
Reading Half Marathon



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    obviously that should read 2:20

    I'm not THAT slow!
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    Thanks, Pootle.

    Maybe I should try running without a watch. I had aimed at 10 min miles in reading but felt so comfortable at a faster pace. Found myself worrying though whether I should slow down. As it turned out I didn't really suffer at all at any point ( apart from feeling bloody cold during the last 3 miles).
    I almost feel I didn't actually push myself too much which I suppose is a good thing.

    And after those long training runs on my own it felt a pleasure!
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    Hi Norma, May sounds as though it should be okay for a run without sleet and snow. it couldn't be worse than yesterday could it?
    One woman compared it with having a baby. not sure it was quite that bad. memorable...well yes.
    Anyone heard from annajo?
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    I wish my first mara I hadn't looked at my watch. I'd agree with SP - go and enjoy the atmosphere and forget about time - just doing 26.2 is an achievement, whatever the time :o)
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    hello all, just kicked the kids off so I can read what's been going on. Had today off of work, knew I would need to recover. Will have to wear flip flops to work 2morrow as blisters are so bad I can't bear to wear shoes!! Still it was worth it.

    I know there were problems but Chris and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Did 2.06 which is a pb. Probably be back next year. Thanks to Hippo for organsing food at Holiday Inn.

    Pat, great to meet you and Gill, Chris says it is frightening to think there is someone else as mad as me out there!! I think she means you not Gill!! Will e-mail you 2morrow.

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    sorry about crap service at holiday inn:((((
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    nrg-bnrg-b ✭✭✭
    Hippo: Why apologize??? Not your fault. Needless to say, I'll be doing this HM next year AND I'll be staying at the same place. Might bring me own BBQ though ;-)
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    I know
    but if they had let us pre order, and i DID ask
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    Hips Hips Hips

    Not your fault at all mi dear. We were all having such a larf anyway it didn't really matter that the pasta arrived just in time for breakkie!!!!

    Will download the photos then see about posting them somewhere unless you all pay me huge amounts of mars bars not to!!
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    well, not in a position to

    guts ahoy!
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    2.19 for me. Agree with previous posts.Finish was a shambles.Made. car park a nightmare to get out of. I preferred the course from last years.Got the start time right this year and more toilets than Ive ever seen at any race. At times no queues at all. Goody bag interesting.Nearly broke my teeth on that biscuit thing.Had same problems getting out of Silverstone car park last year.It does take the overall enjoyment out of what would be a great day.
    Especially if you are travelling on your own as I was. Marshalls were friendly, even when I forgot my chip and asked for my bag back off of the lorry at the last minute they were most obliging. I too enjoyed the finish in the Stadium. It was a long wait for that much needed hot bath, but I did enjoy the race nevertheless.
    Sorry didnt get to meet any forumites there.
    Always next year...... maybe!
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    This message will probably have two or three parts as it is rather long.

    I am the managing director of Sweatshop and I wanted to let forumites know about the causes of the three main problems we had, what we did about them and what plans we had made.

    The traffic problems at the start of the race appear to have been caused by taking the traffic down to one lane at the Imperial Way roundabout (this was done as we had shut the A33 to run on - something that is not normally done when football is on - it was purely done for the race) - we sorted the cause of the problem at 9.00am - we removed the cones and directed people into Madejski Stadium as the Hewlett Packard Car Park was full - this also enabled us to manage the problem and put on extra buses to get people to the start.

    The situation at the finish with the crush was caused by a combination of many factors. First we had to get the runners through the finish and out of the stadium to avoid a backlog in front of the finish line - we thought that giving people space blankets immediately would cause them to slow down and stop straight away. At 1 hour 30 minutes after the gun had gone at the start, the sun was still shining, the sleet and snow did catch us out - even though we had checked the forecast. The baggage lorries were too close together and our own marshals had problems getting the space blankets apart once their hands had frozen. As soon as we saw the crush on the CCTV cameras we took down the fencing.
    Next year we will increase the space available to detag - put on the space blankets and give out the goody bags - we had taken a huge amount of time analysing this part of the procedure - and we are gutted that this part that we organised let us down.
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    The unfortunate debacle on leaving the car park was down to the local authority changing the traffic light phasing back to normal phasing instead of 'match day' phasing (we are still investigating how and why this happened) - the police would not provide us with officers to hold the traffic on the A33 (we are also investigating as to why) - the traffic lights phasing can be reset from other locations, unfortunately this could not be done in time - we had the people to be able to hold the traffic, but under Health and Safety Regulations the stadium marshals are not allowed to man that type of job - in the end a couple of senior Sweatshop personnel (illegally) took it upon themselves to take over the areas in question and we did clear the problem (but I do know that the delay was unacceptable). We will ensure that this does not happen again.

    I know that hundreds of people set Pb's on the course.

    We reduced the number of complaints by Reading residents and businesses to a single one during the duration of the event. An all time record.

    The course, the start, the marshals, the water stations, the crowd support, the number of loos and the majestic finish with about 4,000 people cheering runners home meant that the majority of people went home very happy.

    We are disappointed that some of you had a less than happy experience.

    I hope that my small explanation goes some way to showing you just a very very small part of what we did on the day - I can assure you that we will make the Reading Half Marathon the event that people want to run in, not only to get a PB, but to experience the camaraderie of what we do.

    Please feel free to email me at hugh@sweatshop.co.uk should you wish to 'talk' to me directly.

