
Paris Marathon 2009



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    2 miles - with my cold. OK but not sure if I'm capable of anything more.

    Also entered Abingdon and beachy head mara last night - 6 days apart. What a muppet.

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    JB, were you....sober? image

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    I was. Which makes it worse.image
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    Which one are you JB?image

    Well done on entering them both mate.It takes some bottle

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    I'm Fozzie of courseimage
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    For everyone about to tackle a long run this weekend - to put us in the mood:


    (can't work out how to do the YouTube thingy, so it's just an ordinary link).

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    It IS the best national anthem - much better than our drone.
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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
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    I prefer oh flower of Scotland.with a quick burst of 500 miles by the Proclaimers.

    Ours is rubbish.It should be "Land of hope and Glory"

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Evening all and good luck with all your w/end plans. I'm planning a steady 10 tomorrow then a 10k race (the Paris 10k round Louvciennes Bois) on Sunday. 35 mile week which is less than I hoped.

    At least there's no snow here!

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    Fizz, I am not following anybodys program just a general 16 week program that I tweak.

    The reason I jump from a 14 LSR this week to 20 next week is that the 20 miler is the Bramley 20/10 race.

    One year I ran Bramley and got chatting to a pretty young girl who was doing the 10 mile loop and she asked if she could run with me. I got her around the 10 in a new PB for her, however, I then ran on around the corner and let my gut back out and nearly died on the second 10........vanity is a killer

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    Hi Fizz

    Didn't get mty letter yet.  Only sent off my med cert on Thurs though would that affect it?  Doing 16 miler tomorrow - it'll yet again be the longest I've ever ran.  Having a quiet night in tonight just about to watch the Kiterunner!  Best of luck to everyone on their LSRs this weeekend.  And well done RP - great time!

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    The medical cert is nothing to do with the letter Macky.As long as your names on the list of runners you'll recieve one.It's got to be the weather.

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    плкцшат  лцутая осцхя угывци дпдц  щцтырва тгш екшьы пьукт зщк цшкт

     image I like that one..* Oh, the simple fun of typing nonsense...*

    Can't stand Flower of Scotland, thoughl. Another dirge!

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    Dont think you can beat the Welsh national anthem, in particular when its played at Cardiff arms park. Oops, its the millenium stadium now, still not bad though.

    Howeyz...another silly question....who's gonna win tomorrow. Now dont be bias.image

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Ireland -rance looks like the best game to me.
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    There's only going to one winner DD.Those mighty OWLS.image

    Don't expect too much sense from me post match.

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    Oh, I'd forgotten the Welsh one. Yep, it's good...
    Good luck, tomorrow, Macky.
    Remember, H. It's only a game..

    Fizz?Feeling better?
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Kick a man when he's down. Even Sarkozy is having a pop at poor old Brown.

    Come on Ireland!

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    ATM wrote (see)
     Remember, H. It's only a game..
    Try telling that to the Liverpool fans after losing to Everton this week.image
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    It's never been "just a game" ATM.It's everything.
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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    'Some people believe football is a matter of life and death.
    I'm very disappointed with that attitude.
    I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.' H. * apologies to BS *

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    Thanks everyone.

    Cheers TD...I doubt I will get much better between now and Paris to be honest.  I probably will aim for 10mm pace in Paris, and maybe pick up a bit if feeling strong?

    It seems the snow is no hinderance to most of us.  I hate litter bugs too Splodge....I like in a pretty little village, and it gets loads of visitors, especially in the summer, and you should see the rubbish.  I have seen people actually eat their food in the car, wind down the window and chuck out the rubbish...then drive off tw*ts!

    Ah, Howeyz...your turn for derby day this weekend is it?  It was mine last weekend.  Do your clubs hate each other like the magpies and the makems?

    I agree about land of hope and glory.  Didn't they play that at the commonwealth games instead of God save the Queen?  It's much better...better still would be Jerusalem IMO.......kinda related...did anyone see Jennifer Hudson singing the national anthem before the American football last week?  She was awesome.

    JB...you must be mad...must admit I was contemplating Abingdon...perhaps I best see how I actually fair in Paris, and not get too ahead of myself.

