
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Well Staines has to be worth a punt. 1% gradient at worse and only eight corners. With five of those in the opening 2.5 miles.



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    Hmm, that hamstring pull yesterday is causing issues today - stiff and a bit painful. Luckily a rest day today, but will have to see how it copes with tomorrows 16....

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    Nice 22 there AG, how come mid-week?

    parkrun today in 38:07. Long one tomorrow so I didn't want to pace the fast end and so I said I'd take any open slot and 38 minutes was the next open slot. My god it's hard "running" that slow, about 5 miles per hour so just about fast walking. I do notice however, that a woman broke the 12 hour treadmill record with 68.54 miles, so somewhere between 5 and 6 miles an hour. You have to think that is open for many people to step up and break. Loads of ladies round abouts can do a sub 3 hour marathon so knock that off and then you have 9 hours left for anther 42, just a brisk walk. The men's record is 92.07 miles which starts to look hard.

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    Thanks, PMJ. I said I would run the TVXC as it's our home race and they're just putting out a team to score, hence had to move the long run. 

    I think the challenge with the treadmill is more about boredom surely, if I was guaranteed to break that record I wouldn't even bother.

    Good luck with your long one Bus, hope the hammy is ok.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Bus, I'd play it by ear myself, but good luck all the same.


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    Cheers chaps - I'm keeping them crossed. It's be a real shame if it stops me running as I'm feeling fitter than I have for ages!

    12mM pace must be hard Philip - can manage it on some big hills sometimes image.

    Can't imagine 12 hours on treadmill. I find 20 mins is about all I can take before being overwhelmed with boredom.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    yep take it easy Bus, you don't want the hamstring to be one that hangs around as long as that last injury!

    Maybe think loops, and have a route you can amend to 8/10/12 depending on how it goes, rather than end up 8miles away in pain and have to struggle back.

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    Good thinking, but where I am would mean a combination of extreme tedium and/or too many hills! Will see how it goes and have the Mrs on standby for a recue image

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    The question of a rescue really depends on where the stage of rescue is.

    Somewhere between 'wanting to run the following day' and 'not for the foreseeable future' are choices which would have me thinking twice about going out at all.

    I've only been rescued once, which was when an anterior muscle 'let go' coming down a hill; seemingly from nowhere. No warning at all.

    But really it wasn't from nowhere. It was from a forgotten bang on the leg about a month earlier. The first steep descent found out the hidden damage. 

    Made a right old mess. Ripped scar tissue. A double mess.


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    Would have been more of the former Ric - trust me, not wanting to mess up for Wokey!

    As it happened, the hamstring held up fine today for a 16M rod. Can't say the same about me generally or the adductor thing specifically, which flared up at around 13 miles again. Weird, as its been fine recently. Felt like a long old slog and pace was way down on last week - combination of tired legs, gale force winds and generally being a bit tired.  First 60M week for ages though, and 5 weeks averaging 55M per week. Taper time now....

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    not surprised you're feeling a little knackered Bus. 60 is a big step up from your normal part time 50 max image

    Good news hamstring wise though, I did fear I'd come on here to hear a "crippling pain, but I forced my way round at 10min miling on my knees" type job  image


    Ric, I'm honestly surprised you managed to run more than twice a week the amount of injuries you mention in despatches image

    I've got a bit of a dodgy sequence of my own going now...9 days no running, feeling better, but can't shift this last bit of cold, the cough. Can not cough for hours, but then it can come on in a ferocious manner for 5mins. Best see that off first before I re-commence things.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭


    I think 18 months is the longest I've lasted without some show stopper. Usually I last around 12 weeks of 'good stuff' before being laid up.

    I can jog about at 8/9 minute mile pace without risk, for weeks on end. But jogging ain't what we here are about, so risks must be taken.

    Wasn't it Radcliffe who remarked when another runner claimed they had never been injured, 'You would have been if you trained properly'.!?

