
FLM 2009



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    Great running everyone, looks like we're all on course for that sub 3:30 time. Keep it up!

    Dom, I started out with the nike plus and found it not very accurate. Like Ian I recommend the Gramin, they are fantastic, I wouldn't leave home without it now, It really helps maintain pace and keeps you focused. At times it's easy to slip into a slower pace without realising, the garmin really helps keep you on track. Go on treat yourself, you won't regret it!!

    Easy 5 miler tonight. My legs feel surprisingly fresh this morning, them long runs are definately paying off!

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    yeh im debating what to do today...legs feel tired so it might just be a light cross training session..some bike, stepper and some light upper body weights

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    DomFDomF ✭✭✭
    Cheers of the info, think I know what I want for my birthday now then! Garmin here I come.
    Lunchtime did 8 miles fartlek, 58 minutes, felt hot in the sun and half of London seemed to have come out to enjoy it.
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    good work dom again

    I sacked off the gym and had to have a frapuccino instead! I may go after work but if not tomorrow lunchtime..then fartlek tomorrow evening!

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    Hi guys,did the Trimpell 20 yesterday, really good traffic free course and pulled in a really good time for me of 2.28, had to work really hard over the last 5 to keep it going, set off too fast as usual then all those that can achieve a negative split come past you near the end ! don`t think I`ll ever change just get swept along at the start and suffer later image.

    Hats off to all of you aswell some great running this weekend...

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    Same to Tangray....glad to see I wasn't the only one who got jittery and set off too quickly!!!  Bit of a warm one if you ran on sunday....gawd only knows what it'll be like on 26th april!!
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    Awesome times all over the place.

    Great sub-40 niihty you must be well pleased with that. And 1:32 is fantastic for the Bath Half Ian. (Delayed start again there must be something going wonky in the organisation there.) And Tangray and Carlo you're all gving me some great time targets.

    I managed a 1:36 at HM distance on Saturday which was a PB for me so I'm catching you up although still not confident that 3:30 is doable. I need to plan in 2 or 3 longer training runs before FLM taper. I know I haven't put in enough run training but feel that my cycling this campaign is contributing to sustaining some run endurance. We shall see.

    Excellent that you are all setting off too fast but still blasting your target times. You're rewriting the rulebook.

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    Good time for a 20 miler Carlo.

    Well I finally did it and cycled to work and back, which is only 8miles but the weather was great and I really enjoy it, well most of me, my rear side is a bit sore image.  I will give it another try on Wednesday and Friday and see if that makes any different to my running.

    Sweet feet, that was a good time for a lone HM, well done.

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    Good work Tangray and Sweet feet. Looks like things are on track, keep up the good work.

    Managed a 10K this evening, really enjoying the lighter and warmer nights. Good to have those cold, dark January evenings behind us. The finish line is in sight, can't wait for the big day!!

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    Good times all round.  I'm hoping that 3 more long runs and then some time in the taper for all those niggles to settle, plus my "race head" on the day will be enough.  Looking at the times from last weekend, I think we'll be all holding hands across the finish line!

    DomF- as the others say, get a Garmin and then use the freeware SportTracks rather than the software it comes with.  Does anyone use the the Virtual partner pacing function on their Garmin, or just keep an eye on their pace like I do?

    RL- cycling is great as it doesn't load your joints or muscles like running does.  I had to go to a sports injury clinic for a knee problem earlier in the training program (who said running was good for you?) and they advised me to swap some of the shorter runs for cycling.  You just do it by time and effort (or heartrate)- so if you needed to do a slow 5 mile run, you just go out on the bike for the same length of time and same heartrate (minus 10 beats per min).

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    Bit late but great running by all i managed the silverstone 1/2 in 1:36 which am happy with got there late and had to start from quite a way back and dodge me way through the pack gels at 5 and 10 worked well for me and then felt i had plenty to spare from 10 onwards with a bit of a sprint finish maybe should of used the sprint finish energy better still me training programme told me to aim for 1:37 so if the programme works am on target
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    morning all!

     I havent post in a long time.. apologies..  Well running has been going pritty good. last major sort of run  was a 20miler a weekago last sunday. came through at 2hr28m55s. Im not overly impressed with my performance as i suffered a mega stich at 15 which virtually paralised me till 18 where i picked myself up to an ok 7.45 pace.. then managed the last mile back at the 7.15 pace i managed all the for the first 15 miles of the race.  So if i were to not have had the stitch and walk i would of been thrilled with my time. Program is begining to become less intense however im picking up the pace now, so the variation in my pace from steady to fast is becoming restricted.

     Hope all is well and no injuries and aches and pains...

