
working at it slowly



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    hi all. im a 35 yo mother of 3 kids. have only recently started running over the last couple of weeks and although im finding it a challenge iam  loving it.

    i have wolff parkinsons white syndrome and had treatment for it at aged 16, so i have always been very wary of exercise. and because of this iam quite unfit and overweight.

    looking forward to chatting with you all! 

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    YumsYums ✭✭✭

    Jam first in Devon, isn't it?

    LOL at Podds being stuck high on a hill with a lonely goatherd, DLimage  How much tfor us to keep quiet about you enjoying OH disappearing?

    Lunch over looking the marina, sluggy? How luffly. No 1 going anywhere with me hasn't happened in a while. 

    ((((Daffy))) building work can get right on your pip. 

    How is the 14th century, chuggy? 

    Westie, you are mad and love your anticsimage 

    Have you never had an op, Spence?

    No 1 allowed me to let him choose the film- a mothers love knows no bounds. He also allowed me to pay. We save Avengers- age of Ultron. I was indeed told pitch perfect was a girls film, DLimage Chuggy, lady buddhist teachers are just beginning to hold more regular meditation mornings so things are slowly moving in the right direction

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    YumsYums ✭✭✭

    Sorry Joonie, missed you there. Come in, sit down and butt in when you want.

    You're a relative youngster in hereimage Were an eclectic bunch who rub along just fine. Plodders, iron triathletes and resting plodders. The secret to starting out is to go slowimage Most of us here are good at thisimage 

    Plenty of advice here especially from m.....eldy. I highly recommend following her guidance. She believes in a regime of swimming and cycling in addition to running

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭

    Not entirely sure why I'm up so early!!

    Welcome Joonie don't listen to any of them they are all bloody barking, BARKING I say!! Expect for me image

    Oooh DL, come on you know you want a race to work towards....there's the Arden 9 in a few weeks image our club race, I know what's in the goody bag image.

    Actually Far Far it's about time you joined me for that one!

    Right I have to walk Fotty Fog, drop daught at school, food shop for family left behind this weekend, go see Craig for some upper body work out & see mates for a cuppa...can someon poke the boy flavoured one & remind him he has mocks when he goes back !!! *rolls eyes*

    How is it that boys are so lazy at school & then manage to take over the world!!? Makes me right cross!!

    Come on DL imageimage
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    morning all

    welcome Joonie - yes just pop in and chat, we occasionally talk about running

    Spence I fear I may be on my holibobs when the Arden 9 is on

    bleurgh I had a terrible sleep so didn't run this morning, I'm going to go this evening though cos I feel carp now and bliddy hay fever is doing  my head in!

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    Trying mobile before heading out again .can't post photos on phone so you are lucky ...
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    I'm psyching myself up for a 14 miler, it's all feckin hills round here 

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    Aw come on, Westie, if you have photos we need to see them image

    (((JFF))) Ugh. Insomnia and hay fever together is a poisonous cocktail. Hope you manage to get out tonight, you probably would feel better for a little chug. 

    Spence, you sound bizzy! Your devotion to leaving the family well-fixed-up is admirable image As for the lad, don't worry: they do a lot more than they ever let on at home!

    Yums, it's lovely that no. 1 wanted to go out with you. Adolescence is a carp time for them too, but your boys know for sure how lucky they are to have you as a mum, and now and then they will show it! Glad the new Buddhist lady leader seems to be getting things moving in a good direction, too. That kind of support and space is really important to stay sane. 

    Welcome Joonie! Like everyone said, come right in, pull up a chair and tell us more about you. We are a varied lot, but we are all friendly and glad to see you. Good for you you for starting to run---not easy when you have 3 kids. Just go from where you are, make sure you enjoy it and (as we say on this thread) Work At It Slowly. And keep coming in here to chat about anything you want! Having running pals makes all the difference to keeping going. 

    Speaking of which, 4 miles done with Monty this morning. Tried the run 50 paces/walk 50 paces on both steep hills, and it actually seems to work. We both had a blast image  (there is something faintly creepy about realising I am enjoying running up a hill image

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    Afternoon All

    I have read back and will leave the usual woohoos and (()) as required with special mentions to Tubbs and C2.........

    WARNING: self indulgent whinge coming on........

    I got back last night and then have had:
    - county are on my back for some work that hasn't been done and they have to have "legally" or else...
    - the DG has been ill 3 days although seems brigher
    - then the DG had another of his "attacks" (which I thought were over) - sort of absence type seizure and loss of bladder control
    - Sharkey is at the vets having had dental stuff and they are having to keep him in over night as he is very slow to wake and a bleeder.........and they've just had to put him on a drip image
    - as a result all work and training and social plans are on hold until I know when he can come home and then I'll have to supervise him very carefully......
    - the NV's eye ulcer is healing..........but only very slowly
    - and the washing machine has just died on me and can I find out how to do an emergency drain on it?  Can I by heck...........

