
Overdone it?



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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    week away.  In which, despite best laid plans I went for a run once.  Even worse, the skiing seemed to have caused a lot of hip tightness.  Around the gluteus minimus area.  I went for a run the day we flew home and had to cut short as it felt terrible.  Managed 9 miles.  The following day I went out for a long run but at 19.6 miles (of the planned 22) I just had to stop and call Lou to get me.  I literally couldn’t run anymore as my hips had all seized up. 

    Another rest day and back on it.  The marathon was looming fast and I needed miles.  Put in the heaviest week that week of 66 miles and then it was time to taper.  I still did a decent week of 50 miles that first week and an 18 mile run due to missing so many miles earlier but then followed the plan for the last two weeks. 

    However, as the taper progressed I still felt pretty bad.  I felt heavy and wooden (which to be fair I also felt in taper last year) and my hips still felt tight.  I had a thorough sports massage the week before which did help.   The rest I put down to taper madness and nerves.  I just wasn’t feeling confident with my goal compared to last year but again I put it down to nerves.  Even taking the race times at Retford and Coventry, sub-3:15 should be possible so I decided to go for it. 

    We went down to London to stay with friends in SE London the night before the race so I got dropped off at the start, an easy 10 minute car ride away.  It was really cold and I had my layers on, planning to try and drop my bag as late as possible and with that aim got in the toilet queue.  But then got out of it again as they started threatening they’d close the bag drop in 10 minutes.  So I went to take my layers off and then met up with Fiona.  We dropped our bags but clad only in shorts vest and a bin bag/space blanket combo I was pretty cold.  We then went to stand in the longest toilet queue in the whole world and I was bursting by the end of it!  Toileting done (eventually!) it was time to get into the pen and we saw Sue in there and shortly afterwards we were off! 


    Due to all the toilet queue shenanigans we were at the back of pen 3.  My plan was to get ahead of the 3:15 pacer and keep them there.  However, the pacers were quite a bit ahead and I just tried to settle into a pace for the crowded first mile (7:30).  Then all of a sudden I saw a Striders vest and some short hair but ladylike legs.  Caroline! “Oi, Whitehouse.  What the f**k are you doing here?” was my ladylike opening gambit, yelled from about 10 metres away.  Nice to see her but I had a pacer to catch so pressed on.  I remembered from last year that the first few miles are a bit downhill so not to panic if I saw faster splits. (7:21; 7:05; 7:12).  But it was feeling maybe slightly strained when it should feel effortless now.  I was having to speed up and weave around a bit to get ahead of the pacers.  But another mile or two, push on past Cutty Sark, bit of crowd excitement.  That’s better, starting to settle into a rhythm, I’m enjoying this now (7:23; 7:16).  Got to mile 7 where I saw Lou and the family.  All feeling great – smiling and waving, high 5 a few kids – yeah!  (7:16; 7:17; 7:23).  3:15 pacer well behind me now, this is fine.  The miles are starting to tick by now 7:22; 7:19; 7:21.  But hmm, I’m hitting these paces but I’m pushing and we’re not half way yet.  This is NOT good news.  Last year I practically flew over Tower Bridge, chatting to Jenny, all feeling great, still easy.  This year not so good.  I got a shout from Sandra which was nice.&nb

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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    Reached the half way point in 1.36.30 which should have been a nice boost but deep-down I knew I was in trouble. 

    At this point I saw Tommy and ran with him for a bit, realising the significance of the rabbit and the turtle (hare and tortoise!)(d’oh).  I wasn’t very chatty though as I was struggling, although it was lovely to see him.  My hips were starting to grumble but I pushed on (7:21; 7:23).  Now my hips were grumbling more.  Maybe if I just slow down a bit I’ll be ok.  (7:36; 7:41).  I was at the 18 mile point.  Still a LONG way to go, hips now uber tight and complaining.  (7:51).  I knew it was only going to get worse from here.

