
My #asics262 Journey to Paris: Sub 4 James



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    a good 6m out and back this morning. Ran the out bound 3m in 8:50mm and returned around 8:10mm. Felt good but still not as strong as I was before the cold. Fingers crossed I can be back to normal by Saturday.

    Weather for Saturday looks awful...

    Ruth - weighed in at 79.6kg - not a huge weight loss but around a kg. The carb plan looks good. Thank you.

    James - I am on muesli early and then a bagel and jam around 90min before the race.

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    Good luck with the race this weekend.  I'm planning a 17/18 miler on Sunday when the weather looks better.  I'm treating myself to an interval session tonight!

    How's the motivation going?  I've felt a bid of a mid -plan lull this week so have been swimming and spinning as well to break up all the running.

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    James - just give it all a go. I look forward to hearing how you race. image
    James Linney wrote (see)

    Hi Ruth. What would you recommend on the morning of the race?


    Hi James Linney

    A well practise breakfast (including timing of the breakfast and portion) is very important. The ideal foods are carbohydrate foods but not eaten until fit to burst  all carb loading should be undertaken the day (s) before leaving the morning of race as a top up.

    Good meals: cereal & toast/breads with high carb topping such as banana, honey, jam  or pasta and tomato based sauce, beans on toast & glass of fruit juice, yoghurts etc

    Then if wish/can manage a pre race snack 120-60minutes before race start: banana, cereal bar, half to full jam/honey/banana sandwich. I think it is best to have a smaller initial  breakfast when you get up so you leave room for a snack 1-2 hours before the start.  

    Can be simple but needs to be practiced.

    Try and stop drinking too much an hour before start to allow time to empty bladder. If you have drunk sufficient and you still feel like you have a dry month then this will be nerves; suggest tidy sips of water or just rinse mouth with water and spit out!  


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    Thanks James, thanks Ruth. I rarely run in the mornings so probably need to practice more race simulation runs. I'm looking forward to eating loads tomorrow.

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    Rachelcgen wrote (see)

    James (and James), I'll keep an eye out too, as I'm at Dorney also

    Hi Rachel. Just been on the facebook page for 'Race your Pace' and noticed you might be looking for a lift on Saturday. I'm in Ealing so just up the road. Happy to help out if you still need a lift?

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    I have now also signed up for race your pace, with the aim of doing the run at a steady. 9 min/mile, should be interesting to see how I get on, as recent longer hilly off road runs have given me an excuse to go slow and walk on tough sections, no such rests for me this Saturday! Looking forward to having my favourite pre race breakfast of a malt loaf ( I can easily eat a whole one, but shall try to show some restraint!). will look out for other forum runners and hopefully say hello,

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    James - ooh, thanks for the offer - but I have managed to connect with one of the people on the page and have a lift from Richmond. So I should be fine. If it all falls apart today, I may  be back to you though! (not that it should, but I always like backup plans)

    McHilly - yay! I'll be going at the slower 10mm pace

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    Hiya James, sorry not been on here to say hi for a while, though I still track you on Garmin Connect image  I'll be at Dorney on Saturday too image

    What's your race strategy?

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    Ruffles wrote (see)

    Good luck with the race this weekend.  I'm planning a 17/18 miler on Sunday when the weather looks better.  I'm treating myself to an interval session tonight!

    How's the motivation going?  I've felt a bid of a mid -plan lull this week so have been swimming and spinning as well to break up all the running.

    Hi Sophie

    Know what you mean about the motivation. Had a busy work week - meaning some sessions have been substituted and eating options have not been the best. I'm still really enjoying the long runs though and definitely feeling stronger this marathon cycle than last year.

    Hope the house okay.

    Good luck in the race this year James. Like Angela I I'm also interested in whether you're going to out hard in marathon or indeed 'race your pace'. I have the Surrey Half in March which I'm going to race and then have a few other races (16m and 20 miles) where I will do as per training paces.

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    Morning all,

    seems a bit strange having a very light training week. I am with Sophie on the dip - I think mine has come from the training, cold/man flu (which has progressively got worse after I though it had gone) and 2 immensely big career defining weeks. Will update you all when I have signed the contract! Very exciting though.

    It is great to hear so many of you will be racing on Sat. I'll be the one sipping lemsip on the start line. I am aiming for 8mm, I am sure Sam will suggest I aim for slightly less maybe around 7:45mm mark. Current marathon pace is 8:45, so will be going out in HM pace. That may be a bit of a stretch but race adrenalin and all that!

    Lots of carbs being taken in today in prep!


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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear your cold has come back James - that's bad luck. Having said that I remember doing the Maidstone Half with a cold and getting a PB so you never know.

    Looks like there's going to be a fair few of us doing this tomorrow which is great. We need a flag of some sort so we can find each other. I'll see if I can get my kids to make conjure something up. Will be back later to let you know what it is.

    Happy eating!

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    Malcs, Rachel has suggested I meet her at 'in front of boat house office, which is bottom left as you are facing it - glass walls so easy to see'... Perhaps we should all try and use that as a meeting point?

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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    You following me Angelaimage

    Sounds great. No custom made Blue Peter style flag needed then?  image

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    Malcs, no I think we should have a custom made flag. It's going to be fun for the kids!

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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    Yay image image

    I'll get the sticky back plastic out!

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    Following you?  In the race?  About a min per mile slower... wonder if that means you will lap me??? image  I must say I really don't understand the logistics of a 4 lap course...

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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    I meant round the forums image

    I sincerely hope you will be following me in the race, we're doing the same course after allimage 

    Lap you? I doubt it. But there will be some lapping and I'm sure with your pace you'll be doing more lapping than being lapped!

    Four laps is easy. I read on Twitter earlier about Pam Smith's world record for 100 miles....on a track! Did you see it? Mental.


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    wowsers!!!! 100 miles on a track!!! that is craziness!  Where do I sign up?image 

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    I think I may pack my wetsuit just to be safe! I am hoping to get to Dorney for 9am, may be a little earlier depending on London traffic.

    Glad it is only 4 laps, only a certain amount of time you can make one hump back bridge the highlight of the course!



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    I shall look out for the flag I. Front of the boat house office image
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    See you all tomorrow. Did anyone get a race pack?

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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    Yes James, mine arrived a while ago. I take it you haven't had anything? Might be worth contacting them.

    Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

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    MalcsMalcs ✭✭✭

    As I said on my thread, I have been trying to get my two to make a flag but so far this has failed to raise much interest so I have found a pre made one.

    It's a Swiss flag so suitably neutral. Hopefully we can take turns holding it aloft or find somewhere to stick it image

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    have a good weekend all image

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    Yesterday went really well, especailly with a bout of man flu!

    Strava data :


    garmin didn't split the miles.

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    Was great to catch up with fellow Runner's World runners. I think it was pbs all round. Malcs put in an incredible performance.

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    Well done again James. Great to meet you, Malcs, Angela and Rachel. Great performances all round. Still can't believe I ran 1.46 in that wind. Carbo loading definitely helped. My splits below.



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    The wind was something special! But yes, I think we all did PBs and had a great time image

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    James and James and Rachel and Malcs, great to catch up with y'all yesterday and well done on brilliant races all round.  I blogged my race here:


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    Wow, well done all, pbs in that wind is amazing. James C - does this change your marathon time aim at all? How was it doing so many laps? I'm not a fan of laps on races and avoid them! I've done 20 miles at 9mm (marathon pace aim) - going great guns, those last 3 miles were tough though but came in at 2.59.30 so can't fault the effort. Again, well done all!

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