
1500m Training For Masters European Champs 2010



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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Simon - Team Kennet and those times sounds familiar :¬)
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    Yep - saw the vest - yellow? One of them has short dark hair.

    Suppose a bit dissappointed not to do a 65 on the last lap to get 4.10

    Say well done from me - we all did great I reckon - they are Whippersnappers and i'm an old 37 year old git LOL
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Simon - indeed that is them :¬) Scary stuff is they are on PB pace and the season has not really started.
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    Agreed. Young sods image

    I wish I could be on mine - 4.04...but I feel this may be for ever out of reach! although anything below 4.09 will be my 2nd best time, so there's hope!

    Right i'm off - catch ya later...

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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    Well done Simon, and well done to your guys Gobi.  Promising stuff all round.

    This particular old fart plodded round the 3k in about 9:15 and is pretty pissed off with the performance.  Legs felt great throughout, where were my lungs?

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    Just off to bed. Nevermind, but 9.15 is not a disaster..

    think I saw you jogging round...white top? 6 foot two or more?

    be back on tomorrow night..

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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    Yep that was me - legs like toothpicks!

    My late season 3ks last year were 9:25, 9:14 and 9:10 - but thought I'd be a bit fitter than that today.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Moraghan - it is still early season and you are flat there amongst your best times from last year.
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    You walked past me and my pregnant wife - we were just going out of the gate and you were probably coming back from the tatty bog block.

    Oh well its just some solid training now - I have got  a long leg at national road relays to come on Saturday week. Which is a total bastard!!!

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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    Partially redeemed myself today....

    800m pace session. Conditions perfect & in spikes, 3 * (3 * 200m) w / 100 jog; 400 jog.  Averaged 29 secs for reps and 61 secs between reps, 3:55 between sets.

    Felt really good - maintained form throughout and legs felt as good at the end as at the beginning.

    Trying to decide whether to do the next Watford meet and if I do what event to go for.  Either 1500m or some short event combination (400 or shorter).

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    Well that sounds better!

    In contrast - did a crap 5 mile slow run yesterday and nothing today!!

    Not sure about tomorrow - not many people about so might not go over for the 5 x 1 mile at Luton -although I think i should! could do another 30 x 200 over here or 5 x 1300 round a track by a lake...crap on your own though!!

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Did a couple of 800s tonight while the lads did kms and 500s

    2.33.75 and 2.29.2 - not a maximal effort but sadly far closer than I would like to admit :¬0
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    Know what you mean..club run for an hour or so tonight..felt awful at the start..track tommorrow..be afraid!!
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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    I had a crappy one today.  Supposed to be 6 * 400m @ 65 sec pace w / 65 sec standing rest.

    It was a windy day and did the second one in around 62 and the ensuing lactic ruined rest of the session which I was unable to complete.  Knee's bloody sore tonight as well. 

    I'm considering entering the 1500m at the next Watford meet, but had two sub standard workouts this week.  Confidence is a tad fragile at the moment!

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Moraghan - in a strange way a race might be just what you need to get back on track.

    I have a mile race next Wednesday :¬0
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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    Yes, I think you may be right Gobi.  Is your mile race on the track or roads?

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Club challenge event on the track.

    Although my legs feel ok I'm not sure I have a fast mile in them so I may just cruise round.
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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    Congrats on the recent marathon - not surprised your legs are like that!

    I'm still not sure what my training / racing looks like this week - got home from my disastrous trip early this morning.  I really ought to race a 1500m or shorter so my club know whether I can contribute a week on saturday in the first league match.

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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    In the end I decided to run the 800m at Watford tonight.  Came away with 4th (out of 10) in the top race in 1:58.12 so pretty pleased with that.  Got another 3 months to knock a few seconds off and haven't done much 800m pace work yet.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    unlike Moraghan I didn't have the legs and cruised round :¬)
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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    Reached a temporary plateau in my 1500m progressions with 6 * 400m @ 65 pace w / 65 secs rest.

    Managed 5 last night before needing to take a longer break before the last one.  Reps 5 and 6 were still about 2 seconds off the pace.  Expecting this to happen at some point.  I think I'll get it next time with the spikes on.

    First SML match on saturday where I'll be running the 800m / 400m / 400m relay.

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭
    Moraghan wrote (see)

    First SML match on saturday where I'll be running the 800m / 400m / 400m relay.

