
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Managed to miss Dean's relay in there, which is some storming stuff indeed.  How that kind of speed is maintained through those sorts of momentum-sapping corners is a wonder.

    SG, very tidy race double-header there.  And nicely under 5 minutes to boot.  Unfortunately, I think road race rules are that any .x of a second gets rounded up.  Maybe I'm wrong though.  I immediately recognised your description of the winner as being Teuten.  I hope we see more of him in a GB vest, if only because him running alongside a midget Ethiopian will make great telly.  As for the 5K, I can only imagine what an unpleasant surprise a stretch of shingle in the middle of a race is, and I would certainly have filled the air blue upon encountering it.  Good trip all round.

    Solid 1500 there Simon, your mediocre race is still my PB.

    Good biking everybody.

    Time pressures meant that my long run yesterday had to be undertaken in the mid-afternoon heat.  You can imagine how delightful that was.  Vaguely remembered someone recommending soaking a hat in cold water, so that it slowly released cooling fluids.  Well, it was pretty much dry at the front by the end of the second mile, so thought other bits of the hat might still have some moisture.  For that reason, and that reason only, I did something that I've never done before, and which is almost unforgiveable, which is that I was out in public with a cap on backwards.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Dachs - will find out soon! 
    Fair play to anyone running long yesterday! Cripes. I noted that my clubmates had a mass trip to the "Hampshire Hoppit" a horrible sounding offroad half marathon, or if you were insane, the full.
    The fact the winner overall did just under 1hr 30 says it all. As does some of my lot pulling out.

    Will read the prevo page with more time later, but check this terrific footage out of the mile races, filmed with a drone!

    Much better than the 2016 version which had runners like ants. This one you can pick people out, and also see the sort of gaps involved even in the top 6!


    Not sure if i'd mentioned there was a junior race, won in 4.59, about 35secs ahead of 2nd! Fastest woman was 5.02 in the main race, and receiving the email 5mins ago, course records in all 3 races.
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    Good outing there SG. Quite restrained reporting, I was expecting several pages for two races.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I suppose less report than you'd expect, but still quite high word count for the mileage!
    Wycombe tomorrow?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    ps that kid who won the junior mile will have to console himself on winning by miles, and plenty of time ahead to break 5, as that 4.59.86 can only be rounded up :)
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    SG congrats on breaking 5mins by a distance.  not sure i would like a road mile race.  i would get my pacing wrong..either accidently be on world record pace for 400m and then die  or go off thinking its fast but turns out its not and now requires a 35 sec last 400m.    Alex T is a great prospect.  i see him on strava and he races for england with a training partner of mine.  I think Alex got his england vest for XC. 

    Simon - still a decent 1500m.  as you say a good pick up for the final lap

    BUS - glad the physio knows whats up

    my first track race tomorrow night, 1500.  not confident as i know im not there yet.  but will throw everything at it to find out where i am.  5 weeks left for denmark so not long now to find some form. 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    Ta Dean, it's a surreal feeling, where you go off, and it doesn't feel too fast, then you start having strange doubts that it's a "long way", followed by a few checks of the watch that suggest you're well off target, followed by the inevitable realisation it's gone right on schedule in the last straight!

    Bizarre. But it makes 5k intensity feel a cruise around!

    Just checked out the lad Teuten's blog. It's a different world. He was after a 29:10 10000m, ended up with a big pb for 29:45 and was despondent about it, talking about how he had to re-assure himself that he "hadn't become a bad runner overnight!


    Good luck on the 1500, as myself and possibly Phil might be turning out in an altogether more laid back 5k tomorrow, we best get our reports in before the fast stuff!

    6&4 today. Hot and hotter! Fresh as anything from yesterday's double header/drive combo, and was keen to get a firm 10mile day in, as too many races and easing down/recovering can easily see the mileage drop off a cliff.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    ps bottom of last page catch up

    Reggie - hamstring healing vibes your way
    Simon, another decent race, even if you did let that kid psyche you out pre race ;)
    Reminds me of a chess knockout tournament when I was about 12, me the novice, who'd blagged through to round 4 or so in the county champs, foolishly asking my competitiors whether they represented the county, and all 3 did. I was beaten before I started!

    Bus - we need to sync up on a race or 2 before the summer is out. Get Phil on board too. July 17th for a Battersea Park turnout? Was chatting to some of the Datchet lot, and we stumbled upon that date as a possible.

