
Paris Marathon 2013



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    yer_maj wrote (see)

    ...and to counter your Strong Woan routine, NGUG, I have spent the last 40 minutes lying on the floor with my feet in the air, all in the name of realigning my pelvis....

    I was just about to say Yer_Maj, sounds like you've been reading "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. A highly recommended book for people suffering with issues to do with muscular-skeletal alignment.  For those that remember BrandyB, this was the book she read and proclaimed that it "transformed her life". Anyway, happy leg waving.

    As for my own treatment RR, I've not run in two weeks now and will not run before I see the sports doc next week and try to get a bit more advice. DV - am also trying to do what you say, diverting energy elsewhere. Being a skinny dude, biking is really cold and it needs more time for training than running as it is less intense, so this is difficult to do well at this time of year. Need to find a way of making turbo training more fun.

    And I'm working on a new project. Deserves a new post. image



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    ATM and DV have already said it better than I could td - sincerely hope you get a positive outcome.

    cold in edinbrrrrr this morning - canal was frozen over in places and slippery underfoot. Just work to survive now.

    Also a trip to that fancy London on Friday so probably running in the big smoke at lunch
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    "In the Long Run". A campaign to raise money and awareness for the work of the Stop The Traffik organisation, who are campaigning for an end to modern day slavery. The British played an important part in breaking this vile trade in the late 19th century - by organising nations to cooperate to a common standard. Maybe we (all nationalities) can play a part in breaking it down again... using our best assets, our legs!

    The idea is to have a team of people running a known people trafficking route, from Bratislava to Brussels. We will meet up in Bratislava (in Slovakia) around Sunday 15th July, start running on the Monday with a possible visit to UN offices in Vienna the same day. Then taking a route that will go through Prague, Frankfurt, Cologne, maybe Liege, Leuven and finishing in Brussels on Monday 22nd July.

    Our hope is to have a core group of runners who will go the whole journey, being supplemented with runners who join for several days at a time, including local runners.  So the core team will have a runner set off at 6am and the route will be planned so that running will end before 10pm, with many runner changes during each day.

    The team itself will be moved by minibus, so people can sleep in in the mornings and arrive early at the sleeping destination in the evening, so there should be plenty of opportunity for rest and sightseeing along the route. Depending on the size of the team, runners will always be accompanied by one or two cyclists carrying provisions, GPS maps and trackers etc.

    The purpose of "In The Long Run" will be to raise awareness of the problems related to the people trafficking insustry and the methods used by organised crime for exploitation. The second objective will be to raise money for the Stop The Traffik (who are not just a campaigning organisation but do valuable work directly with people who have fallen into the trap of being trafficked).

    Why am I telling you this? Consider it an invitation for a mad summer running jaunt, possibly with lifetime memories. Anyone fancy a 1,275km run (or a part of it)?! image  I'm effectively leading the project at this stage so am open to help, support and suggestions of all sorts. If you have insights, ideas etc please send me a PM. Cheers, TD.

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    TD - Sounds like a great plan. Fantastic idea for a very worthy cause.

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    TD - I suspect I'd not be up for more than 42.2k of the 1275 but I'll get the week off. Let me know how I can help.
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    Just wanted to say" hello everyone, long time no see (or should I say: read)"

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    image A wee run across Europe? Sounds like quite a jaunt, TD. I can't take part but I'll enjoy the ride. Good luck with all the planning 'n' stuff.

    Ice, ice, everywhere. 'Have already seen 2 accidents..cars in ditches...this morning. Pavements are impossible..Where are the gritters?

    Dzie?? dobry and welcome back W. Long time no see/read! How are you? And the baby...Well, hardly a baby any more...? What have you been up to ? Are you coming back to Paris with us?
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    ATM - It's nothing but ice all over where I stay too. I was sliding all the way down to the train station this morning.

    I was thinking of attempting a short jog tonight to see if I can actually manage to do it, but think these conditions are working against me. Trying to run on the injury is bad enough, slipping with it could set me back further.

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    ahhh so many things happened. For start we're back to Poland now (figured it would be better for Junior to have grandparents  closer to spoil him). Tigger is 13 months now. Well, actually Adam Alexander but he's one bouncy boy (he took it after his mum). He doesn't walk yet, but boy, can he crawl. At Duracell rabbit's speed if not faster.

