
New Mature Runners Thread



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    Hi all just having a peek see what's happening 11K trail race this weekend hope to camp out but the weather don't look good .
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    As expected, the outgoing half of last evening's 10km was very hot and a bit of a slog, all uphill through the forest to the 5km marker. The downward half was road so I came down much quicker than I went up! Finished in just over an hour and I was not last! Satisfied with my run, the first 10km race I have done in about 20 years, did it as a training run and am happy that my GNR training seems to be on track. Happy weekend everyone.
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    Need to get out on my bike too, next triathlon is 6 August.

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    Morning all,

    May try a short jog later, depending how I feel after a walk to and from the shops.

    DBIW, sorry to hear that John is also having knee problems, it's so frustrating not being able to run. Hope you ran the 10k yesterday, and I'm certain that you didn't come last! I'm not so keen on 10k races these days either. 10 miles and above are my favourite distances, as I am losing my pace, but my endurance is still good. I hope that Red will some return to the forum as she is missed!

    Hi Mokshaeight and welcome to the forum. Good luck with your trail race.
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    Local 6 hour cycle cross race this afternoon, might take a ride over and watch that or the tour de France on tv.
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    Mokshaeight - a warm welcome. A 6 hour bike ride ride sounds like you are a pretty serious rider. Do you compete in cycling/running/tris/everything?

    DBI - 10km is a bit short for you, I gather. I'm inferring that you don't tackle the 'Olympic' distance tris then?

    HS - I can feel your frustration. Hope you are on the mend.

    Well I managed to hit my sub 21:30 target on what I always claim to be a slow parkrun course. This is tbc and should give me a category win and my research tells me it was the fastest in West and East Sussex today for VM60-64s. This is a pleasant surprise - the really quick guys were obviously not out and about; there's usually a sub 20 somewhere in the area. The overall winner was a young (just over 40) guy who wins many local/regional events and I've heard a rumour that he's set himself a target of 1000 career  wins - and I think he'll count age category wins in this total. However today and according to Mrs JB who was on the finish line he won by a country mile. For him this was shooting fish in a barrel.

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    DBIW, our posts crossed yesterday. Well done in your 10k, you seem to be well on track for the GNR.

    JB, thanks. I'm going to try a run this morning to see how it goes. Very well done for your sub 21.30 minutes, that's an excellent time and must be close to 80% WAVA.
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    Thanks HS. 10 miles this morning for me - 82:58. Quite an odd run as I spent quite a bit of time running alongside competitors in a triathlon. It was unusual being overtaken at such speed (and they weren't on their bikes!). Of course we all get overtaken but usually the really quick competitors are in front from the start and someone like me never sees them again. But today I joined the race as the front guys were just getting into their 10k run leg - and they just swept past me as if I wasn't there (which of course was true as I wasn't in the event).

    Three years ago I was part of the winning team in the relay for the same event. How the mighty are fallen!  I must day that I have huge respect for anyone who can run at that pace after a swim and a bike ride - both of which would kill me.
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    Morning all,

    JB, a similar thing happened to me a few years ago when I was a fair bit quicker.  I was into the last mile of a 14 mile forest run, and runners came out of a side road joining me. It was the last mile of their 10k too, so they were probably tired. I managed to overtake some and spectators were cheering me, thinking I was in the race. Some marshalls were directing me into the finish area, and I had to shout out that I wasn't in the race.

    I attempted a run yesterday, but only managed 3 miles as my knee was still painful. I will have to have a few more rest days, which will probably mean that I won't be able to run in the NF 10 on Sunday. A pity as it is one of my favourites.
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    JB in the end I worked in the garden rather than ride over and watch the cycle race. I am more a leisure cyclist, than anything else. Ran a 18K trail race yesterday morning, everyone who finished was given a free beer bit strange drinking beer at 11 0'clock on a Sunday morning, tasted great tho.
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    Mokshaeight: just as a matter of interest, what time did you do? An 18K distance is a pretty unusual and a trail can be really tough.  Like the run/beer combo!

    HS - shame about missing your NF event. Will you go and cheer on others? I'm down your way for a couple of days in Bournemouth. It's work rather than fun so I won't take my running gear. However there are some great zig zag paths up the cliffs which I've always fancied tackling. Early in the mornings there's a usually a boot camp training up and down them.

    Just looked up the result of the tri that I 'joined' yesterday - the winner did just over 2 hours and that was with a longer than standard cycle leg. Now I know why he had a GBR vest on!
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    Morning all,

    Knee starting to feel better, but will take another day or two's rest to be on the safe side.