    Oof!  What a programme.  Best of luck with that.  I'm looking forward to a bit of SML action (5,000m) this summer, but I've made it pretty damn clear that they won't see me on Saturday, despite being rather short of options.  Travel to Hemel Hempstead to limp round for a point, or get carried away actually trying to race around for a time, and bugger up the knee? Nah!
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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    That was my reaction when they told me - apparently "The relays are always about who is left standing by that time!"  Ha ha.  Based on last year's results there is a chance of getting away with a sub-max 800m which is the first event.

    It reminds me of the time when, at university, I competed for Notts AC and they asked me to do the pole vault.  You had to clear the opening height of 2m 20 to get a point.  First run up I nearly wrenched my shoulders out of their sockets - the next two attempts I cleared the bar but the pole then knocked it off because the height was so low.

    How is your knee?  I think we had a similar diagnosis - the difference being you are taking the sensible course and I've had mine for years.

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭
    Moraghan wrote (see)

    It reminds me of the time when, at university, I competed for Notts AC and they asked me to do the pole vault.  You had to clear the opening height of 2m 20 to get a point.  First run up I nearly wrenched my shoulders out of their sockets - the next two attempts I cleared the bar but the pole then knocked it off because the height was so low.

    Haha!  No way is anyone ever going to get me attempting the pole vault, for that exact reason.  (Or the hammer or javelin for that matter, because I like my head where it is.)  I was talked into the shot put last year and thankfully there's no minimum distance.  Still, gives me a pb to go after if they're ever that desperate again.  (No, it's not recorded on Pof10 and I honestly can't remember how far short of 7 metres it actually was...)

    I'm definitely on the way back, thanks.  Managed 3 weeks' easy running trouble-free, back up to 50mpw, long run 14m.  Without doing any specific faster sessions I've done the odd burst on the treadmill to test the water, and I reckon another couple of weeks of easy running (getting up to 60mpw, LR 16m) and I'll start to put some tempo running back in.  I'll be doing some more hilly routes to help things along as well, since there no longer appears to be any bad reaction from the knee when running downhill, which is one thing that seemed to set it off when the tendon was at its weakest.  Expect to be back at the track by end of May, I have a low-key off-road race mid-June, and hopefully somewhere near to pb shape again by then for 5,000m, 10k, etc. for the summer.

    I'm continuing to mix up some cycling with the running, as well as regular one-legged (incline) squats, since everything I've been told by the physio, or read about patellar tendinosis, suggests getting the balance between quad and hamstring strength sorted out, being the best prevention for any recurrence.

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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭
    Good news Phil, glad you're back running again.  Not many marathoners do the shot put - ha ha.
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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    First SML:  Ran 1:57.7 / 51.8 / 51.3 split.

    Reasonably satisfying day for me - if anything the middle 400m was a little disappointing but I still haven't hit that sort of thing hard in training and difficult to know how the 800m affected it.

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    Your strength and speed endurance is in  good shape. The old "Horwill" formula of 2 x 400 time + 4 secs hold up well. Your 1500m training would mean a 400 / 800 combo should not be effected by fatigue too much. A little 400m pace work should see your 800 time drop and the Euro title will be yours! The fact you can run 3 events consistantly in a few hours  means the rounds will be no problem for you. image 

     I did a 800 / 400 combo a few years back and could barely walk after image 

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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭

    Not so sure about my endurance, but we'll see.  I sent my entry off this week and am running the 800m and 1500m in Hungary.  I stand a much better chance in the 800m.

    My schedule recently has been 3 days on, day off for knee trouble, repeat.  Am managing to get enough running in though to keep fitness up and back to the physio tomorrow. 

    Nailed a session tonight at the third attempt - helped by the weather and wearing spikes for the first time for it.  Had a little bit to spare as well.

    It was 6 * 400m in 65 seconds (1500m pace) with 65 second recovery.  Next 1500m session will either be 5 * 500 or 4 * 600 (probably the latter).  Given the missed training and travel disruption I think I'll be staying at 65 second qtrs until the next race tells me differently.

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    MoraghanMoraghan ✭✭✭
    Second SML meet this saturday.  Definitely doing the 400m and 400m relay but have asked to skip the 800m so I can hit the 400m fresh.  We'll see what happens.  After this weekend I won't race for 3 weeks as this is a crucial training period.
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    I think I've just found this thread image

     Going to be  a long read to catch up by the looks of it...

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