
Training for a shorter Tri



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    hi all

    swimathon yesterday and I was 20 mins quicker than last year image couldn't quite believe it and I was convinced she wasn't counting properly but who am I to argue?? I know I lost count totally many times. 

    Feeling a bit knackered now, and the effects of the chlorine have kept me awake, then the kids started arguing loudly so I have given up on sleep and am going to head off to spinning then the club swim, if I still feel like after the spin, I am a bit achy after yesterday!

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    Er...MC. aren't you doing a sprint tri tomorrow?

    Shouldn't you be getting at least a bit of rest?

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    Parkrun this morning 26:42, thats 3 mins faster than 2 weeks ago image

    MC, good luck tomorrow at Southwell.

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    pete - well, truth is I am not sure if I am, and anyway, I am not 'racing' it. The kids are staying at the grandparents and we are going out for OH's birthday, so might just stay in bed! I'll decide later. I know it is a bit crap of me, but never mind, it is me that has to live with myself!


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    Lol...nah, no worries . This is my third year of triathlons and I'm not taking it serious, although I will tell everyone about my £100 second hand road bike. I'm guessing that most folk's bike shoes cost more than my bike. I always give them a cheery hello when I overtake. 

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    haha, hope it isn't too cold for you tomorrow Pete!

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    Its not as cold as predicted but there is a light drizzle to make cornering fun. I've just done a last minute kit check and discovered I've left my goggles in the office. D'oh!

    Ill have to make do with an old pair. Hope they don't leak. 

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    Go hard Pete and MC!

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    hope the goggles were ok pete

    I didn't do the sprint, just haven't got the enthusiasm, So did 90 mins on the turbo instead, will run this afternoon and club swim tonight. Somehow I think the tri would have been the easier option!

    Just feeling a bit cba for events, and not really sure why. But I have got outlaw half coming up, haven't done much biking lately so have 6 weeks to spend loads of time on the bike. Swim isn't a worry, and running can always be walking.

    Swimming is going much better than anything else, and I really pleased with it, and got the outlaw swim to look forward to

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    SteadyCJSteadyCJ ✭✭✭

    I got out on the bike again today. I thought a little ride with the club would be gentle. So I turn up and go with the slowest group of 7 others, we ended up going up the biggest hill in Surrey and going up and down some of the hills that organisers just love to put into sportives, so 27 miles later and over 2,000ft of climbing later, my legs are knackered.

    I have totalled my training for the week and this week hits the jackpot. 114 miles, mostly cycled and over 12 hours.

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    15k done yesterday - Rest day today - have a new toy for my bday so will take it out tomorrow and give it a run out image

    Well done CJ!!

    MC the Outlaw half will be fine - if I can do it you can!!

    So Pete are you still alive?

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    steady - that's brilliant!

    buttercup, you are much better at biking and running than I am! I think I might beat you just about on the swim, but I have been really working on that the last 2 years!

    enjoyed a 6 mile run this afternoon, though at one point I thought I was about to be caught in a massive storm as the wind really whipped up but I back home in time. Nothing like a bit of wild weather to make sure you keep going for the last couple of miles!

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    Been a while since I posted on here but thought I'd update you guys.

    Did my first sprint triathlon today at southwell...really enjoyed it...everything went very smoothly with the exception of the first bloody hill on the run and the bike.

    Total: 1:16:00

    Swim: 7:30

    Bike: 40:00

    Run 25:30

    Got plenty more lined up for the rest of the year!

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    well done! If I had known you were there I might have popped over - that was the one I was supposed to be doing today! 

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    Got out on the bike this morning, only 17 miles, went to give Horse a shout, he was running the Manchester Marathon. He finished in 4hrs42 mins. a great effort from my bessie mate, then I rode 2 laps of the Salford tri bike course and then rode home.

    Great swimming Mc

    Well done Steady, sounds like a tough ride.

    Buttercup, what new toy did you get?

    Rp, great result for yo first tri.

    How did you Pete?

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    Ooh, that was cold! I wasn't last out of the pool! But the swim was pretty rubbish. Last year I picked off most of my wave on the bike but this year they must have been doing that training thing cos I only got two. it was really cold so I struggled to get the legs going run. Overall 1hr 43 which is 10 minutes slower than last year. 

    It was a pretty big field compared to previous years and everyone seemed to fit and eager which is great. I spoke to loads of novice racers who were there to see how it goes, i think most of them enjoyed it although a couple of blokes did a complete change of clothes in transition which was interesting and one lass put her bike helmet on and then couldnt understand why she couldnt get her bike top over her head  . My race was pants but it was a fun day. Did I mention how cold it was?

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    Cheers Guys,

    It was a good day MC - I went out about 9:45 and the wind was only just picking up so I got off quite lightly I think.

    The plan is to slowly start upping my distances, throw in a few more sprints and finish the season with an Oly.

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    well done pete!

    which races have you got lined up rp?

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    Nice to see  everyone has been rocking it this weekend. Even in the cold and a persistent headwind! 

    Congrats to the racers and Swimathoners imageimageimage Most proud image

    The pair of us popped into a lake and swam a bit - Bloomin cold! Met the new M&M's baby - so cute. Run tonight and my weekly work is done. Wine now in hand!

    Plan for this season: Womens Sprint Tri in June and that's it at present. Arthritic body will dictate the rest really. 

    Pete - are you warm yet? 



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    it took about 3 hours to warm up...drove home with the heaters on, got home hot shower, bowl of soup, four layers and a hat.  Ooh, I've just looked at the official results...4th last! woo!  doing the black and yellow proud!



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    AliBear30AliBear30 ✭✭✭

    Yay well done everyone. Super sprint done and dusted yesterday, did the swim badly but I'm very pleased with my bike time. Still got a lot of work to do as yet but it was nice fund day out and my friends all finished their first tri in fine style and say they enjoyed it image

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    well done pete - you know the weather will have put off a lot of the slower folk so don't worry about what position you came in!

    Ali - well done

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    lol...that's the best I've done at being the worst...

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    SteadyCJSteadyCJ ✭✭✭

    Pete, I always go to the end of the results and work back to find my name. Either at the end or within 6 places is quite usual for my standard.


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    AliBear30AliBear30 ✭✭✭
    SteadyCJ wrote (see)

    Pete, I always go to the end of the results and work back to find my name. Either at the end or within 6 places is quite usual for my standard.


    Snap image

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    tfktfk ✭✭✭

    so just say you came 5th to your friends image ...just don't clarify from which endimage

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    lol...I don't really mind that I was so rubbish this year...I just casually drop in to the conversation at the office that I did a triathlon at the weekend and folk are amazed...and we usually end up discussing which of the three disciplines are the most challenging...most of the runners shudder at the thought of the swim...I keep trying to challenge the better runners to do a triathlon telling them they are too wimpy to Tri, but no one has taken me up on it.

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    ah, I am the same, always near the end!

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    SteadyCJSteadyCJ ✭✭✭

    I have had another go at this running lark. A walk/run for 30 minutes which was enough, I think I need to repeat this some more or the HM part of Outlaw Half may take a long time.

    Going to do a bike commute into work tomorrow but plan on catching the train home.

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    A 5 mile run today, it's feeling a bit better than of late 9:47 pace so I'm happy with that image I'm off work tomorrow so I will swim in the morning and maybe get out on the bike for an hour or 2.


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