
ALDI Ashby 20

OK, I'm doing my first marathon this year and training is OK so far.  I need to do a 20 mile event and the Ashby 20 looks like it might just fit the bill.  Be honest, if you've done it before what's it really like, how hilly is it?


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    Its really good just what is needed get in there 500 places gone already this was possibly my favourite race last year , I am doing it again as preparation for VLM Oakley is another bosting event too, thats the week after. Don't worry about the hills they are not really an issue , where do you ever get a flat course! image
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    I ran Ashby 20 a few times in the past. Cant run it these days as no longer in the UK. I can honestly say that i couldnt find major fault from memory. Great race, great course, a few hills but nothing too tough.
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    TenjisoTenjiso ✭✭✭
    I'm booked in for this as part of my marathon build-up (Shakespeare Marathon).  I did the Oakley 20 last year, but can't do that one due to a date clash this year.  The reviews for this race have convinced me this should be a good venue.
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    I'm doing the Shakespeare too and I've entered this one as marathon prep.

    How do you guys approach this if you're using it to get ready for RSM or VLM? I was looking at running the middle 10 miles at marathon pace and a bit slower for the first and last 5.

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    I ran both the Ashby 20 and Oakley 20 last year and they were both enjoyable and good preparation for a spring marathon.

     In terms of the each course, they are quite similar. They are both undulating but nothing too steep or severe.

     Both had friendly atmospheres

     Ive entered them both again this year.

    I suppose my learning from both of them is choose a larger hoodie from Ashby as it did shrink a little making it a tad small for me. The hoodie from Oakley doesnt strink so choose the size youd normally have.

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    If you like hills (which I don't) do Oakley otherwise do Ashby image My Oakley sweatshirt remains the same size - I have only worn it once image 
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    Ashby is a great race, and will be there again this year as part of VLM prep. There are a few hills, yes, but nothing too taxing.

    Colin - Sounds like a sensible approach. I'll be running first 5 slow, speed up a bit for the second 5, then last 10 at my target marathon pace. Might be worth you considering doing it this way, as  you'll get more benefit (and hopefully confidence) by running the end of the race at your target pace. Good chance to try out your drinks/gels strategy too. 

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    Thanks for your support Boingy.

     Race not full yet, but not far off.

    Not had other comments about sweatshirt but will take it up with our suppliers.

    Nobody's mentioned the (very welcome) cheese cob when you've finished!

    Gels/j babies/chocolate at the drinks stations as normal - plus new this year - Vaseline - you'll have to apply it yourselves though...

    Race entrants booklet almost ready for posting. You should have them around the weekend

    Tim Sturla

    Competitor liasion officer

    ALDI Ashby 20


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    Ashby and Oakley 20 are super events

    essential prep for say London ,

    in my opinion, if one can get around either or both of these with relative comfort, then i'd say your well up for London,

    Shakespeare and likes of are of course a different story, mostly rural, lonely, boring, thier stamina jobs, where as London is or can be made an all day  party jobby

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    Just checking in via the Shakespeare Stratford Forum...

    I've netered to do this and am looking forward to the distance challenge. Done Halfs before but this will be the furthest I've raced. Training is going okay, and the miles are getting under the belt.

    Now if only someone could arrange the weather? please?

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    Jules, the weather's character building or at least that's what I keep telling myself. Hoping that Ashby and Stratford will be pleasant days for a run and that all the snow, ice and freezing temperatures experienced in training will make them seem that little bit easier.

    Last couple of days I've lost a bit of interest, been neglecting work a bit and needed to get some done so had a extra rest day. Just couldn't be bothered last night, but a slight tweak to the training programme will have me back on track. 5 mile tempo early this morning, felt better afterwards.

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    When you compare what the Ashby organisers are putting on for the runners it seems to put the Stratford organisers to shame with their solitary sports drink in a CUP stop. I shall use my other 20 mile plus runs to hone my refueling strategy, probably tablets or gels to add to water.

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    Colin I couldn't agree more.
    I've done lots of races, as most people on here, and still still STILL manage to nigh choke on cups of water!
    I don't blame organisers for resorting to the cheaper option - an something better than nowt- but for the longer races bottles are sooo much better.
    If it's any help...I carry one screwtop gel on my 20 milers. Take a little at 12 then the rest at 16 and drink most of one sports bottle of water.
    What's everone else do?
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    I'm running the Ashby 20 for the 2nd time.

    I've just blogged about my running here http://www.anthonypounder.com/blog/cns!400938DCD454D501!1041.entry.  Follow the link within the training schedule  to my account of last years efforts.