    I've been on holiday apparently but I have to say it doesn't feel like it right now!!

    And Mr P will come all excited because he loves his job and finds holidays quite stressful in some ways so I guess the house tonight will not be great!

    Apart from that life's great!!! image

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    Pippi LSPippi LS ✭✭✭

    Welcome home, Podds! image

    We had a day out in Chester being tourists. We just went round the cathedral which we haven't done for years (they used to make you pay ...) They are making a scale model from Lego. It will take the best part of 3 years and 300,000 bricks! We bought 2 and got to put them in part of a pillar!

    today I went back shopping! Left Mr P at home as he had a blood test appointment and I didn't really want him with me and he didnt really want to come!

    ((((tubs)))) at least you are prepared for difficult relatives, etc. I hope they arent too awful.

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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭


    Hello and welcome Joonie. We are a disparate bunch (some would say desperate!) who occasionally manage to fit talk of running into the general chatter. Just jump in, don't wait for a gap - or you'll wait for ever image

    (((Podds))) or dear! image

    Pippi, the lego model of the cathedral sounds interesting. We had family friends in Chester when I was in my late teens and I stayed with them a few times, it is a lovely city although I guess some bits will have changed a lot since then!

    (((Tubs))) thinking of you - and you (((Snaily)))

    It was a nice morning here but clouded over by the time I went out with TM. Didn't stop us talking though! image


    WAIST well xxx

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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭

    ps - I phoned the pain clinic this morning to ask how much longer I might have to wait for an appointment and they gave me one for June 9th image I'm not expecting miracles, I know there is no 'cure' but I do hope they can tweak things to improve them a bit.

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    Fingers crossed Sluggie image

    Manual drain in progress........... image  Mr P home and being spectacularly useless!!!!!!

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    TubsterrTubsterr ✭✭✭

    I think you need the drain hose as low as possible Podds - and several buckets! Hope the dogs are all ok now! 

    Love the FGO's onesie image when I'm home I will get a pic of Bram in her zebra striped 3'9" fly rug!! 

    Thank you for special Waister hugs and vibes which really work image We didn't encounter any relatives thank goodness, and mother was really pleased to see us image which was a relief. Completely compos mentis and very positive. From what I can gather she has 5 cracked vertebrae - age related I think. She has a brace but finds it very uncomfortable and stood briefly for the first time in it today but was very dizzy, understandable after being in bed for seversl days. we chatted about ponies and cats mostly.  I really don't think she's going to be able to go back home, she struggled to cope with the weight of a cup of tea so I don't think she's going to be able to put her back brace on, never mind getting herself out of bed etc. Shopping for nighties etc tomorrow and will hopefully be able to speak to a doctor. The ward is spotless and lovely helpful nurses.  

    (((((( waisters ))))))

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    TubsterrTubsterr ✭✭✭

    Good news you have an appointment soon Sluggy, everything crossed 

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭
    That's good to hear Tubbs! image

    Welcome back Podds, although it sounds very stressful round your gaffe image

    Glad you've an appointment through Sluggie

    I had a call from the quacks, the hospital have lost my blood ! So have to go again!! Which is a right PTA !!!

    Oh Far Far, I guess being on holiday is a fair excuse!!image

    Well my poor arms have done some work this afternoon!!
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    ((((Podds)))) Yep, that list will chase away the holiday feeling pretty fast! Hope that by now the washing machine has been drained, and that you are getting better news on the doggies. County can wait til tomorrow!image

    Sluggie, I had it in my mind that it was going to be the end of the summer before you could get an appointment, so ten days' time is very good news! Even if it's not a magic bullet, I do hope they will be able to position is sufficiently precisely that it will really give you some help. 

    Tubs, sounds like things are going just as well as they could be. It's nice that your mother at least appreciates your efforts in getting there, and it helps that it's a nice place that is clean and pleasant. I guess the next step of finding where she can go may not be easy, but from what you said it's pretty clear that she can't manage on her own, so the system needs to swing into action and find her the right place. xxx

    Spence, they lost your blood? I find that actually quite worrying! What do they think they did with it??? Shame, since I believe you are not the best with needles! Be a good, brave girl now...image

    Pippi, never heard of a lego cathedral, but why not! You will always look at that tower differently from now on, and know where 'your' bricks are! 

    Big day tomorrow: geyser is being put into the kitchen sink. In theory I can get hot water from the boiler, but it's all the way on the other side of the house so using it in the kitchen wastes gallons of hot water (cos it has to come so far through the pipes) so for the last 10 years I've been boiling kettles for the washing up and everything else. It will be LOVELY to have hot water on tap!!! imageimage


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    YumsYums ✭✭✭

    Chuggy is having a geyser installed. Why do I have visions of old faithful? Or did she mean geezer and is to polite to sayimage 

    ((((Podds)))) thats pants- the boys health I mean. Bless Sharkey. He's a bit slow on the uptake anyway, smashing fella. Poor DG bit worrying for youimage  I want photos of the holiday!

