
New Mature Runners Thread



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    Good afternoon everyone,

    Aquarius, some people are really ignorant, they always expect us to make way for them, and when we do, they don't acknowledge it. They just expect it, thinking the world owes them a living.

    We used to make fire lighters with newspapers, by twisting them like concertinas. I remember bare wires being pushed into sockets with matchsticks, and several plugs in the same socket in an adaptor. the plugs used to get really hot.

    Thanks, it was a good 5k and we did an earlier course, as some of the mud had dried up. 

    Good that you  are making steady progress with your running. these things can't be hurried. 

    I ran the hilly road 10k again this morning, but with Alice. She set off really quickly and I struggled to keep up for the first couple of miles, but then got "my second wind!" We ran it about 5 minutes quicker than I had run it this year. I'm really pleased, after running yesterdays 5k. I've run 37.3 miles this week.
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    DRR MikeDRR Mike ✭✭✭
    Morning everyone,

    JB, I think a triathlon is a stretch for me, likely I’d still be in the water when most have finished the run  :) 22 minutes for 5k, very impressive well done.. sorry, can’t offer any tips on weight loss I’m afraid, I’ve found it gets harder as you get older to lose weight  and I’m a much heavier 13 1/2 Stone, like you I think about food all the time.

    Aquarius, short sleeves was a one off, I keep a box for winter gear and a box for summer, the summer box was dusted off for one day only. Looks like it’s the winter box for a couple more weeks at least. Your comment about the runners you encountered reminded me how much the landscape has changed in the past few years, I remember a time when all runners acknowledged each other as they passed, like a code of conduct. Now most (generally younger) fly past, headphones on without even noticing anyone around them. There are still a few I encounter who will acknowledge a fellow runner but we’re a dying breed it appears.

    HS, good effort with the hills yesterday,  I’m planning some hill repeats on the local park one day this week.

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    Aquarius/HS, yes I too remember lighting the coal fire - and twisting the newspapers as HS recalls. Actually when you think of all the H&S issues that were flouted, I'm surprised we've all lived so long! And OF COURSE northern lives DO matter........but just a teeny bit less than southern ones, I think you'll find? (Aquarius might be out-voted on this issue on this forum! There are more northerners on the Over 60s one I've noticed and I steer well clear of them, I can tell you.)

    That's one very impressive weekly mileage for HS and some very unimpressive behaviour by the women runners who were thoughtless to Aquarius. (Maybe some touring southerners? OK I'll stop now, joke over.)

    Two things to report. 

    1. I asked Mrs JB to hide all my sweets and throw away my biscuits. (I can send them up to you Aquarius to help with the weight gain.) The diet starts today!

    2. Bad news: my Achilles has flared up. I know why. I'm  idiot, that's why. Lots of hill work (not to mention walking and up down the bloody stairs) last week and I felt it was a bit stiff when I......... ran flat out along the seafront on Saturday. As my mum would have said 'you were asking for trouble'. It's about a 6 on the Knackered Achilles Scale. 

    So I took out my frustration yesterday by doing some body weight exercises. As my mum would say 'you'll never learn'. Give it a rest, eh Mum?

    Talking of which. We've been trying to get a set of dumbells (god knows how many I've given away over the years) and  they are hard to find as folk have been exercising at home over lockdown. Even Amazon let us down and we had to have  a refund.
    We saw a pair of 10kg ones being sold locally and the guy dropped them round (not on my foot, thankfully). He was a big lad in his twenties and said he was getting rid of them as they were a 'bit heavy' for him. I didn't have the nerve to tell him that they are primarily for the use of the nearly 65 year old Mrs JB! 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    Apologies for my absence for the last few days ..

    HS - I think you're right re your comment about legs not really feeling the cold .. I'm just being a wuss by still wearing tracksters. I also have memories from my childhood of waking up and scraping ice off the inside of the bedroom window. I remember being in the lake district when we climbed Scafell Pike and the youth hostel was full of lean and mean fell runners as there was a race on that weekend.

    JB - thanks for the photo .. you're right about looking similar to last of the summer wine. You're also right about the cinder track dating us - don't know if they exist these days?  .. "Ouse? You were lucky to 'ave an 'ouse - we used to live in one room, all 126 of us, no furniture, half the floor was missing and we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of FALLING!" .. I still love listening to that Four Yorkshiremen sketch. So close to going sub-22 on your time trial but well done for getting so close to a SB - good news too to see your rival who has been injured, back out again. I'm with Aquarius with this "Northern Lives Matter" campaign - they might not let me in the next time I want to visit Northumberland! :) I was managing to resist the biscuit barrel for a few nights when making my bedtime drink - suffice to say, I relented last night. Sorry to hear your achilles has flared up but at least you know what caused it. I have some dumbells but at present they're lost in the mess that is the garage. Maybe they'll re-surface when Margaret and I have the clear-out and tidy up we've promised each other we'll do in there. Before we do, it will be nice to know whether or not I can start running again as there's a broken treadmill that could be mended (needs a new running belt) but there's no point if I can't use it after spending the money.

