
Crap at relationships



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    Dates, Cake - of the edible variety.
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    image I feel quite silly now I through much the same as nam.
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    Good one Parky!!! The whole sex issue is difficult. I don't know why it is easier sometimes to have a sexual relationship that anything else, but often it just is. It could be viewed that everyone wants sex, but not everyone wants everything else on offer, so the likelihood of rejection may be higher, and therefore one is more likely to get hurt? Sounds mental, but I know some folk think that way (i.e. I did!! Sad but true. I know others that feel the same way)
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    Nam - you have very weird poo! image

    Gillian McKeith will be round in a bitimage

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    image Do you know I mentioned that get told of for not always putting xx on messages. I'm being bullied again by one of my best mates on farsebook for LB benifit.
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    I assure you lot it really is dried fruit, you're gonna have to take my turd for it on this one.

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    Oh Cake, I put the rules for x's on texts a good few pages back  .... xx is sooo much more than x image

    I am in the back of beyond near Macclesfield with the slowest internet in the world.  I only works in the bar .... what a hardship image

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    image Err yes well we have been very good mates in the past. Now my kid sister I watch out for. The lass I tried to get set out with anouther friend because she such awful taste in men. image
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    I have loads of male friends. Mr LB doesn't mind. Mates are mates but I got a bit of a shock years ago that made me have a bit of a rethink....

    My best mate at uni was a lad. We hung out together, ate drank, laughed and moaned about everything together. He even used to call me from Switzerland when he followed a girl over there and became engaged to her.

    They broke up.

    ON my wedding day (he was an invited guest) he admitted that if there had been no Mr LB he would have made a move. He'd been into me for three years!

    Never ONCE did he flirt, make a pass or anything. He was like a brother to me. Definitely not my type. I was devastated to think that I had misread the situation that badly. He was always my "of course two people of the opposite sex can be friends" example.

    I had no bloody idea....image

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    Do you think that maybe there hadn't been those feelings for years but that the wedding to Mr LB had made him realise that it was now or never ....  I find it hard to think that you could have mis-read this for years.

    I now keep my friend a bit more at arms length as, if he's not really allowed to be a friend, then he doesn't get access to stuff about me that I would talk about with friends.  It's sad but he's taken the choice to opt out  so that's the way it is and I have told him this.   I know he misses the gossip though image

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    Possibly TP, but his admission still caught me completely by surprise. If I had thought for ONE minute that he felt like that I wouldn't have allowed him to be so close.

    I never see him now. We lost touch. He married a lovely girl and I went to HIS wedding but that was 10 years ago. I hope he's happy because I know I am.image

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    It's a bit weird having read this thread as I can relate to quite a few of the comments.
    Mainly those from Nam about her friend with whom I see a lot of similarities to myself although with a few less invites back to people's houses. Also those about 'chemistry' but that's probably more down to being on the receiving end of a 'You're lovely BUT' conversation at the weekend as I don't really know what 'chemistry' is myself.

    It's been an interesting read and nice to see that for some people who have at some point felt similar to me that things have all worked out.

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    image Baz you might want to change your name back now these folks don't go on the shef thread and won't get the joke they will think your just a nutter. image

    ((Hugs)) by the way and I will set you up with my mates you've see. Muuaarrraahhh!!!!!image

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    Ooh is there a chef thread?  image  Feel the Burn ...  ?  Another chilli lover here.
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    Shef as in Sheffield Parky. Feel the burn related to a silly comertition some of the shef thread people are presently doing to do with planking. I'm a good boy and got nothing to prove so just taking the P8ss out of them all. image
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    Have I mentioned that I'm starting a new relationship tomorrow?

    With a 40 year old man?

    What do I need to know about men of a certain "vintage" then?image

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    40 isn't vintage any more - it's more of a playful youth with a serious streak of maturity and an ability to put a smile on your lips. Or at least that's what I'll be saying in a few months!

    As to what you need to know - exactly same for what you would need to know for any child, when to feed them, when to congratulate them, when to chastise them and when to gently deflate their great ideas.

    But I have a sneaky feeling you know all this.

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    Ah - I like planks Cake.  1 min 40 secs is my best so far.  What are the Shef crowd up to?

    Life begins ..... it is said LB.

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    Shef crowd basically talking carp and helping each other training. image
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    Ah good old Sheffiled - I spent many happy years there as a Student and sometimes look at job vacancies there image
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    It’s were all the cool kids live Maddy. image
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    ... and the cool old men Cake image
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    image Yep my dad lives up here now. imageimage

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    Interesting reading back. I once did the 'actually, I'm starting to think of you as more than a friend' speech to a very close friend and it ruined our working relationship.

    Ah... we live and learn
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    Hi Corrie  image

    You still in the "land of the free" or you back here?  image

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    Home Nam... there's been a death in the family and I was at a funeral in Barnsley yesterday. I fly back tonight. image
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    Sorry to hear about your bereavement. image  I had hoped you'd have a more pleasant reason to pop back if you were here...

    Barsley...  I spent 6 years with a Yorkshire man from Barnsley...  he took me to watch t' footy and I met Toby Tyke!! image

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    I sank a few pints of Yorkshire's finest last night - the first time I've been pissed in nearly 8 months.

    Never. Ever. Again image
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    Nam wrote (see)

    Sorry to hear about your bereavement. image  I had hoped you'd have a more pleasant reason to pop back if you were here...

    Barsley...  I spent 6 years with a Yorkshire man from Barnsley...  he took me to watch t' footy and I met Toby Tyke!! image

    Yorkshire folk know how to party. image

    Someone I know once got proposed by there boyfriend an the half way line of a football ground. Foolish boy having 10,000 people singing does she take it up the arse wasn’t that romantic. image

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    Corth ((hugs)) by the way. Hope everythings cool. If your still there if you want there is a parkpun in sheffield saturday morning we (all the locals) can pamper you.
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