    Pippi, you got to play Lego on a grand scaleimage  

    Glad mummy was in good spirits and rellies nowhere to be seen. 

    Lost your blood, Spence? Someone somewhere may be diagnosed with I love running syndrome in errorimage  

    9 june, sluggy? Is this for the permanent implant??image  

    Ive run 3 times this week. Subdued day in work yesterday. Just waiting to see if the incident hits the news.  Was planning Kew gardens visit today but rain forecast so looking to go to the Flinders Petrie museum at UCL. 

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    To be or not to be that is the question ??? getting up at some ungodly hour Saturday to go over to Edinburgh among thousands of people just to say hello to Soence ?? image.That could be some task but I think I've worked it out just stand near the portaloos

    she is certain to be there image

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭
    Hahahahaha!! You're not wrong there!! If it is a pain of a trip please don't put yourself out!

    I'm all ready for the off! Pissing it down here so the new pac-a-mac will get used from the off!

    Have a good weekend all x
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    DLDL ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    (((Podds and the greyhound posse)))) Hope today is a little more positive

    Yay Sluggie - hope the pain clinic finds some solutions for you

    Would the incident be the tax avoidance scheme that's all over the news Yums?  Flinders Petrie - is he a character on the Simpsons?

    I know that running is back in my life. Took the car in for a service and said to OH I didn't need a lift as I would run back. Got up, running kit on, came downstairs and saw the weather - didn't go back and drag OH out of bed to give me a lift. Chose the 5 mile canal route home rather than the 1.5 mile road route - looked like a drowned rat. Didn't run as fast as one though.

    Oooh look, it's Friday - hoorah and falderee. Hope it's a happy and dry one


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    Pippi LSPippi LS ✭✭✭

    Apparently Yums has been working for FIFA ....

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    Must just pop in for a little howl. We are going back to NL on Tuesday so Mr C says, Lets use up what we have in the fridge, don't buy any more. Fine. So now he's making lunch and he's mooching around looking miserable and I say, What's wrong? and he says, 'We don't have much cheese any more.' No, we don't, because you told me not to buy any!!!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!

    Thank you. I feel better now. 

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    Needless to say, I shall get some more cheese this afternoon image

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    DLDL ✭✭✭

    Pippi - that made me proper laugh 

    (((Chuggy)))) and breathe

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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭


    (((Chuggy))) sterkte. I'm afraid that is just one of the joys of living with a male.

    Tubs, I'm so glad that the visit is going well, it's more than time that something went your way!

    (((Podds and pooches))) I do hope that they are all doing well. I bet the piggybank is looking a bit sick though.

    DL, your mojo really is back, isn't it?! You'll be doing another mara soon image

    No idea what you are talking about Yums - might have more insight when I finally get round to reading today's paper but haven't even looked at yesterday's yet image

    Sorry to get you all excited, but June's appt is for a review of my meds, not the implantation. 

    It's grey and cool here today, have aquagymmed and taken SM shopping (it was MS's 'turn' to accompany SM while I did our household shopping) and am glad to be back home. Cleo has an appt for a mani/pedi this afternoon at the V E T.


    WAIST well xxx

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    Dr DaffsDr Daffs ✭✭✭

    Cats having cosmetic manicuring? Whatever next?! image 

    ((((Podds)))) Not very holidayish at all image 


    Welcome Joonie! Moves fast in here image Just keep plodding on slowly and ignore what anyone says about running and cycling - there's a few folks in here that'll try to talk you into a triathlon before you've run to the end of the street! image

    DL running! That's what's next! So when's the marathon DL? 

    Your disease has infected me - I'm currently sat in running kit playing with Fetch and waiting for my tea to go down so I can go out for 8 miles. Can't say I'm going to run them all but with a 13 mile trail race in just 4 weeks I've got to do something! image


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    Dr DaffsDr Daffs ✭✭✭

    Are you all out at work or summat?!


    8.75 miles done, furthest I've run for months and months. Felt good though! Did run2/walk1 all the way round and i felt nice and manageable, hooray!


    Unimpressed by being beeped at FIVE TIMES though by an assortment of car/lorry drivers. Grrrr.



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    morning all

    fab plodding there Daffs - but boo to cheeky drivers!

    welcome home Podds - sounds like you need to set up a  doggy hospital for your lot!

    and I have read back but its all fallen out of my head


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    Morning all ....


    5 flipping hours driving back from Devon, unpack and pack again ready for the off to Notts tomorrow .. Not fancying a night in a tent or a wet triathlon to be honest but I'll HTFU and keep mind mind on a nice glass of wine Sunday night when I get back !

    15 miles run yesterday, had a oint of milk and an ice cream in the village and walked a mile back up the road ...

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