    Aquarius - we hope the curtain in the conservatory works okay. We did have a net curtain last year but it fell apart .. hopefully, although this one has strings hanging down rather than covering the gap completely, any flies will be too stupid to fly between the strings! Margaret did some lateral thinking and got a piece of ribbon to tie it up to one side when we don't have the door wide open. As you'll see below, I lost at golf - but I know why. As for logging my food every day (including fish & chips), that's fallen by the wayside for the moment. Sort of good news from the physio if your hamstrings could have been worse - keep doing the stretching! I have the same problem trying to read my Garmin when I don't have my glasses on. If I met three runners coming in the opposite direction, and making no attempt to move out of the way, I'd probably keep on the same line and see if they 'blinked' first (or bump shoulders with them as I passed, as happened with a couple of women out walking a few years back - when one compalined I turned round, gave her a piece of my mind about taking up all the pavement, and went on my way). As a runner (ex-runner at the moment) I can't stand ignorant runners who think they own the pavement/track and expect everyone else to get out of their way. When out walking a day or two ago I had a runner coming towards me on the same side of the pavement - I could see he was an ignorant sod who was expecting me to move aside so I stood my ground and he eventually got the message! HS's secret is he goes for 'easy' runs then runs much faster pace than he planned! :)

    DRRMike - when I was running regularly, most of my runs would probably be classified as 'easy' .. the only exceptions were the occasional 'tempo' run and a virtual 5k time-trial my club organised. What's that - Zola Budd ran in shoes once! ;) As I've mentioned, I'm hoping when I try a walk/run in May it may work out better than the last attempt. if it doesn't, when I arrange to see the physio again, I hope it isn't the 'end of the road' for my running. If and when I'm running again, I guess I could try a free trial of the Strava Pro version to see if I can make any use of the 'bells & whistles' it adds. But like HS, I am on Fetcheveryone and that has lots of information to deep dive into. Well done re the recent training - am impressed you were in shorts and t-shirt. I saw some poor bloke similarly dressed, trudging past our house yesterday in a hailstorm - he must have wished he'd taken a jacket with him. I agree that fewer runners seem to acknowledge each other these days - it's a surprise when someone does shout out a cheery "Hi" as I pass.

    I don't think we've seen Colette for a few days - hope she returns.

    Unfortunately, at Fri's golf re-match with Alan, I lost by 15 strokes (after 9 holes last week, we 'upgraded to 18 this time). Approximately 1 stroke per hole and primarily because my putting was rubbish. I think I need to get my indoor practise cup out and see if I can improve my accuracy on the living room carpet.

    Just been to the hairdressers and had a #4 cut - it looks weird when I look in the mirror at the moment but I'll be used to the new me in a day or two :)

    I've not bought or planted any new raspberries in a new bed yet, but I tidied up the existing one a few days ago. Mainly by weeding it, but I also moved some new 'sucker' plants which had popped up near the original row to take the place of some which had died off. It looks so much better now - just hope the plants I moved survive okay.
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    Mike, you are right about the majority of runners not acknowledging others, being the younger "know it all's" I feel, as someone who has done that and got the t shirt, saying "I would have kicked your arse a few years ago!"

    Thanks I like hill running, hence my user name. good luck with your hill reps later this week.

    JB, yes northern lives do matter, I was married to a Liverpudlian for 13 years, and lived in Liverpool for 8.5 years. I remember you saying that you also lived in Liverpool, round about the same time as me.

    I haven't been on the over 60 thread for years now. I imagine there are very few posters these days.

    That was my highest mileage for many weeks, and I will gradually try to increase it. Several of our runners did the New Forest off road half marathon on Saturday, but I didn't enter as it as it was about a 40 mile drive away. I'm glad too, as it was 1k short, and there were lots of complaints about not getting value for money etc.

    Sorry to hear that your Achilles has flared up, but you are your own worse enemy!

    I had two sets of dumbbells when I lived in Waterlooville. I gave the light set to my daughter, but for some reason left the heavier pair behind when I moved down to the New forest. I remember that I bought both pairs in Sweatshop in Southampton. 

    WtnMel, young people today don't know what cold is. When I was a youngster the snow used to lay on the ground for weeks, before melting. 

    You are brave standing your ground and making other runners go into the road. I'm afraid that I always give way to those sort that have no intention of moving. There are, however, still some that do say thankyou etc and others that do make way. When I'm walking to the supermarket, I almost invariably step into the road to avoid others. Perhaps it's me being over cautious, rather than being courteous. 

    I can't really see any point in changing to the paid for version of strava, as it doesn't seem to give any more data than fetcheveryone, and Garmin Connect.

    I hope Collette hasn't deserted us!

    Sorry to hear that you lost to Alan on this occasion, but more putting practice should rectify matters.

    I haven't been to the hairdressers yet, and will wait a couple of weeks, until the rush has died down. That's what I did the last time, and had no problems.

    I hope your plants survive the frosts.

