
RW Forum SIx – 3.30 – 4.00



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    The usual comprehensive race report from you Carl and I feel your pain completely. Seems quite a coincidence that we had both moved to the Stingers and then had stomach troubles on race day when neither of us has ever suffered with this before. I agree that last 800m was tough, I was in such a state that I walked up the slope but then managed a sprint for the line. I was really really surprised that Sunday didn't go to plan for you as you're a top notch runner and deserve a cracking time. Not that 3:55 is a bad time at all but I know it's far from what you wanted. I have to say you noticed more of the scenery than me. I barely registered any of it apart from in Boystown where I got a rapturous reception and couldn't work out why then realised afterwards my rainbow coloured socks might have had something to do with it! Did we run past the Wrigley stadium? I was told that we would go past it twice but I have no recollection of it at all. So Paris next big race for you. At least you won't have the jet lag issues and you'll know to take your own porridge.

    Rob keep on eating! It's carb loading time! Am excited about Sunday for you now. Am I right in thinking that Abingdon is 2 laps?

    Will interesting what you say about the heat. It is still pretty warm here in NY. Surely it will have to be cool by 1 November (race day).

    So the last couple of days I've done 3 miles and 4 miles. I've had a look at the Hal Higdon plans for marathons with short gaps. Typically there is one for a 2 week gap and one for a 4 week gap but nothing for a 3 week gap. So I've gone for the 4 week one and am missing out the second week of it. I also missed the run that was scheduled for Tuesday. I'm running really easily and well but need to be careful I don't go mad and still need to focus on recovery. At least Sunday didn't mash my legs and I was running this morning I thought I should be pretty proud of the fact I can do a marathon and then be out 8 minute miling 4 days later. Got to look for the positives.

    Oh and need to get back off the wine imageimage



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    Well done Carl, great informative report, and amazing result after everything you had gone through.  I am no where near any of your levels, but I know once I get a stomach cramp I will give up... In fact I did in the middle of a park once, I dropped to the floor and shouted a word I don't like to repeat very loudly.  I scared a fare few dog walkers image

    I also know that I hate running in anything considered warm, mostly this comes down to being overweight/unfit and therefore sweating like a pig the second I have left my door, but I love to run in very cold or pouring rain.  My best runs have always been in these conditions.

    I think that you are both fantastic runners, with times under your belts that are fab!  I can only dream to get anything near, but you know what even professional athletes have off days, they even have bad runs, races they should have aced but messed up due to no reason other than circumstance.

    Take the positive that you can always go back another year and have a time to beat, but if that is not in your agenda then take the positive that you completed the Chicago Marathon, whilst 90% of the population were still in their PJs, being lazy.imageimageimage


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    Carter- awww Mrs C is being a very naughty patient!  No wonder your patience is tried.  She sounds like the kind of person who can't stay still for long?  Hope you feel better soon.  Perthshire was loooovely.  I love running there.  It's so peaceful.

    Robert- glad you're feeling good.  Agree re the booze.  But maybe that's because I'm just not disciplined enough!

    Will- good luck for Sunday!  Go smash it!

    Carl- amaaaazing report.  I was so gripped reading it.  I feel for you majorly- you know I've had similar issues and it's miserable.  I'm so chuffed you made it round and with SUCH a positive attitude to the whole thing- you're SO right to try and enjoy these events because we are lucky to do them!  You should be really proud.  A combination of travel, stress, food, and tiredness I say made it a tough race.  Shit, unfortunately, does happen.

    PS- glad you're thinking about NY and feeling more positive.  Don't over do things- make sure you are TOTALLY recovered.  If anything, OVER recovered.  Because think how shit you'd feel if you did NY, found it tough, and thought afterwards that it's because you didn't go easy enough on yourself.  There's NO training you can do now- just recovery and keeping moving.

    Elle- wise words from you!  How has your running been this week?


    I did a short gym session this afternoon, one mile warmup on the tready, then some brief spinning and weights.  Then a 6.4 mile run with the club, hilly route with a couple of tempo sections, average pace 8:55 min/mile.  Right from the start of the day everything felt hard and I felt sluggish, so gym and running were quite low intensity compared to normal.  I'm so tired and I don't know why.

