
Overdone it?



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    Great report Lou - I loved the target time paragraph but other than that found it quite encouraging re your training.

    I suppose you can genuinely answer the marathon time question with 3 hours as the other 40 secs you were pooing and presumably you also now have an answer ready for that often asked question - what is the fastest time you have ever done a poo? image

    I did imagine a 'Lou Poo, Part Two' poem but after Madbee's disappointing review of the original piece I shall keep that quality effort to myself.

    Well done again, cheers Skinny.
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    MadbeeMadbee ✭✭✭

    Sorry image It appears I have deprived the thread of a masterpiece.  And I can't even remember what I said image

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    On the poo topic, hopefully the reason for yesterdays poor run is apparent. Spent about 2 hours last night with extremely nasty squits.
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    MadbeeMadbee ✭✭✭

    Cheers for that info DT.  Maybe I won't have a second hot cross bun after all. image

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Maybe the poor run caused the squits. Still, at least we know that if you need a poo during the marathon itself it's possible to do it very quickly and still run an excellent time.

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    I did consider that, however when that does happen to me its always after a 5 ir 10k race and within an hour or two. This kicked off about 8pm.
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    DT - recent form has indicated that a bog stop was more or less inevitable. The race info said that toilets would be provided at the 10, 20 and 30km point.  I could feel one brewing so decided to stop at 20km as the 30km point would be too far.

    I was pleasantly surprised by how little time time it took. I think most of the time in there was spent readjusting my gels which were slipping out of the loops in my Ron hill shorts.

    Muddy the lemon flavour protein gel tasted like lemon meringue marvin medium.


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    Tommy2DTommy2D ✭✭✭


    It was the first of the Notts AAA summer league races last night. Last year I ran 32:40ish over the 5.1 mile course comprising a mixture of tarmac roads, trails, farm tracks and rutted fields and finished in 75th place. Basic aim of last night was to beat last years time and placing and to try and stick with my club mate Wayne for as long as possible. Pretty much went to plan finishing in ~32:00 in 62nd place but 13 places behind Wayne although ahead of people I was beaten by last year. Downhill start on tarmac, flatish - undulating middle on trail and farm tracks and uphill finish on grass/mud resulted in each mile slower than the last. However, ended up with an average pace of 6:23min/mile which was slightly slower than target pace but pleased enough. 9th counter for the club so only good enough for the B team.     

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    Just been for a little recovery jog round the woods, with the dog, in the lovely spring sunshine and had The Smiths' Suffer Little Children as an earworm.  Got home and listened to the song and it's made me all sad.  Lol

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    Sounds like good progress Tommy.

    Calves felt really stiff after yesterday's recovery jog and again this morning.  Think i'll leave it a few more days before going out again.

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Good effort, Tommy. Are you doing road relays today?

    Finally a parkrun pb today of 19.04. Splits were 6.13, 6.13 and 6.12 which is anything but the usual crash and burn didn't come.
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    MadbeeMadbee ✭✭✭

    Good work Tommy image  Nice to see the difference over time isn't it?  Should be a good confidence boost.

    DT, Woohoo!  Well done on PB and super consistent pacing.  Has that encouraged you after the MP effort in the week?

    I also parkran and managed a substantial PB of 19:47 on the garmin (I expect parkrun will add a couple of seconds). Really chuffed to break 20 at last, and a big confidence boost as my last PB was set on precisely this day last year, so shows I am in fact in better shape than last year - I had doubted it a bit. There were also some very slippy bits so I reckon could even have been a couple of seconds quicker without.  My splits rather less consistent than DT's at a suicidal 6:10, followed by a much more sensible 6:21, 6:22 with a rather feeble 6:38 for the scraps!

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    Tommy2DTommy2D ✭✭✭

    Cheers, yep was a nice confidence boost.

    Madbee, that's a massive PB, great stuff! Perfect pre-London parkrun. 1st lady with that time?

    DT - good work, nicely paced. Good to get a decent run in before London after the disappointing run earlier in the week.

    Off for an easy 7-8 miles with a few strides shortly.

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    MadbeeMadbee ✭✭✭
    Second, somewhat annoyingly! I totally underestimated the first girl - thought I'd get her on the second lap but she just didn't slow down. About 20 seconds between us I think.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Wow, that's brilliant, Madbee. Bodes well for next week. I was expecting to be chucked today but with national road relays on the top of the field was much lighter.

    Yes, it restores my inner peace! Official result has me at 19.03.

    I met up with a friend of mine called Andy. You guys wont know him but I do. Anyway his instruction was just sub 6.15 average and no crazy start. I felt pretty comfortable until about last half mile. No vomit situation either despite an uphill finish and I can see that there was no random spike in hr in closing stages so scraps came in at 6.01 even with it being a sharp incline.
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    macemace ✭✭✭
    Good work madbee and DT, congrats

    I did 9.5M including parkrun ( first one this year I think ) and a short cool down. Parkrun was 19:11 which began quite slowly and then I gathered some momentum as I overtook people. A bit harder than threshold effort overall I reckon.
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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    Great racing from Tommy, Madbee and DT.  You should all feel filled with confidence! Good that the vomiting response seems to have abated now.  Maybe you'll just get over it now, if you can avoid it at the end of a hard 5k.  

    And from Mace too!  Excellent work.  