    This mornings forest run was 5.3 miles, and was Sarah H's birthday run, although her birthday was on Friday. Sarah F provided prosecco and home made cake after the run. Jane took several photos and  I'll post one on my next post.

    I have my second jab on Thursday at the Leisure Centre, about 10 minutes walk away. 

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    Here is a photo taken after this mornings birthday run. 

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    Sorry it hasn't come across very well. 
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Mel. after that golfing display I don't think we can expect to see you in the green jacket this time next year! Well done on the haircut. I hate going to the barbers so Mrs JB does mine. But for Xmas she bought me one of those electric shavers that can also cut hair. I tried it last night and it's made a god-awful mess of what hair I've got left! I'm hoping that Ms JB can tidy it up - after she's stopped laughing that is.

    HS, on the snow recollection issue, I'm not quite old enough to remember 1963 but I guess you can. That was the year of the epic snowfall that laid around for months I think. Nice run - and the photo looked fine to me. 

    Still nursing the achilles so (Aquarius please note) I did something from my 'eccentric forms of training' playbook. I've got one of those mini-trampoline things (a 'rebounder'). I wondered how many steps I could record in 1 hour. Could I get to 10 thousand? Answer: no, but I did 9.425. It's very low impact so no problems with the achilles. It was very, very boring though.
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    JB, I haven't been to the hairdresser's yet. I'm waiting a couple of weeks until the rush has died down a bit. I didn't need an appointment after the first lockdown, probably because I have been a regular customer over the years, and my hairdresser is a runner. 

    I started working in London in August 1962, and remember the freezing cold commute from Surbiton Station to Waterloo in 1963. I usually caught the fast train from Portsmouth , which would arrive already full, so I would have to stand in the corridors, where there were no heaters. Ironically, in those days of extreme cold and snow etc, the trains were very seldom cancelled, and usually ran on time.

    I can't imagine anything more boring than an hour on a rebounder. Were you wearing earphones to help you keep going? A couple of years ago, two of our lady runners "ran" 18 miles on the treadmills in the Leisure Centre. They weren't very popular with those that were waiting for their turn! Not an ideal way, in my opinion, for a training session for a marathon. 

    Today is a rest day, and tomorrow is our weekly structured training session. Today is the first evening that the club will be holding a training session since the lockdown, and will be continuing Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    HS - those runners must have been really miffed to find out the course was shorter than it should have been. I can also still remember winters when snow was hanging around for a couple of weeks. I've not caused any runners to go into the road - they just need to be 'helped' to think of making room for other people. I've taken to glancing at my watch to pretend I've not seen them on a collision course and they've got the message. The women I mentioned were on a wide pavement (room for four abreast) but saw me and made no attempt to make room and carried on walking a few feet apart. Hence me 'accidentally' bumping one of them on the shoulder as I passed and remonstrating with her when she got upset. I've had similar experiences with women swimming along a metre or more apart, heads up, make-up on, chatting away - I make a point of swimming between them (and hopefully splashing them in the process!). If they want to chat, they should go and have a coffee! I'm not in any rush to look at the pro version of Strava - like you, I don't think I'll find anything from it that Fetch doesn't already provide. Well done re your 5.3 ml birthday run for Sarah H .. the photo looked fine to me. I'm still waiting for a text about my 2nd jab. Seeing your later post .. my club has re-started some training sessions, but with the restrictions on numbers still in place, so they're very popular and filling up quickly. Just as well I don't need to try and join any of them.

    JB - I'll have to buy my own green jacket as I'm unlikely to be winning one ;) I'd be worried about messing up my hair by doing it myself and wouldn't want to put the pressure on Margaret to do it for me - so I'm happy to pay £10 every six weeks or so and have a 'professional' do it. I can imagine bouncing on a trampoline might get boring. As an aside, on Fetch there's a thread called "What's making you smile today" and one lady recently posted - "Bouncing on my rebounder in my bra and pants while cooking dinner and my teen coming into the kitchen and saying 'OMG Mum!' " 

    I've walked 3-4mls for the last couple of days and been managing around 16:35mm pace so quite pleased with that. At times, when over-taking slower walkers, I've felt like road-runner (meep meep).

    I didn't manage to do my stretching/strengthening exercises yesterday as I walked in the morning then had to finish my book as it was my book group meeting in the afternoon.

    So I had better sign off and get on and do them as soon as I've posted here..
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Mel, I'll make a public undertaking that I'll NEVER go on the rebounder dressed only in my bra and pants! Enjoy your book meeting. That's a good walk.

    HS, that sounds like an horrific commute! I used to do a 2 hour each way door-to-door (and that was on a good day!) via London Bridge. I only lasted 8 months. I was very lucky with the trains that year with hardly any major delays but I have zero fond memories of it! I listened to the radio on the bouncer. I don't plan to do that workout very often, for obvious reasons.

    A 2 mile test run today to see ho the Achilles reacts. Seems OK. My rival posted his latest track training session which looked scarily good. He added that I might like to get a white flag ready in preparation for our June showdown! All in fun but - it did sharpen my determination to beat him......I start as the clear underdog.

