
FLM 2009



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    Mines here to 4226, looks like were all blues at the mo image
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    Think, I'm in the red section. Whatever that means.
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    I think the colours are something to do with whether you have a charity place.  My blue place was from my running club.
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    Makes sense, I'm running for a charity. For a minute I thought I was in with all the fancy dress runners!! Did you read the interesting facts in the FLM Mag. The fastest ever elvis came in in under 3 hours!! Can't help feel slightly deflated being over taken by a runner in an Elvis suit!! Funny though.

    Took it easy today played tennis for a couple of hours ready for the big 20 tomorrow!! Good luck tomorrow guys, it's given a good forecast.

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    Evening guys,  good to hear you're all getting numbers through and getting the buzz from it already,  I've had my number for ages due to having deferred last year....22880,  will open my mag later to see what start I'm on and I'm sure we can have an impromptu meet for a cup of tea before race.
    Been an easy / lazy week for me running wise but have got some swimming and running in along with a couple of gentle runs so not too bad.
    Have got a run along the North Downs way next Sunday for a charity I help out for so scaled back the volume this weekend but pushed it.  Managed 14 miles in 1h44m,  53 mins out, 3 min stretch and  gel then 51mins back which was good including final mile in 6m30s.

    Swimming and mother's day dinner tomorrow then a couple of shorter quality sessions during the week I think.

    Enjoy long runs tomorrow all who are doing them.

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    well as long as we're not overtaken by someone dressed as a large prawn that's fine.  image

     just listened to the news about a guy who finished 7 x ultra marathons in 7 days!!  I feel like such a wuss!!! Good deep tissue massage to try and eradicate stiffness...long rn tomorrow...hopefully 2 hrs 30ish...slow!!!

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    Carlo Metcalfe 2 wrote (see)

    well as long as we're not overtaken by someone dressed as a large prawn that's fine.  image

    Or two men in a panto horse!! image

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    Well I am definately in the Green start, which apparantly have the posh toilets, whatever that means.

    I am doing 22miles on Tuesday as my running buddy is away for the weekend but I did join my running group for 12miles this morning, but it was very very slow (9min mile) although it did include 5 miles off road and it was kind of nice to take it easy for a while.

    Hope all your long runs have gone well this morning.

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    Managed a 19.2 mile 2:26:08, really happy with the time. First long run with the gels, they're great. Unfortunately I was palnning 20 miles this morning, but I couldn't run any further my legs hit the wall. I'm am concerened about hitting the wall on the big day! Another 7 miles scares me to death!!

    Hope the runs went well guys!!

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    I did 20 miles in the same time as I did last week but felt much better at the end of it and could have gone on further.  I also managed to do the last 8k at a quicker pace than the rest of the run - so I'm pleased.  And there won't be any hills in the FLM like I did today, so 3:30 here we come!  Hope everyone else had a good day. 

    Good time Niihty- remember you've still got 2 more long runs, loads of recovery time and the pace you were doing is well under 3:30.  So chin up!!

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    17 miles today(slow 2hrs 15)...stroing some for last 20 mile next sunday in hemel.  Deep tissue massage seemed to work its magic on stiffness from last few months (really recommend this)....go through usual shorter runs but leave 2 days rest for sunday...then we enter the taper stage......and how much pasta am i going to hate by 26th april!!!

    Well done guys the virtual community has been really supportive over last few monthsimage

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    Hi and well done everybody

    I didnt have a great week...took Monday off as rest from Bath, then great session Tuesday 8x800 all around the 3 min mark. Then work took over and I couldnt run Wed and Thurs, so did a decent 8 before work on Friday morning.

    Then yesterday I decided to run for time, rather than distance. So set the garmin up for a 2h30 workout and tried not to worry about mileage. It made a nice change, and the majority of the run was around Hainault Forest, which has some very hilly and boggy parts. So at certain points I was walking through mud and climbing up fairly large hills!

    But being out at 0630 yesterday morning, on such a sunny day, was very nice. Its nice just to run sometimes and enjoy it, forgetting about targets, laps, distances and gels!

    I ended up doing just over 18 but I felt really good after this run, and I think a change from concrete, mixed in with some hilly parts and a change of scenery did me a lot of good!

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    Well done guys and thanks Old Shadow for the advice.

    Carlo's right this community has definately helped me through my training. Thanks guys, we're in this together. We can do it!!!

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    guys what running socks do you use? I've used 1000 mile ones but they seem to be coming to the end of their useful life, and I've started getting a few blisters recently with all the long mileage...

    and any other useful "kit" tips as I'm very much a novice in this area!

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    I bought a pair of Hilly Monoskin socks as they are shaped  (or more to the point ,seamed) for each foot and until today they've beeen really comfy.  My previous New Balance socks gave me blister over my middle toes after 6 or 7 miles.  However, today I developed a goodly blister over my right second toe which is an area I've never had problems before.  I think the blister was from a rub with the big toe so it may be I didn't lace the shoe tightly enough, rather than the socks causing a problem.  I don't have great sensation in my feet after a spinal injury and so didn't notice the problem til I had my bath after the run.


    They are comfy enough that I'm planning to buy another pair, but I think that they weren't cheap

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    ShivaShiva ✭✭✭
    Hi all,

    Haven't been online for a while as my training has taken a hit over the last month. My lsr are on track but not had the quality speed sessions I normally do. Will still go for 3:30 but not too worried about it now. Another 20 mile yesterday, felt comfortable @ 8:30 pace. Easy week this week, will mainly swim and bike this week to save myself for the final push.

