
MBNA Chester Marathon



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    Yes I was sorry to miss that, but the Sandstone Trail race was excellent, 10 1/2 miles off road with some sharp hills but perfect running weather and the surface was great for running.

    I held back a little but I saw a clubmate ahead at 9 miles and managed to catch up only to be pipped on the line. The important thing for me was hill practice image

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    jason djason d ✭✭✭

    12 easy miles for me today (8.11 av), and my legs felt a bit heavy from Friday's speedwork for first few miles. All good though and nothing else to do now apart from short recovery runs and carb loadingimage. Toenails are trimmed and hair has just been cut back to the bone for extra streamlining and less weightimage 

    Chris- could I ask that the slight breeze is actually a 4mph headwind, as that will cool us down nicelyimage

    Enjoy the week everyoneimage

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    Will everyone please just stop mentioning these bloomin' hills ... my calves are aching just reading at about them ! image

    Actually managing to get myself in to panic mode now, as haven't run since Thurs as foot still painful (although strangely pain now seems to have shifted slightly to other side of foot on underside) ... took the woofs out for a 'pack walk' in Delamere earlier and whilst I could definately feel it, it wasn't painful enough to cause a limp, so am wondering whether to try a short runlet tomorrow to test it out (but fearful of making things worse) or whether to just quit now till Sunday and hope for the best !!

    Also another +1 to Men, in a big thanks to Chris and Andy for all their hardwork in getting this event on ! (although if we can put weather requests in, I'd like a slight breeze with occassional downpours for cooling purposes please!).

    Happy last week of taper everyone (now must go check I've set my alarm clock to remind me to check I've plugged my Garmin in !)

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    Less than a week to go .



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    Bruce - Enjoy the taper and give the foot  chance to settle rather than risk making it into something bigger. For most peoples part they are recovery running 4-6 miles here and there so you wont lose out. The work that matters is done now and trust the hard training!

    This time next week we will all be boring our partners/friends re what we did/what we should have done, how pleased/umhappy we are with our performanceimage. Oh, drinking nasty beer and wine and stuff aswellimage

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    Agree with Men - huge thanks to Chris and Andy for all the updates and effort, both on the forum and Twitter. The info on the website is also full and comprehensive, I don't think we can underestimate the effort that has been put into this event. A big thanks also goes to all of you on the forum. I really think all the positive vibes and comments on here help with motivation and the help with information and running tips from everyone is great - so thanks again. Some forums I have read can be quite unfriendly or a bit to up themselves (one, I won't mention,  was more like people showing off about how far they can run and was not welcoming at all), but you guys have been just great, welcoming, friendly and supportive.

    Oh no, is that a tickle in my throat? It had better not be.image not now - where's the vit C, QUICK!!

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    compo 1compo 1 ✭✭✭
    without Chris and Andy we would not have this great race and it is Andys 21st birthday next sunday got a facebook email telling me

    hope to meet them both there on race day glad I took it on last year and come back for more

    I remember doing blackpool 2004 marathon and saying never again and here I am doing my 5th
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    I think he's having everybody on Compo.  Maybe his second 21st birthday. image

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    compo 1compo 1 ✭✭✭
    I wonder the following Thursday is my 40th this is no joke
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    jason djason d ✭✭✭

    Men- I have a sub 3 bottle of bubbly chilling in the fridge. And it doesn't get opened until I get the 2:5ximage

    xe- deep breaths.....image 

    Yep, well doen to Chris and Andy!image

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    jason djason d ✭✭✭
    Anyone seen the long range weather forecast yet?image Not sure I want to look....
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    Xe - 40 reasons to be cheerfulimage

    Jas - I have a sub 3.15 bottle of white lightning in the fridgeimage. Can take the boy out of the gutter and all thatimage

    xe - too true, a really good forum going here, helped me get ready for my first no end.

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    Jas - They had one at the meet today - was favourable, 12 degrees, cloudy and slightly damp.
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    jason djason d ✭✭✭
    Men- I'll take that forecastimage White Lightning IS bubbly, isn't it?image
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    compo 1compo 1 ✭✭✭
    can not wait got finish work on Thursday for a week i only work 4 days a week so can have a good rest after I finish will be watching everyone else finish
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    I think it is - but only for the first 3 mins after you open the plastic lid, and if you take a big enough slurp you dont really notice thereafterimage.
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    jason djason d ✭✭✭
    compo- jealous! I've got to jump in the car for a 4 hour drive after the race. Work on Mondayimage
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    compo 1compo 1 ✭✭✭
    I am staying Saturday till Monday so might go to the Zoo aswell love animals
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    Thanks for the kind words - its great fun and an honour for us and the Team to be organising this race for You.

    Great turnout for the seminar and training run today.  Everybody looked fit & ready for next week, can't wait to be celebrating with you all next Sunday.