    Am staying off the biscuits and chocs but eating a lot more nuts and raisins. No net calorie loss but hopefully a good swap.
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    WtnMel, I would definitely have been annoyed if I had raced; having driven 40 miles to get there, for an under distance race.

    Thanks, we all enjoyed Sarah's birthday run, although her actual birthday was on the Friday.

    Apparently there were 28 runners at club last night, but I'm in no rush to get back though.

    Your walking pace seems to be getting quicker, so that is a good sign. Well done for persisting with your exercises, so keep it up.

    JB, I'm glad that you have no intention of going on the rebounder wearing bra and pants!

    I didn't find that commute too bad because I was a teenager then, and found it a bit of an adventure. I had to go on the Northern Line from Waterloo, to Tottenham Court Road. I was able to watch Centre Point being built from my office window.

    Good to hear that your Achilles was ok during your 2 mile run. What distance will your June challenge be, and will it be on the track?

    Nuts and raisins, very healthy!

    A 5.7 mile run in the forest this morning with Mike, including a run round the duck pond course on the way back. We saw mother Duck with her ducklings waddling in single file behind her.

    Not long back from my visit to the Hygienist, and tomorrow will be my 2nd AstraZeneca jab. We ran  past the Leisure Centre where they are doing the jabs, and there was a long queue waiting outside. There was no queue when I had my first one, so I'm hoping I won't have to queue tomorrow.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    JB - glad to hear you'll not be turning into one of the 'bra men' (aka Vic Reeves & Bob Mortimer). I guess if I'd stayed living in Tring (Herts) I might have ended up commuting into London each day - but I obeyed the command to 'Go West young man' which is how I ended up in Wiltshire (and latterly Gloucs). Glad to hear your achilles was okay after your test run.

    HS - I've been trying to remember the details of an article I read about walking better when I've been out, but it's sometimes akin to patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time (who new there was so much to just walking). The main thing has been trying to lengthen my stride without over-stretching and pushing off from my back foot. It's meant my pace has been increasing bit by bit and I'm trying to see if I can bring it down closer to 16mins per mile. Well done re the 5.7ml run and nice to see the mother duck and her ducklings. I had a reminder in my diary to book a dentist appointment - their diary is rather full so the earliest they can see me is 3rd June!
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    HS, it's 10k on the (flat) road. My opponent is 61 and needs to do it 2 mins quicker than me to get a WAVA victory. He plans to run 43-44 mins and I need to get down to an improbable 46 maximum. He's probably a sub 21 5k runner; I'm just over 22. In terms of WAVA we will be aiming at 77%ish. He's got a better running pedigree than me and will turn up very well prepared. I  know the course a little better but that doesn't count for much. Traditionally the event has been run in very hot conditions, so it might come down to who can handle the heat better. He's been chasing some of my times from when I was his age (20:20 for 5k) and not yet surpassed them. so he's keen to get a win.
    Were I a betting man, I'd put a tenner on him! 
    Not that we are taking it seriously or anything!
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    Well I set myself up for this......Achilles flared up again this morning. So I've done one of my eccentric non running workouts (won't bore you with the details).
    Now I join Mel in the 'crocks ward'. Perhaps we can start a new thread - 'New Mature Runners Hobbling Thread'?
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    Good afternoon everyone, 

    WtnMel, I'm afraid that I'm no expert on speed walking, or any walking for that matter. You seem to have the right approach though.

    JB, good luck for your 10k challenge. 46 minutes sounds very impressive to me if you can achieve or better it. I consider the winner to be the one with the highest WAVA. I have a feeling that you will have the highest one, but I'm not putting any money on it. 

    I ran another hilly road 10k this morning, with a slight variation from earlier runs. There is a trail leading off from the base of the steepest longest hill, so I thought I would try it out. It was undulating and winding, with quite a few little wooden bridges over deep ditches. It eventually came out at the closed end of a culdesac, with a road at the other end. I decided not to run to the road, so I retraced my steps, and continued up the hill for the rest of the run. 
    I have my second AstraZeneca Jab at 3PM this afternoon, so that is one reason I took it easy. 
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    Just seen your last post John, and sorry to hear that your Achilles has flared up again. 
    I hope that I won't have to join the New Mature Runners Hobbling Thread😁🤞
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    JB - sorry to hear your achilles has flared up again

    HS - the article on walking was in the Observer magazine .. a lady called Joanna Hall had developed a better way of walking and was teaching one of their writers so I kept hold of it as it sounded interesting. Well done re your hilly 10K and hope your 2nd jab went okay (still waiting for the text to book mine).

    We went to the garden centre this morning and I've treated myself to a new Hozelock hose and holder that fits to the wall. I also got some autumn-fruiting raspberries so fitting the hose and planting the raspberries will be my Sunday jobs.

