
Iron Distance 2012 Training Thread



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    Anyone off to Datchet tomorrow?

    Trying for my second OW swim of the year and hoping to do more than the 800m I managed the first OW swim I did this year...
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    Do you know what the water temp is at the moment?


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    Blimey!  Positively balmy

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    Pool swim planned for tomorrow morning with a run after and then Heron Lake on Monday after work if anyone around for that?
    Training this week has consisted of 1 x game of cricket,  27 holes of golf and a 20min / 10 min brick session,  today's exercise consisted of trying to find a quiet area in the house away from the dozen 8yo girls having a make over party & fashion show (the upside was that there was cake involved thoughimage)

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    Family all said no running this morning have a rest its fathers day soooooo woke at 5 have cleaned the house am starting the ironing where are the family all in bed not likely to surface till at least 10 image god i am bored might polish the dogs image
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    Lol Max!!

    Looks a lovely day for a bike ride ... pity I am stuck here til teatime !

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    I am just raising my HR by reading the race information .... never fails  image

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    Holy crap. I went OW swimming. I only managed 2.25k because I was too sodding cold. By the end my hands and feet had drained completely of blood and had no feeling at all. image

    I drove to Windsor to see if I could shout at FB and Petal but the roads were closed so I couldn't get anywhere near the transition, then drove home. That took 30 minutes with the blowers on hot, full blast. By the time I got home my lips were still blue and I still couldn't feel my right foot.

    Please let the weather and lake temperature improve over the next two weeks.
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    Lake was a bit warmer in the midlands. Just did a steady 3k at ragley hall with the evesham vale tri club followed by a 2hout run (15.3miles).

    Can't believe its just two weeks away to the outlaw!!
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    Did 2.9k OW last Saturday and decided to get out after 4 laps as I was starting to get cold.

    This Saturday I wore a long sleeve Helly under my wetsuit and did 5 laps, no problem with the cold this time.  I think I'll do the same for the Outlaw.

    Did a T1 run thru as well yesterday but that wasn't too good. Need another look at that.

    Cycled 32 mile today and felt terrible, legs had absolutley nothing in them. Worrying.

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    Holly dunno were you swam but the Outlaw is basically a massive non to deep outdoor pool so shouldnt be anywhere as bad as the sea or a deep lake (crosses fingers theory is right!)

    Family sent mecand Wilson the Mighty Iron Dog out for a run as our pacing up and down was driving em nuts image

    Well 1,hour 50 mins hilly route at a fast tempo managed to break WTMID in the last 10 mins ha! Eat my dust Wilson! I am ready bring on the Tapir image
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    Cycled 70 miles yesterday, then we went to a beach hotel for the weekend, Swam  for 35 mins this morning, my prohblem was that with a sea temp of 27C and an air temp of 43C it was too hot. Starting to get seriously worried about swimming 3.8K in 15C water, I have never race in water below 20C. Ah well will have to man up

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    DD how about cold/ice baths once a day if thats possible over there?
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    Max beating the dog ... thats the true version of 'a kills a kill' !!!

    Marshallini ... keep the faith, you have one the work

    Dave - yep .. you said it image

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    Meldy that bloody dog will usually be wagging his tail after a 3 hour run as if to say " is that all you got" so yep I will take it image
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    Holly_Golightly wrote (see)
    Holy crap. I went OW swimming. I only managed 2.25k because I was too sodding cold. By the end my hands and feet had drained completely of blood and had no feeling at all. image

    I drove to Windsor to see if I could shout at FB and Petal but the roads were closed so I couldn't get anywhere near the transition, then drove home. That took 30 minutes with the blowers on hot, full blast. By the time I got home my lips were still blue and I still couldn't feel my right foot.

    Please let the weather and lake temperature improve over the next two weeks.

    Holly I used a rash vest & neoprene hat at AT, it really helped


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    I think Cougs says he uses a rash vest as well but I think that is in lieu of bodyglide?  Could be worht an in<<cough>>vestment   image

    Max, always worth logging a win !

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    Rash vest? Off to google that one. Alternatively just spray your entire body in ralgex...warm you up and sort your muscles, what more could you need? image
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    Swam at Thorpe this morning and boy was it cold.   Didn't swim as far as intended as just didn't seem to warm up and goggles were giving me the right hump so got out after about 50mins.  Took the bikes with us so did a 25m bike and then had a test run on the old ankle.  Only a plod of 2m but the ankle didn't complain.....my training buddy kept asking how the ankle felt whilst running and all I could think about was how on earth am I going to manage 26.2m!!!!!  Sheesh....image 

    Practised using the multisport option on my 310, good job I did cos I cocked it up a fair few times.

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    I have pneumonia image (it was not the recurrence of my old condition as I had thought a few days ago).

    21 days until Roth.

    Can I?

    It's very mild, I am just tired and can't breathe. I wondered why I was finding training such a struggle, just thought I had reached the point of exhaustion image


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    PoP rest rest and more rest!
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    Pop ... no idea but Max is usually right  image

    Saffers, I've not tried it yet on the 310, what is the key??

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    Meldy i must show Mrs RBM that statement i think she would be inclined to disagree image

    Starting taper with a couple of glasses of red tonight and a lay in in the morning 5:30 luxury image
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    Dear god ... 5.30 is not a nice time of the day!

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    Pop, more pants than knickers. image

    Rest and mend and only then will you know if Roth is realistic.



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    Meldy it's under training then auto multisport.

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    thanks guys.

    it is pants, huge saggy greying shot-elastic ones.

    and it huuuuuuuuurts!!

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    and then press lap button??   Did I hear right that it wont do transitions as well ??

    I probably need to spend some time looking   image

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    There is a little box that you can tick for transitions which I did....so start button as you go off to swim, lap button as you finish swim into transition, lap button as you come out of transition onto bike etc.....  My first attempt I didn't have it set to transitions and confused myself as it went straight to the bike and I wasn't ready for that.  Have sat on the sofa tonight having a play with it so that I don't mess up on the day.  For some reason though my 310 has changed the time on the clock lately and cannot seem to reset it back to the actual time.  I am trying not to worry it is about to die on me two weeks before my biggest race ever.......but you know me, I won't panic.image

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