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    I've used soooo much ice since sunday that my leg is starting to feel up for a steady 7 miles tonight...(started to look like frosty the snowman!) bit wary of niggles for further training runs this week......Still planning to run the Gade Valley Runners FLM Training 20 mile next Sunday in hemel (29th March)...but emphasis will be on taking that one at a much slower pace than sunday

     Yesterday was gym work and lots of stretching.......image

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    DomFDomF ✭✭✭
    Lovely day out there, not too hot to run in the sun. 7 miles at 8 min pace or thereabouts.

    Tomorrow is the dreaded 11 miles steady, not looking forward to that...
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    good steady 6 last night 43 mins. TOnight 8 miles fast.. will be happy will a 6.50 to 7 min pace.
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    As you say, a gorgeous day today.  Hopefully it won't be this warm on the day!

    Like ES, did 6miles with the club last night in 43 mins but took my bike out for  1 1/2 hours this am (instead of the 11 mile run) to rest my patella tendon a bit.  It was a little sore after the weekend's long run and at work yesterday morning, but bizzarely was fine running last night.  I'm sure its more important to do the long runs at the weekend and exchange some of the weekday runs for a similar time and effort on the bike.  The knee feels fine now so I'll do the fartlek tomorrow evening.

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    Wednesday is rest day for me. Went out for tea with the family, even treated myself to a couple of pints!! I know, on a school night!!

    Big 20 miler this Sunday, looking forward to it. Then the Wilmslow half marathon next week, hoping for a sub 1:30.00. Not managed it before.

    Good running guys!

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    Did a tempo session yesterday and I really felt my rear side after the bike run.  So cycle again to work today, but this time went home a more hilly route just to add to my bike workout.

    Looking forward to a steady 11 miles tomorrow, as only did coaching for 3 miles today.

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    Stretching tonight...had two days of 7mile (steady pace) and Weds 9 slow/easy...tonight just want to get rid of stiffness so not banking on any further major runs this week until the weekend.....may try some light weights in gym (but on days like these who wants to be indoors!!??) Also have deep tissue massage booked for Saturday morning.....just at the right time...

    In short starting to see value in the rest and recovery as the miles have increased....

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    Hi all

    Sorry to interrupt but just a quick reminder that one of our Lucozade Sport Super Six mentors - Steve Smythe - will be online between 1 and 2pm today to answer any questions you might have about your marathon training.

    We've opened the debate a little early so do post your questions now so Steve can get stuck in straight away at 1pm!

    All the best with your marathon goals,


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    Some loud trumpeter on the realbuzz site has been proclaiming her joy at receiving the final mag and FLM race number today??!!  Anyones on here come through?  (i'm in the process race number envy!)  if she is hoaxing I'm arming myself with enough expletitives to make Jonathon Ross blush......
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    Nope, nothing in the post this morning.

    CM- I agree about the rest and recovery.  It will be nice one day not to feel stiff on getting out of bed!

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    So True Old Shadow. Seems to be no rest from it at the moment. Lets hope all this hard work pays off.
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    No recieved nothing yet ! I`ll  just keep pacing up and down then !

    Did 8mls in 57.45 on tuesday thats good after my 20 race on sunday,and for a bit of cross training did a 32mile bike ride yesterday,rest today and a good set of yasso`s tommorrow.image

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    Hi all, nothing on the post for me either.  Didn't managed to run yesterday at all as had to visit mother in law at the hospital, it felt weird not doing an running.  So to make up for it, on my way to do a nice 11-12miles today.
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    Ooopss spoke too soon, just got my Marathon news magazine and registration form.  I am number 30225.

    Did 12.2miles today in 1:42 which is 8:24 pace, but I was running with a friend and he did managed to get us lost, made me run along the beach, climb wall and fences when we went the wrong way, and I am only 5ft 1" so it is a stragle for us shorties!!! image

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    DomFDomF ✭✭✭
    10 miles yesterday in 70 minutes, was meant to be a "Steady" at PMP but ended up being more like HMP. Was a tough effort, but not eyeballs out. Putney-Chiswick-Putney, so a "double boat race"...

    20 miles tomorrow, aiming to take it nice and easy at around 8:20 minute miling. First try with Lucozade Sport, hopefully it will agree with me!!!!

    Good luck for the weekend everyone!
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    RL- mine's arrived today too.  How exciting- its like getting your flight tickets before a holiday- it means its really happening!  Number 24339.  Luckily no beaches  or fences on the FLM course.

    8 mile fartlek last night, except my maths/ memory wasn't so good so ended up doing only 7miles!

     A quick 5miles tomorrow and then down to Twickers to see us stuff the Scots (hopefully!), before 20 miles on Sunday morning (hope I'm forgiven as I see its mother's day) .

    Tangray- nice boat!

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    Hey!!! Got mine!

    Number43709. It's like getting the Golden Ticket!!

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    Got mine as well, 15044 blue start!!! image

     Went out for a run to celebrate!! (god I'm turning into a complete saddo!!)  

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