    Pete, would that suit you too?

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Can't do 17th July SG as I'm on holiday. 10th July and 31st July are the only 2 I can make of the remaining Monday ones but no worries if they don't suit as I'm sure we'll catch up at a race again soon. Very well done on your Gosport double by the way. Comfortably sub 5 for the mile in that heat is some achievement and probably means sub 4'50 is possible if you get good conditions at an Ealing one. Any intention of doing any of those anytime soon? What about Datchet's relays? You doing those?

    Usual great performances from Simon and Dean on that very twisty looking circuit there. Where exactly is that as I know Stoke area fairly well with my sister living right near there.

    Great cycling Bus and Reg; both of you seem to venture into my cycling territory at times so maybe some link up opportunities there too. Bus, if you get as far as Windsor you should do some loops in the Great Park. Lots of virtually traffic free tarmac roads and some circuits about 7 miles long so you can get a good speed up.

    Bit frustrated by this weather myself, wanted another crack at the 5k tonight but no way was I racing in that heat. No proper parkrun this week either as my 11 year old daughter is (was!) getting into the 5k ones and wanted me to run with her. Was a real slog for her in the heat and she hated the last lap and was 2 minutes slower than her last time at Woodley.

    Yesterday's run was a mini version of SG's recent unplanned epic; intended to be a 6 miler to get my bike back from my office only to forget the external key and so turn it into a 10 miler (shorter route back). Last thing I wanted in that heat and still came back sans bike!

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    I never had the patience for chess, we played other schools at chess, shooting and table tennis in a three sport match every few weeks. Thinking back on it now it sounds a bit pretentious. I was second seed in table tennis and I had the dubious honour of losing a game 21-0 once. I was 11-0 up in the next game but still lost.

    Thanks for the healing vibes on the hammy because it was ok this morning  I trudged out 8 miles at a rather pedestrian 7:50. I just booked a last minute entry into our club standard distance championships in St Neots this weekend. Hopefully pick up the club vets trophy, which I think just means finishing without a major mechanical.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Pete - Those Windsor GP roads sound interesting, I've never looked into that, what's the surface like is it suitable for hammering it or are you likely to encounter children and dogs etc?
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Reg; you just need to stick to the Western and Northern sides of the park (nearest for you anyway). Dukes Lane is great as is the road up past Smith's Lawn. The only 'no go' area is round the lake in the South East near Virginia Water (that has way too many of your dogs, kids, new Mums etc). My main loop goes in Blacknest Gate and back out Ascot Gate with quite a few options along the way and only a 1 mile road bit to get between Exit and Re-entry points. Rarely even have to reduce speed on my loops (other than for the hills :))
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    Yes Pete - the warmth is annoying now.

    Quick report as I have spilt yogurt on the work PC and need to clean it off. Long night last night at southern Vets. Won 1500 in 4.16, (splits 67,2.16, 3.07 at bell) conditions not great at all, too warm. Watched the SRI Chimnoy 5K whilst warming up which was a bonus, course looks great actually.

    Met an old Pompey uni housemate from 18 years ago there, didn't know he was competing. Had a couple after, then got the train to Victoria, which waited outside the station for 20 mins!!! managed to get the last train back from Euston, in bed 1.45am. Fooked.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Not surprised you were knackered SC, hopefully your keyboard wasn't too badly Mullered.

    Thanks Pete, I will take a look as I will be doing loops out towards Windsor my current route takes me through the town centre which I will have to change as it wreck my average speed :)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    1.45am! Then work today? That's a severe combo. All for less than a mile racing :)
    Always good to win, and a good time with the heat adjustment calculator!
    (Guy called James Baker won the 5k Sunday, and has about 750 career wins!)

    4mile jog around done this morning, not as hot as yesterday, but very humid! Now looking forward to a a summer series 5k tonight.

    The beauty with Sunday, being a 100mile drive, ferocious heat and 1 mile race first, suddenly makes just doing a standalone 5k, on my local park, with no stony mile, and surely a little cooler temperature, less of a thing than it would have been.

    Haven't done this course for 7 years now, wow the time zooms by doesn't it!
    It's a different route (or was, Phil can you confirm it still is!?).