    Have a good week all
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    I've just tried Hilly monoskin (compression) and they seemed to support my ever weak left ankle......the black toe I shall place the blame with my old running shoes....have now switched to New Balance 1067 and the support is amazing....

     Ian, I also switched surface yesterday...first time I have run in my local park for a few laps for a while..have to say the impact was noticeable....also changed my long route which for the mind was needed as was getting "route fatigue" so mixing it up at this stage is sage advice.....

     Massage worked wonders...recommend the rest aspect at this stage guys......and the countdown to expo...last 20 miler coming up this weekend...image

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    Old Shadowfax wrote (see)
    Good time Niihty- remember you've still got 2 more long runs, loads of recovery time and the pace you were doing is well under 3:30.  So chin up!!

    I'm sure i've mentioned before that with some decent miles in the bank,  the last hour of a marathon can be done in an hour with a run / walk method however knackered you are.  You're on track here niihty so no need to worry.

    Ian Burdin wrote (see)

    guys what running socks do you use? I've used 1000 mile ones but they seem to be coming to the end of their useful life, and I've started getting a few blisters recently with all the long mileage...

    and any other useful "kit" tips as I'm very much a novice in this area!

    For me you can't beat Falke socks,  I came across them about 8 yrs ago in South Africa then found them in the UK,  they're not cheap but never had a problem with them at all.  Also found some Falke underwear which is really comfortable and nice light material.

    Good to see you enjoyed the run with no pressures of the watch etc,  it's sometimes more beneficial to get the positives from this than pushing for a specific session.

    Have a good week's training guys,  keep the effort up for the final couple of weeks prior to tapering, that rest will come soon enough.

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    Re socks, I don1t think its so much the sock as the preparation before putting it on ! with our increased mileage there`s a lot of friction and heat build up in your shoes so to prevent this I carefully grease up around my toes before every run with either aqueous or udder cream this stops all blisters and I used to be plagued with them as i have large feet .I never get any now following this routine.image
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    14 miles yesterday 1:40 7.3 m/m will be hoping to run the 26.3 at 8 m/m pace. Easier weeks training this week with the long run being Thursday at 10 miles and only 8 miles scheduled for Sunday with 23 the following week, then the big wind down begins. I will be fitting a few swim sessions in also to keep the muscles active. 
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    Hello everyone. New to the forum and first-time marathon runner.

    How many 22-milers are you guys doing?  An experienced runner recommended two to me, however, I've been sticking to the RW training schedule quite rigidly, so that leaves one more 20 miler and then a 22-miler.

    Had a bit of a nightmare LSR run yesterday - felt flat before I started (I overdid a bit this week with additional midweek football), and hip ligament was really sore (again I blame football - NO MORE!) and ended up doing 20 miles in a 2:56. Yikes. Last 3 miles were 9, 10 and 10:43 in quite a bit of pain. 

    Don't feel too bad today and hopeful I can prove yesterday was but a blip. Still 330 is gonna be very tight.

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    I probably wont be doing any 22 milers...Im thinking one more 20 (taking me to 3), on top of 18 which I did on Sunday, and a 16 mile Kingston race in 2 weeks.

    A couple of weeks before I'll do 15/16 as well...

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    Have recently stayed away from football as some of the "shin kickers" are a fraction away from putting me out of action for the FLM!!!  Don't want to risk an over eager teacher getting their wish before the bigh day!!!  I'll have to take the "shirker" jibes for a few more weeks!!!
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    JamesieB -welcome. I'm just doing the one 22miler recommended by the RW schedulec but I'm doing it a week early to fit in with skiing.    I read somewhere that one piece of advice is that your 5 longest runs should add up to 100miles, but I guess its all so individual.

     At least if you do a 22miler, it helps the psychology ie its only 4 miles further on the day.

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    I did a nice 5 miler around Hyde Park at lunch, very very windy and tough going but managed to knock out 7min20/miles

    In 34 days time it will all be over, and the glory will be ours!

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    I'm not sure I've ever done a 22 miler before a marathon,  furthest has been 21miles!

    Change of plan for this marathon though,  I've clocked 2 x 21milers already in about 3hrs each,  am racing Worthing 20m which is fairly flat on the 5th April & next weekend am breaking anything i've ever done by covering 26miles on Sunday.  

     It will be fairly gentle as it's a charity walk along the North Downs way from Guildford to Redhill but a few of us will be jogging it......there are refreshments at halfway so a cuppa tea at Boxhill will be a pleasant break.

    Nice run at lunchtime in the wind,  no watch or GPS but about 5 miles on the Downs at a reasonable pace........pleased to have got it out of the way as it's chucking down now.

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    Well done all, and well come to the forum JameseiB and WS, I am doing a 22 miles tomorrow, 20 on Sunday and another 22 the following sunday before tapering.  I have done up to 22 before and it does help sychologically (excuse the spelling if not correct) but also I would go for time rather than distance such as I am looking forward to doing a couple of 3hour runs as then I know that I will only have 30mins left on the day to run.

    I have been to London today celebrating a belated mothers day so I hope my writting makes sense.  PS yes I know drinking before a long run is not good but what can I do ?? image

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    RL- don't worry about the drinking upsetting your training.  I'm skiing next week and I definitely won't be on the wagon!  Still got 3 weeks afterwards to dry out!
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    hey niihty i'll be red start to with number 42801 also a charity runner
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