
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Bit of competition for the V50s in former Notts Forest footballer Stuart Pearce who ran the Parbold Hill race yesterday. Finished around 230th I think.
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    RicF wrote (see)

    Good morning IC.

    The working jet setters see the world alright. I once had a chat with an old uncle who joined the merchant navy on account of it's reputation for world travel. I asked what he saw and he replied, " I went to sea to see the world, and what did I see? I saw the sea".

    He wasn't too unhappy to give up that job.

    I'd have spent all my time watching 'pelagic birds'.



    It's unusual for me to come out somewhere this early. Normally I would arrive on the Sunday and then start on the Monday. However I wanted to see what the place was like before settling in for the fortnight.

    So far I have spent £64 which includes a taxi from the airport to the hotel yesterday. Lunch & coffee, some food shopping and a taxi to+from a bike shop some way off (including waiting time). That's the good news. The bad news is the bike is only available in a 52 (but £350 less than the UK).

    Also it is a tad windy here. So much so that as the wind curves around the hotel through a narrow street it gets very strong. Coupled with the slippery tiles on the pavement this led to me being blown over whilst walking. I hit the ground so hard my glasses bounced a few metres. One moment standing, another on my 'arris. It's all OK now but I dread to think how tomorrow morning will be.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Matt, odd he'd turn up there. Doubt many ex footballers bother with running, probably find they've done plenty over the years, or their knees are shot from all the twisting and impact.

    What a jet setter you are Iron. I can barely handle half a week up north without having to recover.

    8miler today. Dead on 7.00 pace, but felt plenty, after nothing more than 4milers for 2 1/2 weeks!
    Still racks up a 40mile week though, so I do look back when I thought 25miles a week was a tidy sum how wrong I was.

    Hard to describe the current position. I'd sort of say chesty, but not in a coughing/unwell way, more in a slightly tight, breathing not ideal sort of way. But then different to both bad sets of breathing of the last year.

    Ho hum...steady she goes again. Hope to turn out at some sort of race before I'm 40! (ps and do alright, not just get round!)

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    Good stuff, SG, 40 miles would be in my top 20 most miles in a week ever I expect. Not for long though as I have clocked up 4 solid weeks now.

    20 miles today and that's a personal record 66 mile week for me beating last weeks 59. Felt like I was going through the motions a little with today's long run.

    Bit of a recovery week leading up to Wokingham butI feel a bit tired so I'm not expecting too much.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Nice good Samaritan act there SG. Literally picking up ladies during a run.

    Scott, hope you give it a chance to heal, shame though as you're in good shape. No Hants XC for me, it was my wife's birthday the day before, so we went out for the day on Saturday. Don't think I'd have been forgiven for sloping off for some cross country.

    Iron, you international superstar you.

    Good mileage AG.

    Far be it from me to engage in one-upmanship, but my first week over 100 miles this week, with 101.7, to add to last week's 92.6. Hopefully even if I cock the marathon up, it will all be in the bank for later in the year. Much lighter week next week in advance of Wokingham.

    Whilst Iron was running in the far east, I was equally adventurous, running round Bracknell. My eldest was at a party at the ski slope so I went for a run to explore. Bracknell is, of course, a shithole, but it's great for running, endless footpaths stretching into the distance, going under roads etc. We don't build housing estates like that these days for good reasons, but it makes for decent running, even if only because the rain discouraged the inevitable loitering youths.

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    Did I say 66? I meant 102.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    cripes Dachs, getting a little carried away there! Huge mileage. From the guy who said he couldn't find time to  do any stretching image

    Nice 20 as well AG, very big week for your usual too. For one min mis-read your post as meaning that was a recovery week!

    All look in good shape for Wokingham. Have good ones chaps, and even on the off chance they aren't what you hope for, just embrace that being able to race hard again! I'd settle for a race or 2 like that..again!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    SG, you're still getting out there. My own breathing isn't great. Takes upwards of 20 minutes before the discomfort eases off. Feel like they are made of concrete.

    Welcome to the 100 mile club Dachs. I've managed the total on a handful of occasions; the second was in the middle of the last HM where I broke 80 minutes (14 years ago, cripes!).

    15 miles for me today. The cold air seemed to take a grip despite being dressed up. Averaged 8 minute miles all the same.



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    100 miles a week, just don't think I could actually do it, got up to 78 I think pre Berlin. Saying that I need to get some miles in quick to make up for the last 2 weeks and get some strength in before Cardiff at the end of March.

    Interesting runs for IC and SG, not so much for Dachs, but done many miles plodding around MK, so I know how he feels. Love running around new places, done Brussels, Prague, Amsterdam, Phoenix to name a few. No prizes for guessing what the hardest one was, and that was only 4 miles! (Although it was August)

    So been getting back on the horse this week, jogged around bits of the Chiltern league at MK on Saturday, did 25 mins before going up to watch my mate run the Valentines 30k at Stamford, I was supposed to be doing that, more entry fees down the drain! Then 45 mins yesterday, feel ok apart from hip flexors tight, no surprise there..
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    I should also mention that running 100 miles per week for me has proved to be a total waste of time. Doesn't achieve anything.