    A lot in one day but I've eaten like a pig the last few days so am trying to burn some of it off before the end of the week to make me feel better. image

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    Ali, I feel your pain!  No running from me this week, I have hurt my right leg, the quad muscle was tight after my runs Friday/Sunday and then I had an incident with a dog/spider... I thought it was a spider and jumped up quick twisting the same leg that was tight, oh and it wasn't a spider it was my dogs nose.

    My knee keeps giving way when I walk and I am getting intermittent niggles in the quad muscle.

    So to cut a long story short I'm depressed I cant run, so am eating shite, so am then feeling shite so then feeling more depressed and so the circle turns.  Last night I drank a whole bottle of red wine (I am no where near as disciplined as Mr E) and am currently dying on my desk at work! 

    BUT don't give me any sympathy, because its my own fault, I never stretch out properly when I get home as I just want to get into bath, I will learn, eventually!!

    Looking forward to weekend away with Mr E... romantic meals, hotel bed image oh hold on its Abingdon Marathon... so pizza, pasta and early nightimage.  

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    Carl – not much else I can say that hasn’t already been said. A battling, brave performance as usual, if nothing else you have proved once again that you are mentally extremely strong. I’m really sorry it didn’t go better for you. Who knows why things don’t go right on a given day, it could be one or a combination of those things you mentioned. Chin up and all that and on to the next one.  Hope you are recovering well.

    PS – great that your legs are feeling so good so soon. When will you be making a decision on if you will be running at NY or not and if you are how you will be running it ?

    Ali – there’s nothing wrong with eating like a pig for a few days ! I assume it’s half term up north a the moment then and you have got a bit of a break from work ?

    Elle – there will be no shenanigans in the days before a marathon thank you !! I hope you are looking after Mr E and making sure he doesn’t overdo things J Sorry to hear about the injury but you are doing the right thing in resting for a few days. It can be so difficult being disciplined when it comes to eating and drinking when you are out injured. And fear not, you will get very little sympathy from me for not stretching !!

    Robert – Make sure Mrs R is looking after you properly ! I know you do most things around the house normally but she can now help out now to ensure that you get to the starting line in good shape. Very best of luck for Sunday if I don’t get chance to get back on. And remember “Don’t be shit” !

    Will – good luck for Sunday as well, go out and smash it !

    Race day for me tomorrow and I’m finally feeling a bit excited about it. I’m still not organized though and haven’t done much with regards to preparation, getting my bag ready, sorting out food etc. Full of snot still so breathing should be more difficult than normal ! A bottle of Rioja last night probably hasn’t helped either. My alarm is set for 04:00 to give myself time to get sorted, travel to the start line, register, have my kit checked etc for a 7:00 start. I’m looking at getting in under 10:00 hours which equates to 12:00 min miles which seems slow but when you take walking breaks and stop at checkpoints it should be within my grasp if I have a good day. All being well the need will hold out too.

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    PS - I reckon red wine will be the best recovery ahead of your next marathon in a few weeks time! agree with Ali, it's all about flowing blood through those legs to recover - loads of walking and very easy miles I would think...

    Ali - change in seasons?? usually makes me more tired than normal. I have had a cold the last few days (typical before a race eh!) as well... something is in the air anyway. good running and gym sesh with that in mind

    Elle - get stretching! Keep drinking but make sure you stretch always after running!

    Carter - best of luck with the ultra tomorrow - hope it goes brilliantly.

    Rob - best of luck for Abingdon Sunday - have everything crossed for you

    I have my traditional pre race cold. if it stays like this then hopefully fine. if it deteriorates then I'm in trouble. One thing is for sure I am not going to be a DNF twice for the Great West Run!!

    Have a fab weekend all

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    Carl sounds like you did amazingly well considering ! Still a sub 4 time too, both yourself and PS should be very proud of yourselves. 


    PS: SO glad you are feeling better and are still going to run NY, Id love to have a shot at running it myself in the next yyear or 2

    Carter: ALl the best for tomorrow, im sure you will have a fantastic time (even if it doesnt feel lilke it at the time).