    Fizz...I may not have "said" it was hard..mostly because I will be boring everyone with more misery of how ahem, challenging I find long runs, and I don't want to annoy people...believe me, it WAS hard!  I left the dreaded gels behind and took jelly beans instead.  Though I LOVE jelly beans (infact I am scranning them now), I really didn't enjoy them today, plus they were almost frozen in the cold, and were hard to chew.  I think something must happen  to my tastebuds when running, cos I really don't like anything.  Love hearts are next ...worth a try?!

    Oh..Leeds Rob..I watched the DVD last night...how cool?  I can't wait, such a lovely course, it looks amazing!  I am a bit scared of the tunnels though because :

    1)There seems like loads of them!

    2) The hills coming out of them look awful!

    3) They will screw my Garmin up...!  There was not much in the way of tunnels in the GNR, but enough to throw out my time by afew minutes..if there are loads in Paris, I won't know what time I have got.  Not that it really matters I suppose..not like I will be breaking any records LOL!

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    hello everyone.. I've not been around this week..  just been too busy with work..  its silly o'clock and I've got to be on road soon..  need to be in Manchester about 9am..   I'll catch up on the thread tomorrow and next week...

    Crazy life...    but I'm still smiling..!  image

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    ATM wrote (see)
    * struggling into an age-inappropriate buff boob-tube* SB, I need to get out more...

    ATM, how can you possibly say such a thing!! 

    I think you should get a quick photo off yourself climbing in and out of said buffy, whack it up on to Flickr, and then WE'll BE THE JUDGE of whether it is aga-appropriate.

    As me and Mrs.TD are both 41 now ("not-getting-any-younger, past yer prime, don't want to do anything silly, blah blah blah"), the scope for what is age appropriate is becoming increasingly broad not narrow.  Hurrah for that.  Now post that picture please and in return, I might do another funny stretch for your entertainment.


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    RP- What DVD did you watch, sorry I missed this on the thread.

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    OH yes, running.  Those of us on the RW Garmin sub3:30 have got a fast half-marathon to do this weekend. It's 5C and drizzly here. Should be fun.

    Offline, MrsTD and Loopmeishe are exchanging emails about how wonderful Erik the running shop man is and how he's spending lots of time with them, getting them to do all sorts of marvellous stretches in his shop.  Advice please: should I be worried or happy?

    Hi DV - hope business stabilizes so you can spend more time with us and your turbo bike. 

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    My schedule says a half as well Dicky, but I'm doing a half next Sunday so swapping with my 18 miler today.  Sorry everyone, but is a roasting 3.5 centigrade here at the moment according to Madame Puffy's car.

    Worked out a nice route last night then realised the climb was too high for an lsr really, so i chose  a flattie around the ring road around town...nice.

    Hopefully the house will be empty when I get home, have a left over chicken breast and some new potatoes from last night's meal so that will be a good recovery meal then off to bed.

    And for the first time I plan to buy a bottle of water on the way, I will drink my 500ml of 50% lucozade sport on the out, turn ata garage and drink water on the way back..

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    DV...that was a VERY early post from you?  Did you set off just after then?   I am guessing so, to be in Manchester form 9am.  You should have popped in to see me, am just off the motorway too!  Safe travelling anyway.

    TD...It's funny how when you get older you move the goal posts eh?  Your running shop man sounds ace, your wife is very lucky!

    Dave, Leeds Rob sent me a DVD about Paris 2007.  It's basically highlights of the race, a short bit about the expo and pasta party and info on the route.  It's quite interesting to see something like that, having never done it (or any marathon) before.  It was a very sunny warm day that year...20 degrees eeek!

    Puffy, good idea on your shop idea.  I keep meaning to try something like that, but annoyingly there are not many shops on my route.  I reckon I will be ok with my 500ml running bottle, at least I was for 18 miles.  Annoyingly I have a really sore shoulder this morning..I assume from holding the bottle when running.  How annoying..legs fine..shoulders killing!

    Rest day for me..happy running folks.


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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    Dave, one on the nice things about Paris is that you get a DVD of the run.It's basically what you'd see on Eurosports...if you weren't running and had cable 'n' all...It's truly impressive...because of the aerial shots and, with any luck, one or two of us will spot ourselves. It comes in the post weeks after the day and it a great souvenir.

    I think you can also buy a DVD of various highlights and they will insert you crossing every time mat. So, remember folks, do your Chariots of Fire bit through those mats .You will be filmed image

    Oh, no, TD. I think the buff shot's going straight to pay-to-view...
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