    JB, I won't be watching the NF10 as I don't believe that there are any members of my Club running. It used to be very popular with club members, who liked to picnic after the race. However, for some unknown reason, it seems to have fallen out of favour.
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    JB 1.55 mins, first over 60. Still got it ha ha .
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2017
    Mokshaeight - brilliant. Well done. You sound as though you have a distinguished pedigree. What are your times (current and previous) on the 'flat' and over more conventional distances? I can feel a head-to-head brewing up - although I rarely go beyond 5k, I'm such a wimp (for evidence of this please see below)!

    HS - good luck with the recovery of the knee It sounds like an idyllic event; I'm a big fan of the New Forest (I nearly wrote NF but thought that this might be misinterpreted as the National Front!).

    Talking of knees................I should be enjoying my little trip to Bournemouth but I had a different sort of little trip yesterday. I'd run a disappointingly slow 2.5k along the prom - one of those sessions where you think you are flying but then look at your watch and realise you weren't. So I then did a 10 x 200m series of 'fast reps' and feeling quite proud of myself jogged home whereupon a group of ill-intentioned seagulls put me of my stride and onto the pavement. Result: bloodied knee and a few bruises. And no trip to Bournemouth.

    Better today but will stick to grass workout for a few days. 
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    Morning all,

    It's going to be a scorcher today and I hope it will be my last non running day, I'm really getting withdrawal systems.

    JB, thanks. The New Forest really is lovely, and I feel so privileged to live so near and to have been able to run in it for nearly 40 years. Sounds like you had a nasty fall, but I hope you haven't done any damage to your knee.

    Mokshaeight, That's an excellent time for an 18k trail race. My next race, assuming I don't do the NF10 on Sunday, is the 33k Salisbury 54321 trail race.
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    john bateman 6john bateman 6 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2017
    HS - knee recovering thanks. 33k sounds a bit of a challenge especially up on Salisbury Plain in baking heat. It sounds like the sort of thing that the SAS would do with a 40Kg backpack! Have you done it before? Have you a target time? Do you have one of your rivals in your sights? You seem to revel in the longer distances so this could be a good one for you...............you've had a bit of rest too.
    Thinking about this a bit more it reminds me how lucky we are to have such a variety of  topographies to run in almost wherever we are on our little postage stamp sized island. Hampshire is a good example as is Sussex where within a few miles you can be running along a pan-flat prom or up in the Downs tackling some hard trails.
    This week's parkrun is an urban park with a no sharp turns and a few undulations. It's very highly ranked as a fast course but this I based on finishing times and I think that a GBR Olympic middle distance guy rocked up once and rocketed around. For me it isn't PB territory and it's the busiest one around these parts so there'll be a bit of congestion at the start.
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    Morning all,

    Another bright, sunny morning and I am going to attempt a run later this morning.

    JB, this will be my third 33k Trail Run, and last year I was second MV70 in 3.52.04. The actual distance according to my Garmin was 20.67 miles. I don't have a target time, except to be quicker than last year. I don't have a particular rival in mind, but would like to be first in my age category. I find that a lot of regular road racers don't enter the trail/multi terrain races, which attract a more specialist type of runner. Alice ran the 42k last year and was first FV35 in an incredible 3.49.53. She is also running again this year, and I expect her to be a lot quicker. I'll be interested to hear how you get on with this Saturdays parkrun. Start near the front, as all parkruns seem to be rather spoilt by inexperienced runners/joggers insisting on starting at the front, which is a danger to them, and faster runners behind them.  
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    JB, sorry no head to head unless you live in Brittany ? Hope the knee heals soon. 
     Hillstrider, Wish you all the best and you beat your time from last year at the Salisbury trail race.
     10K race this Saturday night just outside of Morlaix, see what sort of pace I have got.
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    Actually I have raced quite a few Olympic distance triathlons, but Ironman was always my favourite, I am more suited to the longer distances except that I am not very speedy over the 3.8km swim. It is a great sadness to me that because of my two hip replacements I can no longer do IM because not allowed to run the marathon any more.
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    We were at our house in Bavaria for 5 days, just got back at 2am this morning, due to traffic jams and hundreds of trucks. Could not even change drivers as all parking areas were totally full of trucks. John complimented me on such a good drive, having left the house around7pm. I like driving but the Autobahns are really overloaded these days with massive trucks from Poland, Czech etc. 
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    HS: interesting point on the different type of runner you'll encounter on the trail run. Here's hoping that you hit both targets: the PB and the 1st in category. I used to run a 20 miler which was the dullest run on the calendar -  4 times around a 5 mile (boring, suburban) lap. It was ghastly but many folk used it as their pre-London Marathon preparation. I managed 2:28 once but have nothing other than painful memories.

    Mokshaeight: you are a lucky person living in Brittany! what's the standard of running like? are there many events and do you belong to a club? Good luck on the 10K and look forward to hearing race report.

    DBI - you are made of tough stuff!