    Rob: See you out on the course ! Miles 15 and 23, Ill have jelly babies (do you need anything else? Ill prob bring a few bottles of water for people I know with sports lid so look out for me ! Ill be on par side at 15 and river side at 23 )

    Ali : Good to see you keeping up the great training ! Whats up next for you ?

    So for me a weekend off racing before Candleford Canter on 26th which I will try running eyeballs out ......

    Already feeling like I need to look for some more events (perhaps trail runs so Im not so tempted to race hard ) Back to marathon training then .... Cant wait !image 

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    Hi PS, Bad luck on the marathon. I hope you are not beating yourself up about it. Sounds a bad day and your body was not feeling good and hence that throws the mental side of things overboard. I think if you have a relax for a few days and a couple of glasses of wine and then see where you are next week. I think you may regret no running NY. If you do, no pressure, run whatever pace you like.

    Hi Washwood, great splits on the intervals. Benidorm, warm air, muscles relaxed You gotta go for a new PB there? image

    Hi Rob, At the end of a schedule,Time to try and keep off them a bit and relax, penty of fluids and keep a bottle of First Defence at hand. Good Luck for Sunday!

    Hi Ali, Perthshire and running go pretty well together ..

    Hi Will Good luck Sunday..

    Hi Carter, You using Sean's pre-race tactics with the red wine? Good luck tomorrow. Don't be...

    Hi Elle, Plenty of time until London. As long as you get your plan and follow it. You will be fine.

    Hi Carl, Hard luck on the marathon. I have started to have the tubs of porridge that you add hot water to before races now. I find the stomach is a lot more settled. After running York and having the hotel porridge, my stomach reacted badly. I think if you have a tried and tested formula and you stray from it, the nerves can make it a lot worse than it probably normally would be.

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    PS you're right Abingdon is 2 laps of beautiful industrial estates and housing estates with a nice bit by the river to look forward to.  Glad your taking it a bit easier on your legs just got to keep them ticking over.  Your A race is done surely you can have some wine just make sure you knock it on the head a few hours before the race.

    Ali I always see articles flashing up on runners world and facebook to say alcohol is good for you so no need to cut it out.

    Carter I have instructed Mrs R to keep her hands off... it's gonna be a struggle for her but she'll survive! Have a fantastic run tomorrow, hope it all goes to plan you may need to get the handcuffs out for Mrs C.  Mrs R will tell you the bottle of wine is good for you.... 12 min miles seems bout right are you looking to run an even pace?

    Will good luck on Sunday hope the flu pisses off by the time you hit the start line... 

    Washwood, will keep an eye for you, should be okay for resources can't promise I'll see you I'm usually in a daydream when I run.

    Nell thankyou feeling ready to go (as much as can be) wacked down some flu pills earlier.

    Don't know if its taper terrors but felt shit today, decided not to go for a run today, will see how I feel tomorrow may go out for a couple of miles if not will have some pasta for lunch, head off to Abingdon have a look round the course then Pizza for dinner.

    Race day up at 6am breakfast cereal, milk (need to purchase long life) and coffee with some water and lucozade.  Get to race 7.30-8ish plan a couple of number 2's race starts 9am.

    8.45s throughout the race gets me 3.50 I know in the early miles without realising I will bank a few seconds here and there.  Have my race hydration and gels planned.  Starting of with water 2 gels in hand and one/two in back pocket.  Gels at miles 8,11,14,18,21 at mile 9/10 will see Mrs R and will pick up water and anyone gel, Lucozade on course at miles 14 then more water and gel pick up at mile 19 before a final lucozade at mile 23 to see me home.

    Fingers crossed I am fighting fit come sunday! Been feeling a bit low/ tired/ ill today however that could just be nerves.  I'm as ready as can be just need to pack tonight and relax till 9am Sunday.

    Thank you for all your support over the last 4 months and for your messages of good luck... I know there isn't too much more I could have done in the build up, trained well, rested well and pretty much stayed free of injury.  Now just a case of me using that and having a strong race mentally,

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    Yay, see you go passed on Sunday image 

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    Carl DCarl D ✭✭✭

    6 miles in 47:44 for me this afternoon as a post marathon recovery run.

    The legs did not object as much as I thought they would.

    So far this year I have run just shy of 1700 miles. I am thinking of setting a target of 2000 miles by end of the year. Too much ?