    See you at the start


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    Hi peeps

    if it helps anyone to know this

    i've been running many years and racing years, and learning the art of not choking on drinks while running or racing is not easy

    i still do occassionally till this day, course, if it also gets into back of nostrils it's worse

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    someone told me to walk the drinks stations if there are plastic cups, now while I don't like slowing up it does help, last I think they gave us bottles last year here,so no worries on that front.

    Also as Mick has said on other threads going into a race well hydrated is always a good bet image

    I'm looking forwared to my second Ashby, last year was for fun this year is in preparation fo VLM so I need to be well prepared .

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    my dear friend which i see u as

    fropm our discussions and having run with u many times

    if i'm honest - your preperation for your first FM, albiet London 

    is well under way and control - it's just down to you know, to keep a cool head and yes HY drated properly etc


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    Thanks Mick i try and have plenty of water every day of my life "water is yoiur friend" someone once said to me,

    Have done a few big events so no worries on that count, plus the lonely runs and smaller events too!

    Just need to keep on watds and upwatds and stay injury free,

    thank you again for your friendship  advice and support image

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    Anyone received their race entrants booklet as mentioned by Rolffie above?

    Did a steady pace (fast for me) 9 mile run in 73mins. Felt comfortable throughout, running in this weather is so much easier, sun shining but still a bit of a chill in the air to help keep cool.

     Got an easy 4 miles tomorrow with 18 miles on Sunday, that'll be fun image

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    Hi All

    Another one doing this and Stratford-Upon-Avon marathon. 

    Not received anything yet Colin.

    Done a very undualiting 10 miles tonight,  I have to swap things around and do my LSR on Saturday.  So probably have a rest day tomorrow and then a 20.  But this old manflu nots helping.

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    it's a bugga, i've had a few bad nights,

    migraine etc

    felling quite CC'd

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    I had manflu about 10 days before I was due to run the Tour of Torfaen last October, it left me wasted and I had to miss it because I wasn't sure I would finish it.

    Hopefully I'll avoid anything like that over the next couple of months.

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    Bit of a rest week for me, Bath HM this weekend, then back up to 20ish miles ... still no sign of the race number and  info though.  Any one else got theirs?
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    Nope! No race pack here either...so no hassles if we're all in the same boat.

    Man-Flu? Minor epidemic sounds like amongst the Ashby Forum! Mebbe this is an 'unclean' place! LOL!?

    My 20 miler last Sunday went stormingly and I knocked 5 minutes off my PB but more importantly felt much better at the end than usual. not as many aches and pains and niggles! Hope it carries through to the race proper.

    Not sure about Sunday (LSR) probably an 18 for me as well Another Hill. Will Probably try that with just water, no gel. Mind you thinking about it, reckon I've ran out! Decathlon time methinks!

    Also - has it gone colder again the last few days? Or is just me on the Dark Side? Seems to have been quite a chill at 5:40 the past few days

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    shelscrape wrote (see)
    Bit of a rest week for me, Bath HM this weekend, then back up to 20ish miles ... still no sign of the race number and  info though.  Any one else got theirs?

    Mine was on the mat yesterday fear not people Ivanhoe will not let you down  image
    Sounds like your training is going well Jules, I did tempo yesterday 1 mile wup 5 @8.20 1 mile cool down then straight to the gym for a resistance session, my legs know it today!

    16 mile LSR Sunday for me, that should be fine I've done one 2o mile race already (Bramley) and felt pretty good afterwards so a mere 16 should be a realative breeze image

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    Hi Rod

    yes Rod, you cruised Bramley did'nt you ahh , and u sounded great after, positive and talking positive and sounding clear

    gosh, your well on the way to your marathon ahh

    in every aspect that i can see ....

    tis a great feeling when u've conquered that goal ,

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    well Mick lest hope so things have gone fairly well so far I have done nothing outstanding just kept to 3 runs 2 x training seeions and 1 resistance session a week where I can, the Long Runs to me are pretty crucial I'm better at going slow now, well I was never quick but you know what I mean,

    Thinking back to Bramley I had to laugh on the second lap when there were probably 5 or 6 of us all aged 52 image we all had a smile on our face too!

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    20's like Bramley,  Ashby , Gloucester, Stafford, Oakley , even Trimpell  are rural killers

    if one can conquer them with relative ease, then London's a definate yes in my mind

    hence the reason they are dubbed, " perfect prep for London " and it's true

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    i agree mick 20's are grrrrreat mara prep, i just wish their were some in late aug/early sept to prepare for the autum mara season.
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