    I don’t remember much of the detail – lots of supporters pooping up and very grateful to see them but had gone from smiling and waving to just lifting a hand in acknowledgement.  I was having a lot of dark thoughts about not finishing.  Practically every tube station I ran past I thought about bailing. The moment the 3:15 pacers passed me by were very dark and I nearly burst into tears.  Ridiculous.  I tried to run with them but no chance and worse I was now in more crowded territory.    (8:04).  I think we went through a tunnel then so my Garmin has me on a 7:21 mile but I really don’t think it was but hey, we’d hit 20. I see my friend Maya who’s shouting and smiling, so positive and all I can do is grimly wave a hand.   Just a 10k now.  F**k it, I want my medal .  Let’s do this.  Negative voices in my head are shouting that this is where the race starts and you’ve already given up. 

    It was about then that the cramps started.  Just my feet to begin with.  I am a bit of a cramp sufferer and often have them in my feet so I could still run with that going on but slower.  8:07; 8:15; 8:15.  This is now my normal “out for an easy run” pace, feel like I’m going backwards but other people are slowing now too.  And the walkers have begun, people in worse states than me.  We go through another tunnel – to the right there is a man down, paramedics all around him on a stretcher.  He’s not moving.  I later find out that he died.  Puts my troubles into perspective but is another dark moment and my thoughts are with him.  The tunnel has sent the Garmin crazy again and it reckons 6:43 which would make me laugh if I wasn’t feeling quite so dreadful. 

    Mile 23.  A parkrun.  Only a parkrun.  Come on, I can do this.  There is a slight downhill which I think I’ll use to propel me, build up some momentum.  Get going again, maybe bring it home a bit stronger.  Only now there are people everywhere.  Also slowing, also knackered.  I see a gap between two guys, I go to go through it only I’d misjudged the gap or one of them moves and I bump into him, cannoning off into the other guy, they’re exclaiming in alarm and I’m nearly falling and then my calf just cramps.  Hard.  I stop, and have to push my face into the crowd whilst I stretch it out.  They’re screaming at me to carry on but I need to make the cramp go.  Suddenly and miraculously it stops and I go again.  But I know that running fast will not be an option. Every time I speed up, change direction, do anything I feel it threatening to cramp again.  So I run, but I figure if I can just keep moving to the finish line without walking it will be ok.  (9:09)  Finally out onto the Embankment, the 25 mile sign seems to take forever to come.  My Garmin and the mile markers well out of sync now.  Lou was here but I’m focussed, just moving forwards

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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    Lou was here but I’m focussed, just moving forwards and I don’t see him.  I have to stop twice more to stretch it out as my calf cramps again.  Then, all of a sudden, a shout  “Come on McFlooze, chase me”.  It’s Caroline.  She’s storming past me.  No chance of chasing her now.  (8:32). Sub 3:20 going now but there’s not a thing I can do.   But we’re about to turn into the mall and I know it will soon be over so I gingerly attempt to “chase”.  7:43 pace for the last half a mile.  Longest  800 metres of my life.  But I cross the line and throw up my arms, I’ve done it!

    So the time wasn’t what I wanted.  It was 3.21.16.  But it’s still a great time and a 6 minute PB so I am happy.  But it was really quite a horrible last hour and a half.  Was I over-ambitious?  I’m not sure that I was – I think that time would have been possible if I hadn’t had the disturbance with the injury and skiing.  My training was good and my earlier race times were in line.  Plus last year I’d converted my HM time well.  Should I have reevaluated my goals given the injury?  Probably.  But I had at the back of my mind that I didn’t really want to do another marathon for a while.  So I guess it’s going out in a blaze of (in)glory.  Do or die.  On another day it might have worked.   At the end of the day it’s only a race, the pain I felt was temporary.  I’m not dead or even very damaged.    Afterwards, as I shuffled up horseguards in the never ending march to get the bags I vowed to myself that never again would I put myself through this.  It’s hard I’m exhausted.  I didn’t feel elated.  I felt like a ragdoll, breathless and nauseated.  Footsore, leg sore, shoulders cramping.  Traumatised.  Caroline, Sue and I have our picture taken and whilst I smile my eyes hold the 1000-yard stare of a battle scarred veteran.    Caroline and I had to hold each other up to even get our trousers on.  No dignity.  But I ate, I drank, I ate some more, I shuffled to a pub using the buggy to hold me up, I ate some steak, I drank some beer, I drank some wine.  I actually feel ok. 