    Golf tomorrow - so I've been to the driving range this afternoon and most of the balls went in the right direction. I'll report back on how I get on trying to beat Alan.
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    Good morning everyone, 

    WtnMel, good luck with your walking, and hopefully you will discover the best technique. 
    Thanks, I enjoyed yesterday's run, which had an element of exploration. 
    The jab went well and at present have no after effects. I hope you get your invitation soon. 
    Good luck with your gardening activities, in ideal weather. 
    Good luck with today's golf match. 

    A rest day for me today, and another 5k tomorrow, all being well. 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    I can’t believe it’s been almost a week since I was last on here. I haven’t read back yet on all your posts, but will do so tomorrow hopefully and comment then.
    My absence has been due to (a) half term (b) laid low by hay fever and (c) generally being busy with other things. For example, we've had the Land Rover in for a “health check” courtesy of our RAC membership. We’ve been meaning to do it for ages but it became more urgent lately as we’ve noticed it’s become very unstable around 60mph. Turns out to be a problem with the suspension so it’s going in next week for another costly job, then the tax is due next month and a couple of months after that the service is due. I think we need to win the lottery! Yesterday I had my own health check and was told I need to put on weight (which I expected) so apparently I need to eat some high protein snacks between meals, such as chicken or tuna. I don’t know how I’m going to manage that, as I feel my 3 (quite substantial) meals a day are sufficient, but I suppose I’ll have to give it a go. I need to put on half a stone, although personally I’ll be satisfied if I can put on 4 or 5lb. Another recommendation was to step up my strength work to increase muscle mass, as that will also result in a weight gain. On the downside I found my blood sugar was worse than I’d expected, I’m now right on the borderline of becoming diabetic but there’s not a lot I can do about that as I already have a healthy diet and take exercise, but I’ll make what tweaks I can to see if it improves. One impressive result was my VO2, which was so good for my age that it was off the scale, and recorded as “elite”. While that’s obviously amazingly good news it’s also somewhat unbelievable, and I suspect their equipment wasn’t functioning properly. Anyway it gives me the fitness boasting rights in our house, so I’m not complaining. Other news, our 2 yr old grandson had a bad fall from a climbing frame on Thursday afternoon and instead of landing on the wood chips underneath managed to hit his head on a wooden sleeper supporting the structure. He got a very deep cut and had to go to A&E, and was there until 11pm waiting to be seen by the paediatrician, then had to return the following day for stitches. Fortunately he seems to be none the worse for it today although he’s going to have quite a sizeable scar. 
    On the running front I’ve been sticking to my training plan, apart that is from Friday when I went for my health check. I had to fast from the night before and didn’t get anything (except from a banana I had taken along with me) until lunchtime when I got home. I’d slept badly the night before (worrying about grandson) and was suffering from hay fever, so all in all I was feeling pretty rough during my assessment. It didn’t help that the windows had to be wide open in line with Covid recommendations. So tired, hungry, cold and feeling ill didn’t put me in the best of moods, therefore I couldn’t face a run when I got home. Last night I slept for 10 hours, quite unheard of for me. I still felt groggy with hay fever when I woke this morning but managed later in the morning to fit in my next training run, and some strength work this afternoon. I’ve also tackled a mountain of ironing, so I think a naughty glass of white beckons while Steve cooks the tea. Cheers everyone!
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    Just catching up on a week’s worth of posts!

    HS: Well done for your hilly road 10k last Sunday, to have knocked 5 mins off your previous best time was quite something, you must have been really pleased. Do you know what your WAVA was? 37.3 miles is an amazing weekly total, probably not much less than most people’s monthly mileage!
    How annoying for those people taking part in the New forest HM, to have run all that way just to find it measured short!
    Nice photo, a lovely way to celebrate a birthday with fellow runners.
    Thursday’s hilly road 10k sounded interesting, particularly with the little wooden bridges. I imagine it will be a popular walk, or run, for the residents of the nearby housing estate. Did you come across many people using it?
    I see you have had your second jab, with no ill effects. That’s reassuring as the doctor I saw for my health check up said she’d heard people tended to get more side effects with the second AZ jab.

    JB: Thanks for the offer to send your sweets and biscuits up to me, but unfortunately I don’t really have a sweet tooth (apart from having an occasional biscuit with a cup of tea, which is now forbidden, but I expect I’ll still sneak an odd one from time to time) so any treats like that would end up being snaffled by Steve, and like you he needs to lose some weight.
    Sorry to hear about the Achilles, but like HS says you are your own worst enemy. Tough talking perhaps, but we mean it kindly. I’m sure Mrs JB will have had something similar to say too. I hope that statistic regarding your steps on the rebounder was a typo - oh no, reading on I realise it wasn’t. Oh dear.
    Now I’ve just read about your rival’s jibe about the white flag, I think that will have acted more like a red flag to you and I worry about your Achilles. Well done re the nuts and raisins.
    I knew it! I’ve just read Thursday’s post. This time REST and if need be get some physio for that Achilles. 

