
Sub 3h15



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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    That's a great week, g dawg. Nice controlled effort as well at parkrun as well. 

    Good session Tr. What was issue today, just general tiredness? I found it still very warm and humid still yesterday. 

    Up for an early spin class this morning then my bums and tums on line class this pm. Beyond that a very leisurely afternoon on sofa.

    Final 20 tomorrow, hoping to be up and out by 8 as I've got to be out with my son by midday for 2 hours of forest lazer tag. Need to have some recovery between the two!

    Good luck tomorrow, oo. Weather looks decent. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    DT - yes, just tired and achey. Got a bit of a hip/glute thing the physio needs a go at, but just very achey legs, but then they were aching a lot in my 10m yday so fully expected. Probably a shock as it was my first mp run (oops) although ive raced quite often this summer. Need the taper i guess.....good to be at the final 20. I plan on 10 easy, 10 steady next weekend.
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    A mixed week's walking on the South West Coast Path: a big day on day 1 (21 miles, due to a shortage of accommodation), a biggish day on day 2 (14.5 miles) and then Mr. Jools' knees started giving him gyp, and as he was overcompensating he also irritated his right shin, so we had to abandon walking together.  We did a mixture of touristy travelling (ferries and steam trains where possible) and I popped off for a short walk (5 miles) and a longer walk (12 miles) alone.  We nabbed an extra night's accommodation in Torcross as it was quiet and had a flat seafront and nature reserve that Mr. Jools could hobble along.  I certainly liked the quieter parts of the route, and would happily go back, but don't feel I missed out on much by not walking through Torquay and along the Dawlish seafront.  Back out running at home this morning, and 6 miles was a bit of a shock to the legs, even on the flat. 
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Cracking miles GD and a tasty parkrun on tired legs. Sounds like the mara can't come too soon.
    Hope the DIY cross training pays off TR 😉 I love a bit of DIY too and am busy decorating a flat the next 2 weeks.

    Well the GNR went much better, to round off a 60 mile week. I felt a lot fresher and held an average 6:15 pace to finish in 1:22:13, my fastest Half for 8 years. The course is tougher than the Big Half but conditions were near perfect. Also a podium with 3rd V55. 
    This makes me feel happier for London although I've only done 1* 20 miler. Might sneak in a last 20 miler but time is running. What's your views on a 20 next weekend and a 2 week taper?
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Well done, oo. 

    I did a 20 yesterday, 2 weeks out from Berlin.

    After 23m last weekend with a pick up last 10 and the near 20 miles the weekend before as a big session, plodding out a 20 at 8mm seemed almost recovery like. The miles just ticked by uneventfully and it seemed done and dusted quickly having done 23 the weekend before. It was nice going out at 8am and running in fairly cool conditions.

    Talking if which, looks like things are cooler down here over course of the week. 

    74m for week with 2 x spin and a core class is my biggest ever weekend. 
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    Nice work, OO.  I appreciate you're lighter on long runs than you'd prefer, but managing a fast HM at the end of a big week indicates the endurance isn't bad at the moment!  I'd say do the steady 20 this week, and then take the next two weeks very easy: do less next week than you usually would 2 weeks out to compensate for the longer run.

    6 miles this morning.  Less ploddy than yesterday, but still felt bliddy hard work.  
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done DT, you're n a good place again. Any news on how MSE is getting on with Lewis?

    OO - nice, we knew there was a 1.22 in there. Well done on the podium. I'm doing a 20 as 10 easy, 10 steady this Saturday. Seeing as you've raced a couple of 1/2s recently id do a nice slow time on feet 20 if i were you, even bringing it fwd to Saturday for an extra days recovery?

    12m today, bumcakes were creaking after the tip/rubble clearing.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Thanks guys. I'd like to do a bit earlier if possible but we see how the legs feel.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Tr, I think they are building her up slow and steadily. Lewis will want to make sure she doesn't get injured as a priority. 

    It'll feel easier again in a few days  Jools. 

    12 x 1k over lunch as last hard session of sorts, though Lewis has marked it as being half effort as opposed 10k. 

    Submitted my entry yesterday for Boston next April. 

    Early forecasts for Berlin, which will no doubt change a few times, looks pretty decent. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    DT - hopefully she'll pop by for an update then. Good one on the session, how did it go?

    5m yday, 12m today as 2m, 9m approx mp, 1m. Pissed down the whole way, but wasn't cold. Same commute route as the 3min reps, so the first few miles lower the av pace due to being lumpy. Came out av 6.50, which is fine as i didnt want to go too quick later on just the bring av pace down, so it was a comfortable hard effort and not a hard as possible on the day like Saturday's 10m in the 20m was. Checked back and its another run which leads me to think im not as fit as last yr, but am in ok shape.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Sounds decent enough, TR. I try and compare back sessions but when you're looking at a marathon where 5s per mile makes such a big difference in time, but equally 5s per mile I training runs could be easily explained by fatigue, stress, weather etc I find it difficult to properly compare. 