    So now…that horrible little phrase.  Unfinished business.  You’ll all say I told you so.  Maybe one last go.  Maybe. 


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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Well toughed out mcf. I know that feeling when the 3.15 crew come bounding past you and you want to go with them.

    The guy you saw is probably the same one I saw. The guy that died collapsed just before 1.30 from what I've read so different chap I think b
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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    OK, maybe.  Was the one you saw sort of on an underpassy/tunnelly bit kind of up and off to the right hand side, DT?  

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    macemace ✭✭✭

    McF - i'm done in after reading that image I've suffered cramps previous 2 maras but didn't get any this time. If anything i'd have expected it more this year but nope ! There appears to be no rhyme or reason .... great time though, well done image


    NP - yep, great to meet again mate and i'm well pleased you got what your training deserves. I don't post much on the Mara thread now but i try to look in when i get chance and there's a few (including you) on there i like to watch out for. Keep flying that V50 flag, i'll be there soon image


    My legs aren't too bad, both calves a bit sore and quads have seen happier days but i can walk relatively normally down a flight of stairs. I have no desire to run whatsoever though and i think this time i will actually take the minimum 1 week break i promise every year.

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Great report McF - I can definitely relate to the feeling of working a bit too hard even before halfway. Sorry I didn't make it to letter S (though you might have been a bit grumpy at that point...); was in changing tent for ages as I bumped into a friend and then spent some time hanging around letter F for Fifi only to find my friend had got a taxi back to the hotel instead of meeting me anyway!

    Meanwhile I am feeling tiggerish and think I may still be on a prolonged endorphin high. My feet don't hurt any more now I have drained the blisters (strangely enjoyable) and my calves are only a bit sore, so I think I might go and jog round the warm-up with my training pals and then offer helpful comments while they do their session. They'll like that.

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    Tommy2DTommy2D ✭✭✭

    McF - nice report. Well dug in, like you I found it incredible how many people were stopping and in need of assistance. Was good to run with you for a couple of miles, although I think it was miles 9-11 rather than shortly after halfway? I reckon you've got a 3:15 in you with a bit more luck with injuries.

    This bit made me laugh...




    McFlooze wrote (see)


    I don’t remember much of the detail – lots of supporters pooping up and very grateful to see them but had gone from smiling and waving to just lifting a hand in acknowledgement. 


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    Tommy2DTommy2D ✭✭✭

    Oh P.S I got an ENORMOUS blister after Ashby 20 which I have a photo of but it is pretty rank so you probably don't want to see it.

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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    Actually my feet were probably the most unscathed they've even been after a marathon.  I bought some running shoes in a size and a half bigger than street size and with lots of Lanacaine they were ok.  Shame that I already have black toenails from too small spikes plus Coventry half.  

    Glad you're bouncy, Lit.  

    You're probably right, Tommy, come to think of it.  Memory is a bit hazy to be fair but I know you guys like the detail!  

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    VMLM 2016

    Having run this race in 2014 and having had a pretty miserable time, I felt I had

    unfinished business.

    My plan was to get a ballot place, then run it when I was 40 and bank a GFA. By

    good fortune I was successful in the ballot for 2015 and as per my plan, deferred

    without any real thought, largely because I was injured at that time in any event.


    Following a shift in training emphasis and a pretty successful summer and

    Autumn, I began building things up in November with a series of hilly 15 milers.

    I was surprised at this stage how easy the distance felt. I decided to continue to

    follow the FIRST programme of training that had served me well over the



    I was particularly mindful that the mileage was very low compared to

    the P and D schedule I had used in 2014, though it hadn't seemed to get me anywhere.


    I have not calculated it but I believe my average mileage for the whole schedule was 33 ish miles per week, something many would consider not enough to properly prepare even for a half.


