
working at it slowly



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    YumsYums ✭✭✭


    Up n attem , m...eldy. Lovely long bike ride awaits youimage Finish your wine first thoughimage  

    Spence, do you take after your Dad?

    Oh Tubbs,  I dont envy you. Hopefully you can escape for a break while you're here. Any WAISTers nearby? image  Can the WAISTers move to yours to look after the dawgs, cats n neddies? image  

    Sluggy, a well placed duvet is a great place to hide at times like these.  I hope SiL mellows and she n Emess can agree more than they disagree. If not, the WAISTer boys will get their lippy and handbags out and come roundimage 

    Nice warm 8 miles cross country for me yesterday. Folks were good company. Sun is shining here now. Not sure its as warm as it looks but the shorts are staying on. May take myfanwy's revenge out for a spin later. What could possibly go wrong this time...


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    Lo all. Hope everyone is having a nice bank holiday. 

    Yums, I'm sure Myfanwy will be on her best behaviour today, having blotted her copybook so badly the last time you took her out image Pudding at 11 is barbaric, All aivlised folk will be snoring in the whipped cream by then! But I thought the sombrero suited you; not so sure about the mustachio, though...image

    ((((((Sluggie)))) Leave it to MS and SIL to slug it out, I say. No way that in-laws can help in this sort of situation, which always brings back childhood sensitivities. The duvet is the solution, for sure. Sterkte. xxxx

    (((((((((((((Tubs, Mr Tubs and mother)))))))))))) I included Mr T because he will miss you terribly; and mother because she is not a very happy lady, from all you've said, and this probably won't help. Hope your travels are not difficult, and that you can get something suitable arranged for her asap. Thinking of you all. xxx

    Meldy, LOL at the picture of the GPO sliding grumpily around the sitting room floor image What a character that cat is! Sounds like a totally carp schedule for the next day or so, but hopefully it will be worth it after that. I would gladly send you cake if I thought it would help.... image

    Pippi, can't wait to see your photos of the 3 Queens----what a great thing to watch! Shame that Mr P is having niggles, but as they aren't connected to anything serious, it's just a matter of his getting well in general. The holiday sounds like a good plan, tho, if he isn't feeling up to squirming in and out of sleeping bags etc. I would have thought the Cornish coast would be lovely in August! Although you may find some of the other tourists at that time a bit, ahem, over-enthusiastic??? image

    Speaking of which, Spence, HBD to your Dad---glad it was such a good day. And a parkrun with everything starting with 8 sounds like good going to me!! 

    Anyone know how Podds is getting on? And where's Noggie and Westie? Come back, gentlemen, all is forgiven image

    The bookseller was a great success. Hundreds of people there when we arrived (10 mins after opening). I got 20 books (they are all one euro each, and most of us read them and then turn them in again next year) and 6 different pieces of lovely English cakes image  Loads of people know Monty, and he has such a lovely face that everyone wants to pet him! He did really well, was very polite to the other doggies image We also met a Dutch/English couple who run a rescue re-homing charity in NL that takes dogs from here and places them there. Nice people. 

    4 miles again this morning with Monty. He's really good at it now, and loves it. And (are you sitting down?) I actually ran-walked up the back hill, the one that's so steep you can just barely do in second gear in the car! Thought about Meldy finishing IM by counting paces, ('I want to be like her when I grow up') so I did 50 paces run, 50 paces walk and it was OK. You lot must be magicians. Never thought I'd see the day I would run up any hill! 

    Now back to the medieval world. If anyone likes maps and info about old London (from the Romans to 1520) here's a great website (the book costs a thousand quid---I kid you not---but this stuff is free on line!):  http://www.historictownsatlas.org.uk/sites/historictownsatlas/files/atlas/town/5_the_central_middle_ages_800_to_1270.pdf

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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭


    (((Tubs))) as if you don't have enough to contend with!

    Chuggy, I am so impressed by you getting up that hill! I do remember the first time I made it to the top of my nemesis hill, the feeling of achievement was amazing. The bookselling event sounds great (especially the cake).