    I was forced to minimalise my running, first by doctors during pregnancy, then by stupid stepper I bought to keep myself in shape while staying at home with Tigger. Well, all I did was straining my knees. It's bit better now and I'm slowely coming back to running. I was hoping to take part in Warsaw Half Marathon next Spring but my Ortho just looked with a frown on his face and shock his head.  that meant 'no' I guess. 

    I'm not soing more than 4k 2-3 time per week plus swimming. Not much but I don't want to hurt my knees again. 

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    13 months? Jings..that was fast.   Swimming's goood. image You'll be fit for a Tri , when your knees are better.

    I'm thinking about going up to the old blaise track in the park, Eggy. This is Day 2 of my grand plan and road running is out already... It's definitely not the day for you to try anything heroic after your lay-off.

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    TD - don't think I can join you, but if you need any fliers or posters or whatnot doing, give me a shout.

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    It pains me to say it but this sort of weather is what gyms were made for...
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    Godson, aged six, says to me: "Does Santa shave his beard off when it's not Christmas?"

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    Hey Weedy - Have you created another Xmas ID or is someone masquerading?

    I just changed my name (and picture....still waiting for that image) which is why my moniker has changed on all my posts. But you've got 2 on the go.


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    Tis I. Didn't know you could just change your name... hang on.

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    I give up. Technology's a nightmare. It is I though. And to prove it, ask me something only I would know...

    Any tattoos? No.

    See, only I would know that

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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    I knew that..image

    If you want to change your moniker, log on as your Original self.

    Click on My Profile (at the top of the page, by your avatar)

    Click on My Details

    Amend Nickname

    What's your favourite humming noise?

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    image My nickname wont be changed now as apparently I can only do that if I subscribe to RW magazine which unfortunately came to an end recently - anyone else found that? 


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    Can't change it as the name's already been taken

    ...by me.

    I'm trapped in some sort of Kafkaesque technological nightmare. Okay, maybe that's being a bit over-dramatic.

    Favourite humming noise is a kind of low-pitched one. Don't like squeaky, high-pitched noises of any kind. Am I right?

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    My subscription has expired, NGUG..Am I stuck with my xmas nick forever? image I may have to metamorphosize into someone else after the Queen's Speech. * No. not you, yer_maj....*

    8 k- on -ice. Yes, it was a pantomime..I would 've been quicker walking.

    @the Weedy Kings.. 'No tattoos and a preference for low-pitched noises,too. We could stark a club.

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    My accountant has just phoned to confirm how much tax I have to pay in January.  I'm off for a wee lie down....it's not the paying tax that I mind, it's the sure knowledge that not a penny of it will be used for the good by this half baked bunch of knobnecks who are playing monopoly with the country....image

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    TD..   super idea, but the timing won't work for me I'm sorry....  I'll be in the US at Badwater during that period...

    NGUG..    my subscription expired about 8 years ago...   no idea why on earth you can't change your name..   it has nothing to do with your subscription!


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    OrbuttOrbutt ✭✭✭

    NGUG - I've never had a subscription.

    Oh, dear. Should I have said that out loud?

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     NCUG: u should be able to do it - go top right - click "my profile", then select "my details" - you'll see your name and the nickname field underneath. Delete it and put new nickname, then scroll right down to the bottom of the page and click "update" (just above the section that says manage my subscription)

    Anyone out there training today? - had the arvo of work and went for 10 miles lovely park / tempo run in the sunshine!

    and Yer Maj - i know you've had grim news from the baskets at hmrc today but please use yer welsh wit and gorgeousness to come up with a crimbo nickname! image

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    Is that better dearie?

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    not bad for a quick off the mark - what d'ya reckon ATM?

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    oh shit!  reminds me that I need to get back to my accountant!

    TD - your new project sounds very interesting...but I have to go to canada then.  Don't think the parents would understand me exchanging seeing them, for running around europe. image

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    Experiment part one complete. Three miles jogging on icy streets done. Furthest I've "ran" since Chicago. Although I'm not sure if 11 minute miles counts as running!

    Part two will be seeing if I'm in agonising pain in the morning! image

    NGUG - It's not just you. I got an internal sever error when I tried to change mine to Eggynog. I guess I'll just have to wait for spring and become Easter Eggy.

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    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm (low frequency vibrations).

    Eggy - the fact that you're not in agonising pain now is a good start.

    TD - keep me in the loop, although the less navigating I have to do, the more likelihood of a successful outcome on my part.
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