    I commenced my training in the first week of December, factoring 4 weeks

    leeway for injury, weather and weeks when I knew I was away during the



    Cutting to the chase, I felt like I cruised through the schedule, setting pbs at 10

    miles, half marathon and 5k and very narrowly missing out in 5 mile and 10k.

    I put a reasonable amount of research into my carb loading and feel like I nailed

    that and set off to London in good spirit.


    We set off at 8am Saturday morning with a pretty full day. Due to this we did not

    have time to check into our hotel and as such had to carry out the full day

    (expo, lunch, wandering around London between places, Shard) with a rucksack

    on my back, pulling a suitcase. I spent all day looking forward to getting to the

    hotel for 5pm and having a bath and a lie down with the football. To my dismay

    our room had no bath.


    I put this set back behind me and had a doze watching the football. Following

    dinner out we retired to bed for a fairly uneasy nights sleep.


    I went downstairs about 7.20am for some breakfast and the room was scattered

    with tense looking faces. One guy started asking if it was too early to head over

    to Blackheath. I explained to him that it was wet and cold and we were a 20

    minute train journey away. I sent him back to his room and told him to come

    back down at 8.20 to get the 8.30 train, which he did and we travelled over



    I got to Blackheath for around 9.20 and started preparing myself. I had been

    pretty worried in the last few weeks of training regarding my footwear playing

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    me up and giving me blisters. I have worn the same style of running shoe for 5

    years and never had a problem, but in the last few weeks I did. I plastered my

    feet, amongst various other places, in barrier cream.  At this point WJH appeared

    and we had a chat. I then went and put my bag in, having selected a rather

    warm hoody for pre race.


    I then joined the toilet queue around 09.40. I felt this was better than going

    straight there, then needing to queue again. Whilst in the queue I spotted

    philpub chatting over the fence of the champs start to someone so I ran over

    and said hello to him and Marrows, then went back to my place in the queue. I

    left the toilet at 9.55 at which point everyone had taken to their pens and I

    found myself at the back of pen 2.


    Quick countdown and we were off. My plan was to run at 7mm and eat a jelly

    baby at every 3 mile marker. I found things very annoying in the first mile, just

    so many people in my way. I started thinking that it would be a complete

    disaster and I should just do a small marathon. I also became concerned as my

    HR reading was very quickly in the 170s, a zone I’d expect to hit a few miles into

    a half.


    Mile 1 came in at 7.12 and things started to open up. I felt a little heavy legged

    over the first couple of miles, which I put down to no warm up. I soon hit my

    pace zone with miles 2 and 3 passing by nicely in 6.59 and 6.53. Around this

    time I saw someone that looked like Madbee and I did a double take. I thought

    ‘Madbee is no sandbagger, why would she be running at sub 7mm’. A moment or

    so later she came up and introduced herself. I asked her what her average pace

    was showing and she advised she didn’t have such a facility. I told her off and

    ran away in disgust.


    The miles kept passing by but I was concerned as my heart rate was sat firmly

    in the mid 170s and I was expecting an almighty crash. Perhaps this then affected my perception of effort as I became concerned I was working too hard compared to 2014.


    The next few miles I started churning out some pretty consistent miles (6.53,

    7.04, 6.59, 7.01, 6.59, 6.59, 6.59, 6.59 and 6.58) while continuing to look forward to my jelly baby treat. As I moved towards half way I started feeling that burning sensation under my left foot. I feared the worst but continued marching on. According to my Wife it was around 12 miles I passed Kelly Holmes. I remember going across London Bridge and reminding myself to take everything in and enjoy it a bit more, which I did and made a point of doing this several more times. I went through the half way marker in 1.32.40.


    The miles continued to tick by (6.58, 6.57, 6.52, 7.00) and I continued to feel

    strong. A friend from uni had messaged me pre race to say she lived opposite

    the fire station between 15 and 16. I kept an eye out but didn’t see her.

    As we went through the 16 mile marker I became a bit edgy as this was the

    point in 2014 when things went wrong. Getting in and out of Canary Wharf was

    a big hurdle for me as in 2014 I entered a runner and came out a mess.

