
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Looks like your autumn marathon campaign has started, SG!

    And well done, AG: definitely go again, subject to fitness. You will always think "what if" if you don't! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    The problem with racing today would have meant needing to recover and potentially throwing Tuesday off, so you have to prioritise somewhere.

    Although in hindsight, today's madness might have knackered me further, without the benefit ;)

    Take the hammie gently Pete. I often feel my tightness there over anywhere else, but if you don't, and it's currently bad, that's a very cautionary sign.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Wowzers SG - that's an epic! We need to get you on a map-reading course!!! 

    Pete - that hamstring sounds a familiar tale, but I'm similar in that if the discomfort level is down the bottom half of the scale and running on it isn't actually making it worse then I tend to carry on.

    Philip - he seemed like a really nice guy both times I've chatted to him. I think the photo frame thing was some guff from the organisers - looked like a nice prize though SG ;-)

    Still, you've got to be in it to win it as they say!

    Did two things I've never done today - went for a proper run after a race, and did that just half hour after eating a big post-race breakfast!  On both accounts, it worked out OK and actually felt pretty comfortable. 6.2M to make 11 for the day, and, more importantly just over 40 for the week. 
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Thanks Pete, it was a single loop, there was some traffic but not much, a few parts were closed but it was mainly open to cars. I had a look at some of the pros bike splits and they are not a world away 26mph for Joe Skipper so made me think I could get close to that with another years training.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Even better AG on largely open roads. Seriously reckon you should consider ditching tri and just be a cyclist who enjoys running and does lots but mostly as cross training. You could get to be elite cyclist in age grade terms at least.

    I think SG would still let you on his forum :D 
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    Had a quick read through - hope the fall wasn't too bad Pete, epic run SG (We've all done that before) and decent run out Bus. Reg - that sounded a pretty good performance, with some more running to boot to improve things. Worried about the Denmark rain though.

    My weekend? Wrest pk (lovely open castle and grounds in-between Bedford and Luton Saturday morning. Lovely weather but bloody windy (again!!), two big squares making 6 x 1200 ish (bit long). Didn't really bother with times, think it was 4.00 down to 3.53. Really knackering in the wind.

    Tortuous long run yesterday, only 11 miles. Hip flexors on fire...not in a good way.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I forgot to mention it was sunny on race day and we all got burnt to a crisp!
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Besides you've only got to run around a track 4 times!
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    Lets hope the physio can give you a firm idea of what is the problem and how to fix it Bus

    The only real slow bit of Wycombe parkrun is the steps, they really sap the energy out of you

    Brilliant work at the weekend Reg, sounds like with a slightly quicker run you'd be right up there challenging :)

    Take care with the hammie Pete and hip flexors Simon!

    That'll teach you to go exploring SG, how are the legs feeling this morning following the unexpectedly long run?

    Taking it sensibly here, keeping up the exercises at the gym and chucking in a few short runs to boot. Hoping to start getting some progress soon
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    Cheers SP - yes Reggie, really bad weekend for sunburn with that breeze too. I've got a cap now long runs as my hair can't keep the sun out anymore sadly.

    Naturally I wear it backwards to seem 'cool' :) Although my excuse is that it keeps the neck in shade too.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Plenty of stuff going on there Simon!
    Scott, did a couple of 4mile recovery runs today. It's looking like the most sensible thing is to not race tomorrow. I ideally want to do the Gosport double Sunday, so there's not going to be much sense in trying to smash a 5k tomorrow on 19mile legs! Even writing that distance feels insane!
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    KenbroKenbro ✭✭✭
    PeteM said:

    SG just to piss you off a bit more you would probably have won Concorde 5 too as the winner only did 29'xx. Prize would be worth having there for that. Wasn't pleased either to see the v50 taken in over 32'30 which would be a breeze for me I hope.
    I ran the concorde 5 yesterday and was as pissed off by the winnning V50 time as much as PeteM. When I entered I saw that 'Pete M from the Stevie G thread' had set a course record last year and thought that if he didn't turn up I might be in with a shout, but unfortunately, being my third race in 5 days, turned out to be a race too far. Having raced Run the Rock on saturday, winning the veterans prize.  In th hope that my legs would be up for another race, I set out at 6:15 first mile, but my legs had other plans and ended up struggling to achieve a time slower than an easy training run. Even more galling when I saw the time of the V50 winner. that'll teach me to enter 2 races in 2 days.