    We need your support and we do value your opinion.
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    Hippo, It was not your fault about the food, we all enjoyed the company and besides, even I can saythat I can run a half marathon quicker than they can serve a two course meal at the Holiday Inn!! Maybe next year we can remind them of this and they may well let us preorder, or we can all take our own BBQ :)

    Thanks for your explanations Hugh, I have emailed sweatshop seperately, but I do feel that the pluses outweighed the negatives overall, I have been in races where the marshalls are bored and uninterested, not enough loos and little or no support on route - but, as you say, the gliches at the end need sorting. I will be doing this again next year, there are not that many events that are as encouraging to the plodders at the back as they are to the faster ones at the front.

    Just one thing - the 'goody bags' now something serious needs doing about that - :))
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    thankyou hugh
    i intend to be back next year anyway

    can Sweatshop fix the engineering works on the railways
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    Thanks Hugh.

    The only thing that ruined the race for me was the weather, and I don't think I can hold you responsible for that! Other than that I thought it was a great race, an excellent course and great atmosphere.

    I would have liked my space blanket (and a hot bath!) as soon as I finished but I can see why that didn't happen. Next year you will probably have the space blankets first and it will be boiling hot and everyone will want water first!

    I will definitely do this again (assuming I survive FLM!).
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    my first ever half, only been running for ten weeks as my husband challanged me to do a run as i am a swimmer at heart, finished in 2.11,so am very pleased. Aimed to beat the camel and did!! Was worried at start as loads of people standing by fast times at start and no-one by my expected time, so just stood at the back. Did lots of people run slowly or were start times ignored, did nothing for my self-confidence, but feel better now as realise i overtook at least 1500 people. Will do it again.
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    I really enjoyed the day. Travelled in by train, straight on to a bus to the start. Met lots of lovely forumites and never once felt I was on my own. Plodded round in my own fashion and achieved 2.40. No congestion for blankets etc. with this timing. Left the stadium and walked for a bus which took me straight to the station. Twenty minute wait for a train and that was it for me. Back home by 3.00. Having seen the car park congestion I'll travel by train again next year.

    Thank you to all the people that made this day possible.

    Hugh - thank you for this post.

    PS Bet Soreen don't sell many of these awful bars!!!!
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    I liked the bar! Once I realised I had to nibble it rather than bite off chunks, after nearly losing all my teeth!
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    I thought it was a great course. People were not really in the start places they should have been, but thats not Sweatshop's fault. The end was not THAT bad, it was only made bad for me as I could not find the bus to the station :-( Walked all the way around the stadium in order to find them :-) Should have really looked at the many signs that were there, but at the time I was to cold to concentrate. Was my first half and got a chip time of 1.36, was very pleased.

    I actually found the cold helped me recover!! (aka Paula Ratcliff's ice baths??)

    Will def be in it next year too.

    Well done Sweatshop, will see you soon for some new trainers...

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    Message for Hippo

    Do not apologise for the food service at the holiday inn, there is absolutely no need. It was good of you to arrange everything for us and if we hadn't all been so busy nattering we might have realised earlier that the time was getting on. Thanks again for organising us.

    Seaweed, sorry I didn't get to meet you. We went off to the bushes for a P and when we came back everyone was lined up! maybe next year, although I will be aiming for under 2 hours next year (in my dreams).
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    Hugh - thanks for coming on here and giving us those details.

    Hippo - don't you dare beat yourself up over the food at HI. As others have said, if we'd not been so busy nattering we'd have realised things were running a bit late.

    barty - lovely to meet you and I'm so sorry to hear about the blisters.

    Crosscountry Pat - lovely to meet you too and sorry about calf injury. RichK has a site www.richk.co.uk where forum piccies and info are held. I've already sent him mine and I'm sure he'd welcome yours too, especially if there are any incriminating ones!
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    Well done everyone - hope the aches, pains and blisters go away quickly - enjoy your running.
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    Linda it was you who did all the work not me , it was great to run with you,whats your next one
    Barty sorry to have missed you aswell ,well done on your time.
    Hipps are you doing flm as i feel guilty not coming back as i said i would but i couldn't get out of the stadium.

    Hugh thanks for coming on here to explain the situations for us .I have run reading 3 times before (old course)And this was by far the best,the finish was great although that last loop seemed for ever,so well done and thank you and see you next year.
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    Hugh...thanks for the explanations.... My only problem was finding out how to get to the car parks at the end. If it had been warm it wouldn't have been a problem but 'cause of the cold I couldn't think straight and there were no signs to help people find their way out to buses or car parks. These are things that no one thinks about until the unexpected creeps up on us and i was soaked and really worried I was going to have a problem if I didn't find my car very quickly. Other than that I found it a great day and will certainly be back....but then I LOVE malt loaf.... ;o)
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    Tom....you might be right..aka cold baths...perhaps that's why despite blowing up at 11 miles I have virtually no aches or pains......
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    Thanks for the explanations Hugh, maybe a sports drink in the goodie bag next year would be nice.

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    Perhaps the blanket in the goody (if you can call it that) bag would be a good idea. Some goodies too would be nice.

    But don't worry I don't think anyone gets it 100% right every time. We will still be back next year.
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    i'd rather hve what we got in the bag ,which i thought was fine,than a stupid kg bag of rice i had to lug around after last years flm
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    No I wouldn't want rice but something sweet would have been nice, or a bag of crisps, or a sweet drink? Getting carried away now, a bit of chocolate would have been really good.
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