    Delivering on all the race day weather forecast requests is going to prove a challenge !!

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    compo 1compo 1 ✭✭✭
    Chris would love to meet you and Andy on the day I will have last years race t-shirt on and am runner 3131
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    Evenning all

    Men lol regarding white lightening!! Me Sub 3:30 bottle of becks blue!! Cant even trust me with White lightning!!image

    Taper madness set in dreaming about getting lost on the course!!!image

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    I'm almost scared to come on here - just in case I read something I dont like such as talk of hills!

    Mr P - just love the nerves talk & too similar to my own behaviour! The night before is a nightmare - am worried now about it which coming on here exacerbates! Last night. Last night's Downton Abbey was spoiled by thinking I was getting a cold. A new work colleague started 2 weeks ago and last week got a cold which until Thurs insisted was hay fever and on the Tuesday I had driven her to a function for experience! Was I wrong to feel really annoyed?

    TR - echoing probably a lot of people's thoughts - this is tthe week we all worry that we are losing fitness rather than storing up energy.

    WR - thanks for info - too many mentions of mile 24 for it to be flat around there!

    Spen - hope you make the line feeling confident

    Jason - fantastic discipilne running so slowly yesterday

    Andy & Chris - thank you for everything you have done so farn - you have somehow combined real friendliness with real professionalism.

    Yesterday I took 2 hours off a Fitness Challenge which was being organised for my charity to run 12 miles with a friend who collected me from the Leisure Centre. Having read Jason's post ran too fast. Too many miles around 7.30-7.50.

    My worries ar in order of importance a) will knees hold up b) Am I getting a cold c) Will I get a cold before Sun?

    Rest day and a swim after work

    Have a good day everyone

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    Dr.DanDr.Dan ✭✭✭

    Those "hills" are not proper hills ... fear not!image

    I did my last "proper" run on Saturday (10.3 miles easy) and will proably now just do a couple of easy 5 milers and a short 2-3 mile at MP this week. Looking forward to it but I'm pretty nervous now! image

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    Hill1Hill1 ✭✭✭

    Hi all, hope everyone is looking forward to Sunday!!

    Unfortunately, myself and my partner are no longer going to be able to run due to personnal reasons image.

    This means I now have 2 spare entries going, I will let them go for the original price of the race (although I can't rememberwhat that was)

    If anyone wants them (or knows anyone who does) drop me a mail ASAP as I'll need to get them swapped over.

    Good luck, will be thinking of you all Sunday morning


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    Shame you can't run Hill1, maybe find another race and put all that training to good use.

    Dr.Dan wrote (see)

     Looking forward to it but I'm pretty nervous now! image

     Same here Dr.Dan, getting butterflies in my stomach.

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    Same here fed up of dreaming about what can go wrong they getting crazy now!!!image 6 mile easy this morning couldn't resist doing last mile at marathon pace.
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    Good news: Although I am not running it (this is not the good news) I drove round the course this weekend with a friend of mine who is doing it and I believe it is a fast course. We actually ran part of the course from the Old Bridge in Chester, down to Eccleston, across the river to Alford and back to Chester (about 10M).

    Few months ago, when I was still  planning to run the Chester marathon , I was slightly worried about the section from Alford to  Chester. Having run that section yesterday, it is not bad at all.

    Sandy Lane will be hard but after that, the finish is insight (metaphorically speaking).

    Good luck to everybody. I should be there with my bike!

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    Taper madness time now - all the trainings in the bag , it's mental training and positive thoughts now everyone.
    Remember if you ve done the training and got a few 18+ mile runs in the bag you will get around.
    If we take sufficient nutrition on early , "there is no wall " as someone once said to me.
    It's a mental effort now.
    For me I ' ll take 6tried& tested high 5 gels, mile 5. ,9,12,15, 18, 22 approx , alternating standard & caffeine.
    I know it's all about keeping my focus on pace in the later half.
    I try to think about a family number or friend and dedicate each half mile to someone. I count slowly 1001 1002 etc and usually by 1100 I've got to a half mile beep on my Garmin. Later in the race I ve learnt not to be disappointed if the garmin over measures as particularly in the busy races I've measured 26.7 in Berlin & London, Chester won't be as busy , especially for us 4:20 folks when we get out on the lanes.

    I'm aiming fir apb ob sub 4:17 achieved in Chedter last year- but don't know how I'll get on only 14 days after Berlin , but this ll be my 19th marathon , why do I keep coming back - cos it's a great challengeimage

    What are your tricks firvstaying focussed
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    Tricks for staying focussed !
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    My first Mara Rob so I am waiting to here everyones tips so I can use them myself. It is a very nervous leap or series of steps into the unknown for me and the doubts are starting to creep......
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