    In an asides to the racing, some bloke I've had seen at various races recently informed me (confidently) that he was going to enter the South Bucks 10k in order to win the V50 prize, quite a boast considering I beat him in a sprint finish last year . Hopefully the over 50 threadsters on here might consider entering that one to put the cheeky bugger in his place.   

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    PM me the name Kenbro, and we'll see what we can arrange ;)
    Nothing worse than an arrogant runner, most are humble, as we recognise where we sit in the scheme of things!

    I remember being quite put off by some kid telling the press (!) before some bootleg 5k that he was going to win like last year, and in a course record (!)
    Following this, his dad shouted that he had "got it in the bag" as he was leading about 50metres in.

    Think he came about 6th in the end!
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    Kenbro, if it is who I think it is, he is in a spell of good form. Assume he turns 50 this year so is 49 at the moment but 18:06 for parkrun is decent. 
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    KenbroKenbro ✭✭✭
    SG, the way I wrote it didn't come out quite right, I've seen him at a number of races recently and it was speaking to him afterwards at the concorde 5 yesterday that he told me of his ambition to pot hunt in 'weaker races' when he turns 50 later this year. 
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Bad luck with Concorde Kenbro; it is hard to race 2 in 2 days at v50 ages (though I often try!), so 3 in 5 even harder and you did well to give it a go (and well done on the v50 from Saturday). 

    I've worked out your 49 year old now and reviewed his Po10; he looks stronger at 5k (as Philip says many good recent parkruns in just over 18) but I beat him by over a minute at Maidenhead 10 in April when that was a comeback run for me. I seem to have the edge on him at all distances 5 miles and upwards (unusual for me as I normally compare better at short stuff) so very tempted to give him a run for his money at that South Bucks one he wants :) .   
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I'm struggling to race once a week at a good deal younger ;)

    An absolute brain ruiner of a day, has at least equaliser mental and physical states, so it looks 100% sensible to bin tomorrow off and get recovered for the weekend.
    May even take tomorrow as an extra rest day, as if treating Sunday as a race. 
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Especially hard if the race the day before is the Run the Rock 10k - it's a tough old race for sure!!

    If my legs hold out until then, I'm looking forward to some V50 pothunting from next June ;-)

    6M this morning. Nice and slow!

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    Love the stories of the classic 'arrogant' runner. Problem is if people know you are lined up in the same race as them its the old 'oh make sure you beat x or y' please requests. Added pressure :)
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    macemace ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Stevie G said:
    I vaguely intended to do a bit of what Phil was doing. After an exceptionally lazy Saturday lounging (so easy to do in footy offseason after a week of runs!), I thought, ok I best put a 13 in, but will test out where a couple of footpaths on my drive to work actually go.

    Took about 3.5miles to get to the first one, including the very steep Windsor Hill for half a mile. Found the first path was pretty dam useless, about 1/3mile, exiting on some other random country lane. Back we go, onto the other one, bit further, but similarly useless.

    Ok, that's that satisfied (!), I didn't want to either retrace my steps or follow the windy road that leads to Holtspur just yet, so instead of taking the work direction drive to Burnham, took a left instead.

    This'll quite soon go left and i'll be back on the track and emerge at Holtspur in no time I thought.

    Wrong. Went straight for ages, eventually signalled left to Beaconsfield. Down a bit of a steep narrow road, the inevitable up again, racking up the distance, but not particularly worried.

    Threw me out on the super fast road opposite the Beaconsfield services. HECK, this is not at all where I thought this'd emerge.Can you even run back from here, it's either motorway, or 60 zones etc. Crossed over, found some safe quiet road, and thought, yeah this'll do it, slightly ignoring that I clearly needed to go left at some stage.

    Carried on down there, getting close to a decision to just turn back, heck, this is a long road. The 10mile marker is up, so got the phone out (using it as an ipod as ipod has died again!). Quick pitstop/direction check.