    WtnMel: Sorry to hear you lost to Alan, but as you say you know what went wrong, and hopefully your idea of indoor practice will remedy that for the next match. You seem to be doing a lot of work in the garden at the moment. We’re finding that the overnight frosts are killing off some of the plants we’ve recently put in, are you having frosts down there too? It’s a real nuisance, we thought the weather had picked up so bought quite a few plants a couple of weeks ago. We only got around to planting a few that day, then the overnight frosts came back that night. We’ve brought the remaining plants inside to the utility room which is quite warm. If the temperature improves we’ll hopefully be able to plant them out next week.
    I see you are getting to be quite a speedy walker, which must be maintaining or even improving your fitness. I do hope you will be able to start running again next month, you have worked so hard with your exercises. I’ve just seen your later post about the more technical aspects to walking, I hadn’t really given that any thought until you mentioned it. I suppose just like running there is a technique that serious walkers employ. Nice to see the mother duck and her ducklings. Has someone chosen a new book for your book group to read?
    How did the golf go on Friday?

    Off now to do some yoga and maybe a bit of strength work (oh yes, nearly forgot - time for my tin of tuna. :/ I know how jealous you all must be)
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Mel, hope that the golf went well, or at least better than last week. 

    HS, still clocking up the great runs, I see? Pleased to hear that the 2nd jab went well. I don't have mine until May.

    Aquarius, tough love from you! Mrs JB gave up on the tough bit many years ago. You certainly had a mixed picture regarding your health. The good bit, 'elite' ranking, sort of counterbalances the bad bits. You have a licence to stuff your face too! Mrs JB is borderline diabetic and often gets sent home when she goes to give blood (low on iron). Sorry to hear about your grandson (and the Landrover, come to that). All in all it doesn't sound as though you've had a great week so I hope next week goes better.

    My news. Allotment digging on Friday where my technique is 1 hour's manic  digging and then spending the ret of the day feeling knackered. My back was no problem this time. The guy whose allotment borders ours is off to live an ecologically sound life in rural Wales and best of luck to him.. However he's left his allotment in a right old state and the next occupants will have much work to do to simply tidy it up. A bit disappointing from our eco-warrior.

    Still no return to running as yet. My history of Achilles probs makes me a little pessimistic. I'd like to be fit for the resumption of Parkruns. (Look away at this point Aquarius............)

    I did my loony crossfit routine today: 300 squats, 200 press-ups and 100 pull-ups.  This took me 23.30 mins. You are supposed to top and tail the exercises with a mile run but I didn't try this, as 'moderation in all things' is my motto. :)

    Finally, athletics has made a comeback to our local track!

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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    JB my week might have started badly, but thanks to you it’s ended well. john bateman 6 said:
    “'moderation in all things' is my motto. :)

    I haven’t laughed so much in ages.
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    Aquarius, good to hear from you again. The 10k WAVA was 64.91%. The reason it was quicker than earlier runs was because I ran it with Alice. The little trail I found during Thursdays hilly 10k was interesting, but I didn't encounter anyone there or back. I imagine it must be fairly well used by local residents, but there was no litter, and it appeared to have been well maintained. 
    Thankfully, still no after  effects from my 2nd jab, and I ran the 56th 5k yesterday. I ran it slower than usual, just in case.
    I see you have been told to put on weight after your health check. This is a tricky one, as you seem to be eating healthily anyway, and keeping fit with your running, yoga etc. Weight lifting etc will help, and it worked for me several years ago, when I was unable to run as often, and worked out on the dumbbells, machines etc. This wasn't beneficial for my running, as when I started regularly again, I felt like a cart horse carrying the excess weight. Your VO2 max was probably correct. Mine says that I have the fitness of a 20 year old.
    Sorry to hear about the fall your grandson had, and hope that he is recovering well, with no after effects.
    I think that your reference to the mother duck and her ducklings, was in response to my my comments regarding the run back from training on Wednesday.
    Enjoy the Tuna!

    JB, I was pleased the way the 2nd jab went, as I didn't feel a thing, and there is not even a mark where the needle went in. 
    Your allotment digging certainly counts as cross training. The ground must be very hard, as we have had no rain for quite a while.
    I don't know where you get the energy or strength for your crossfit sessions. Makes me feel tired, just thinking about it. Moderation "what's that?"🤣

    Today is a rest day and tomorrow another CC6 5 mile off road challenge.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    HS - I shall have to re-read that article and look at the ladies youtube videos to see if I can learn the new technique. On a related matter, I must look up the guy in Gloucester who teaches nordic walking to see if he has re-started lessons yet.

    Aquarius - it does sound like you need a windfall to help keep your 'landy' on the road. Despite having had my front brakes replaced recently, I noticed a squealing sound coming from one (or both?) of them yesterday. To my untrained ear, it sounded like one of the discs was sticking on and rubbing against the disc. I'll call the garage tomorrow to see if they can check them for me. In the past, we've toyed with the idea of getting private health cover which would probably include a yearly 'MOT'. I see you need to put on weight (unlike me!) - sorry to hear your blood sugar level was lower than it should be. But better news re your VO2 reading (my Garmin tells my VO2 max is 41 - though how it's supposed to accurately work that out is anybody's guess!). Sorry to hear about your grandson - but relieved to hear he'll be none the worse apart from a scar. Well done for sticking to your training plan despite the various hurdles - sounds like you earned that glass of white. I've been doing some more gardening (see below) but not been putting in any 'delicate plants' yet so the frosts we've had haven't affected anything.