    Am also thinking about 3 marathons next year. Paris in early April. Another late May. Could be Richmond Park marathon again as it does not involve much travel and one in October. Could be Dublin.

    Must be mad thinking about this so soon after the last one.

    Robert - thanks for your words of encouragement before and support after the event. Much appreciated. There is no doubt that the travel took loads out of me. More than I realised. I have been exhausted all week and it is only today that I am feeling normal again. So highly likely that I was more tired than I should have been when embarking on a trot of 26.2 miles in distance and suspect that this played the biggest part in what happened.

    Not running too much this week will have no impact on your race come Sunday. You have trained extremely well and the thing to remember when you are standing on that start line, is to resist the temptation to go too fast. Keep it steady from the start and that way you will have enough in the tank come the end when you need that little bit extra. 

    Most important thing to do is to enjoy the experience. Only a tiny minority of people get to experience the buzz of crossing the finish line of a marathon.

    You will be fine. We re all behind you.

    Will - When I next run an international race requiring such a long flight I am going to travel a little earlier to give my body time to adjust. An additional 24 hours acclimatising would have made a world of a difference. 

    GWR for you on Sunday. Best of luck with this. Are you chasing a PB or just going to see what happens on the day ?

    PS - we should have run past the Wrigley stadium but did not see that. Well done to you for finishing on Sunday. It is really tough to keep going when things are not going as planned / hoped. It is amusing looking at my photos on marathon foot. The ones of me in the first half show a runner that is standing tall, running with purpose. The ones near the end show somebody who is broken and fighting to move. A tale of two halves. 

    Really great that you have been able to get a few runs in and that the legs are feeling ok. I would not overdo it if I was you over the next 2/3 weeks. You need to rest more than anything so would just keep the legs ticking over and do nothing too strenuous. You have done that training.

    Hopefully it will cool down in NY before the race as cooler conditions would be much better.

    Elle - thanks for all the support and shaking of pom moms during the race. Much appreciated.

    We are all in a different place with our running and the key is to build up through the running gears over time. My first marathon in 2011 was a slog and I finished in 4:46. It has taken quite a lot of training and races to be able to run at the pace I do. So do not worry that you cannot run at the speeds some of us on here do (and I am nowhere near being the fastest). You will get where you need to get to over the winter and early Spring by getting out there and getting those runs in. 

    Ali - you are right. Shit happens. You had a few runs last year that did not go to plan. But look at you this year. Cannot stop churning out the PB's. 

    Are you on half term this week ? Could be that your body is just tired from work and needs a little recharge. 

    washwood - great race from you last weekend and a PB is a PB even if it is only by a smidgen !! 

    Carter - As I have said above, I think it is a combination of many things. So much was going on before I travelled. i had the injur

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    Carl DCarl D ✭✭✭

    6 miles in 47:44 for me this afternoon as a post marathon recovery run.

    The legs did not object as much as I thought they would.

    So far this year I have run just shy of 1700 miles. I am thinking of setting a target of 2000 miles by end of the year. Too much ?

    Am also thinking about 3 marathons next year. Paris in early April. Another late May. Could be Richmond Park marathon again as it does not involve much travel and one in October. Could be Dublin.

    Must be mad thinking about this so soon after the last one.

    Robert - thanks for your words of encouragement before and support after the event. Much appreciated. There is no doubt that the travel took loads out of me. More than I realised. I have been exhausted all week and it is only today that I am feeling normal again. So highly likely that I was more tired than I should have been when embarking on a trot of 26.2 miles in distance and suspect that this played the biggest part in what happened.

    Not running too much this week will have no impact on your race come Sunday. You have trained extremely well and the thing to remember when you are standing on that start line, is to resist the temptation to go too fast. Keep it steady from the start and that way you will have enough in the tank come the end when you need that little bit extra. 

    Most important thing to do is to enjoy the experience. Only a tiny minority of people get to experience the buzz of crossing the finish line of a marathon.

    You will be fine. We re all behind you.

    Will - When I next run an international race requiring such a long flight I am going to travel a little earlier to give my body time to adjust. An additional 24 hours acclimatising would have made a world of a difference. 

    GWR for you on Sunday. Best of luck with this. Are you chasing a PB or just going to see what happens on the day ?