    A very pleasant and easy 12m over lunchtime for the last mlr. A 65.6kg weigh in this morning which is about 10,3/10,4 and low for me.

    Yesterday's session was the best this summer. Just felt strong and fit even as I progrssed it. No hands to knees panting etc. Splits per k went 3.38, 3.38, 3.37, 3.37, 3.35, 3.35, 3.35, 3.35, 3.34, 3.35, 3.33 and 3.32. 

    Coincides I guess with reasonable running conditions though. 

    Friday will be the big 1. It's my full kit tester as I've new vest, shorts and shoes so it's 8 at mp then a 1m kick. Conditions looks perfect for the day as well. 
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    Getting excited for you in Berlin, DT. Nice flat course, good weather and you seem to be in good nick. Looking forward to see how you score.

    Great running at the GNR, OO, cracking time. I see you recently ran in Southwark Park, I used to go there a lot as a kid as I grew up nearby.

    More good miles, TR. I'm also doing comparisons to last year's fitness data. I think I'm just outside where I was but I seem to be peaking in certain areas, so it will be interesting to see what happens.
    I was sure I'd put weight on this week but I've actually lost a bit more. Now down to 171lbs which is 12st 3lbs (77.5kg) which is 4 pounds below my target weight and the lightest I've ever been going into a race.

    Two good sessions this week, 10 miles of 3 x 1 mile at MP going straight into half a mile at HMP then 3 mins jog recs. Final 3 miles at MP. First 10 miler of the campaign to hit 6.55 pace average.

    7 mile tempo last night which averaged 6.42 with a 6.16 final mile. It was a tad cooler but still around 20 degrees so quite pleased with that.

    Still got discomfort in the glute/hammy areas but I saw the physio again on Monday and the nerve gliders and strength exercises he's given me seem to be working.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    DT - agreed, there are some variables which make comparison tricky. Good controlled reps, i like the sound of the mp run.

    Dawg - good going, those 2 runs show good fitness. Nice one. As ever strength will be the key not speed.

    Just 5m easy here today, gone early on the lurgy with cough and sore throat.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Good going gdawg
    Not the lurgy TR 😳
    MLR 12 here...
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    Day off today so got the weekend long 'un done, last of the campaign. 16 miler which came our at 7.49 pace due to a few steady sections and a 6.57 final mile to see if I could change up.

    Legs felt proper mashed after some quality this week. Apart from a couple of final MP and MP+ bits early next week, it's all apart recovery and repair from now until the race.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - make sure you get that 20 done this weekend, ideally tomorrow.

    Dawg - that's a sharp pace, defo keep a bit of mp on there during the taper.

    5 and 5 double for me today in order to leave my bike st the right end ready for an mp run commute bavk in Tuesday.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Good going,  gdawg. Sub 3 looks a solid chance!

    Hope the lurgy is OK, TR. 

    8m in today 1m fast today. Was my full kit tester. Soar vest and shorts straight out the packer and alphafly 2 out the box. Temp was good but headwind was stiffer than I'd want. 8m came in at 6.19mm. The alphafly 2 initially were uninspiring but once I found a rhythm they felt OK but then the last mile pick up came in 5.55mm and was straight into the headwind but they just came to life and made it feel easy. 

    9m at 6.17 and nearly 12 in total and my legs dont feel like I've run at all today which may prove important with bouncing straight out of Berlin to chester. 

    Rest tomorrow then easy 14 Sunday. After that it's aggressive tapering. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    We'll done DT, nearly there now. I always wonder if i run too slowly for the shoes, i get the impression the faster you run the more they'd work.......Do you get a new kit set for each big marathon?

    Still a bit lurgified so did 20m toddle instead of the planned 10m easy, 10m steady.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Sensible option, tr. no point putting yourself in a hole with the steady stuff. 

    Yes, running at 6mm and just under (and I was running down a long straight country road directly into a stiff headwind) in them felt great.

    I normally refresh every 2 years or so when things have upgraded enough to feel a difference, and to give me a reasonable chance to properly use current kit. After Chester, I put this kit aside for Boston next April. 

    Off out in a bit for 14. Doesn’t seem very much suddenly after 4 big Sunday runs plus a race. 

    Weather for Berlin currently forecast is embarrassingly good! 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    DT - good news re Berlin. Saving your kit for race day is a good idea, when you put it on its race time. I have a marathon T shirt I'll be wearing.

