
Not dead but........

Missed the forums for a couple of weeks due to an increasingly demanding clinet putting me and my team through stress, stress and more stress. Long, long weeks with an average finish time past midnight has left no energy to train and made me succumb to the the evil weed again......

....it'll all be worth it they say but I'm not so sure. OK the money is good but really beginning to think it just is not worth it!

Light at the end of the tunnel? Barely.
But I've managed to squeeze in three sessions this week and am committed to getting back to fitness.


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    bloody hell martin
    have a hug
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    SticklessStickless ✭✭✭
    Kick the weed.

    There come times when it is necessary to tell clients firmly if necessary when and possibly even where to get off.

    Doesn't always follow the best business principles, but..

    Running is good for backbone, and sometimes it's needed in other spheres.

    Best of luck.
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    Smoking sucks!

    Running is a great stress reliver.
    But if you've no time to do it, then something has to give.
    I found it hard to train when in the early 90's as I had my first home & morgage, very little building work going on meant it was a worrying time. But my running helped a lot!

    Good luck Martin
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    Grit your teeth firmly and devote everything to getting the job done to the best of your ability and getting it out of the way as quickly as possible, Martin. You'll feel a lot better when you do. Well done on managing to fit in some training in spite of the pressure on your time.

    Then give the weed the boot again and promise yourself that you will never, ever, take on anything that demanding again for anyone, no matter what the money looks like. You deserve to treat yourself better than that.

    Blessings, V-rap.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Health is far more important than money.

    Kick the smoking, you don't need it!!

    Lots of well wishes coming your way!! Glad you've been able to do some training this week!
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    sorry to hear you're under so much pressure Martin. And I always thought GB was the worst place in Europe for work/life balance!

    Do try to pack the ciggies in - they'll get in the way of your drive back to peak fitness - whatever you're doing. Has the knee allowed you to do any running yet?

    Hope to see you posting regularly again soon.
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    Hope things get better for you Martin. <<HUG>>
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    MartinH, can you remember how hard it is to give up smoking???? YES, so don't sart again....far far easier !!!!

    Well done for managing to keep some session in!
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    Sorry things are tough at work Martin. Remember noone else will tell you where your limits are. Look after yourself and PLEASE don't smoke, you'll be kicking yourself and resent work even more.
    Glad you've still got a few training sessions in though. Best wishes.
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    Sorry to hear that, Martin. I hope things get better soon. Take care!
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    I'm impressed you got even the three sessions in with a week like that. Hopefully this won't last much longer- as my dad said once when I was getting aggro-"Some people can't pay you enough to make it worth working for them"
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    keep it lit mate. remember, sleep? who needs it, mor time to play if you don't nod away!

    less of fags, more of coffee! you'l never stop then!
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    Oh Martin

    You are one of the most dedicated determined and devoted athletes posting on these forums - I really feel for you - it must be bad.

    This will pass - and you'll quickly see your fitness pick up again. All the best
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    How you doing Martin? Has the BH weekend given you any respite?
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    drewdrew ✭✭✭
    Martin, is it worth it? Work is important, without it we wouldn't be able to do what we want to do, but health and family are more important. Is it time to look for something that is more fitting with your lifestyle and aspirations? The last time I changed jobs was because the company I worked for was too rigid and didn't fit in with my lifestyle.
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    Not good, Martin.

    You've got to lay down some rules to the client. If the weed doesn't mess up your health, the stress will. No-one has to work that hard and no-one will blame you for putting your foot down.

    Hope it's getting easier.
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    Back again....

    Schedule so far this week.

    Saturday - 6 hours work, family duty, managed to get to the gym for an hour.
    Sunday - 9 hours work, sleep, got on my turbo trainer for an hour.
    Monday - 16 hours work, no training.
    Tuesday - 12 hours work, 3k run, 10k bike.
    Today - who knows but look like a minimum 12 hour day, probably no training.

    Client is an American with absolutely no concept of day, night, weekend etc - "we have a conference call at 11:00 pm" not "could you possibly attend of conference call at 11:00 pm"

    Generally, my job is SHORT period of intensity but this has now been going for nearly 3 months.

    Drew unfortunately in my position its almost impossible to change jobs without halving my salary (or worse!). In this case my team is in a very difficult position - we are good at what we do therefore more and more work gets pushed to us!!

    Need a holiday.

    Thanks for all wishes - I know the cigarettes make no sense......absolutely no sense. I will be back.

    PS: those of you interested my like to see my photo from my bike race:


    I'm the bloke at the front (yellow helmet) on the photo second up from the bottom on the left hand column.

    See you soon.
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    solution to ur problems martin - become crap at what u do so less work will go ur way!
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    I'm the partner of, and full time carer for someone who's life has been destroyed by stress. I've had to become a lawyer, doctor, counsellor, and grade A pain in the *rse to get Mrs FR the care she needed.

    Don't get me wrong, we have a good life where we are now, but we've been through (and are still in the suburbs of) hell to get here.

    Don't DONT let that happen to you. And don't say it never will because if you'd told me what was going to happen two years ago I'd have laughed at you.
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    if you and your team are that good, then its time YOU laid down some ground rules about your time commitment to this
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    Martin - work to live, not live to work. Try not to define yourself by your job but by your athletic achievements / family role.

    Hope things work out soon.
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    Martin - I know what you are going through -
    Because I am an "expert" in my field of work, a few years ago I got to the stage where I was so overloaded that I got a severe case of burn-out - exhausted, tearful, drinking too much to de-stress, then my body did me a favour by contracting an atypical pneumonia -

    Naturally, I still went to work with the pneumonia, shivering despite wearing 2 jumpers and a coat in the office, because I was "indispensable".

    Still, it made me think (and stopped me running for 6 months). I knew it could not go on. I made the decision to change my working life in a number of ways - no, I didn't chuck it all up for a smallholding in the Hebrides - that would have been an enormous waste of my experience (and earning power!).

    The changes could not all be made to happen at once - it took at least 3 months after the decision to feel any benefit at all - but I have doggedly and determinedly put a limit on what I am prepared to do at work. 3 years later, I am much, much happier and healthier - but I have to be constantly vigilant, otherwise work would eat me alive, again.

    Take care.

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    Whats wrong with chucking it all up for a smallholding in the Hebrides??

    Or at least a nice cottage and some Swaledales on the edge of the Derwent valley.....

    Didn't have a choice I'm afraid - it was that or lose my Wife (quite literally) to insanity.

    Don't rule it out if it appeals - just don't have to do it 'cos there's no where else to go.

    I got lucky - it may, and I say may have worked out for us.....

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    SticklessStickless ✭✭✭
    Hey Fell Running, read you loud and clear. We tried to get away! Then the escape ship got torpedoed.

    Grace God we'll find a way. We're still both running at any rate.
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    im listening to all of this with interest
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    21:15 and still working............doh.
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    22:18 still here.........double doh!
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