    Used to start at the boathouse, with 2 laps of the main park, and then a loop behind and ending in the far field by the tennis courts.
    Whereas the parkrun started near the swimming pool, took in a big lap incorporating the loop behind the dyke, up the dreaded steps, and then turning round and doing the same lap in reverse pretty much.

    Hard to say which is the better bet, Depends what you like less, steps or laps!
    I think tonight's really, as once you've done your 2 laps, you have a nice undercover section near the dyke, and then once you drop into the last field you can rampage your way in. Whereas on the parkrun, you can see the finish from a million miles away!

    When I used to do all 5 races of the then series (6th was a marshal job), this was number 4 of 5, and by now I was longing for the series to end!

    Quick 17:xx turn out on a nice warm day and then running chat after seems good tonight though. will be race 198, so the big 200 is looming!
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Yoghurt you say Simon? Hmm...

    Good work on the win though:-)

    Windsor Great Park sounds good Pete, but would need to be part of a pretty long ride as it's 20M to get there.

    Tempted by one of the BP ones SG, but can't fix a date currently. 

    Reg - fingers crossed for the hamstring

    Double yesterday - the run home was pretty trying!

    Early start this morning to get the swiss ball exercises done so I can run this evening instead of at lunchtime.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I was told real men don't eat yoghurt or quiche.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    They shouldn't wear lycra either ;-)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Certainly never as the top layer!
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    I had two slices of quiche last night.  Don't know whether that proves or disproves the theory.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I love quiche, I can take or leave yoghurt though so it's definitely a guideline not a rule.

    Dachs runs in lycra and eats quiche then. I cycle to work in lycra and then put normal shorts over the top before walking into the office. I'm not sure the ladies are ready to see the full ensemble.

    I went for a cinder track session at lunch just a light one as it's stupidly hot. so ran to the track and back and did 8 x 200 and 1 x 400 with 400m jog recoveries. 200s was a good idea as the 400 was a struggle in the heat. Paces were not great 37-40 seconds but I just wanted to do something a bit quicker than 10k pace ahead of the weekend without risking the hammy too much.

    My body didn't want to go any faster anyway.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Certainly aint the weather for heroics. 200s are a nice short sharp burst, that I find you can get up for whatever weather, however you're feeling.
    Lunchtime mile and half or so wander was nice. But i suppose 20min miling would be.
    Hopefully in 5 hours time we'll see some cooler scenes.
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    I bake my own quiche.

    Change in logic today, I have a run up and down the Thames and one bank is exposed and the other sheltered. My normal logic is to run on the sheltered bank into the wind so I get a tailwind on the exposed bank. Today the plan was exposed bank to start with so I got the shade in the second half of the run as I got progressively hotter.
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    PMJ, not only are you not a real man, I'm not 100% sure you are a real human.  There's the hint of cyborg about you.

    Nice half-arsed session there Reg.

    Racing in the heat last night must have been awful Simon, very good time nonetheless.

    I do wear lycra shorts, but only to race, and usually only on the track. Much of my running is to and from work, and to avoid mockery from colleagues, neither lycra shorts nor tights feature.

    Gonna do some 800s tonight.  Fuck the heat!  Got the British Masters Championships on Sunday, doing the 5000.  Couldn't see anyone else's name on the list, so I assume I'm the only thread representative.  Looking forward to running at the Alexander Stadium, the last race I saw there was when Mo Farah set a British 2 mile record as part of a Diamond League event, so the puffing and panting of hairy old men will be a bit of a comedown.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    I did an SG and ran topless today. I realised I'd only packed one t-shirt and I'd have to cycle home in it all rank and sweaty otherwise. Seemed ok at the track but felt more chavish as I returned to town. I have also been considering a headband to catch the sweat but I am not sure it's a look I am going to be happy with.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    It's certainly an incentive to stay in shape, as no-one wants to see some bellied up goon grandstanding through town!

    I still chuckle at the memory of me Bus after the Cabbage Patch 10 years ago. We must have looked such "legends" as a shirt off squad pootling round Twickers :)

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Haha, SG and Bus running through London topless, like Mowgli or something.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I can't remember if Phil was also shirtless, or if he had judged that the homo erotic rating would have broken the scale
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I have very obvious trisuit tan lines on my back so it's not the best look!
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Hey, I had an excuse - bleeding nipples! I had Greek yoghurt this morning and wore Lycra on Sunday
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