    I did 12 miles which felt terrible.  Run just felt horrid all the way through.  Looking back I felt shit on the same run last year though too.  Maybe it's just my body shutting off the energy taps to save up for next week?  


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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    I got past the aggressive swan ok though as he was occupied trying to peck a passing canal boat and his wife was sleeping so I jogged on unscathed.  

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    MadbeeMadbee ✭✭✭
    I had swan issues too McF. Only on the warm up, as the speedy folk cleared them off the path for the actual run, but had a very close encounter with an angry goose last week. It hissed a lot and I was wimpy, though not as wimpy as I was when evading cows. Don't worry about the crap feeling run, they're meant to be crap during taper. Mine was only ok-ish yesterday and had enough to mash today well enough.

    Good parkrunning also, Mace.
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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    imageHurrah! Well done to DT and especially Madbee for the parkrun PBs. And to chief sandbagger Mr 'I just did a parkrun at threshold effort which was still quite fast'.

    I did parkrun too but I did not get a PB, except I did get a course PB, except then I didn't because the bastards added SEVEN seconds to the time my watch thought I ran, making it 18:53 instead of 18:46. However, it felt a lot better than I feared it might after how tired I was earlier in the week, and I have also come down with a filthy cold, which is encouraging as it gives another, more temporary reason for at least some of my recent fatigue. So not sure if the marathon's still on or not, but I'm feeling a bit more optimistic about it and can decide later next week. No point commenting on splits because my garmin always measures that course short and I think it is due to tree cover, but I was able to speed up a little on the third lap and - crucially - to overtake and beat an eleven-year-old girl just near the end. My coach, whom we had overtaken on our third lap (his second) had instructed us to catch said child, but had not genuinely expected this to happen (me: but you said to beat her!/him: 'yes but you know I'm full of crap'), so was quite pleased.

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    PeteHewPeteHew ✭✭✭

    Good free parkrunning from mace and lit but special congratulations to DT and Madbee on the sizeable pbs imageimage

    Too much travelling and socializing for me recently and not much running.  Did manage a short to and fro along a beach then a severely undulating part of the SW Coastal Path while in St Ives. Ridiculous 166m of ascent in a 4.5 km run but very scenic image    I beat an old woman, a courting couple and a dog-walker.

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Well done Lit and Mace. I thought id be the only one who had a 5k race on agenda this weekend.

    Talking of potential cock ups, as I crossed the line the guy in front who appeared from nowhere kept running through finish funnel. Everyone was trying yo get him to stay in finish order and he was completely baffled. Turned out he was an American just out for a run and had no idea he had looped into the finish line of a race. Of course he had been clicked as a finisher and if he didn't take a tag it would have messed all the times up. He eventually got it and got in with the spirit of things, then went back to his jog.
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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    It wasn't a race it was a timed run. In a park.

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    So you didn't win then Lit.

    Well done to all the parkrunners. Nice reassurance that you're in a good place.

    Quite surprised how eager I am to get back to it. Trying to exercise restraint, but I'll probably try a few miles tomorrow.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    I suppose you've had a week now, Lou.

    I had some series drama yesterday. After my easy run friday my left leg was very tight. I debated not parkrunning but decided to, then yesterday it got really sore. By bedtime, despite some robust treatment with my devices, foam roller and stretch it felt really sore by bedtime. I got to the point where London was out. I had considered jogging around but didn't feel that was sensible.

    Anyway, woke up this morning after a good sleep and its all but fixed. Slightly stiff but nothing a week wont fix....phew.

    In anticipation of it being cold I've selected a pre race top very fitting to the magnitude of the occasion. Its another piece of Next knitwear but it has the collars of a chequered shirt sewn in to give the appearance that I have a shirt on underneath. Very cool.

    Rest day today, my sons birthday party, which really should be next weekend I've been told countless times, as his birthday is Thursday.
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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭
    lou Diamonds wrote (see)
    So you didn't win then Lit.
    Well done to all the parkrunners. Nice reassurance that you're in a good place.
    Quite surprised how eager I am to get back to it. Trying to exercise restraint, but I'll probably try a few miles tomorrow.

    No, I came second. Though not to an 11-year-old girl, so there's always a silver lining. And I won the all-important F30-34 category. To be honest, I was surprised to get second because I had gone along with some of the women I train with and they're all quite good at running in parks.

    DT: so after some robust treatment with your devices you were feeling stiff, but good?

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    I think he had already been stiff a few times using his devices because ' it felt really sore by bedtime'.

    Well done to all parkrunners - particularly those PBing.image

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    macemace ✭✭✭
    Interesting watching the Brighton marathoners finish. Quite a few I know coming in at LR+30 pace having died after 18 miles !!! One fella I know was told by his coach to do all his long runs at MP.
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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Blimey, is his coach an actual coach?

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    macemace ✭✭✭
    I believe he has some sort of qualification although I'm not sure exactly what. I know somebody else who is a 'coach' for a local running club and he'd been running for a matter of months before 'qualifying' via a weekend course. He told me the course wasn't much good and he 'knew most of it anyway'. This person has spent most of the last year injured as have quite a few of his disciples.

    The 'coach' who advocated all long runs at MP also recommended that a couple of my clubmates do a 30 odd mile ultra 2 weeks before a target marathon because it would be ' good for confidence and topping up endurance ' Come race day, Both were broken by halfway, one finished a jibbering wreck at least an hour over target and the other DNF'd
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