    You are 6.5miles from home. HEECCCCCKKK. Haven't run more than  14miles for years. It'll be ok though. Just get the direction right from here. The good news is that there's finally a junction at the bottom of the road, left or right job. Hedgerley.

    Take the right (phone seems to suggest that), set off down there.
    Soon realise this was a monumental error, but the phone reckons i'm 3miles from Beaconsfield, which in my increasingly knackered state sounds possibly alright.

    Eventually emerge on a road I recognise well. Only problem is it's a route I sometimes use from my work office, and is 5miles from there which means it's about 6miles from home. HECCCCCKKKK.

    What's worse, is that following this on for a mile or so would take me...back to those services I'd been at 25mins earlier :-) :-)
    Not to mention being a bloody dangerous road to get back there.

    Clock a footpath opposite. Bundle over the fence with my tight 13+miles already in legs.
    Waddle through a field with medium high crops, and presume this will bring me to the M40 junction in a mile or so. At which time I'll have a bit of a situation, which i'll worry about then/hope you can run the equivalent route in fields (the thinking is getting dodgy)

    Instead, it somehow magics me to a country lane. Starting to get a little more worried here, and have a walk with the phone out.

    1mile to Wooburn Green.

    YES! That sounds vaguely close again.

    Get going slowly again, Achilles feeling stiff, and after a minor wrong route, I'm back at the top of Windsor Hill and a glorious 1/2mile down.

    Back at the green in Wooburn, I then remember that's still over 2 1/2miles to go, and I'm coming up to 17miles!

    Trundle the last bit in, for a moving total of

    19miles, In  2:14:02 for an improbably fast sounding 7.03 average!

    71 mile week (!)

    Must be about my 3rd longest run ever, after a 20miler with a pal on a bike over a decade ago, and the infamous Marlow challenge where we covered 26.2miles and felt dead after.

    Rest of the day an absolute write off :)
    That was a miserable day, yet now shows 13 isn't that far!!

    Will see how I recover before deciding on run(s) tomorrow and Tuesday's potential 5k now!

    And I think ill stick to the boring ass routes I know the exact mileage off going forward!

    Ha, brilliant stuff !!!

    London Marathon ballot ? :p
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    some of you might be interested in these results from BP last night 


    Got to be one of the highest standard "open to all" races in the country;

    9% sub 16, 35% sub 18, 56% sub 20.  Median time 19'30; Median Male under 50, 18'04  
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Mace, no chance old son. I never fancied a marathon in the old days, let alone now. Seems much more fun and risk free doing shorter stuff!

    It's a good job our local 5k series is such outrageously good value (£5 for 7 races), as I've managed to miss 3 of the first 4 through either being a bit leg weary or borderline coldy.

    Pete, the once i got to BP was on a bank holiday so the standard was probably as low as it gets there, so i was 8th in 16:59 (got a medal for 7th senior man!!). It can only help having way more people in that mix when i eventually get back there.

    A little bit of a shame to miss Maidenhead 5k tonight, but every so often you do need to refresh the body. It makes sense to treat Sunday as if it were a race, and thus needing the "classic" Moz recovery plan of slow jogs the day after, then a full day off on the Tue.
    Hopefully it guarantees full beans for Sunday
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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    That's a tidy standard. Clydebank must be a super fast course too, from my old pal Jess's profile.
    17.21 (!) there, with no sign of anything close to that either shorter or longer in a year. (10s for 3k, mid 36 10k, 60 10miler etc)
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    a quick read back over the past few days and looks like Reg has the honours, finishing 11th in a euros is great stuff.  Who knows where more focused training would take you.

    Bus - also congrats on the 5k off roader behind your house race.