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    I kept going through it and continued to feel strong, albeit every now and then I

    would become aware of the foot pain. Mile 17 came in at 7.01 and then 18 at

    7.13 (which I put down to gps and the buildings). By this point I was feeling a

    bit tired and the jelly baby thing became quite important as a target.

    When I exited Canary Wharf in one piece I was delighted and my average pace

    still showed as 6.59. Miles 19 and 20 passed by in 7.05 and 6.55. By this point,

    running at the pace I had done, the over optimistic sub 3 triers started to litter

    the road side and I was glad I had changed my plan.


    Mile 21, my hamstrings and glutes started to get really tight and at the same

    time my blister began to really hurt. Things started to slow, but by no means to

    some sort of ‘death march’ which I experienced in 2014 (7.13 and 7.24, 7.18).


    The last 3 miles I began to struggle. I saw the man on the road side receiving

    treatment and countless others in worse shapes than me. I did some basic arithmetic and knew that if I just cashed out and settled in at 7.30 pace I would get to the end comfortably sub 3.10 (i wanted this in case they changed the GFA times).


    Whilst the route was edging downhill, the backs of my legs had become so tight they simply wouldn’t open up. My gps was now so far out from the mile markers it was useless. I was in discomfort and desperately wanting to finish, but I suppose you should be by mile 24 of a marathon.


    The last few miles ticked by and I seemed to still be passing people, coming in at

    7.36, 7.38 and 7.35, followed by 7.23 for the last 0.2 and the additional 0.3 I

    had to run. As I turned the corner on the Mall to the final straight, my foot was

    hurting, there were still people pulled up and I just wanted to finish. I heard the commentator say something like 'the runners coming in now are a little over 7mm pace, which is pretty good going'. This made me feel good.


    Finally the line came and went. I stopped by some barriers and started to cry as it seemed

    the most sensible thing to do. Then Madbee came bounding up behind me, we

    had a chat and a photo and off we went for what is an incredibly long walk,

    particularly when your surname is a T.


    All in all, I am pretty happy with how it all went. I lost it a bit at the end, though

    I think that is a fair trade off for a schedule that involves running 33 miles per

    week. Looking at the statistics available, in the last 7.2k I passed 251 runners

    and was passed by 47. That tells me I wasn’t doing too badly.I recall in 2014 finishing and for 2 days saying never again. My first thought this time was, ‘what’s the date next year’. I think though had I attempted a sub 3 my view would have been more in line with 2014.


    So in summary, there was no great drama or story to tell, I had a plan, stuck to it, faded a little in the last few miles and ran the second half just over 3 minutes slower than the first half.



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Well done on your marathon DT, though I was disappointed by the lack of any setting up of base camp.

    In terms of the below though, I'm intrigued.  Did you once arrive at the RW forum, and just commit yourself to the first 2 threads you read, or were you an "overdoer" and got sucked in that way? (plus whatever the other thread is...maybe the strange fetishes one, knowing you image)

    DT19 wrote (see)
    Is it? I don't read beyond the two threads I post on.


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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Thanks....i got to the toilet too late and didn't have a banana to settle in with.

    I did previously read the forums more roundly and post in other places beyond here and middle ground, but as you know I'm a very important high flying lawyer and simply don't have time these daysimage
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    I forgot to add to my report, as I turned the corner to the Mall finish straight the commentator started going wild because a man dressed as a bottle of sauce was coming through. I had taken over a number of people in fancy dress in the race and thought each was the last one. I was frantically looking all around but couldn't see him so I'm hoping he was a bit behind me.

    Perhaps Madbee saw him and can clarify?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    where you are in the field I think you just have to hold your hands up and say "they must be pretty decent" to be running in a stupid costume and still beating you.

    It's not like you're one of those celeb idiots, cheating cutting half the course, and still only doing 3.45- 4 hours!

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Yes undoubtedly he is, but my friends still rip me for getting beat in 2012 in the Bristol half by a guy dressed as a banana. I just did 1.27 and argued he must be a sub 80 as he did 1.23.