    6m easy here, did my really get warm enough to unblock any lurgified tubes.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    I had a lacklustre parkrun yesterday (18;40) but managed a 20 miler today. It was mostly at plod pace but felt good to sneak a last one in. It feels like a relief and now can let the taper begin. 
    Glad you're on the mend TR. 
    Am I going solo at Chandos this year or will any of you make it?
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    I'll be at Chondos, OO. It's the law, right?

    Just a 4 miler today to grab 51 for the week. Focus is on trying to do what I couldn't for Manchester this year when I couldn't get any quality done in the final few weeks due to injury and illness but got miles in. Need both now.

    Averaged 6.35 today with a cheeky 6.15 final split. Happy with that after entertaining friends with beer and food going down super easy last night.

    Taper now, just 3 runs this week but with plenty of MP+ again.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Good running , gdawg. I can’t believe you can’t step out the front door and immediately hit sub 7mm. I think my body would explode. 

    Nice work, oo. Good to get that 20 in. 

    Tr, yes I do like to keep a good set up of A race kit. When I slip it on I know it’s important. 

    Good time to some extent t be unwell with London 2 weeks away. 

    14 this morning was uneventful. 6m tomorrow then a sports massage at 5.

    61m for week but having dropped spin and it being about 20% less than last week I feel good. Next week drops significantly though with the race is still pushing 50m.

    Time for a week of paranoia, though last month or so hasn’t been without issue with the calf niggle. Plus last weekend of July I cracked my little toe on a bed post. It made a proper crack when I did it and went up like a balloon along with top half of foot going black. Pretty sure I broke it and physio said it was likely as little toes break easily so spent 4 weeks with it strapped up.  It hurt to run on For a bit but survived it. 
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    OO - good one on the 20. Hopefully that'll do you good.

    Dawg - im with DT, I've got no idea how you start off at 6:XX pace. I'm more 9.XX at the start........Don't drop the running off too much this week, 3 runs isn't many.

    DT - sounds like you did break it then. Ice it if its still swollen.

    10m easy here today, still lurgified and blocked up but HR was nice and low (av 112), achey legs late on similar to post CV. Will move my intended mp run back from tomorrow to weds or Thurs.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    More easy stuff only here as still not 100%, coughed up some nasty stuff during pre run dog walkies today, so deferred the mp run again. Nothing above easy pace since last weds, good job its 10 days til the B of the bang.
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    Hopefully the coughing up is the sign the bug is in its final throes, TR. Hope it clears well to get your final sessions done.

    I did my toe like that earlier this year (much swearing happened!), DT. looks like you're in great shape despite the pinky problem. Looking forward to tracking you in Berlin.

    I'm pretty much done on the quality runs now, just easy stuff from now on. Got an easy 13 planned for Saturday with a mate, I may do a recovery before or after and just a couple of short tick over runs next week to keep moving. Daily nerve gliding exercises and mobility stuff will continue.

    Got 7 miles of alternates in yesterday, 6.5x and 6.3x but with a 6.22 thrown in, the average dropped to 6.41.
    Today was 8 miles at MP and MP+. I did push a bit and that came out at 6.43 average.

    For Manchester this year I did good volume but was unable to do the quality in the final weeks due to injury and illness, so I've tried to beat the miles and get the quality in this time. For London last year I did 800 miles in 18 weeks, slightly over that this year. With the hot summer and the nerve issues in the hammies taking some quality away, not sure I could have done much else.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    I also stubbed my little toe before my 20 miler DT. Feck me it hurt...I predict you're gonna fly in Berlin, such a lovely course and it's all coming together for you give or take a pinky. 
    G Dawg will be great to see you again in Chandos 🍺. I've just seen I'm on green start GFA- wave 1. Where are you?
    TR I hope you are on the mend. Sounds like you're bring sensible. 
    I've felt pretty sluggish this week so taking it easy and trying not to eat too much. I signed up for the national road relays in Manx this Sunday coming, but now seems a poor idea. I'm hoping to get put in a rubbish team so I don't have to try too hard.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Dawg - 8m av 6:41 is 2.55 pace, so well placed for a sub 3.

    OO - thats a trek for relays......I'm yellow wave 1.
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    Green start wave 1. I'll let you finish first, OO so you can get the first round in! 😂
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Decided to test the lungs out with 3m easy, 7m ~mp in my commute, a standard benchmark this time of campaign. The coughing dudnt seem to bother me in the run and it came in av 6.49, but with a slightly higher av HR than last yr (139 vs 133), the max was scary at 159 vs 140, but when i checked the trace there were spurious high spikes (so crap data) but not a steady climb, so i think the av and defo the max were skewed. Soon not too bothered and the lurgy is hopefully on the retreat.........had physio tonight to free up the niggles.
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