    Hope you had a good bike ride Yums.

    Meldy up before the crack of sparrows' fart? What is the world coming to?? image

    Glad that your Pa enjoyed his birthday Spence. These events do get more precious as the years go by.

    You guys are right. These sibling rivalries have been going on for more than 50 years and we all tend to regress in our behaviour at times of stress. I can try and attenuate MS's behaviour a little but that is all I can do. I was happy to pack up the glassware today cos that is officially ours but have suggested that everything else waits until after the next family meeting (Sunday pm).

    Today has been dry but quite cool, we had a little potter around here. I wasn't able to stay for long but, like many places these days, the entry fee actually acts as a pass for 12 months, so we will be able to pop in and potter round again without extra cost.


    WAIST well xxx



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    Evening all!

    75 miles done, not much sign of the sun sadly image

    Chuggs one of the ladies at work has just got her third blonde hound and she got that from a similar rehoming set up in Croatia or somewhere similar

    i am currently reading a book on Elizabethan London which is very interesting, very little is known before Pepys decided to put pen to paper


    im having a lie in tomorrow even tho I have a huge list of things to do

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    Pippi LSPippi LS ✭✭✭


    Maybe that will work so you can see my set of photos - if you don't have them on FB? We had a great day walking round the coast following enormous cruise liners! The Queen Mary left Liverpool and met the other two ships at the mouth of the river. A bit misty to start, but it made it seem quite otherworldly as these massive ships floated soundlessly down the river. They turned round past Liverpool, waited for a bit, then the Queen Mary 2 sailed out while the Queen Elizabeth berthed. I think the Victoria is going out later - they can only berth one at a time!



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    morning all hope you are all doing well.

    Why I just don't know but I've ordered some new running shoes imageimageimage.

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    mThinking of getting one of these for my first TRI image


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    and a new pair of TRI swimming gear



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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭
    Brilliant Westie!! image

    Fantatstic photos Pippi!!
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    DLDL ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    Read back over the weekend and so, as expected, much information has slid form my grey cells never to be seen again. Hoorah for PB's, park runs, long bike rides, hills, cross country endeavours, fancy photos, big boat reunions and the like. ((((((WINs and their relatives))))))

    Have just waved OH and FC6 off for an overnight trip to London whilst I work from home. Have had a slightly uppy, downy weekend so hoping OH can keep it together with a moody teen, whilst I revel in the peace.

    Happy sparkly new short week. Hope it brings you some of the good stuff

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    TubsterrTubsterr ✭✭✭

    Love the retro Triathlon Westie imageimage

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ calming vibe for OH and the moody teen

    love the photos Pippi imageimageimage

    ((((((( win ))))))))

    booked on boat sparrows fart Thursday, back to the rock senior race day (12 June) Mother now on an orthopaedic ward, compos mentis but hard to get info on phone from staff. Bracing myself for visit on Thursday.  Dreading encountering distant relatives who will no doubt let rip about why I've not been over for 16 yrs or so. I've decided that if that happens, and I'm sure it will, I will tell them exactly why. It probably looks as though I'm going because I'm after mums stuff, quite the opposite, the whole lot can go in a skip as far as I'm concerned. I just want to make sure that if she can't go back home she will at least be somewhere clean and comfortable with caring staff. Thereafter we're probably going to rent a cottage somewhere for a week or so and relax! Brace yourselves Waisters, Tubs may be coming to a town near you! Thank dog for Mr Tubs who is being brilliant. Despite trying several times, including wearing them as soon as I wake, the glasses aren't working. Vision isnt much improved, everything is tilted and I feel nauseous. Worth a try but bit of a b* gger I still can't drive.  Probably best to get a sat nav when we're over as by the time I can read the signs we're already at the turn offs! 

    ((((((( waisters ))))))))

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    morning all

    (((Tubbs))) and boo to the glasses

    woohoo chuggy I'm loving your chugging!