    For me it's far better to run 50 miles/wk and mix it with cycling and weights.

    However for some, it's a simple case of the 'more miles - the faster they go'.

    Even Steve Jones (world record holder for marathon) when he ran 80 minutes for a HM claimed he was only on 50 miles/wk!

    What! , 50 miles/wk!!!

    I'd have annihilated him. On 50, I did a 73! 


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    you've got to be on a crest of a wave to be motivated to do 100miles a week I guess, let alone have the body to achieve it!

    I clocked an 80ish once, but that involved including a pointless 4-5mile social run with Marlow at pootle per hour.

    2 days of 6&4 done this week, will aim for somewhere in the 50-60mile week, all "easy", after last week's 40.

    Sort of feeling better, but not close enough to bother doing anything faster

    So quick for something to take you out of the flow, so slow to get back in aint it!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Just keep ticking along SG. The training ends up somewhere. Only problem is when it does.

    Went out in the ice early on to do a threshold run. For me that was holding an effort which put my HR on 160bpm. It didn't feel easy, but then again, I was well dressed up.

    Average pace came out at 7:25 minute miles.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    You sound like you're going decently Ric, and like you've said, at your time in your running career, that's a blessing in itself!

    I need to stop reading about myocarditis on the net! For one thing it seems to have an insane range, from "in and out in a week", to "instant death", from "most cases lead to no long term problems" versus "pacer makers, heart transplants" etc.


    I did look at the "treatments", and will take the doc's verdict to resume, saying that most of the tests were very encouraging, and not offering even the most minor treatment of say anti inflamms, that it's all very minor fare. (in the scheme of the condition!)

    Of course it could be this cold taking the best part of my last 3weeks to fully go playing with my confidence, as 3 weeks ago the 6miles at MP dead 6 pace felt the best it had for months.

    Everything seems to take so long to go doesn't it these days!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    On a erm lighter note, being one of the 27 people in the country who still buys the RW mag (too lazy to cancel the direct debit), I did chuckle at the churlishness of one of the letter writers.

    Some guy moaning at a feature on a woman who had "won" 100 parkruns. He was giving it the full BS propaganda gash about it not being a race and you spell it parkrun.

    Sounded an absolute kent that I would love to slap around.

    "Oh, all us parkrunners would know it's not worthy of celebration".

    I tell you, if I ever win a parkrun, I will freakin milk it!

    Step 1 is to get to actually do one though!

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    do you want some parkrun training then SG as I've won 10image 

    (ok it would be more training in where to run and I do have a large sample and have been in every other position from 2nd to 10th at least 10 times too!)

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    I think 10 wins is pretty tidy work there Pete. I'm not one for all this get a t shirt when you've done however many type stuff, but a win is a win.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    My history of parkrun is: 2010 (4 runs), 2011 (5 runs), 2012, 2013, 2014 (0 runs). Finally another two runs in 2015.

    Worst position was 8th. All the others were 4th or better. 1st in three.

    The novelty was finishing 4th, 3rd, 2nd then 1st. The others were just fitness checks. 

    With me it's: (Run 1) Curiosity of the event (Run 2) Do a better job of it. 

    After that I've lost interest. 



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    Stevie G wrote (see)

    I think 10 wins is pretty tidy work there Pete. I'm not one for all this get a t shirt when you've done however many type stuff, but a win is a win.

    parkrun win, small fry! What you want is the country record. For a while I was the fastest parkrunner in the whole of the US.

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    14 Parkruns, 3 wins, worst 6th. Been quite consistent with 12 runs between 17:11 & 17:59 and 2 18:xx. Average position 2.77.

    Number of sub 17 = zero image

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    Quite enjoyed doing parkruns over the years, can't actually believe me and my mate drove down to do bushy pk in 2007 when it was the only one in the country! Won a few, pleased that my lucky winning streak at Poole is still intact, best there is 15.52 which somehow very luckily got me fastest of the day UK wide. I think the weather was shite which helped. Aylesbury is a good flat one too.

    Agree with SG that many get a bit precious about them, just need to see them for what they are tbh.

    So finally back training at Luton after a couple of session free weeks through illness. It was 12 x 600, split into 6 'one steady, one effort, reps, with 90 secs between reps and 20 secs between the two efforts. Ideally the steady should be 15 secs slower than the fast.

    The steadies were all about 2.05, the fast 1.54,1.1.51,1.48,1.45,1.46,1.40. So really chuffed with that after a bit of a break, although I'm always more confident about my speed rather than my strength. I need to get the latter up with some more miles if I'm going to do anything decent in Cardiff, I was aiming for sub 73.

    Wore long socks for the first time last night. Glad it was race voucher funded as they were 40 quid! (Thought I may be able to get a couple of pairs!) Felt nice though, but can see them being too hot in the summer.
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Good to be getting back to training Simon.

    Funny the thing about long compression type socks. I discovered the effects in 1987 by accident while trying to resolve calf muscle issues. I stopped very quickly as the 'look' was deemed to be naff.

