
FLM 2009



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    Never really thought about joining a running club as never really running at the same time sometimes night.Due to being in the forces, during the week its done at work while weekends at home. So while a running partner would be great i'd not be there regular and not so sure how this would go down.
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    Thanks Shadofax, you certainly know your stuff!! So you're saying you don't need liquids if you are using gels? Must admit I can't stand carrying a bottle. I usually dive in a shop and buy a lucozade midway through to keep me going. I definately need to buy some gels!!
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    Niihty- no you definitely need fluid, just not to mix isotonic sports drinks with water. If you are thirsty, you'll absorb fluid pretty quickly from your stomach so could vary the type of fluid you take on board during the run.  Some folks find the gels more palatable than the Lucozade drinks on offer at FLM.  Again its a matter of trying it out for yourself.
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    Great advise Shadowfax, and I agree, gel and drinking is individual.  If you are unsure, try them out on long runs as aswel as building endurance, long runs are supposed to be a training run to trying out gels, drinks, breakfast, etc.

     Feather, attending a local running club means that you will find other marathon runners who train weekends and could be running at your level, so you can find partners to do your long runs with.  Alternately, you could try fetcheveyone.com for runners in your area and try to pair up with them to do long runs.

    Did 8x hill runs at the country park today, very hard but weather was great and got a great view of the estuary.

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    Thanks Shadowfax. So if I, say, had one gel every hour on a 20 mile run. How much water should I have or is it a case of drinking when you are thirsty? Sorry for the questions but I'm always unsure of the amount of fluid you need to take on.
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    I think it gets more complicated, Niihty.  Different gels have different calorific values.  Lucozade sport gels are 45ml, thicker and gooier and contain 120cal whereas Go gels are 60ml, thinner and runnier (and so easier to slurp on the move) but contain 87Cal.  You will also use different amounts of energy depending on your pseed ie whether youa re racing or going for a 20mile slow plod. 

    As far as water goes, you should drink before you are thirsty (and that will depend on the weather, wind, your speed etc).  By the time you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated and dehydration leads to a loss of performance.  What limits my drinking is that too much fluid gives me stomach cramps so I prefer little and often. I don't aim to replace all the fluid I'll lose in running but you want to avoid too much dehydration (a 2% loss of weight in fluid will reduce performance).  Also beware that too much fluid is dangerous and can cause fits/ heart attacks etc!   Like with the water, you should have gels before you really need them.  As you can see from the postings above, most folks have them every 30-40mins. 

    That's part of the function of the long runs- to practice what you will do on THE day with regards hydration and food (breakfast included).  Don't do anything new on the day of the race (except run for 26.2 miles). 

    And you thought running just involved putting on a pair of trainers!!

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    You're right there Shadowfax!! I'm completely confused now. Thanks for the advice. That's always been my worry, too much water which can have a real negative effect. I've always found on 10K runs I've never needed fliuds, just before and after. Where as anything longer I start taking on water. I suppose it's a case of trial and error. One thing's for sure, I definately need the gels. I'm going to order some today.

     Cold's really kicked in. Didn't go out last night, felt too rough. Hopefully I'm over the worst of it!!

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    Well still some great advice from Shadowfax.  Hope your cold gets better soon Niffhty.

    Did 5 miles coaching today, which was very slow but a new distance for the lady that I coach so she was well happy.  Doing an 18mile run tomorrow and I am going to try taking gel every 40mins and see how that goes as I am used to taking them only after 15miles. 

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    Good Luck tomorrow Rioja. By the way, what does ex DR stand for?
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    I must delete that now, I used to be Dago Runner, but as I am well known for my love of the red liqueur so I thought I might just as well change it.

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    some great advice there shadowfax

    On the issue of burning fat though - I'd heard several times that fat is an extremely inefficient source of energy, and thats why large/fat people struggle because their energy is primarily fat, which leaves them out of breath when exercising?

    Must admit I'm bad at taking on gels...in the 20 miler last week I got a bad stitch at 13/14 miles...couldnt work out what it was, and then realised I'd not taken a gel on board for about 50 mins.

    Also couldnt agree more on water, as long as you're hydrated before the race (probably a half marathon) there's no need to take any board. From 13 on, its probably worth sipping little and often as Shadowfax says..

    The 405 finally arrived yesterday, but the ANT stick was missing! Love the watch but can't really get the full benefit until I sync with my PC.

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    Thanks for the advice Ian. So little but frequent intake of water is the key. Do you really feel the benefit of Gels?? Can't wait to try them out, just order some orange ones from Lucozade!!

    You'll love your 405, best thing I've bought in ages. Did you get the HR monitor with it? I did, but I tend to use the pace indicator I find easier to gauge my training. However it is a great tool and works really well. The only problem I find is it can take a while to locate sats! Besides that, it's fab!

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    Just played tennis and half an hour swim followed by a nice relaxing bit of R&R in the steam room. It really helped with the cold. Believe it or not, Freddie Flintoff was in there fast a sleep on one of the loungers round the pool!!

     Take it easy tomorrow with this cold, 13 miler I reckon.

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    I presume I do need the ANT stick then?

    I used to have a 205 but the length of time it took to find a satellite infuriated me! The 405 seems fine so far however...do you use virtual partner a lot?

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    Yeah you need the stick to transfer your runs to the computer. To be honest I don't find it tells me that much, just good for recording your split times. I've not use the virtual partner but I believe it's very good, a bit too complex for me, plus I'd have to read the instructions!!

    If you go to your history it will give you an accurate breakdown of  your runs - time, date, average pace, avg heart rate and distance.

    Some days locating the sats is fine, tends to be when the weathers bad or when the batterys low. Whch, by the way,  you need to keep on top of, it's suprising how quick in runs down.