    It's the back to back injuries which really stuff things. That creates a situation where the entire endurance base goes. Then it's start again at the beginning.

    Sometimes a 'time out' can have benefits.

    Found an entry in a diary from 2002 where I averaged only 12 miles/wk for ten weeks; peaked at 19 miles, did two speed sessions, then broke the hour for the Hemel Ten Miles.

    That was due to injuries, but illness has helped rid myself of niggles due to the enforced rest.




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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Final TVXC today and managed 31st in 37'xx. Briefly saw AG near the start of the race as he decided to stsrt with us 'riff raff'. Soon out of sight though! Course was very fast by this season's xc standards and not even much mud to delight the masses. Today followed up 4th at Woodley pr mudfest yesterday in 19'08. Very hard for me to get sub 19 at the moment the state of most local courses.
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    Big wuss - knocked out by a bit of man cough? I ask you image. Mrs has the same thing (well, woman cough anyway, so not as bad)

    BTW - last 6 weeks have been 60, 55, 57, 51, 51, 46 so hardly a big jump (plus about 30M bike and 200 flights of steps pw image)

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I think a lot on us here train relentlessly, when even the pros take a good time off per year. Wasn't it Radcliffe who had a month a year designated as rest time?

    Bus, yep I'm aware of the ridiculousness of 2 days off post that collapse, then pretty much not a missed day in 6months (one rest day per week as usual), then a simple cold wipes out 9 days so far image. Last week had 3 days up north in fairness so took away any complications of scheduling.

    It's times like this you realise a week or 2 out is pretty much zero overall impact, when we fret about missing 1 session in the week!

    Plenty of stuff to get involved in when returning I guess. Going to have a crack at training some of the women at work. Haven't done any coaching since Lit went all big time, and Skinny got a bit injured/found his way back himself, so will be some good fun imageimage

    Also a bit of a return to getting more involved in stuff. Years back, I was a regular at a local club, did all the local races, was on running series boards, club board, was all over it. last few years have sort of drifted away massively.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    nice Pete...although your parkruns are so identikit in result, you almost just need a cut and paste each week...image

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    Stevie G wrote (see)

     Haven't done any coaching since Lit went all big time.

    Ha. Though if it makes you feel any better, I have got gradually worse at running ever since! (Most of 2015 racing was rubbish due to low iron and vit D (probably), then was just getting over the fatigue and building back up when I twisted my ankle in a bastard pothole and had to take the whole of December off. Grr).

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Varied from 18'17 to 19'41 in the last 6 weeks SG!
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    Got myslef a 60 mile week as well, that is two in a row. 20 miles this morning with a route that was mostly OK: Maidenhead out to Windsor on the A308 and then cross the Thames, muck about with an up and down of Dorney Lake, then back along the Thames to the M4, nip up to the Jubilee River and back. All good surfaces apart from the bit on the Thames.

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    SG I had 3 weeks off at the end of the season and it worked. I was rested and raring to go when I restarted in Dec.

    Woodley must be muddy if you only did a 19:08 Pete! Nice run Phil.

    Easy 5mi today after last night's excesses. First alcoholic drink since NYE. Needless to say the bottle of red caused quite the headache today and calves were like lead. Oddly enough I ran down a lane that I last ran down whilst hungover post work Xmas bash.

    Off to Taiwan on Friday so this week will be interesting.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    image Lit, that took a good half hour for you to respond. Your policing of the threads is slacking! And welcome to the world of running post the honeymoon period image It'll deffo get better though. I bet you Phil's stalking fame on it.

    Come on Pete, the usual MO is 18.30-18.40s normal course, 19.10-19.20 slow course.  10ks in mid 38s image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    how you travelling people get any decent training in I don't know. Iron Taiwan, Phil- Russia/America etc quite regularly.

    I had one short spell up north and it's almost ruined me.


    ps nice 60 for you too Phil.

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    I just wait until I get run over by a car or something and have a couple of days off.