    JB - mixed results re the golf (see below). Re the allotment, I've learnt to pace myself when it comes to digging - doesn't sound like you have :) Sorry - had a chuckle at your loony routine and your mention of 'moderation in all things' ;)

    With various things going on, my stretching/strengthening exercises have fallen by the wayside and I've not managed any since Wed - I'll start again in earnest tomorrow.

    At golf on Fri, if you were counting the number of strokes, I didn't beat Alan but when we totted up the Stableford points, I did come out on top. I lead for the first 7 holes, then were were tied or I was one shot adrift until the 15th hole. But (as ever) things fell apart at the end and over the last 3 holes I was +3, +7 (!) then +5.  One plus point - I tried a new type of grip with the putter and it was a vast improvement on the previous time I played, including me sinking a 10' putt on the first hole, so I'll stick to the new grip from now on. 

    We went to see our grand-daughter in Warwick yesterday for her birthday - we sat outside and had tea and cake. Then in the afternoon, I fitted that hose reel to the wall outside the kitchen. It was hard work getting the holes drilled - not sure if it was due to extremely hard bricks, slightly blunt drills or a combination of both. Anyway, I eventually got it done but I woke up with aching shoulders this morning from the drilling. I wouldn't say this new hose and reel has changed my life - but being able to wander to the end of the garden with it, spray the plants with the multi-spray head, then give the hose a small tug and be able to walk back with it as it automatically rewinds itself, is a real bonus. More importantly, Margaret can use it without any problem.

    This morning I dug a new trench and planted the three autumn-fruiting raspberries we got at the garden centre on Fri - needless to say, watering them with the new hose after they'd been planted was easy-peasy.
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    More digging for me today. Tried to take on board Mel's advice about pacing but not wholly successfully. This time I lasted about 1.5 hours before collapsing in a sweat-soaked heap. I even got to use the pick-axe which is a real 'man's' sort of thing to do and most unlike me. Not much planting going on and still digging over paths to enlarge our beds. Mrs JB does all the creative stuff.

    Grandchildren need picking up from school/pre school today. Weather is fab. 

    Trying to get my bike serviced as I was lucky enough to get one of the £50 government tokens. I get the impression that the bike shops are overrun with other people having the same idea.

    My football team on TV this evening. Still not clear of relegation. I'm a terrible 'watcher' and even worse when we score first. Luckily this hasn't happened much this season. Of course there is a heck of a fuss over the breakaway super league and while I'm not in favour of it in any way, shape or from I do think there's quite a bit of 'faux' fury being worked up, not least by our marvellous PM who will never miss an opportunity  to score a few cheap points/votes. I suspect the only round ball game he's ever played is the Eton Wall Game.

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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    JB: That gardening session sounds exhausting. What happened to moderation in all things? I hope you manage to get a service sorted out for your bike. No doubt you are planning a round the world bike ride on it, as I imagine a round the town ride would be too boring for you. I know how you like to take on challenges, so when you say you are going to pick up your grandchildren from school will that be one under each arm? Wouldn’t it be easier (and draw less attention to yourself) if you just collected them in the normal way?
    I’m not a fan of football, but I can understand why people are upset about this super league. I’m not surprised Boris is jumping on the bandwagon, I expect he’s hoping it will deflect attention from the lobbying scandal (and possibly help with local elections).

    WtnMel: Sorry your golf game didn’t go the way you wanted, but good that your new grip resulted in a vast improvement. Good luck in your next match. How nice to visit your granddaughter for a birthday tea. I’m envious of your new hose, we stick to using watering cans, but a hose with a gentle spray head sounds good. I might look into that. I hope the sore shoulders you got from all that drilling are better now, we’ve quite enough injuries on this forum for the moment. Incidentally we’ve delayed getting the LandRover fixed as garage rang us the day before it was due to go in to suggest we get the tyres done at the same time (when doing the health check they found the tread on two tyres was down to 3mm) so they can balance the tyres and do the suspension all at the same time. Steve’s not keen to get the tyres replaced just yet as he thinks we’ve got another couple of months use, as we probably only use the LR once a week at the moment. It just means when we do use it we’ll have to keep the speed down to 50 max, which will no doubt make us popular on unrestricted roads.

    Pilates again this morning followed by a bit of strength work, with a chicken breast protein fix in between (it makes a change from tuna). I think we’re going for a walk this afternoon, then tomorrow I have another 3 mile easy run. I see that Friday’s session is down as a Time Trial and it’s recommended that I do it on a flat course. Not many of those around here, so I’ll have to put my thinking cap on and see what I can come up with.

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    Afternoon all,

    WtnMel, I think I've mentioned before that there is a walking group with poles, that warm up outside the Leisure Centre before going for their walks.