    PS - we should have run past the Wrigley stadium but did not see that. Well done to you for finishing on Sunday. It is really tough to keep going when things are not going as planned / hoped. It is amusing looking at my photos on marathon foot. The ones of me in the first half show a runner that is standing tall, running with purpose. The ones near the end show somebody who is broken and fighting to move. A tale of two halves. 

    Really great that you have been able to get a few runs in and that the legs are feeling ok. I would not overdo it if I was you over the next 2/3 weeks. You need to rest more than anything so would just keep the legs ticking over and do nothing too strenuous. You have done that training.

    Hopefully it will cool down in NY before the race as cooler conditions would be much better.

    Elle - thanks for all the support and shaking of pom moms during the race. Much appreciated.

    We are all in a different place with our running and the key is to build up through the running gears over time. My first marathon in 2011 was a slog and I finished in 4:46. It has taken quite a lot of training and races to be able to run at the pace I do. So do not worry that you cannot run at the speeds some of us on here do (and I am nowhere near being the fastest). You will get where you need to get to over the winter and early Spring by getting out there and getting those runs in. 

    Ali - you are right. Shit happens. You had a few runs last year that did not go to plan. But look at you this year. Cannot stop churning out the PB's. 

    Are you on half term this week ? Could be that your body is just tired from work and needs a little recharge. 


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    Carl DCarl D ✭✭✭

    washwood - great race from you last weekend and a PB is a PB even if it is only by a smidgen !! 

    Carter - As I have said above, I think it is a combination of many things. So much was going on before I travelled. i had the injury to contend with, I was going through my paces sorting out the new job, dealing with my exit from my current job, dehydrating while sitting on a plane for 2 hours waiting for it to take off, etc etc. So my body was probably more tired than I realised and when i cramped it just killed me and I did not have enough strength to fight it. But I am already looking forward to the next one. Overall I am in far better shape now than ever so it is only a matter of time.

    Best of luck for tomorrow. It sounds like a tough challenge. I know that you have prepared well. You are mentally very strong so go out there and do what you must do and do not be shit (as you say !!)

    Nell - yes tubs of porridge. Was really stupid of me to forget to pack these. Lesson learnt for the future as it is my preferred breakfast on race day. As I have said already I think overall tiredness was the real cause of my troubles but mucking around with the breakfast was probably an issue that I could have done without. Anyway damage done now and nothing that can be done about it.

    What races have you got lined up over the winter ?

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    Carl DCarl D ✭✭✭

    Just noticed the double post. Must have been operrator error image

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    Hi Robert, You sound in a good place. Take that into the run Sunday, stick to the plan and you will in no doubt be fine image

    Hi carl, Good to see you have come out of Chicago nice and positive. Positive enough to already be planning for next year. image

    I have just got the Mens 10k in Edinburgh coming up on 1st Nov. This Autumn has been terrible with working weekends, which has ruined my LR's which have been curtailed just to get something in and generating plenty of DNS's...


    Popped down to the Portobello parkrun this morning. My second ever. Ran my first a few weeks ago. Not being much of a 5k runner at all. I ran the first totally wrong as when I finished I was chatting away to folk who were gasping for air...Decided last night to try again today, and when I woke up this morning didn't fancy it as felt a bit sluggish. Mrs P put pay to that and kicked me out.

    Came in on 19:32, First in my age category (45-49) 16th overall. Although my HM time dictates I should be a minute faster. Either this equivalent time stuff is nonsense or I have a wee challenge over the winter ahead.

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    Keep thinking about Carter today and hope that he is getting really around the course in good time and feeling fresh. Can't wait for his race report.

    Carl the tiredness really sounds as if it affected you. Your body would have been all over the place with the jet lag. Who knows why we had such bad days? I'm still not able to work it out. Your plan for next year sounds great. I've told Mr PS I'm retiring from marathon running but am already contemplating what I should do in the spring.....That's impressive mileage you've done. Made me look at mine and I'm at 1294 for the year. Last year I did 1,308. I'd like to get to 1500 for the year. 2000 would be a fantastic total.

    Nell well done on a cracking park run this morning. Considering the amount of work you've been doing of late you've still kept in form. 

