
Newbie Runner



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    sorry just teasing Andi.  Nahh I'd rather he beat me then us not both beating 4:15 next September.

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    Nicola, maybe I should have gone for a size larger as they are quite 'snug'. I've altered the lacing a little so will try again soon - blister seems to be going image As for your shoes, if you are happy with them maybe get another pair of them from t'internet but wait till the sales start and shop around, I used 2 pairs of Brooks Vapor 10's for my first Marathon, broke them both in then wore 1 pair for my lsr's and the other for the rest of training.

    If you decide to go down the gait analysis and specialist shop I did that last year and the shop charged £20 for analysis but waived it if I purchased shoes and as they gave me an extra 10% discount they were pretty close to the web price to paid upimage

    Tank, I'll try to keep watching the minimilist thread but with no email notifications I may miss it (again). Different route today and shaved 78 seconds/mile off my 'worst' time but still slower than I should be image However, main target this month is to get my AHR as close to 70% as I can by the end of the month (currently 72.34). Am planning lots of walking lol.

    Booktrunk, I'd be more than happy finishing LN sub 4:15 even if I'm behind youimage


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    Andi - How's the feet? I have had the same problem with my Sensori image and I haven't even run outside in mine..............I keep walking over the front or side or landing on the heel cup........Have adjusted the laces loads, think these may end up being a summer sandal for when I can't wear my flip flops to work, but I don't think I will be putting any running miles on them, I have asked Santa for some Luna's for Chrimboimage

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    Hi MS, the blister seems almost healed now thanks but will leave the Sensori's alone for a few more days. I'm hoping altering the lacing will help but if it does it again will probably return to their 4mm contacts (pink with lime green laces). I had no issue with the heel cup, sure yours are not too loose?

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    Oh my word, just calibrated my treadmill (with a tape measure and blue tac image) and what it says was 0.1 miles (160 metres) I measured as 121metres image. I'm not expert but that seems pretty shocking to me! That makes my 4.5 mile run the other day 3.375  miles (I think). Gym membership it is then! 

    Andi, thanks for the advice, I may see what the local store offer then, and maybe check out their prices before I commit (I'll have some extra pennies once this dreadmill goes back!)

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    oh dear Nicola! Before it goes back is it worth ringing the folks that sold it to you to see if the can do anything? How did you calibrate it then? measure the running track then count how many times the blu tac went past?

    And, am sure gym membership will work out more expensive in the long run (oops, a pun).

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    Yeah there was a number on the box for any assembly issues so I'll try that but it just seems such a massive difference! I basically just measured the belt, turned it on for 0.1 miles, and multiplied the length by the number of rotations in that time. Fingers crossed they can sort it as I don't really fancy taking it all down and boxing it up! I am about to use it now, will just do an hour and ignore the stats.

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    Hi all, anyone managed to get out this weekend? I went out today aiming for 4 miles but had to walk after 0.6miles as I had a horrible pain in my calf, felt really tight and aching. I stretched it out but was in so much pain I was nearly crying! Walked to 2 miles with no pain, tried to run again but the same pain came back so I stopped. Hope you all did a lot better than me!

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    Hey Nicola, any joy with the TM callibration issue?

    Hope the calf doesn't turn into an injury - maybe a few days rest is needed?

    I managed to beat Monday's 'worst ever run' yesterday and consider the run/walk more of a walk/run image Think I'll leave that route alone for a while. Garmin training centre says 956ft incline on the out-n-back 6.4 miles. Wierdly, using the same data connect.garmin says 698ft! (or 793ft with elevation corrections enabled). Suffice to say it was hillyimage

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    nicola eeek. i hope you are icing it, then gentle massage when it settles down.

    injuries are tricky as you never know how long to leave it. Some little niggles you just learn to live with until they go, but just be very careful not to make a little injury into a big one, if it needs a few days rest, then just rest it.

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    Thanks for the advice image I think I'm going to rest it this week, as it actually scared me how painful it was! I sometimes get the odd ache or discomfort when I run but it always goes away if I run through it but not today image

    Andi, on the TM front, they were next to useless. the assembly helpline said it wasn't an assembly issue, and when I phoned customer services they didn't even ask what the problem was, they just asked if I wanted a replacement, which I declined as the wiring seems a bit temperamental too so I'm going to give up on that idea. My friend who is a few weeks behind me in the 10k training has just recovered from an injury so hopefully I can get 2 shorter runs in with her in the week and then 1 on my own on the weekend and 1 on a Monday morning as I have a late start, so still able to avoid going out on my own in the dark.

    That sounds like a crazy route Andi, nice to know I'm not alone in having my 2 worst runs ever in 1 week though! Does 'worst ever' count as some kind of PB?!