    The London marathon though is a bit like the boat race or grand national.The entire country suddenly love road running and anyone who simply completes it is covered in glory. People seem to appreciate the achievement of a 4 hour finish than me running a 1.25 half!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Yep, it's to be added to the type of people who say a half marathon is...only a half, yet wouldn't say a word about a 10k or the like.

    They're quite simply to be stationed in the combined "gashfest" (to coin one of Lit's terms) of the likes of Tough Mudder and all that other crock of sh!t that "rewards" you with a colossal entry fee, a load of wacky (stupid) challenges, and no sense of target beyond merely getting to the finish.
    Perfect for sedentary dull office types so they can boast about them for months to anyone who'll listen

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    so to conclude...I'm erm..not a fan image

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    Just stalking some of the faster celebrities splits.

    Judge Robert Rinder went through 5k in 19.09, 10k in 39.xx and half in 1.29, finishing in 3.16.

    Cj off eggheads did 20.xx, 40.xx and 1.28, finishing in 3.27. Both sound like sufferfests.
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    Well done DT you judged it well and got the balance right: a nice combination of humour and pathos. The running wasn't to shabby either.
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    The formatting made it read like poetry so I improvised with the voices of Sir John Gielgud and a bit of Julian Clary for the part where you reminisced about entering a runner in Canary Wharf and came out a mess.

    As Lou said, great work all round.
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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    Enjoyed that report, DT.  

    I think I lost friends at the school gates by opining about those obstacle races, Stevie G.  I think they think I'm elitist.  They may be right but when I want to wallow about in mud I do a cross country race that is free for me to enter via my club as opposed to one race that costs more than my annual club subscription.  

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    McFloozeMcFlooze ✭✭✭

    In the spirit of moving onwards and upwards I have entered Bristol half in September and shall be aiming to earn a Championship spot via the medium of a sub-1:30 half. Which I may or may not use.   Anyone else fancy it?  

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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    Yes I'm in for Bristol.

    My club (when doing it sensibly) often advertise xc in the basis of

    Toughmudder ??50

    Wolf run ??40

    Dirt run etc etc

    Xc- free
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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    No Bristol for me; bit far away. Also I have entered Chester marathon which is on October 4, where I will be aiming to recreate Madbee's 'bouncing all the way to the finish line with a big smile' marathoning style.

    Good report DT. Would you do the same schedule again for a marathon, do you think?

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    Well done everyoneimage

    Going away at London Marathon weekend is bad timing based on ridiculously long posts you have to catch up on - got to do some work so haven't read DT's yet - just got to end of the McFlooze epic which I guess was written for the club website.

    So well done to everyone on their times - particularly Madbee and DT for their big PBs but I'm only commenting on McFlooze for now because I haven't got to everyone else's report yet apart from Captain Bouncy's two line effort about running with PhilPub - well done Lit image that's brilliant off the disrupted training and must be a real confidence booster for the summer and Chester.

    McFlooze reading your report brought back many unhappy memories of my near marathon experience last year, I think I probably cramped more than you but I didn't have a tight hip - your description just made me remember quite vividly what it was like as your body slowly breaks down and you zone the whole world out as you focus on one foot in front of the other for over an hour - so massive well done imageimageimagefrom someone who knows. Plus a six minute PB (roughly 15 secs per mile) not to be sniffed at!

    I'll be back to read any other reports and comment later/tomorrow.

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    When you have, you will know that the Captain Bouncy title has now passed to Madbee. She is very bouncy and was also wearing much bouncier shoes than me. Also, just to mention this before you update the table, rather than waiting till afterwards and adding it as an afterthought like I usually do, could you put me down for another team medal please, in the Scottish championships? We are not sure what colour yet, as there is a controversy involving Freya Ross not wearing her club vest.

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    Mr VMr V ✭✭✭

    Skinny can you also update me as now being 30 image. Plus I think I have a team prize for something as I received a voucher from a race with no explanation of what it was for. I'm too slow to win an individual prize so that's the only explanation!

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