    I'm resolving my lack of strength by doing sets of squats with weights. I'm surprised how quickly things are coming together. From being dead legged after 20 reps, I'm up to nearly 100 with the odd airborne sample thrown in.



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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    I like to keep my win ratio of parkruns over 50%, think it's comfortably over that at the moment.  Worst finish 3rd, in what was my fastest parkrun at the time.

    It's a race if you make it a race.  Just like getting dressed or eating a cheeseburger is a race if you make it a race.  And pretty much everyone I've been near at the front of a parkrun is making it a race, just like I am.

    RicF wrote (see)

    From being dead legged after 20 reps, I'm up to nearly 100 with the odd airborne sample thrown in.


    I'm intrigued by what 'airborne sample' means.  I have visions in my mind of containers of urine arcing through the air, like at the Reading Festival.

    Quality reps after some time out there Simon, some of those ones at the end are flying.

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    That's a lot of squats Ric!

    SG just go out and do a parkrun - not as if you have far to go, and full beans aint essential!

    Quick check in from Devon....pre Wokey week so not too much running. Just as well as off-road is tricky, given I only have a black and white map (printer cartridge ran out!) and I forgot my phone! Still, all the local lanes are pleasant enough, though bloody hilly! 10miles Sunday, 7 yesterday plus a couple of walks on the coast path. Treadmill session later as its pouring with rain and freezing cold!

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    31 parkruns for me and a splash of wins across each of them, IOW, Eastleigh, Southampton and Netley Abbey. Did some as early as 2011 and didn't run sub 17 either.. But I then didn't run or do anything from Feb 2012 till summer 2013 which was when I started up properly

    In the lead up to my 10km PB (March 14)which is now 2 years old! (where has the time gone!!!) I did medina and Southampton winning in 15:59 / 15:52 - however Medina course changes a lot but is all grass really. Southampton being the fastest of course although it's ranked more difficult on RunBritain. They have a few variations

    I would consider driving to Poole for one if there was a train going

    Awesome reps SC although can't get my round the recoveries, so you would do

    Easier / 90s / Steady / 20s repeat X 6??

    Hope everyone runs well at Wokey Cokey will be good to see how Dachs runs especially. Bus I hope you run well, anyone else doing it. AG?

    13 miles for me last week which was mainly 1 X 8 miler run before I hurt myself. Think I am making progress and the swelling etc has gone but finding pain when I run still, done a handful of 20-30 minute Cross trainer sessions but only two runs this week 4 + 5 and nothing today

    If I can run each day till Saturday with no pain I will attempt parkrun

    I do agree with the consensus it's a race, either vs yourself (time) or whoever turns up. Last week I did a bit of both, I raced but also combined it into a session

    Hope Ric and SG are well
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    that's interesting timing Bus, knowing the mad hilly stuff you love to do on holz. Maybe not the stuff a pre half taper is made of.image

    I will deffo get a parkrun in the second I'm ready. I could feel I was very close before this cold, but it's still giving me some odd chesty/stomachy feels, so wouldn't be clever to rush this last bit, having not raced for 7months now!

    ps AG, you'd do well to get a sub 17 on most parkruns, I dare say you'd need to be a fair further down the 16s to do it! Especially Wycombe.

    I clocked a 16.53 at Dulwich, that was a fast one. Whether it's worth a 2hour round trip from where I am is another story.


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    Yes Scott I am also doing Wokingham. I am on a steep mileage increase so it's probably coming a bit early in the plan for me to do well but you never know.

    10 miles recovery run home last night and then a slight miscalculation on my route back which turned out to be 17 miles, mostly off road. I had better ease off for the rest of the week, there's a 13 in the plan for Friday which I will probably change to a short run with a few strides or something.

    All the best to those with niggles etc.

    SG - Why not do parkrun as a little tempo session and see what happens, may be a good way to get the appetite whetted for racing again?

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    Weather forecast for Wokingham looks ideal for fast times (not!) - 20 to 40mph windsimage

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    Just saw that run whilst I was scoffing myself at McDonald's breakfast! Puts everyone's training for the day to shame! Nice run! And I get the mileage increase / timing, it'll come together and your body will take everything in, in due course

    SG - I think 3-4 parkruns over a few weeks will be a better gauge as I'm sure the first one or two you are bound to hold back

    Bus - Tailwind in hoping
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    I'm also entered in Wokingham but will pull out if the winds really are as strong as forecast (like I did my last proposed half at Gosport). Just don't see the point in putting yourself through it for a time ruined by the wind but would be a bit miffed at missing pr as I've volunteered nowimage. Would be a year then when Fleet comes round since my last one.

    SG;you have Black Park and Maidenhead pr's near you which are both flatish and fairly fast so you don't need bother with a long journey or the wacky steps of Wyc! 

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    Pete, just tuck in behind a group when you're into the wind and put your foot down when it's behind you. A lot of Wokingham is protected by hedgerows as well. I will take the wind into account when judging my performance, why do people only judge themselves by the time on the clock? Surely the competition, atmosphere etc are part of the attraction?

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