    Its been bloody windy ooop here so sessions have been compromised but im happy with the paces im hitting...just wish it was early may as my original training plan was set up for.

    on sunday we did the local potters 'arf marathon but as a relay.  its a v hily course and thought we would get a few of us 800/1500m track types to complete the 4man relay and its run at the same time as the half.  My leg is v short but vv hilly.  only 1.8m! and is the final leg.  the leader is comes through on about 70/71 pace (he is normally a sub 70)  2 mins later 2nd is 50m ahead of my teammate.  We slap hands and i chase down 2nd.  I cover the first 320m in 49secs so fly past him.  I know him and say dont worry about us we are in the relay, (so not to destroy his race). straight into heartbreak hill.  its a beast and im fresh so should be super strong.   Wrong.  the wind is blowing a gale right down it.  its ridiculous.  the worst wind i can remember for ages.  i cling on and im struggling.  i spare a thought for the chap behind who has run 11+ miles to get to this point and i have not completed a half mile yet.   I recover at the top and decide to do the last mile in about 4.45 ish pace.  Wrong.  the wind wont let me.  im working hard but its struggling to get sub 5.  i hit the top of the finish straight, lined with spectators. a crafty look to see where 3rd was....i couldnt see him...so i relax in the finsh looking for my kids, but someone shouts sprint deano...so i take off like its a 400 and the crowd are loud.  i spot my kids and slam to a halt, help them over the barrier to sprint the last 50m or so with me and getting loud cheers.  crossing the line in 2nd only 60secs or so behind the lead in the end and about 40secs ahead of of 3rd.  crossing in 72.11 but would have been sub 72 if i hadnt have stopped for the kids.    Daughter got in the paper as she is snapped sprinting in with me.  Felt a bit of a fraud for doing it as a relay but we did tell the chaps at the front end of the race in advance so they didnt react to us and spanner their own race.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Can you imagine running it as a straight half, and feeling someone of Dean's power, just starting with a couple of miles to go :)
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    wow Lit; that standard is something else; I see it was the Scottish Champs but even given that the standard is outrageous even without allowing for windy conditions. Sri Chinmoy seem to know how to get the fastest runners out right across the UK!

    Great team relay time Dean but sounds a bit like having Messi replaced by Ronaldo then Neymar and Griezeman against the Dog & Partridge  :)
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Yeah, well run there Dean, but I'm glad it wasn't me it was happening to.

    Great performance there, Red Wang.  Hardly surprising that after compromised running training you wilted a little in the run, but that can definitely be sorted.  Excellent position in an international event too, and sure you can improve on that now you're a fully fledged international type dude.  Impressive stuff.

    SG, nice accidental long run.  After all that, no idea how you managed to average that pace.

    So close to a win there, Bus.  Being defeated in your backyard is hard to take in my considerable experience.

    Third race of last week was the Wargrave 10K.  Not really got time for a proper race report.  Slightly unsettling start, as I tried to charge out of the recreation ground on the same route as I remember from 5 years ago, and was redirected.  Then, 2 minutes later, as the lead pack ran into a housing estate a car came careering out in the other direction, ignoring marshals warnings, and scattering us to the sides.  Once all that was over, I settled in second.  Pushed hard, and kept the leader in sight about 50-100m ahead until the last 3 km when he powered away and put a minute into me.  He ran a 15-flat 5k last week.  Final placing was second in 33:40, when I had thought I could have cracked 33 on what is a pretty hilly course.  Still, three races in a week is pushing it, so probably not surprising.

    Re the Sri Chimnoy races, it goes to show what happens when you just have a no nonsense, no gimmicks, cheap race on a fast course.  Helps to be able to do it on a weekday summer evening too.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dachs, i'd wondered where your race report was! Knowing James came 3rd, i'd presumed you won it, but that's the game at this level, you never know who will turn up! 
    Still exceptional to be able to turn 3 quality outings in over a week though!

    Legs feel alright to be fair, but probably best to see out the rest now, then put in a few days of 10miles total as usual with nothing faster than a few strides in 1 run
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    Simon Coombes 2Simon Coombes 2 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017

    Yes Dachs - careful old boy, 6.2 miles you know! Great effort even still though, quicker than I did at BUPA..

    RE the 5k - shows how long I've been around 'the scene' I think ive had a pint with most of the top 30! Noticed Davy was the one I beat in the Eastern masters 5000m at the Beds Champs last month, good run from Jack from HHH too and the Oxford lad too. Interesting relay Dean - where is the hill exactly? Mow Cop :)

    Just normal commute yesterday and back on the swimming horse while my kid has his lesson. the usual 7/8 x (4 x 25m lengths) with a minute in between. Need a middle lane really as the fast is a bit too fast and slow too slow. Bought ear plugs so I can actually hear today. Bonus.

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