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    lol Nicola however I think it's classed as a PW image

    The TM issue sounds like it's become expensive image if there is no cost involved in a replacement I'd go for that anyway (unless your getting a refund?). 

    I've just found out that my BB speed will be rather slow when I move and now worried that the i-fit live on the TM will be constantly buffering image

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    Haha, it's a shame the Garmin doesnt have a PW option! No they will refund it so I'm happy with that. It took a while to assemble it and I'll have to take it down when they collect it, which seems like a lot of effort if the next one may be the same.

    Oh that sounds annoying image (I had to google what I-fit live is but looks good!) fingers crossed it runs smoothly

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    Andi.... no using that as an excuse to run slower so that iFit keeps up image

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    hehe image and once I've got over the fun of running around the world I'll get the Lochaber Marathon route on it so I can run sections image (of course any declines would just be flat so still need to do my running outside).


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    Put it on an incline, then turn around hey presto image running downhill. 

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    lol, funny you should suggest that as I thought about it yesterday - then of course realised I'd have to run backwardsimage

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    great practise for when you turn around and wave at me when I'm 200m behind you coming upto the line image

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    lol though doubt that will be happeningimage

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    I actually read something a while ago which recommended running backwards (in short bursts I think) possibly as a cure for shin splints?!

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    Hi all, hope everyone is well.  Been a cr4py week and a half, back problem was painful for most of last week and trainer advised me not to attempt any exercise at all.  Cancelled the PT session last Friday and still nothing up to now.  I am now still feeling twinges and it seems to seize up a bit whilst sleeping, however I am absolutely sick of not doing anything and whilst i lost a lot of weight on the scales on Saturday (5lbs!) I can feel myself loosing the little bit of toning i had gained before putting my back out!


    Going to attempt an outdoor run tonight - nothing to major prob between 1 and 2 miles, going to make sure i do a decent warm up (at least half mile walk) and then slow and gentle jog.  Fingers crossed my back is ok with it!

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    Good luck Watto hope the back feels better soon

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    Nicola, it might cure shinsplints but with my spacial awareness would probably cause more injuriesimage

    Watto, sorry to hear about the back issues. I'm far from qualified to suggest this but being a bit of an expert on my back problems spanning decades, and the fact your back seizes up in bed then keeping mobile could help things? I actually started running (ok jogging) against the Doctors advice and within 2 weeks I was pain free in my back (won't mention the leg pain lol). Well done on the weight loss again and don't worry about toning, it should go in such a short time.

    Ms, any joy with the Sensoris? I'm trying to walk around the house in mine now but still getting pain between my big and second toe image

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    Hello all, just dropping in after a completely rubbish week where I managed no running image  I've got a run planned for tomorrow so hopefully I can get back into it without too much trouble.

    I hope those with injuries are recovering well; try not to let it get you down although that's easier said than done!  

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    Watto, sorry to hear about your back. Did you get out for your run in the end?

    Fraggle, I've not been out either as my legs were so painful last time. How did yours go?

    I am planning 3 miles tomorrow with a friend (my first ever run not on my own!) I'm excited to get out again and hoping the legs are ok!

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    Fraggle, a week away from running should be fine with no loss in fitness and, might even be the rest you needed and you have a great run image

    Nicola, same for you plus, going out with a friend should help you run at conversation pace - if you can talk to your friend your running nice and easily. Are they at the same level as you?

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    Andi, this is her first time running 5k so we'll definitely be taking it easy image I'm just hoping that I don't have any pain, I'm so eager to get going again! Good luck everyone who'll be out this weekend!

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    Nicola, that sounds great and good luck image

    Am packing this weekend but if things go to plan will have 3 miles in the bikilas tomorrow and 11 miles in 'proper' shoes Sunday which would give me 36 miles for the week image

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    Thanks Andi! I'm pleased to report that we managed 5k in 40:15, so 12:59/mile which I'm happy with considering it included a few hills, uneven paths etc and we weren't really sure where we were going (and our 5 min cool down walk turned into nearly an hour as we were slightly lost!) so overall very happy to have a pain free run. I'm going to start adding the calf exercises to my shin ones to hopefully keep the pain and tightness away.

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    Hi guys, quick question if anyone has some advice image i felt fine after my run on Saturday but had a slight pain in my right calf on Sunday, which was a lot worse yesterday, and not so bad today, but still there. It's not a constant pain but hurts when I walk or circle my ankle. Anyway, I've read that I should be stretching it, but I also know that you shouldn't stretch cold muscles, so what's the best thing to do on my rest days? Gentle stretches on cold muscles or no stretches? (I think this pain is possibly because I walked for around 30 mins after my run before stretching, when usually I stretch after 5.)

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