    That new golf grip sounds promising, so hopefully, you will beat Alan convincingly next time.

    Sounds nice, having tea and cakes in the garden, whilst visiting your Granddaughter.

    You've certainly been very busy in your garden, which certainly makes up for not running at present.

    JB, you and Mel both sound like energetic gardeners, and must burn off a heck of a lot of calories, and develop muscles from all the digging.

    I'm imagining that you have a "racing bike," and ride it at great speed.🚲

    Trust Boris to poke his nose into the Super League fiasco. Anything to detract from his many failings and broken promises etc. and as Aquarius says, to enhance the Tories chances at the local elections.

    Aquarius, good that you are persisting with the pilates and strength work, with a chicken breast protein fix in between. You must be sick of tuna.

    I hope you had a nice walk this afternoon, it's perfect weather for it. Enjoy tomorrows easy 3 mile run, and hope you are able to find a flat course for Friday's time trial.

    Yesterdays virtual April CC6 5 mile challenge went really well, and much better than expected; especially as I had my second AstraZeneca jab on Thursday. I was a minute quicker than my March time, and ran 44.47, a WAVA of 69.97%. The terrain in the forest is rock hard at present, which makes the going really tough.

    Today is a rest day, and tomorrow is a structured hill session.

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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    JB - I followed my own advice earlier today when digging for 1.5 hrs (a) the border where the fig tree was (b) the area next to the mahonia (c) the area at the end of the garden. Margaret will plant up the border while the areas next to the mahonia and at the end of the garden are going to have wildflower seeds planted there. I was able to finish by pacing myself - but I'm knackered now and my arms and shoulders are aching. There is the remains of a large tree root (from a conifer I think) at the end of the garden but I don't have the inclination (or the energy) to try and remove it with my pickaxe. I can well imagine bike shops being extra busy with the recent weather. Although I don't follow football, the idea of the ESL (where you never get promoted or relegated) sounds like a shallow, pointless venture and as a result of money over-riding other considerations. The rich owners of the clubs (US businessman, arab sheiks, oligarchs) want to make even more money - I hope they are treated with the contempt they deserve. If I was the Premier League or FIFA I would kick them out of the current organisations/competitions regardless of whether the idea goes ahead or not. And I agree - Johnson and co's faux concern is because it won't cost them anything to pretend to be 'tough' and they might garner a few extra votes from gullible football supporters. 

    Aquarius - we're playing golf again on Fri so I'm hoping I can play okay and not 'wilt' by the end of 18 holes. I'm not surprised you have 'hose envy' - but be warned, it wasn't cheap. But I didn't mind paying out for the convenience. I do have to keep quiet about it though - my friend Alan has had something similar for  number of months (years maybe?) but hasn't fitted the reel to the house yet. I guess if you don't use the land rover much, you can afford to wait a few months before getting the tyres replaced. Well done re the pilates and strength work and hope the planned walk, easy run and time trial go okay.

    HS - I do remember you mentioning the walking group at the leisure centre. Glad to hear the April 5 mile challenge went well, despite you having had your jab (Margaret had her 2nd and has been a bit worn out for the last couple of days). Good luck with that planned hill session.

    As mentioned above, been burning off some calories doing some digging which will make up for not getting out for a walk (they've gone by the wayside for a few days now like the exercises).

    I forgot to phone the garage - I started getting a squealing noise from the front wheels at the weekend which I think was the brakes getting stuck on, so there's something needs to be loosened/lubricated. better try and remember tomorrow!
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Morning everyone,

    JB: I see there’s been a bit of a volte-face in respect of that football super league. All seems a bit odd to me, first they are all for it and then they all dropped out. 

    WtnMel: (Don’t forget to ring the garage about your brakes). Good luck on Friday for your golf re-match, when our granddaughter came back from school yesterday she told us she had been playing golf in their PE lesson. I expect it was pretty basic stuff (she is only 6 after all) but she enjoyed it, but maybe it was the novelty of playing with a rainbow coloured golf ball that made it such fun. Poor Alan, I take it he isn’t great at DIY? Perhaps you should offer to fit his hose reel to the house for him? From what you say it sounds like you have a pretty big garden, lucky you. We have the usual modest size that goes with new-builds, but we’re hoping when we eventually move back to the coast that we will be able to get a house with a much bigger garden. 

    HS: Well done on a great WAVA and time for Monday’s 5 mile off road challenge, the hard forest ground would have made that hard going. Glad to see your second AZ jab didn’t affect your pace. I see you have a hill session today, I know you’ll enjoy that.

    Another 3 mile easy run out of the way today, I’m still trying to think of somewhere to go for my time trial on Friday that won’t be too undulating. We had a nice 4 mile walk yesterday afternoon but it was still a bit chilly. I see overnight frost is being forecast for a few more days yet. I noticed one or two patches lingering on my run earlier this morning. I made the effort to get out a bit sooner (6.30) and was rewarded by only coming across a couple of dog walkers, one runner, one rabbit and a deer. It really makes a difference if you can get out before 7 am.
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