    Amandax lovely to see you and sounds like you needed that break

    happy birthday to SpenceDad - and its all about time with them and enjoying their company now isn't it image

    love the photos Pipps

    suits you Westie image 

    DL I reckon staying home and working was the best end of that deal..........

    Daffs - I hope your Nan will accept help in her own home that sounds like the best outcome for now. the problem my Dad had was that my Mum wouldn't accept the problem, certainly wouldn't have people in the house trying to get her to wash. so fingers crossed and you all just need to make sure to keep an eye on the situation because obviously she will deteriorate

    I've had a nice BH weekend, some plodding, plenty of eating and a good dose of gardening yesterday, back in the office today with that Monday feeling - but at least it's Tuesday image


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    Morning all, quick check in from me

    busy day doing not a lot, the GPO has been stitched I. To his onesie for the first outing of what we hope will be the summer ..

    off out for supper tonight and down to Devon tomorrow for a few days so I will check back in then

    Tubs, hope the visit goes as well as it can

    DL, likewise for the OH and MT


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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭


    (((Tubs))) glad that you have something nice to anticipate after the hozzie visit.

    Meldy, the GPO has been stitched into his onesie?? I knew you were brave but that is foolhardy in the extreme! image Hope you have fun down in Devon.

    (((DL's OH and MT))) 

    Sounds as if peeps generally had a good B/Hol weekend -what a pityit is the last one until the end of August image

    I took SM out for coffee this morning and to sort out a couple of errands. You might (or might not) like to know that I eventually cobbled together some sort of half-hearted apology to The Friend but made it clear to SM that it was for her sake, not The Friend's - and also that I don't want to hear another word about the situation ever again! We have gone ahead with the steps needed to get Power of Attorny registered and SM thinks that is a good idea.


    WAIST well xxx

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    FGO ....!!!! I don't fancy trying the other (who incidentally had a baby robin this morning )

    Evil bastards cats
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    Pippi LSPippi LS ✭✭✭

    Have a good time - bring back some clotted cream teas for us all!

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    Dr DaffsDr Daffs ✭✭✭

    Goodness me, Waisterinos!

    ((((((Tubs)))))) stressful time all round in Tub land. You take care of yourself lass xx

    (((sluggy)))) Hope you don't ever hear anything about The Friend ever again! 

    Don't envy you stitching either a cat or a horse into a onesie Meldy! image

    Just made pizza and a GIANT bowl of very colourful coleslaw - anyone want some? 

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭
    ((((Tubbs)))) take care x

    Enjoy Devon Melds image

    I've been Craiged image

    And to the pub for ours tea image
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    Spence, you will be joining Podds and Meldy in the Iron stakes soon if you don't watch outimage

    Daffs, I'd love some of your coleslaw. I could live on the stuff! image And wise words from FarFar to fortify you in helping your nan. 

    Have a nice time, Meldy. BTW, we actually know a lot about London before Pepys: there are looads of books about medieval and Tudor London, and Peter Ackroyd's London the Biography (sixteen quid new, one euro at my booksellerimage has 800 pages and spends over 200 on London before the 17th century. Just saying'.... image

    Sluggie, good for you. A minimal apology to satisfy your mum is an excellent exchange for getting that PoA properly set up. Without it, you might be much more worried about The Friend.... The Priest's House looked fascinating, too! 

    Pippi, marvellous photos, and I loved your description of the three queens' come majestically up the channel. I watched it on telly and thought of you!

    Westie. great to see you! You are clearly setting new sartorial standards for triathlons image No rushing off again now, mind, we want to know what's going on!

    (((((Tubs)))) With inconvenient travel, difficult relations, your mother, and the glasses, you are having a pretty horrid time right now. I hope the trip goes smoothly, that you manage to put intrusive replies in back in their boxes, find somewhere appropriate for your mother, and make the hospital think again about your glasses. Very good to hear you will have a week away when this is over, to relax and reorganise. Sending lots of supportive vibes. xxx

    Is Podds still in Switzerland??