     Smart looking thing though!!

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    "Only" having 305, I don't know if ithe software works with the 405, but SportTracks (free ware) is much better and more useful piece of software.  You search and total up runs etc and it links in to satellite photos of your run.  Just Google it and if you like it and feel generous ,the developer will happily accept a donation (and no, that's not me or any one I know!).
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    How did your run go this morning guys?

    Despite the blustery weather I had a good run today, really enjoyed it. For the first time I ran without my ipod! You know what, it was great. It allowed me to really focus on the job in hand, I was really concerned I would struggle. I felt great this morning despite the cold and managed a 12 miler in 1.26:36 which a really pleased with. I felt I had a bit more in the bag till a I ran through a farm and this 4 ft dog came hurtling towards me!!! Scared the life out of me!!

    How do you guys warm down? I tend to run another 1/2 - 1 mile and then stretch. Then a freezing cold dunk in the bath followed by a warm shower. Not sure about the bath, but I heard some of the top athletes swear by it.

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    Was just about to get ready to go out for my run but not so sure now it looks very windy n starting to rain a little
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    I was lucky Feather, the heavens opened just as I finished. We get use to these conditions in sunny Manchester!!
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    hi guys

    I set out to do 12/13 this morning, having had a cold this week...but I was going well and it turned into a 20 miler which I was very pleased with...did it in 2h34, only 7 mins slower than my race last week which is to be expected

    As I was only intending to do 12, I only took 2 gels out with me, but I was aided by Lucozade Sport Caffeine Boost...I've had this before and didnt realise how good it was

    I was able to stop at my flat after 15 to pick another one up, and I did the last 5 miles at an average pace of just over 8m10/miles..I also felt really strong mentally, which is the role of the caffeine.

    Cant recommend this drink highly enough, I wont be using the regular LS again

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    Hi Ian, great run this morning.

    The drink was that good? I'll have to give it a go!

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    Yeh I've used it before but it showed the real benefit today!

    Also took the HRM out for a spin and it worked fine, no probs at all..But how much practical use really is it?

    Impressed with the 405 though! The Virtual Partner was kicking my ass later on in the run, and I did find it a bit fiddly to change the VPs speed "on the fly"..that was a bit of a pain...depending on where I am at 20 miles in FLM, I might use it to bring me home in 3h30, if thats still on the cards of course!

    And I burned 2800 calories!

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    I did my 20 mile run yesterday (due to family commitments) in 2:40 and 5miles this morning in the sun which made a nice change to running in the dark! 

    I know Paula R swears by her ice bath after a run, but its only the thought of  a nice warm soak that keep me going.  I didn't feel too stiff and sore for this mornings run, so I'll stick to a warm bath.  I tend to run the last 1/2 mile at a slower pace, with stretches and carbs once home, followed by a few mile walk with the dog.

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    Well i got off me butt and went for a run was still windy but the hail stones that where coming down just after me last post stopped and the sun come out just after me start shame the wind never left me alone feel am not pushing myself enough now with everyone running further i only done 10.4 miles (1hr 17)maybe should of gone further.
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    never mind, 10 is a good distance and thats a good pace...still 7 weeks to go, plenty of time to get those 20s in!

    so does anyone regularly use/swear by HRMs on this thread?

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    The problem I find with my HRM is remembering to put it on- by the time i've decided which combination of clothes is appropriate, grabbed a few gels, found my mp3 player, fired up the Garmin and decided on which shoes to wear, my HRM is forgotten.  However I think the theory behind running to ones HR rarther than the clock is sound and makes sense but I rarely do it.  Even at what i feel is a comfy pace, my HR seems high but I seem to be able to sustain it, so i'm unsure how to interpret it and use the information.
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    Stayed at 17 miles today...trying to save some energy for the Finchley 20 next sunday....felt a little flat...but that's what you get when you are trying to help a friend move house the day before!!!  Happy just to get the miles in...and look forward to next week.....

     God thank gels and jelly babies......

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    yes good luck with that carlo. I'm kind of regretting doing the Bath half when I should be doing 20 but I guess I did the mileage today

    when are you doing that regents park 7 next? week thurs maybe? also let me know when you fancy some hills!

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    Well done all on your runs.  I went out to do a nice and slow 16miles, but it turned into a 18miler in 2:30, Happy with the pace as I was facing the blastering wind most of the way and by gosh it was hard going.  I took 2 gels with me, but shared one with my running partner.

     I actually ache more today than I did last week after the 20mile race.  I got home looking forward to some stretches and a cool bath first, but only had time for a quick shower before going out on taking my son to football.  I did try stretching by the pitch but couldn't cope with peoples funny look.

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    niihty wrote (see)

    How do you guys warm down? I tend to run another 1/2 - 1 mile and then stretch. Then a freezing cold dunk in the bath followed by a warm shower. Not sure about the bath, but I heard some of the top athletes swear by it.

    I've used Ice baths in the past and they give a certain feeling to your legs,  I read an interesting article recently though which suggested that they weren't of that much use post running but more so in impact sports like rugby where the muscles take a different type of beating.    I use ice baths more if I've pushed myself in a run at close to anaerobic level (usually this is 10k to half marathon distance) but for a long steady run don't normally bother,  just have a walk, gentle jog round the park opposite our house along with some good stretching.

     Some good stuff on here guys this weekend,  keep it going.  I was out for just under 3hrs today in which I covered 21 miles which I was very pleased with as this was following 4 hrs on the bike yesterday.  Busy week next week with Cheltenham Festival horse racing but will fit in a couple of decent sessions then aim for another long cycle and another 20m run next weekend.

    Have a good training week guys,  now is the time to keep working on your programmes to make it successful come April

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