 miles is more or less where you are at the end of the race. The key I suppose is make sure you don't start too fast for your fitness level. Anyway guys we are lean (well some of us are), mean running machines.

    Keep going Pug and no need to keep beating yourself up - you've really improved over the past year/ months. Your in better shape today than you were yesterday and will be in better shape again next week - like the rest of us I hope. I suspect you are putting too much pressure on yourself.

    Dof2 - Belated birthday greetings. How's the headache? Hope you have a good run today.
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    Who are you calling a lean, mean, running machine?

    I'll have you know that only last month I put 1 euro into a busker's hat.

    A question. (Beware pre-taper madness)
    I've been able to do 20 milers at 7:30 m/m. Do we reckon that I have a cat in Bradford's chance, or should I be realistic and go for a time just outside the 3 hour zone?
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    Late nite folks, thought the clock on the thread was wrong looking at some of the posts.

    Good luck to those racing this weekend, take your wind stoppers by the look of the weather forecasts.

    I've a HM Sunday on the coast, looks cold and windy 24mph+. Was hoping for a good time to see if my Sub3 is realistic, but maybe not? Will find out soon enough.

    Had sore back muscles all week, thankfully not sore when running. I think it was after some track speedwork, is that possible??

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    Hi folks thanks for the kind welcome & advice, and good luck to those racing this weekend. Did my 8th LSR today, slow as usual, wind out there is b*gger as am sure you've all noticed.

    RB - after a bit of thought I reckon your 2:50 suggestion is a nice ambitious target and will probably go with that. I'd rather try for sub-2:50 and fail (probably around mile 20 :-) than run a "safe" 2:55 and wonder what if?..
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    Do2, Pug

    I turned in at about 1am, the kids get me up at 6ish so I need at least 5 hours.

    Got some new trainers today, to see if it helps my knee - we'll see.

    Have a good Sunday people.

    Come on, Ode.

    Weather in Rome looked ace during the Rugby.

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    NjordNjord ✭✭✭
    Blisters - more than a cat in Blackpool's chance I'd say (23 miles in 2:53 this morning).

    Welcome Gatorade (where are my manners?). Interesting fact (at least for sad geeks like myself) - Gatorade put brominated vegetable oil (with possible health risks for it's consumers) in their sports drinks to make it cloudy. Why? Because punters believe a cloudy drink must contain natural ingredients....

    Didn't stop me supping it during Amsterdam marathon last year. Not that it.../twitch/...affected me in any way..../twitch.
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    Hail Hail

    Gatorade - well done on accepting the challenge! I know what you mean about the weather. I actually put off my run today cos I CNBA, and have sat eating biscuits all day instead!

    Blisters - careful now, otherwise Crab will suggest that we're related! You'll cruise the sub3 BTW, esp given your recent results.
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    Evening All.

    There will shortly be a lab-coat session based on the attempt of a father of 2 to produce a reasonably paced run at Rhayader 20, but first I must write lines ala Bart Simpson to reinforce the lessons I have learned today...

    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
    Wales is not a flat place
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