    Ali hope you've had a good half term. Are you racing this weekend? 

    Washwood if you're looking for a race there's HM around Central Park on 13 December if you fancy? Get yourself a cheap flight and stay with me image

    Rob GOOD LUCK tomorrow. You've got this one in the bag. Don't bank too much time or you'll regret it later. 

    So I ran 3 miles on Wednesday and 4 miles on Thursday. Then tiredness hit so I have sat  on my arse since. Well apart from tearing around after the children. Going to run tomorrow. I keep saying I'm not going to do NY but I have a feeling you lot know what I will end up doing! 

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    Carl DCarl D ✭✭✭

    Carter - hopefully by now you have finished and have a beer in hand and are reflecting on a hard but great days work.

    Rob and Will - best of luck for your races tomorrow.

    I am off to Cardiff in the morning with my eldest to watch the rugby. Hopefully by tomorrow night we will be the sole northern hemisphere team still in it. No offence to Scotland but cannot see them upsetting the Aussies. Not expecting an easy game as the Pumas are big boys and play hard.

    PS - yes I think tiredness had a big part to play but the important thing is to take the positives and learn for the next time I travel half way round the world.

    Yes we fully expect you to run NY. You do too I think. Just nice and easy runs at the moment. Important that the legs go into the next race as fresh as possible.

    Nell - Good park run from you today. And that was when you were feeling' sluggish !!!

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    Whoo hoo, Abingdon Marathon support kit sorted image Excited to go and cheer Rob and Team mates (will try and post updates at mile 15 , 23 ) .   

    Carter, hope you had a good one, cant wait to hear about it image


    PS .... Im flight hunting ....image

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    Hi, Mrs R here, up at stupid a clock!! Rob slept well and is currently singing whilst eating cornflakes... I am just about managing to sit up and drink tea. I will be at the boring Milton business park, probably alone, sitting in what has become known as my runner's widow chair (it's ok it has cup holders). But hopefully by then having eaten a McDonald's breakfast more awake and jumping up and down like a loony cheering on The runners.

    I think it is mile 10 n 19?! I will try to post to keep u informed. Am also hoping to floor it up A34, find parking and run to finish line in time for Mr R finishing. 

    good luck Will today.

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    Mr E safely dropped at park, felt bad for all the other runners walking up from nearest parking which is about 15 mins away, but couldn't fit them all in. Mr E has seemed much better this time nerve wise, until car ride got close he became a bit quieter but generally better than previous marathons.

    He has trained far harder this time and in good time, weather seems perfect for me, very cool, no breeze and looks like a drizzle in the air. So as long as no injury or illness strikes, and he keeps his cool I think he should smash it. 

    Hope so, and can't wait to be there at the end for celebratiory hugs. 

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    Morning everyone. A rubbish day for me yesterday. The dreaded ITB reared its ugly head quite early on and just got worse. Running became run/walking which eventually turned to only being able to walk. Lots of walkers on this event (it is organised by the Long Distance Walkers Association) who were telling me I could walk to the finish. I had to try and be diplomatic when telling them I was there to run and not 'just' walk. Anyway, the inevitable DNF occurred at 25 miles leaving me frustrated once again. I've been on longer training runs and haven't suffered with it so need to work out what the problem is. I was running pretty well to which makes all the more frustrating. 

    Will and Robert - hope you are both running well today. Best of luck and, of course, don't be shit !

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    Rob ran past me at 10:31 and I am positioned around 10.25 miles so on target.
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    12.45 just b4 20 miles got to run now
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    OMG OMG 3.44 something was videoing and screaming so didn't see seconds!! Amazing so proud!!
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    Feeling good at mo!
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    YAY !!   SAw Rob at 23 miles and we reckooned he was on for 3.45 image So glad you got it Rob image 

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    Great stuff Rob. All that hard work and effort has paid off. Congratulations and make sure you get some beers down you tonight to celebrate image

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    Hasn't sunk in yet what an amazing race I had! Carter sorry to hear your dnf have you a back up 50 planned! had a beer at Abingdon just about to have a cup of tea then sink some more.  Mrs R was worth her weight in gold! Will hope the race went well.... Race report to follow

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    Amazing. Well done!

    I think I hate you a bit image

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