
Iron Distance 2012 Training Thread



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    Six weeks? Please tell me its Seven.

    Hard swim session d & d at lunch, club run tonight. My old swim coach was at the pool coaching a club mate and said that my stroke was technically excellent, so why I don't I ever get any quicker?

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    I make it 7 DD image

    If there is the chance of a wet transition I use a plastic box with a lid which although a bit of a pain to carry will slide under the bike once it's racked so is out of the way of others but does allow everything to stay dry......

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    Cr@p another week of training to fit in image
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    Lots of great training you lot over the weekend.....taken an age for me to read back and keep telling my daughter to ssshhhhh I'm doing work emails. image 

    Lovely witchy miles Melds and Holly.

    VT'd, great race report.  How did the achilles feel after the run? Okay I hope and ok whilst running??  I have done lots of cycling over the weekend and although sore in the mornings, I don't think the cycling is having too much affect on it.  Planned in a 100miler next Saturday with some friends also doing Outlaw too.

    I am just back from the physio.  Into my 4th week of exercises for this achilles and not run for about 6 weeks so feeling a bit desperate this morning.  Apparently he tells me I am impatient and my recovery is where he would expect at this stage, having the Outlaw in 7 weeks isn't make it heal faster!  More exercises given for this body that is all out of alignment which isn't going to help any injury. He advises still no running (or said I could give it a go and chance breaking before the big day image), so no running for me although my head is telling me I need to run.  He has said that my swim/bike fitness will get me through the run along with my determination and it may be that my first test run for the achilles will be on July 1st.  I mentioned run/walk and he said just blinking run for as long as you possibly can then run/walk as the achilles may be sore each time I start to run initially but then loosens up. 

    Today I will be eating chocolate and not going on twitter. image

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    How about aqua jogging in the pool, would that help Saffers?

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    Saffers to be honest he is probably right the swimming and biking will keep you fit and get you to the run with enough cushion to walk it if you have to start walking any impatience now could put you back to square one and no possible race start
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    Lee makes a good point aqua jogging is an excellent option sadly the best thing for achillies injury is not to run image i was plagued by one for donkeys and it was only when i forced myself to stop running for a few weeks did it sort itself
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    I know exactly how you feel saffers.. I havent ran in 6 weeks now and struggle with all motivation when I know I might not even be able to make it to the start line! I am starting on a anti-gravity treadmill tomorrow to see how it is - hpoefully this will mean I can start run training again!!

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    Podds, a box is fine at some races. Outlaw give you transition bags. They will split if you put too much stuff in them!

    And running is overrated. Everyone knows that,image
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    The bike IS the key to ironman the rest is gravy image
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    It's a pity that gravy isn't the key to ironman.

    Took a filthy hangover out for a run on Saturday. I'm living like a monk other than the odd social occasion and my tolerance of alcohol is significantly diminished. It's taken me 40 years to learn, but hangovers pass much quicker if I sweat the vices out with a brisk 6-mile run the morning after. Must have stunk like a brewery around me on Saturday though. Little 95 minute bimble yesterday on the bike. New wheels are OK. New cassette is a learning experience. New saddle is nice!

    Feel deeply inadequate in comparison to you mob with all your heavyweight training, but my time will come later in the summer. Good luck next weekend OC!!

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    well well thanks for top offer I am a large girl size 16 would be good. thanks ridgeback mad doesnt come close completely bonkers just like ridgeback and cornish digger.Thats what happens if you train with them( i am the one behind)

    will some of you be doing the slateman?


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    So who can help a large size 16 girl out with the loan of a pirate monaco for Outlaw (i am guessing 16 and large rules both purple and Melds outimage )
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    You're learning Max image

    and it doesnt have to be a girlie that loans a monaco ... there will be plenty of spares knocking around I reckon

    Easy swim and gym for me today and back to it tomorrow with a long run I think although I may defer that to Wednesday which is the better weather day !!

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    Its called hedging my bets image

    I didnt realise monacos were unisex i thought they would have like compartments for ladies chesticalesimage
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    Most pirates I know in that case would need larger compartments  image

    Monacos are unisex, tanks are for ladies!!

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    M...eldy wrote (see)

    Easy swim and gym for me today and back to it tomorrow with a long run I think although I may defer that to Wednesday which is the better weather day !!

    Can't you just waive you (magic) wand?

    VT'd - the thought behind run walk is that I'm going to end up doing it, so I might as well start as I mean to go on. I think that actual plan is to run between feed stations (~1.5mi) then walk through them for a minute. During my mara training I walked every 4 miles or so to get a gel in. When it got tough I also walked up the hills. I'd like to run the whole thing, but can't really see it happening.

    I think Thursday's turbo sesh coupled with my long ride also affected yesterday's run.

    Tanks are for soldiers.

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    Its a broomstick not a wand  image

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    Life is so complicated I always thought tanks were for boys always wanted to drive a tank
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    Equality Max  image

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    Have had to have a week out due to illness ...

    First session back today was just an hours spin and it killed me

    ... Not good image
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    And what has happened to the flippin forum ... Turn my back for 2 mins and it's all changed
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    Apparently its an 'upgrade' image

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    Upgrade ... My arse ...
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    Had a few complaints have we?image

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    Ridgebackmax wrote (see)
    Life is so complicated I always thought tanks were for boys always wanted to drive a tank

     Why the Navy then. Or did you also want to drive a submarine!!

    Podds: feel the fear, do it anyway wrote (see)


    I make it 7 DD image

    If there is the chance of a wet transition I use a plastic box with a lid which although a bit of a pain to carry will slide under the bike once it's racked so is out of the way of others but does allow everything to stay dry......

    Outlaw transition is in big tents (marquee type) so If it is raining your kit will still be dry. If I recall right the only thing left by the bike is helmet and shoes, and I'm not even sure about that. The instructions are very good though and although you may wonder/panick about the routine it is all very clearly set out.

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    @ saffers.  The achilles held up well although I did feel it a little today.   I don't know whether to rest it for the second day on the trot and ice tonight, or should I go for a gentle recovery jog.  I'll watch the giro d'italia highlights and chew on it.

    I was surprised at how well I coped with my first proper run after a long bike considering that I hadn't ran properly for nearly 3 weeks.  I have lost a hatful lot of pace but the endurance is there.  By the time outlaw comes round I'll probably be at snails pace, but I'll take that if I get to the finish.

    @ HollyGL and Cat.  Thanks for the snippet, I'm sure it will come to a run/walk for me which is why I perked up when you mentioned it.  I had intended running up to a week ago, but if my injury needs managed between now and July then that'll definately not happen.

    @podds and MT.  I have been offered an oak wardrobe for Outlaw tranistion.  It'll keep my clothes dry and uncreased but it'll be a right bar steward to lug around.

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    Digger a submarine is a bigger aquatic submersible tank image
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    Full of seamen.

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