    I'm switching back to my usual parkrun course which is also very (over) full but has the advantages of being on a wide prom and with just one turn. So no excuses on congestion. However I do ensure I'm not too far from the front  - if only at the start!
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    Morning all,

    Yesterdays 4 mile forest run was an absolute disaster, which ended with me walking/limping the last 0.25 mile. My right knee locked and I was in agony, having to hold on to furniture to get moving when I got home. Luckily, I found a gel that had been in a goody  bag from an earlier race, and it worked wonders. It was a cooling gel which rapidly got right to the source of the pain, and it didn't take long before I was able to bend my leg, and walk without holding on to anything. It's just an ache now and quite manageable, but I will take a whole week's rest now, even if I feel fit enough to run.

    Mokshaeight, thanks, but unfortunately yesterdays run made the knee worse, as per my above post. :s Good luck with your 10k and let us know how you got on.

    DBIW, kudos for driving through the night, battling with those massive trucks.

    JB, thanks, and well done for that 2.28 for a 20 miler. 4 laps must have been soul destroying. 2 laps in the Southampton Marathon was bad enough. Good luck with Saturdays parkrun and let us know how you got on.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    Hello and welcome Mokshaieght.
    DBI - thank you for the info re Redhead's surgery.
    Beginning to think this thread should be renamed the Bad Knee thread ;)
    Long run last weekend extended to just over 2 hours; was hot and hilly and Very Slow. Went out with the running club on Tuesday (in preference to the spin bike, which is also on Tuesdays); enjoyed that. And an early morning run yesterday. Next weekend I should be in Bristol, staying with Youngest Son and his fiancee, - they have promised me a parkrun.

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    Welcome to the Bad knee thread Columba :/ Glad that your knee seems to be ok now. Your running is going from strength to strength. Hope you manage to run in the Bristol parkrun.

    Knee still aching, but am able to get out and about. Really gutted that I won't be able to do tomorrows NF 10, but my priority now is to recover in time for my next race in August.
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    JB What has surprised me is how popular trail running is, hundreds turn up in some little village in the middle of nowhere.  The standard is higher than in Wales, just due to the amount of runners participating I think and they all seem so slim and fit. You probably could run every weekend from May to September, but the race calendar does thin out in August " tout la monde en vacance " .Have joined local running club they have been a great help in all things sports wise, and they have a track session twice a week.
    Hillstrider, Dear oh dear get well soon.
    Last year attempted to ran  40 miles around a 400 metre track had, had enough by 20 miles 80 plus times, sat and watched the stronger people finish, good day out tho. 
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    HS - so sorry to hear about the knee - frustrating and painful in equal measure. Sounds like rest is a no-brainer. Hopefully you won't lose too much sharpness - or can recover it quickly.

    Mokshaeight - sound like 'running heaven'. The 40 miler (is that in Barry?) sound awful. In my town there was a marathon in a multi-storey car park (I kid you not).

    Columba - a rare parkrun outing for you coming up. Have you done the course before? Bristol sounds very trendy these days - a bit like  Brighton.

    My time today was 20:44. I shouldn't be disappointed with this but I am as I ran it badly. I managed the first and third kms in 4 minutes apiece (fast for me as I can even run one 4 minute km in training) but I blew up of the last km! This is poor.

    We live and learn - and it was mighty hot. Category win and 4th on AG in a field of 326.

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    Swam 1200 metres yesterday evening. 15km trail run today, with a midway stop for dog Charlie to have a good swim in the lake to cool down - it has been so hot and muggy, temps floating between 28 and 32c, still hardly any rain to speak of. Short swim and run race tomorrow morning - 500m swim and 5km run, easy peasy. Have entered 2 more sprint triathlons, one on 6 August, the other on the 16th.
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    oh dear, HS, you do seem to be in the wars lately. Hope the knee is soon better.
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    ColumbaColumba ✭✭✭
    John B - fancy being disappointed despite a category win ;)

    I imagine it will be Ashton Court (the Bristol parkrun), which I have done before. It's not the fastest. Along on the flat, up a steepish hill on a cinder track, turn round, back down the way we came.

    Upwards of 28 degrees sounds very unpleasantly hot DBI. It was about 23 here when I went out for a little trot to the next village (2.67 miles away) where one of the churches was having a flower festival. Admired all the flower displays, got a cup of tea and a slice of fruit cake, ran back home.
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    Morning all,

    Feeling envious of all those racing today, but hoping to be able to start running again later next week.

    Mokshaeight, on the subject of long distance running on the track, in November 1992, I ran in the "Bog eyed Jog" which was for Children in Need. It started at 5 o'clock in the morning and lasted for 2 hours. I ran 70 laps which I think is about 17.5 miles.

    JB, that was an excellent parkrun time and you should be pleased with that.

    DBIW, thanks. The knee is progressing ok now and my leg has more flexibility. I've just got to be patient and not rush back too quickly.

    Columba, your little trot to the garden festival and back including tea and cake sounds really lovely. No strawberries?
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