    Well done Phil and Bus, glad that hammy held up, enjoy your taper.

    I almost joined you proper runners this week, 59.4 miles following a 54 & 55. We won't talk about the weeks before those, mostly 20's and 30's.

    Nice to briefly say hello to you today, Pete. I don't think it was me that started slow today, it's more everyone else that starts so quickly. My first mile was pretty much my average for the race. It makes it a lot easier not being overtaken.

    Bit of a result for me today, my teammate has been beating me since the middle of the last XC season. I was slowly closing on him but he always has a strong last couple of miles. We came to one of the last hills and he started to pull away again but I told myself not to chase him and stay out of the red, I could tell he was pushing hard up that hill and as soon as we got back onto the flat I started to eat up what was about 20 metres.

    As I got within 5 metres he looked back and held out his hand, I suspected he may yield quite easily if I ever managed to get on his shoulder and so it proved. Just took 4 races to find out.

    I pushed on but I had worked quite hard to catch and pass him putting a 5:45mm in and didn't have enough to catch the RRR in front. I finished in 4th but maybe a bit closer to Graham than usual. 

    I know it wasn't a mud bath, Pete but there were a few good hills. I thought it was a good improvement on last year. I did think it was only going to be 5.1 miles so the extra 0.5 caught me out a bit.


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    Stevie G wrote (see)

    how you travelling people get any decent training in I don't know. Iron Taiwan, Phil- Russia/America etc quite regularly.

    Travel and training are easy: a normal day is split between work, commute, family and training. Go away and suddenly the family slice is gone and commute is often trivial so the training can take a bigger chunk.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Great run AG and you're right most of us start too fast. I find  the courses often narrow to single track pretty quickly though (like today's) so you need a handy position. Results are up already and you must have run at a fantastic 36 10k pace as I did about 40 10k pace which I'm pleased with for a XC and way better than my Tadley slog through the mud.

    Agree your TVT club put on a top quality race and the course has something for every type of runner; probably the best this year even if those tree stumps in the middle of the course are a hazard. 

    SG; you're right I'm too boring with times; should throw in a 38 parkrun like Philimage


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    It certainly helps to get near the front, I find that the slower fast starters go quick enough for the first 0.5m then its time to pick them off. I quite like overtaking it's part of the fun. 


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    Phil's summary is what I have experienced. It can get more complicated when it is a conference or some such event. I suspect Taiwan will be manic so it will be early mornings.

    I normally get overtaken for the first half of XC then start to pick places up consistently until the finish. I do start close to the front to avoid the bottlenecks.
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    Nice racing AG, but cause me some serious anx that you cans top on 59.4M image

    Philip - good 20. Whera re you in the schedule now? I've kinda lost track!

    I don't do much travelling for work, but when I do go to new places it adds a bit of freshness to running. Yes, you have to plan where to go and sometimes struggle to squeeze it in, but it breaks up the same old routines, which can only be a good thing.

    Devon next week SG for the first of my multiple holidays this year image. There will be less than normal now though, as I am on a new work contract with 5 days fewer leave image

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    The Bus wrote (see)

    Nice racing AG, but cause me some serious anx that you cans top on 59.4M image


    Saving it for next week, Bus.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    how have they managed to weasel you down by 5 days Bus? Were you on an already inflated figure, say 30-35 worth? Or have they greased you with more money from all those fines they love giving out?

    Enjoy holiday 1/7 anyway image

    Finally got a run in, first in 11 days! A mere 4miles, not that slow, but did a little coughing after.
    No worries about the cold going, but I am very much hoping and praying that the sort of ache in my side is cold related, and not the equivalent of what I got mid spring last year that started the whole run of fun off, and just in the other side. That'd be unfair!

    anyway, 4miles very much felt plenty today, so will try a 6 tomorrow, and take it a day at a time. Not sure how this week will pan out, but am relaxed whether it's as little as 25, or as high as 50. No point rushing this stage


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