    Good day here: C2 had his end-of-internship interview, and got very high marks; and even better, he has been asked to stay on  At first he'll get paid virtually nothing, but as his case load increases they can pay him more. (This is normal for starting out.) He is over the moon as he loves the colleagues, the patients and the work. imageimage Falling asleep now tho ,so sweet dreams all xxx


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    YumsYums ✭✭✭

    Yay to C2 success image  Can't think where he gets his brains, charm, lovely nature and work ethic from. You Must be doing something right chuggyimage  

    Well done you,  Sluggy. It can't have been easy apologising of sorts to manipulative fiend of SM. A spratt to catch a mackerel though if SM is happy with poa. Sweet museumimage  

    ((((Tubbs))) Difficult dealing with families who feel the need to give you the benefit of theiropinion despite not having the facts. Bummer bout the glassesimage I'm safe from a visit cos given the choice of restful holibob places, Essex doesnt feature high on the listimage 

    Photos of the FGO in his onesie please, m......eldyimage 

    I think Podds must be stuck half way up the Matterhorn as ive not heard from herimage 

    Yay, farfar had a BH off work and did normal family stuffimage 

    Three Queens, pippi? I didnt realise you'd arranged to meet the wasister boysimage 

    And as for Westie showing us his chopper... A vintage tri sounds like a plan. Surely someone has thought of this ?

    What is a blonde dog, m....eldy? Is it anEssex breed?

    Chuggy, cake and books you say, I'm firing up the WAISTer bus right nowimage 

    Only managed 5 miles on myffanwy's revenge as no1 decided he wanted to go to the cinema with me! She behaved but my legs ached from the previous day's ploid. Last night was an enjoyable woods run but a bit testing - who put THAT hill there?? 

    Bum... Workimage 

    Waist well

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    morning well done to C2 Chuggy you must be rightly proud of him.

    Tubbs have loads of  hugs you need them and lots of vibes ((((((((((((()))))))))))))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

    Well i frightened all the neighbours yesterday by putting my shorts on and jogging down the road. A big wobbly mass on two spindles puffing and panting round for 3K+ before staggering to a halt outside my door and yes they do think I'm mad.image

    Mrs wants a run to the shops I think bedding plants are scheduled so that means hanging around waiting for ages while she picks image.

    May get a sneaky coffee in first.


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    Dr DaffsDr Daffs ✭✭✭

    Tee hee Westie, what an image! image 

    Wooo hooo for C2! image Lovely news imageimage 

    Nice cycling Yums image And a trip to the cinema with C1! What a treat! image 

    Working at home today and already I'm grumpy and impatient and I haven't even finished my breakfast! image Quite bored of living in building site/house looking like something from the Hoarder Next Door. Yawn. 

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭

    Congrats to C2! image

    I've been to the hosi for a blood test, not sure if I mentioned but daddy has found out he has a - not sure what you'd call it...but can't have a certain combination of a anaesthetics & as it's heredity I need testing too! He has to carry a warning card now...at the grand old age of 85 !!

    Meeting this afternoon with mates about our weekend away image
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    DLDL ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    Wooo hoooo C2

    What did you see at the cinema with your firstborn Yums? Pitch Perfect 2? Or is that not a boy film?

    Blood tests Spence - are they trying to rule out some freaky experiment in the 60's to explain your existence??? image

    Do you think Podds is high on a hill with a lonely goat herd?

    Liking the tri gear Westie. As a kid of the early 70's I fell off a mate's chopper (no innuendo implied) into a load of nettles and was covered from head to toe in stings. It made me much more content with my third hand raleigh 20. 

    I didn't like to declare too early for fear of freighting it away, but I think my mojo might have come back. I seem to be running a few times a week. Not far and it's not pretty but it could be described loosely as running. and no, I don't want to enter a race.

    All quiet here. I watched a sci fi film last night. I quite like it when OH goes away for a night, but, shhh, don't tell her!!!

