
Wilkinson Ackworth Half Marathon



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    That`s why I entered the Blackpool marathon in April. image

    Emotionally challenging (boring) ........toughens the resolve.

    Ha ha SM likes to be tested mentally as well as physically.


    Eccles cakes image

    Is anybody who is doing this one (the WAHM) also doing the Yorkshireman off road HM?

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    Only 3 weeks off now.

    I will probably be wearing St George`s Cross tee shirt  and a blue ski hat so please come say hello.

    Anyone else too I got nothing to hide...........apart from my poor running!


    (That`s what I like about running it`s got all kinds of people ....all ages, all sexes, all abilities, all races . all religions  etc. and at the end of the day you always end up with somebody you like)

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    Did the Blackpool April trot a couple off years ago,still trying to get the smell of chip fat off my t-shirt.
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    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm don`t push it mate Lancs has a lot to offer image

    BTW who won the WOTR?

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    A freak result influenced by bad weather and a dodgy referee(and we can all dig glory out of the past even Engalnd had a good footbal team once.......My Dad tells me we played really well at mexico '70!!!!)

    Crossed back into satans back yard again today to do Blackpool Great North West ,blimey there was a wind about,still did a time to keep me happy ,now looking forward to East Hull and the Ponty trot next month.

    What were you up to today SM??
    Hope all goes well in your (surreal) world and your going as well as you wish
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    See you there Dave,best of luck
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    Great stuff Dave I`ll see you in 3 weeks mate.

    Haz I dint know GNW was today was it OK?

    I went for a run with Poorly Feet who I got to know through last years GNW.

    We  did 10.5 miles on a tough moorland run and she really stretched me to my limit.

    Lucky I was with a female as I couldn`t talk so good anyway......listening was much easier.

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    SM,GNW was well organised, (un)pretty and as good as always-though the sight of a capsized ship did add variety.
    That said one of the guys I train with managed not to see the enormous hull of an upturned cargo ship facing us for the best part of 6 miles of the run-his face turned to the look of puzzled child as I and a fellow runner discussed it"What ship,where??Are you sure" etc,(far be it from me to cast the first stone but he's from Blackburn, which I believe is your part of the world???)
    Good to hear you got through a toughie today, did you manage any Alamo related shouts on your way round,always good to pratice.
    Oh and my entry for the Ponty run has just been accepted.I'll be the tubby bald bloke trying to kid on that I'd be great but for another niggling injury!!
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    We don`t see many ships in Blackburn haz..

    You did good today mate.

    I look forward to meeting you at Ackworth you will easy recognise me I will be right at the back at the start.

    MARCH OR DIE! image

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    Everybody`s gone quiet image
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    I'm still aiming for a sub 2hr. Even with the hill. I'll be very disappionted if I don't make that.
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    Not quiet SM, just working,tried putting a Computer in my work area but the ovens melted it!!
    How you going ?got anything planned for the weekend?I'm having a crack at East Hull 20 on the 9th-for the scenery you understand so ticking over 'till then.
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    1hr 53s is my best HM so far Diana and that was at Lancaster which was pretty flat so I will be both amazed and delighted if I do a sub 2 ! But I am well past my best......(and there`s no shortage of people to tell me that ha ha ha!).......But my alter ego (SM) he says "never give up without a fight"......so who knows eh? Maybe he is right , if you want to resign yourself to convention then you will follow that well trodden and gloomy path.

    Hi Haz , you are putting the mileage in mate. I think the longest "training" run I ever did is about 10 miles (SEE BELOW). Good luck at Hull.............ovens? I am curious image

    Sunday last I did a run with a mate ....very unusual as I always run alone ....but it just came out of the blue. She was  younger and a hell of a lot fitter than me and although she is a roadie and I like to think of myself as a trail/hill runner.........I was hammered image.......she had a Garmin sp? and it said 10.5 miles and it was windy and raining and muddy etc...........SAS training stuff. I am having a day off tomorrow and might do that run again the other way round. It will be raining as it always rains when I have a day off.

    Haz......I know I asked before but what exactly is that picture of yours?.....I can`t quite make it out on my screen image.....also what kind of time are you expecting for this one?

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    I just realised I already bored you with that run on Sunday...........going senile too now image
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    Went out for a long run last night. 12.51. 01:58:09. Hilly course. Feel much more confident that I'll do a sub two now image
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    Looks like you got a good chance Diana.....good luck.

    I just got back from a tough trail/hill run and as you might expect absolutely slashing down and blowing a gale.....streams where there should be paths etc etc..........IT WAS GREAT!

    Also out for same time as you just under 2hrs but don`t think I did as far as you.....10 or 11 at a guess.

    No ways a sub 2 for SM unless I get the bus.

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    But you never know image
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    I'm off for a five miler down the tow path later. Can't wait to splash about in the puddles. Me a child? image
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    splish splosh splish splosh  image ............I hope it doesn`t rain for the race though!

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    Hiya folks image.  Looking forward to this race now.  Did a 10M race last weekend and got just under 1:40, so was really pleased.  I got 2:30 for my first half last year (GNR), 1:14 for a flat half a few weeks ago...no idea what to expect/aim for for Ackworth though, as I think it's quite hilly?

    Ate too much curry last night so think I'll do a long bike ride rather than a run today image.

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    Welcome RTG.

    Only 2 weeks to the MOT....................(think about guys)

    Does anybody know a good place for Sunday lunch nearby?

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    hazzervyehazzervye ✭✭✭
    SM,not too sure what time I'm going to get,will be my last race before London so going to enjoy it and not go daft.Did Blackpool in 1.32 but can't see me getting anywhere near that.
    The picture was taken whilst away working and is of me proudly showing off my new diving mask, I'd carved out of a watermelon.Personnaly I think it's taking from my better side.
    As for all this trail running you're doing, far to dirty for my delicate legs-and coming from Yorkshire I'm too tight to heat the water for a bath in winter!!
    Rtg it's a much more interesting run than the Great North Shuffle and far friendlier good luck
    Dianne sounds like sub 2 is guarented
    See you all at the start
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    Of course it`s obvious now image.............a bloke in a diving mask carved out of a water melon.

    Why dint I think of it before?

    1.32 is out of SM`s league but strange forces can come into effect on the day.

    Spellings are a porbmlem but you only see the mistake too late...........and just like real life you can`t go back and change it.............but you can do another posting  image

    MOT approaching fast.

    I can`t decide whether to go in uniform or go under cover............did we give out our numbers ?

    mmmmmmmmmmm image I will go back and check.

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    OK I just checked and as far as I can see nobody has given out their numbers so far.

    I could be wrong as I dint do every single posting as I am too lazy and my life dint depend on it.

    So who will be the first to make themself identifiable to the weirdos on this forum (not counting SM who is as sound as a pound)?

    And no falsifications if you please.

    Is there pie and peas or anything after? image

    image gOING FOR A lie down NoW  image iT BEEN a longdaY.

    MY NUMBER IS  510.............so come on put your cards on the table or forever hold your piece. (not literally of course)

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    Don't know what my number is, but I'll be there image
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    I got your number mate you better say hello to SM.

    Specially after all we been through.image

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    Beware folks,

    I live in the Ackworth area and all the locals are  raving about  new talent Ryan Schmillar. Even though he runs like a girl his times have been incredible - he really is a serious contender !

    Easy to spot just look for a runner who's a shade off  David Dickinson  with big cankels !

    If anybody else has heard of him please let me know.

    Good luck to all runners. 

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    How do girls run Mr Heed?

    I'm 990. 

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