    Happy ooh it's Wednesday already, what's not to like about a bank holiday

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    morning all

    woohoo for C2

    woohoo for a plodding Westie

    and woohoo for DL's mojo

    and boo to work image

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    Afternoon all. Lovely and sunny outside, but a fresh wind that keeps it from feeling really warm. Next week in the high 20's, though, so I will miss this.....

    Boo to work indeed, FarFar! Hope you can keep a little of the relaxation you gathered at the weekend. xx

    Wooohoo, DL has her mojo back imageimage The snail's on the thorn etc image And we all know how a little time away can make our nearest and dearest seem, um, nearer and dearer!

    Well, Spence, if it hasn't troubled your dad so far, I would imagine his condition is one you can live with image However, if it's some kind of adverse reaction to an anaesthetic, deffo better you know in case you ever have to have an op. 

    Daffs, why is the house so uncongenial all of a sudden? Is this all to do with preparations for a move later in the year ?

    Yums, nobly cycled, especially after the interesting chug the night before. Hills can be very inconveniently placed, I do agree! But how really nice that no. 1 still likes to go out with you imageimage  (Once I was out with C2 when he was about the same age, and we ran into some of his friends. I asked if he felt embarrassed at being seen out with his mum. Reply: 'No, it's OK, the guys understand, they all have mums too.' image

    Westie, good on you!!! And I bet your neighbours were totally impressed. Lots of us feel like 'A big wobbly mass on two spindles puffing and panting'; I like to imagine I'm a gazelle bounding effortlessly along, but I know I really look like a bag of meal being thrown back and forth by two cohorts of panting, sweating, cursing dwarves! I bet you'll do a tri this autumn, though image

    Thanks for all the good words about C2. We are so chuffed for him. He's a real 'people person', the kind that makes you feel more cheerful as soon as he comes into a room, and he's a really good therapist, I'm pretty sure; but he had a rough time at school (failed his A levels the first time and had to re-sit) and for the last few year's he's had bad anxiety  (now entirely gone, thanks to some great CBT he got), so he's really due good break. 

    Quiet day here so I'll take advantage of it to return to the 14th century. Reading a really interesting book about the medieval shipmaster. The author has done a lot of research, but he isn't a lawyer, and I keep stopping and thinking 'Hang on, that's not right!' Keeps me awake, at least! xx



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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭


    Woohoo!! for C2. He has worked hard for this and it is richly deserved.

    Yums, how lovely that Teen1 wanted to go to see a film with you. I guess you paid?!

    (((Daffs))) you do seem to be little short of your usual joie de vivre recently image

    Spence, it's always good to know about these oddities, it can make things much easier if ever you need an op.

    It was bright and dry here this morning (clouded over somewhat now) although with a cool breeze. MS and I sat outside for our sluggie, overlooking the marina image


    WAIST well xxx



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    Chugs, I knew you'd know more about Londiniumimage

    Yums, there was a onesie photo on FB some where ...he likes his little Brown mankini, although he looks more like an old man in a bathing suit if you know what I mean!

    Daffs, I too love coleslaw!


    just over 3.5hr drive down here, quick 4 mile run and the rest of the rabble have just returned so I best go and be sociable

    i think Podds said she was back on Wednesday 

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    DLDL ✭✭✭

    All, indeed is right with the world, Chuggy.

    Cream or jam first M.eldy? I always wonder.

    I have done a day of honest labour - best tidy up for the homecoming

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    Dr DaffsDr Daffs ✭✭✭

    Jam first - then more jam. No cream. Ever image

    Goodness me DL, a mojo? Where do I find one of those?! image 

    Yep Chuggles, chaos is due to preparations for impending house move. We're (slowly) getting there but Mr Daffs has been here for 26 years and is rather likes to keep things 'just in case' so we have rather a lot of *stuff* to sift through... Quite tedious and I imagine we'll be at the point where we can start, you know, putting paper on the walls and fixing the plaster - but for now it's just sorting, putting things in boxes, endless trips to the tip etc. 

    Been at it for months and the cellar still isn't clear... 

    I'm intermittently cheerful image Bit like the weather really image 

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